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Name:Nakindi Zarkiah Radha

Course :Bioprocessing engineering-

Registration no:21/U/0752
I am offering a Bachelor of Science in Bioprocessing Engineering. It was my second choice in the
PUJAB form I filled after having sat for UACE examinations.
My first choice was Biomedical Engineering.Due to my phobia for blood ,I searched about
another course that would match my aspiration of outreach.Through guidance,support and
mentoring from my mother Mrs.Kasaato Jalilah a teacher at Mbogo High School,I was able to
discover bioprocessing engineeeing.It matched my passion of working in a medical field and a
hands-on job.I also choose bioprocessing due to it being a new course with a lot of amazing
after-school areas of specializations like food processing,phamacuetical and many others.These
potray in various sectors like food industries, phamacuetical companies and many others.
My expectations include:
 More guidance from lecturers on what opportunities I stand to have after completing
my course.
 Counselling incase I fail to perform to expectation in all areas both academically and also
 To compete favourably on the job market with the skills and knowlegde attained after
persuing this degree.
 Using the knowledge and skills learned from thus degree to innovate new products that
could help the general public.

My major fears include:

 Failure to attain my goals after persuing a degree in BPE.
 Retakes.
 Failure to also thrive socially hence limiting my future networking team.
I personally don't knowmuch about my course.Due to my passion of medics,bioprocess
engineers are needed in pharmaceutical companies.We mainly help createand organise
maufacturing process for new drugs and treatment.We are also needed in
agriculture,chemical,energy and waste material sectors. So genrally we are problem
solvers through manipulation of micro organisms.

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