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ASC 306 Lecture Week 4

- Michelangelo

- Movement against the harmony and stability of early Renaissance
- Appreciation of unbalanced work
- Enough of that pure symmetric aesthetic
- Examples
- Laurentian Library Florence
- Massimi Palace
- The Palazzo del Te
- The Uffizi

- Seen as the mannerist
- Best documented artist of the 16th century
- Contender against Leonardo Da Vinci
- One of the highest ranking artisti of all time
- Started his apprenticeship in Florence, Italy
- Painted in churches, discovered his talent
- Apprenticed under an architect asked to go to the Vatican to paint the Sistine Chapel, a
task later handed to Michelangelo
- After the death of his patron, lorenzo medici, he moved from florence because of
security issues, he went to bologna to paint, came back to florence to again work for the

Church of San Lorenzo

- Incomplete facade which michelangelo finished
- Never executed
- Addition of library
- Plan of the stairs in library changed dramatically

Capitoline Hill, Rome

- He designed the stairs

Palazzo Farnese (1517-)

Urban and palazzo is for later

Gulio Romano - 1499-1546

- Italian mannerist architect and painter
- Young assistant of Raphael
- One of the architects responsible for moving the mannerism into France
- Helped define 16th century mannerism
- City of mantua - suburban Palazzo del Te (1526-34)
- Palace in the suburbs of mantua
- Describes mannerism well
- Painted for 10 years, destroyed by french army
- Main elements is that arches and columns are not at equal distances
- Entrances without pediments, no cantilever of pediments

- Architect in rome
- Ideal city, marked high renaissance by bramante
- This lead to mannerism, baroque and rococo
- What do the first nations have to do with the vatican?
- 3 canadian artifacts stored in the vatican, all regarding the first nations
- Speaker went to go retrieve these pieces
- Write a story, do your research, be creative
- Sunlight as the final destination, ultimate enlightenment, walk out and observe the

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