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Date: September 9, 2023

To: Mr. Adil Rizwan

Customer Support Manager
Social Square (Phase 3-DHA, Lahore)

From: Ms. Amna Ilyas

Secretary to the Product Development Manager
Social Square Phase 3-DHA, Lahore

Subject: Resolution of the Salary Management Software Issue with Avanceon Private Limited

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to provide an update on the recent complaint
we received from Avanceon Private Limited (Gulberg-2, Lahore) regarding our salary
management software.

Upon conducting a thorough analysis of the reported issue, it has come to our attention that the
"Error 404: Page Not Found" message that Avanceon experienced was a result of a hacking
attempt originating from their IP address. This unexpected development sheds new light on the
situation and calls for a reevaluation of our response.

In accordance with our company's policy, we must now take the following steps:

Notification to Avanceon: We must immediately inform Mr. Kaleem Haider and Avanceon's IT
department of our findings. Emphasize that the issue was due to unauthorized access from their
IP address.

Documentation: Ensure that all details of the hacking attempt, including the IP address, date,
and time, are properly documented for our records and potential legal considerations.

Authors: Group-3
Internal Review: Initiate an internal review to assess the security protocols in place for our
software, with a focus on preventing unauthorized access. This review should involve our IT and
security teams.

Enhanced Security Measures: Based on the review's findings, implement enhanced security
measures to safeguard our software and customer data from similar incidents in the future.

Communication with Avanceon: Maintain open and transparent communication with Avanceon
throughout this process. Reiterate our commitment to data security and express our willingness
to collaborate on implementing additional security measures, if deemed necessary.

Updates to CEO: Provide periodic updates on the situation to Mr. Avais, CEO of Social Square, to
ensure he is informed of the latest developments and actions taken.

Preventive Measures: Work with our Product Development team to consider implementing
additional security features or patches to mitigate the risk of future hacking attempts.

Additionally, enclosed with this memo is a detailed field visit report, which provides a
comprehensive account of the events, findings, and actions taken during our visit to Avanceon
Private Limited. This report will serve as a valuable resource for understanding the situation in
its entirety.

Your role as Customer Support Manager is critical in ensuring that Avanceon is satisfied with our
response and that we maintain a positive relationship with them. Please keep me informed of
your progress and any further actions taken in line with our company's policy.

I appreciate your dedication to resolving this matter and safeguarding our software's integrity
and our customers' trust. If you have any questions or require additional information, please do
not hesitate to contact me directly.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this critical issue.

Authors: Group-3

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