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Once upon a time, there was a young mermaid named Ariel who lived in a beautiful coral reef.

loved to explore the ocean and to meet new creatures.
One day, Ariel was swimming through the kelp forest when she saw a strange creature. It was a
small, colorful seahorse with a glowing horn.
Ariel had never seen a seahorse like it before. She swam closer to get a better look. The seahorse
saw Ariel and swam towards her.
"Hello," the seahorse said. "My name is Coral. What's your name?"
"My name is Ariel," the mermaid replied. "I've never seen a seahorse like you before. Your horn is
"Yes, my horn glows," Coral said. "It has magical powers. I can use it to grant wishes."
Ariel was amazed. She had never met a magical creature before. She thought for a moment and
said, "I wish I could be the fastest mermaid in the ocean."
Coral snapped her horn, and Ariel felt a surge of energy. She swam as fast as she could, and she was
amazed by how quickly she was moving. She was now the fastest mermaid in the ocean.
Ariel thanked Coral for her generosity and swam away to enjoy her new ability. She used her speed
to help other creatures in the ocean and to explore new places.

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