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1. Overview
2. Problem Statement
3. Introduction
4. Objectives
5. Features
6. Review of Literature
7. Feasibility Study
 Technical Feasibility
 Financial Feasibility
 Operational Feasibility
 Market Feasibility
 Legal and Regulatory Feasibility
 Time Feasibility
8. Requirement Specification
 Functional Requirement
 Non-Functional Requirement
9. Tools and Technique Used
10.Use Case Diagram
11.Testing and Deployment
The "HAMRO JUTTA" initiative is an electronic e-commerce store created to meet
Nepal's market's expanding need for online shoe purchasing. The website offers
users a simple and quick method to browse, choose, and buy a variety of shoes
from the comfort of their homes. To create a fluid and responsive user experience
across devices, a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript were used in the
project's implementation.

Problem Statement
Online purchasing in Nepal is now having a major problem. People want to buy
high-quality shoes online, but there isn't a simple or effective way to accomplish
so. Additionally, it might be difficult to make secure internet purchases in Nepal.
Another issue is that nobody really bothers to keep track of what is and is not for
sale. People don't always know where their possessions are after making an
internet purchase. These problems prevent Nepal from having fantastic internet
commerce. It is for this reason that "HAMRO JUTTA" is a project. I aim to make it
simple for individuals to shop for shoes online with my website. I want people to
feel secure while paying, be aware of the inventory, and have their orders carried
out. With the help of this initiative, online shopping will be much improved, and
buyers will receive high-quality footwear.

Introducing "Hamro Jutta," an innovative online store for buying shoes in Nepal. It
provides a simple interface so that users may browse, choose, and purchase a range
of shoes from the comfort of their homes. The website's design incorporates
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Bootstrap to provide a seamless user experience
across various devices. Customers may easily browse a large selection of shoes and
make educated decisions thanks to its user-friendly layout. Hamro Jutta seeks to
improve online purchasing in the Nepali market by bringing accessibility and
convenience to users.
These are the project's main goals:

1. Create a User-Friendly Website:

Design a user-friendly website that is simple to explore and use for shoe
2. Comprehensive Product Catalog:
Build a thorough product catalogue with in-depth descriptions and top-notch
photographs to aid users in making smart purchasing choices.
3. Secure Shopping Experience:
Implement strong security measures to ensure safe online transactions and
safeguard user data for a secure shopping experience.
4. Shopping Cart and Payment Gateway:
Users can add things to their shopping carts and effortlessly finish
transactions using a secure payment gateway with the help of a shopping
cart and payment gateway.
5. User reviews and ratings:
Enable users to rate and review products, improving others' buying

The following are some of the main features of this project:

1. User registration and authentication:

Users can establish accounts, log in, and manage their profiles.
2. Product Catalogue:
A broad shoe catalogue with in-depth product information and sharp
3. Shopping Cart:
Users can effortlessly add and delete goods from their shopping basket
and continue to the checkout process.

4. Payment Gateway:
Integration with a secure payment gateway to speed up transactions.

5. Order processing:
Users have access to their order history and order tracking.

6. Reviews and ratings:

Customers can offer feedback by reviewing and rating items they have

Review of Literature
This project's literature review will focus on e-commerce as a case study to provide
an overview of the existing research on network security and its impact on business
The following topics are covered in the literature review: the definition and extent
of web-based business and its security challenges, the moral issues and dangers
related with online business exchanges, the techniques and devices for surveying
and overseeing security gambles in internet business frameworks, and the impacts
of safety breaks on web-based business execution and client trust.
E-commerce is a type of business that includes the trading of labor and products
over the web, utilizing different stages, for example, sites, portable applications,
online entertainment organizations, and electronic information exchange. Web
based business can take various structures, like business-to-business, business-to-
client, client to-client, or client to-deals. Online business offers many advantages
for the two clients and undertakings, like accommodation, cost decrease, market
development, and client assistance.
One of the basic achievement factors for online business is security. E-commerce
may not reach its full potential and may even suffer losses and damages from
security breaches if adequate security policies and measures are not in place.
Customers and businesses alike can suffer financial losses, damage to reputation,
legal liability, dissatisfaction from customers, and a loss of trust as a result of
security breaches. In this manner, it is critical to recognize and break down the
security dangers and weaknesses in web-based business frameworks and to carry
out proper security controls and countermeasures to moderate them.

The effect of safety on E-commerce business procedure is likewise a subject of

interest in the writing. Security can influence the business execution and client
trust of web-based business undertakings in different ways. By providing a secure
and dependable shopping experience, security, for instance, can increase customer
satisfaction and loyalty. Security can also boost competitiveness and market share
by retaining and acquiring new customers. Security can likewise diminish expenses
and increment benefits by forestalling misfortunes because of misrepresentation
and cybercrime. Then again, security can likewise present difficulties and expenses
for web-based business undertakings as far as carrying out and keeping up with
security frameworks, conforming to lawful and moral guidelines, overseeing
security occurrences and emergencies, and so on.

All in all, the literature review shows that network security is a crucial part of
online business that influences the two clients and ventures in different ways. The
literature review likewise shows that there is a requirement for more examination
on the security issues and arrangements in web-based business frameworks in
various settings and situations. The writing audit likewise recommends a few
potential regions for future exploration, for example, growing new security models
and structures for internet business frameworks in light of arising innovations, for
example, distributed computing or blockchain or man-made reasoning or AI or
web of things or large information or biometrics or expanded reality or virtual
reality or blended reality and so on.
Feasibility Study
● Technical Feasibility:
Check to see if the necessary technologies, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and Bootstrap, can be used to develop the website.
● Financial Feasibility:
Calculate the necessary budget for website creation, taking into account for
the costs of technology, design, and marketing. Assess the project's long-
term financial viability by calculating possible sales income.
● Operational Feasibility:
Consider whether the project aligns with the operational capabilities of the
team and resources available.
● Market Feasibility:
Analyze the market demand for shoes in Nepal and the popularity of online
purchasing. Determine the distinctive value propositions that "Hamro Jutta"
may provide by analyzing the competitors.
● Legal and Regulatory Feasibility:
Look at Nepal's legal requirements for running an e-commerce business,
such as the rules governing online payments and consumer protection.
● Time Feasibility:
Estimate the time required for website development, testing, and launch.

The project's viability, efficacy, and potential for success in developing the "Hamro
Jutta" online platform for online shoe purchasing in Nepal may be ensured by
carefully considering these feasibility issues.
Requirement Specification
Functional Requirement
The functional requirement for the Hamro Electronics Project includes:
 Authentication and User Registration
 Management of the product catalogue
 Shopping cart and order management
 Integration of secure payments
 Analytic and Reporting
 Customer support and communication
Non-Functional Requirement
 Usability: The system needs to have a user-friendly interface that is simple
to use and navigate.
 Performance: The system must be quick to respond and capable of
supporting several users at once.
 Security: The system must guarantee the integrity and confidentiality of user
 Reliability: There should be little downtime and the system should be stable.
 Scalability: The system needs to be capable of managing rising data and user

Tools and Technique Used

1. Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
2. Visual Studio as an integrated development environment.
3. Version control system: git.
4. Project management tools like Scrum, Jira.
5. Database management system: MYSQL

Use Case Diagram

The use case diagram for the Hamro Jutta project system is:
Testing and Deployment
To guarantee functionality, security, and performance, the project goes through
rigorous testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptability
testing. The website is installed on a web server that has been set up for maximum
security and performance.

The Ecommerce Site “Hamro Jutta” is a purchase project seeks to provide online
shoes with a smooth and safe purchase experience. The project is ready to achieve
its goals and give clients a comfortable platform for online shoe buying thanks to
its user-friendly design, extensive product catalogue, and key features like
shopping cart and payment gateway integration.


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