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Technical specifications of flexible vinyl (PVC) products


PROPERTY screenflex

completion of risk assessment for:

Light Transmission % <13 Level of visible light transmitted through the material.

shore A hardness EN ISO 868 Sh A 80 Penetration depth base index.

Scale from 0 (soft) to 100 (hard).

DIN 53515 N/mm 55 Minimum force stress required for initiation of rupture.
breaking strength

N/mm² 18 Maximum stress the material can withstand before failure.

stress at break
elongation at break 638 % 300 Elongation of specimen at tensile failure point.
EN ISO 527
% 62 permanent elongation of the specimen measured after
Along. Residual (after rupture.)
tensile failure.
ASTM C Ability to conduct heat.
Thermal Conductivity W/mK 16
177 Lower, more insulation.

ISO 8570 °C -25 Temperature at which the sample breaks under torsional
minimum limit temperature
stress. Weak point (CLASH & BERG).

Temp. minimum use °C -15

EN 1876 Temperature range where the material maintains its
mechanical properties (flexibility).
Temp. usage maximum °C 30

°C 50 Temperature at which the sample is penetrated to a

EN ISO 306 softening temperature
depth of 1mm by 1kg flat indenter.
specific heat capacity 16 Thermal energy required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of
ISO 11357 KJ/Kg.K
material by 1°C celsius.

DIN 52210 dB >35 Average sound level (frequency 0.1 to 3.2 kHz) reduced by
sound reduction
1.76 m² of 5mm thick curtain.
EN 13501- EN Standardized ratings for self-extinguishing material and resistance
Fire Reaction Class
1:2007 1598 to combustion.

UV/IR filter EN 1598 - Yes Ability to filter rays allowing the use of this material as a weld
protection screen.

UV resistance ISO 4892 - High ability to resist UV rays (sun, welding arc).

Grounded sample is rubbed with cotton, acrylic, nylon and

Formation of electrical charges IEC 61087 Sparks Yes rubbers. On electrode approach, spark apparent or not.

IEC 60093 Electrical resistance of the surface of the material measured with
surface resistance 4.10¹³
a continuous voltage of 500 V.

EN ISO 62% Change in material mass after exposure to humid

water absorption -two
conditions. (<0 if diminished / >0 if acquitted).
Special ability to keep insects away.
anti-insect - - No (Food processing factory, tropical regions).

ASTM D 1.2 to
Density g/cm³ Mass per unit volume.
792 1.3


11 39894008

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