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Put the verbs from the brackets into the correct form (-ing form or infinitive)!


1 He agreed ____________ a new car. (buy)

2 Stop __________ the noise; I'm studying. (make)

3 She doesn't mind ____________ the night shift. (work)

4 I enjoy ____________ picture postcards. (write)

5 He offered _____________ with the cleaning. (help)

6 My parents want me ____________ at home by 11 o'clock. (be)

7 This car needs _____________ (wash). Could you do it for me?

8 I remember ____________ to my first concert when I was 18. (go)

9 He stopped at the shop __________ some milk. (buy)

10 We finished ____________ on our project. (work)

Put the verbs from the brackets into the correct form (-ing form or infinitive)! GROUP B

1 The boy refused ___________ his homework. (do)

2 She offered _____________ the shopping. (do)

3 I can't imagine ___________ at the North Pole. (live)

4 The student promised ______________ to school on time in future. (come)

5 Most boys enjoy ____________ football. (play)

6 At the last minute, Tom remembered _____________ his mother. (phone)

7 I stopped ___________ tennis when I broke my arm. (play)

8 Julia forgot __________ her Maths homework this week. (do)

9 He needs ___________ some weight; he's too fat. (lose)

10 I would prefer you ____________ early if you can. (come)

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