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Name: Johanna B.

Suezo Course & Year: BSED- ENGL 2

Course: Creative Writing Class Sched: 10:00-12:00 N.N

Unveiling the Resilience Within

By: Johanna Suezo

What would an orphaned girl’s life hold for her? Will she be able to endure all the
hardships she’ll encounter along the way? All those words echoed in the room in front of a five-
year-old girl mourning her deceased mother.

Orphaned as a little girl and surrounded by other children who were also yearning for a
loving family. Her life in the orphanage was far from easy, Cali made the most of every
opportunity that came her way. She excelled in her studies, devoured books, and nurtured her
creativity through her passion for writing. Cali grew up completely as a different person. Now
she lived in a small town far from civilization. She faced countless difficulties in her life.
However, she possessed an invincible spirit and a heart full of dreams. Despite her challenging
circumstances, Cali always aspired to rise above her situation and create a better life for herself.
Driven by her dreams, Cali worked diligently, determined to secure a scholarship for higher
education. With her determination and resilience, she earned the admiration of her teachers, who
saw her potential and encouraged her to keep striving for her goals.

“17 years ago,”

“Cali’s mother owned a tiny business in the market. In a tragic turn of events, on her way home,
a devoted mother’s hand, full of carefully packed leftovers for her precious daughter, became
entangled in a harrowing car accident. Her father was deeply entrenched in the world of
gambling; he owed a lot to his friend, and because of his illegal activities, he was sent to jail”.
Cali’s life doesn’t go as she planned it to. She needs to accept the fact that life isn’t fair and that
she lived a life greatly different to what she witnessed to her friends and other people around her.

One night, Cali was lying on her bed in deep thought. “Why is the world so cruel to me? She
sighed. I just want to live a happy life with a tear slowly falling from her eyes. After a moment,
she decided not to pursue her higher education for the mean time. Due to lack of financial
support, Cali wanted to find a decent job to provide her necessities and to save some for her

She goes to the kitchen to look for something to eat. Cali went to her living room handling a
bowl of fruits, she turns on the television and watch some news. While watching, there is
something that caught her attention a newly built coffee shop is looking for an employee and the
interview will start tomorrow morning at exactly 8: 00 o’clock. She decided to grab the
opportunity at all costs at least she can save money for her higher education.

“She wakes up early, take a bath and had her breakfast. She prepares herself, putting a light make
up and dressed neatly. Cali compile all the documents needed and put it inside her bag. Today,
she will go to the city for a job interview”.

She met a good-looking young man on her way to the bus station, her attention diverted on the
person who is sitting in front of her.

“Cali reached her destination with a smile on her face”. Whispering “I can do it.”

The interview had started however she needs to wait for a couple of minutes before her turn.

Manager: Applicant 511?

Cali: Yes, sir.

Manager: Follow me.

Cali stood up and walk confidently with a big smile carving on her face.

Interviewer: Good morning, Applicant 511. Tell me about yourself.

Cali. “Silence for a second before responding”

Cali: Good morning, Sir! It’s my pleasure to introduce myself, I am Calista Vielle del Rosario.
A woman full of dreams, passion, dedication.

Interviewer: What else?

Cali: Nothing more interesting in my life, Sir. I grew up in the orphanage and finished my
middle school two years ago. I am the one who provide my necessities.

Interviewer: Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that. Why do you want to work here?

Cali: Honestly, I don’t have any background in line to this field, but I am flexible enough to learn
all things.

Interviewer: Oh really! And why do we need to hire you? What are your qualifications?

Cali: I may not have the good qualifications that other applicants had but I am a good person. A
Goal-orientated and full of dreams. I want to be part of this organization. I want to give my best,
develop my skills and abilities, building camaraderie among my co-workers, and to contribute
for the success of this business.

Interviewer: Thank you. You’re hired! Someone like you is our ideal employee. You can start
working tomorrow.

Cali: My pleasure, Sir. See you!

“Cali headed back to her town”. She arrived tirelessly. She skipped her dinner and directly go to

In the morning, she was shocked realizing that the clothes from yesterday during the interview
was still on her body. After a minute, she rushed realizing that today is her first day of work.

Come on, come on, have you lost your mind Cali? You shouldn’t be late.
One year later….

Cali saved a hundredth of thousands in her bank account. If we think of it, her money was more
than enough for her education, however, she hasn’t thought about it, she enjoyed her life working
to the bone everyday.

Yes! Cali moved to the city. She found a nice and cozy place and the monthly payment was not
that costly. It is more convenient and hassle free if she lived not far from her working place.

[Door ticking]

Cali: Good morning, Sir! What would you like to order? Ice Americano, Café Latte, or

Customer 1: Ice Americano for two Ma’am.

“Her world suddenly stops as she saw the face of a man who’s wearing a baseball cup” It was
him! The man from the bus station she saw years ago.

Customer 1: Ma’am are you okay?

Cali: Ahh! yes! I’m ok. Here’s your coffee, Sir. Enjoy your day! She smiles awkwardly.

“She felt like she’s burning, her cheek turns red. Her heart beats so fast that even the next person
could hear it” What happened to me? What was this feeling? I never felt like this before.

“From that day forward, the man keeps coming to the coffee shop where Cali was working.”
They even spend time together after work. Go on dates, arcades, shopping, and even community
services. Kyle is a warm-hearted person, he’s always there for Cali. He knows everything about
Cali, but she knows little about him only her love and trust all that matters.
July 21, 2021, it was Cali’s 24 th birthday. Kyle prepares a surprise for her. While Cali is at work,
he cleans her house, went to several department stores to look for a gift, get some birthday cake
and a bouquet of roses. Cali was so amazed to what she has witnessed.

Cali: Did you prepare all of these, Kyle?

Kyle: Yes! I did all of these for you Cai. “A manly voice from his back” Do you like it?

Cali: Yes! I do. It is my first time to be in this situation. “Her voice was shaking.”

He walks closely to her holding a bouquet of flowers. Cali can’t resist the urge of her feelings
anymore; she kissed him to express how thankful she is. They are now inches away from each
other and they feel the heat burning within. Cali and Kyle spent a steamy night together. Cali
was very happy wishing a never-ending love between them. But life isn’t fair.

In the morning, Cali woke up alone in bed she looked for Kyle but not a single trace for him was
left behind. She tries to call him but the server in unavailable. Cali begins to cry.

Days turns to week and weeks turns to month; she still had no idea where Kyle is. Cali notice
some unusual reaction to her body, she was tired all day even if she does nothing, she’s also
having a headache from time to time, and vomit gradually. Cali went to the hospital to have a

“The doctor spoke those bone-chilling words.”

Doctor: There’s nothing wrong with you Ms. Del Rosario it’s just a normal body reaction when
you’re pregnant.

Cali: Pre…. pregnant?

Doctor: Yes! Congratulations, Ms. del Rosario you’re 8 weeks pregnant. Please take care of
yourself. I’ll take my leave now.

“She can’t believe what she just heard. I am 8 weeks pregnant, that doctor must be kidding. How
am I supposed to be… (Suddenly realize what happened during her birthday). This can’t be.
Cali resigned from her work. Leaving her city life and returned to the life she used to be. Despite
all uncertainties she is determined to raise her child, however, Cali still hoping that one day,
Kyle will show up because she don’t want her child to suffer, the way she did.

She exercises her passion of writing, she starts crafting stories, poems, and other written works.
She emails to several publishing company with a hope that her works will be known to the
public. But she did not receive any notice of approval. Cali thinks that perhaps her skills are not
good enough for public figure. Hence, she keeps believing in herself, that she can do it. Also, she
decided that after giving birth to her child, she wants to pursue her higher education. Cali spent
her pregnancy stage crafting all her masterpieces as mush as she wants. Until one day, she
successfully gave birth to her little prince Cayden del Rosario.

Three years later……

One sunny afternoon, as Cali and Cayden were walking through a park, she stumbled
upon a flyer advertising a writing competition. The prize was a fully funded scholarship to the
most prestigious university in the country. It was a chance for Cali to change her life and realize
her dreams. Without wasting a moment, she poured her heart and soul into crafting a heartfelt
story, drawing from her own experiences and her boundless imagination. Days turned into
weeks, and finally, the day arrived when the winners were announced. The town's community
center was abuzz with excitement as people gathered to witness the event. Cali's heart pounded
with anticipation as the names were called out. To her astonishment and delight, Cali's name was
declared the winner! Overwhelmed with joy, she couldn't believe that her dreams were finally
coming true. News of Cali's achievement spread throughout the town, reaching the ears of
Charles Harrison, the son of a well-known and wealthy businessman. Intrigued by Cali's story
and captivated by her resilience, Charles was determined to meet the remarkable woman who
had captured his heart through her words.

Charles sought out Cali and invited her for a cup of coffee, where they shared stories of
their lives, dreams, and aspirations. Despite coming from vastly different backgrounds, they
discovered a deep connection, recognizing the strength and determination within each other.
Charles was enamored by Cali's genuine nature and the fire that burned within her. As they spent
more time together with her son Cayden, their bond grew stronger, and love blossomed between
them. Charles was captivated by Cali's unwavering spirit and her ability to see beauty in even the
most challenging circumstances. He admired her resilience and her determination to overcome
adversity. Together, they embarked on a journey of love and companionship, supporting each
other through thick and thin. With Charles's support and encouragement, Cali continued to
pursue her dreams of becoming a renowned writer. Her talent shone brighter with each passing
day, and her stories touched the hearts of readers around the world. Cali's hard work and
determination paid off, and she became a successful author, recognized for her ability to weave
tales that touched the deepest corners of the soul. Through her writing, she advocated for the
rights of orphaned children and raised awareness about their struggles, giving them a voice, they
had long been denied.

Cali and Charles, united by their love and shared vision, founded a charitable
organization dedicated to providing education and support to orphaned children. Cali’s dream for
her son, Cayden, come true. She wanted to give Cayden a complete family. Although Charles is
his stepfather, but he treats Cayden as his own son. Together, they created a legacy of love and
compassion, forever changing the lives of those in need.

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