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Review(合聲版) Part Three:B5-B6

一、現在完成式 【補充】補充與限定用法
(1)動作或事情發生在過去, My sister, who lives in America, likes to cook.
到現在完成結束。 have 我姐姐(住在美國)喜歡煮菜。
現在完成式 (2) 動作或事情發生在過去 S+ +PP (補充,只有一個姐姐。)
一直持續到現在。 My sister who lives in America likes to cook.
(3)過去已經(沒)有的經驗。 我那個住在美國的姐姐喜歡煮菜。
Ex: 我看過這部電影。 (限定,不只有一個姐姐。)
I have seen the movie. 2.所有格的用法:
否定: I haven’t seen the movie. Ex:那本價格很低的書被買走了。
疑問: Have I seen the movie? The book whose price is low has been bought.
肯詳: Yes, you have seen the movie. 3.受格的用法:
肯簡: Yes, you have. *可省略,但前面若有介係詞則不可。
否詳: No, you haven’t seen the movie. Ex:這件我昨天買的毛衣很棒。
肯簡: No, you haven’t. The sweater (which/that) I bought yesterday is nice.
與完成式相關的修飾語: 4.關係副詞 where(=in which)的用法:
still, already, lately, not yet, ever *先行詞一定是地方
一定要用完成式的時間副詞: Ex:這就是我去年住的房子。
for + 時間總和; since + 時間的起點(過去式) This is the house(which/that)I lived in last year.
比較: have gone to 地方(已去,尚未回) =This is the house in which I lived last year.
have been to 地方(去過,已回) =This is the house where I lived last year.
二、被動語態 四、間接問句
S+beV PP+(by +O).(當O不確定或泛指每個人,可省略。) *把疑問句(V+S)拿來當V的受詞子句或片語,
1.現在式: am, are, is + PP 所以必須把疑問句還原成直述句(S+V)。
2.過去式: was,were + PP 1.wh 疑問子句
3.現在進行式: am,are,is +being PP Ex:我不知道 John 來自哪裡。
4.未來式: will be PP I don’t know Where John is from.
5.現在完成式: have, has + been PP 2.常見 wh 疑問片語(去 S, V 前加 to)
6.助動詞: must, may, should, might + be PP (1)what to do 【該做什麼】
Ex: 這部車每個月都要清洗一次。 (2)how to do it 【該怎麼去做這件事】
This car is washed once every month. (3)where to go 【該去哪裡】
三、關係代名詞(身兼連接詞與代名詞) (4)when to leave 【何時離開】
*連接詞:連接一個形容詞子句。 (5)who(m) to ask 【該問誰】
*代名詞:代替前面的名詞 先行詞 (6)whether to V (or not) 【是否該~】
☆關代一定要緊跟著先行詞: 3.Yes,no 疑問子句(是否)
先行詞 + 關代 S+V(形容詞子句) if
S+V S1+V1
whether (or not)
主格 所有格 受格(可省略)
Ex:告訴我你是否喜歡 Rose。
人 who whose who(m)
Tell me if you like Rose.
事物 which whose which
whether youlike Rose (or not).
人+事物 that × that
They don’t like the boy who/that is heavy and ugly.
創用 CC 授權 2.5 台灣:姓名標示-相同方式分享
(2)想引起對方的附和(語調下降) = Math is interesting to Henry.
2.用法: = Henry is interested in math.
(1)S 為代替前方 S 的代名詞: 八、副詞子句
*there → there(不變) 1.表時間
(1) when(當) & while(正當)
when S+ Ved,
this, 主要子句 when S+ Ved.
while S+ was/were Ving, 主要子句
that, while S+ was/were Ving.
Ving → it(代替)
(2)與前方子句正負相反: =
句中有 no, never, nothing…都視為否定
Ex: John is busy, isn’t he? Ex: 當媽媽回家時,我正在看電視。
Mary never likes dogs, does she? I was watching TV when my mom came home.
There has been a movie theater, hasn’t there? 當我正在洗澡時,電話響了。
【補充】祈使句的附加問句 While I was taking a bath, the phone rang.
肯定, won’t you? (2) as soon as(一~就~)
否定, will you? 兩件事幾乎同時發生, as soon as 所帶的子句發
Let’s ~, shall we? 生較早。
Let us ~, will you? Ex:當 Mary 一看到老鼠,她就叫出來。
六、感嘆句(多麼~啊!) As soon as Mary saw the mouse, she cried out.
How+adj+(s+v)! 2.表條件
What(a/an)adj+N(s)+(s+v)! As long as(只要)= if
Ex:多麼美麗的女孩啊! Ex:只要他明天有回來,我們就去拜訪他。
How beautiful the girl is! As long as (if) he comes back tomorrow, we will
=What a beautiful girl (she is)! visit him.
七、情緒動詞 九、特殊句型
interest(使感興趣) 1. 如此….所以…. so adj或adv that S+V
surprise(使感驚訝) 太…以至於不能… too adj或adv to+V
excite(使感興奮,刺激) 人 Ex:功課太多了所以我寫不完。
bore(使感厭煩,無聊) The homewok was so much that I couldn’t finish it.
tire(使感疲倦) =The homework was too much for me to finish.
interesting(使感興趣的) 2.修飾外貌的介係詞
surprising(使感驚訝的) in+衣物或顏色; with+飾品、頭髮或五官
be exciting(使感興奮,刺激的) to 人 3.花費的用法:
boring(使感厭煩,無聊的) (1)花錢
tiring(使感疲倦的) 人 spend $ on事物 或 Ving事物.
interested(感興趣的) in 事物 cost 人 $. = It cost 人 $ to+V.
surprised(感驚訝的) at Ex:這本書花了我 200 元。
人 be excited(感興奮,刺激的) about I spent 200 dollars on the book.
bored(感厭煩,無聊的) with = The book cost me 200 dollars.
tired(感疲倦的) of = It cost me 200 dollars to buy the book.
Ex: Henry 對數學感興趣。 (2)花時間
Henry has interest in math. 人 spend時間on事物 或 Ving事物.
= Math interests Henry. 事物 take 人 時間. = It take 人 時間 to+V.

創用 CC 授權 2.5 台灣:姓名標示-相同方式分享
Dad spent 2 hours washing the car.
= Washing the car took Dad 2 hours.
= It took Dad 2 hours to wash the car.
4. 習慣於~ (一直如此) be used to+Ving
過去習慣於~ (已不這麼做了) used to+V
How can I get to 地方? Go straight for ? block(s)...
基數/序數(s) Ex: 2/3 = two thirds
First,→ Second,/Next, →Third,…/Then, → Finally,

創用 CC 授權 2.5 台灣:姓名標示-相同方式分享

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