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FutureSmart AI Blog


Top 10 Spaces on Hugging Face You

Don't Want to Miss
Swastika Banskota
Feb 21, 2023 · 7 min read

Hugging Face Spaces
1. Pharma-CLIP Interrogator 1
2. MagicPrompt-Stable-Diffusion
5. Karlo
6. CodeFormer
7. AnimeGANv2
8. ArcaneGAN
9. CVPR/ml-talking-face
10. Finetuned Diffusion

Hugging Face is an AI(Artificial Intelligence) community specializing in

NLP(Natural Language Processing) and Computer Vision. Hugging
Face is a leader in the field of NLP.
Hugging Face offers a collection of pre-trained language models that
can be used for various NLP tasks such as text classification, named
entity recognition, machine translation, and question-answering.
Moreover, the platform also provides tools for fine-tuning the models
on specific tasks and deploying models in a production environment.
Well, understanding the offerings and capabilities of Hugging Face
can benefit individuals and organizations working in the field of NLP.

Hugging Face Spaces

Hugging Face Spaces is a cloud-based collaboration platform that
provides an easy way to host and showcase Machine Learning(ML)
demo applications on your personal or organizational profile.
It provides a great way to create a portfolio of your ML projects,
showcase your work at conferences, and collaborate with others in
the ML community.
Moreover, the platform provides a secure and centralized
environment for storing and sharing data, models, code, and results,
making it easy to work together and keep track of progress.
Hugging Face offers multiple Hugging Face Spaces with their
respective functions. However, there are some Hugging Face Spaces
you don't want to miss at any cost. Keep reading to explore.

1. Pharma-CLIP Interrogator
Multiple AI tools allow you to experiment with creativity with a
specific character string called a "prompt." But what a good prompt
might be? Have you ever wondered? Get your answers with Pharma-
CLIP Interrogator.
CLIP Interrogator allows you to submit any image and generates a
prompt that can be used to create an image similar to the existing
one. How interesting is that?
Moreover, the CLIP interrogator understands the image and explains
how to structure your prompt. It can also be used to re-create the
images. However, using it to build your knowledge and understanding
of what a descriptive prompt can be to bring the vision to reality is
CLIP has also been used with different models to check and provide
feedback to AI if the image generated matches the prompt. However,
some words or sentences might not make sense in the prompt, but
you are good to go!
Here's a demo of the Pharma-CLIP Interrogator.⬇
AI Demos | Unlock the power of image generation with Pharma-CLIP Inter…

2. MagicPrompt-Stable-Diffusion
In "Stable Diffusion," if you want to create an image, a "prompt" is
required. The prompt does not have to be in sentence form and can
be entered in a custom format and arrangement by the user.
MagicPrompt Stable Diffusion is a tool that simplifies generating
multiple prompts and spells in a single go. With this version, you can
effortlessly produce a variety of prompts and spells by simply
providing the desired content that you wish to incorporate into the
AI-powered image generator called "Stable Diffusion."
Therefore, MagicPrompt-Stable-Diffusion is a Stable Diffusion Prompt
Generator tool that allows you to create prompts quickly and
efficiently. If you are a writer, artist, or anyone looking to ignite the
imagination, MagicPrompt-Stable-Diffusion is a valuable resource.
Kindly look at the demo of MagicPrompt-Stable-Diffusion.⬇
AI Demos | Create Prompts Quickly and Easily with MagicPrompt-Stable-…

Photo restoration can be a relatively long and challenging process,
isn't it? Especially when the photo is complex, and the poses and
expressions are varied.
Fortunately, we have GFPGAN, which restores our old photos and
improves AI-generated faces. GFPGAN aims to develop a Real-World
Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior(GFP).
GFPGAN is a versatile tool for restoring old photos, as it is equipped
to deal with various degradation issues.
Are you worried about your blurry images? Are you seeking to restore
any old photos? Why don't you try GFPGAN? It enhances your images
with realistic and accurate details, even when limited information is
Here's a short demo of GFPGAN for you to watch.⬇
AI Demos | GFPGAN: Practical Face Restoration Algorithm | GFPGAN Demo

Yet another amazing Hugging Face Space is BLIP (Bootstrapping
Language-Image Pre-training), a new pre-training framework from
Salesforce AI Research.
Vision and language are two basic ways humans perceive the world.
Thus, BLIP is for unified Vision-Language understanding and
generation. It can perform various multi-modal tasks, including.
Visual Question Answering
Image-Text retrieval (Image-text matching)
Image Captioning
Have you ever wondered about the caption of the image, or have you
ever wondered what the particular image is trying to say? If yes,
you've got to explore BLIP.
Let's see a short demo of BLIP below.⬇
AI Demos | Transform Vision-Language Tasks with BLIP | Salesforce AI R…

5. Karlo
Karlo is a text-conditional image generation model that uses OpenAI's
unCLIP architecture. Karlo is an exciting advancement in the field of
Artificial Intelligence.
Have you ever been there where you imagined something
extraordinary, and it only remained in your imagination? Well, no
worries. Karlo allows you to bring your imagination to life.
Karlo efficiently generates high-quality images based on text input,
improving image generation capabilities. Although Karlo only has
image generation as its lone feature, it is a great free alternative to
Dall-E 2.
Create amazing art with Karlo. Here's a short demo of it.⬇
AI Demos | Generate High-Quality Images with Karlo's unCLIP Model | Karlo Demo

6. CodeFormer
CodeFormer is a full face restoration and enhancement algorithm for
old photos and AI-generated faces. Simply, it is a tool designed for
restoring low-quality images of faces.
Moreover, Codeformer can help discover more natural-looking faces
that closely resemble the target faces, even when the input images
are severely degraded.
CodeFormer is also an improved stable-diffusion generation. One can
use Stable Diffusion to generate an image and then utilize
CodeFormer to enhance the quality of the face in that image.
Rejuvenate your old photographs and give your AI-generated faces a
fresh look with CodeFormer.
Here's a demo of CodeFormer. Have a look.⬇
AI Demos | Robust Face Restoration and Enhancement with CodeFormer …

7. AnimeGANv2
Transforming photos of real-world scenes into anime-style images is
not an easy task, but an amazing task. Wouldn't it be great to make
your own anime?
AnimeGANv2 Face Portrait allows you to create unique anime-style
portraits in whichever version you like. AnimeGANv2 is a machine
learning model that uses Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
technology to transform ordinary pictures into anime-style cartoon
Use high-quality and cropped portrait images for the best outcome.
Go ahead! Anime yourself with AI.
Here's a short demo of AnimeGANv2.⬇
AI Demos | Create Your Own Unique Anime-Style Portraits | AnimeGanv2 Demo

Visit Website ->

8. ArcaneGAN
Don't you think Arcane animation style is unique and stunning? How
about creating your own Arcane version?
The ArcaneGAN software allows you to harness the potential of AI-
generated art by converting your portraits into beautiful and distinct
arcane-style images with minimal effort.
All you have to do is upload your portrait, choose your preferred
version of the transformed image, and click the submit button to see
the incredible results. With ArcaneGAN, you can discover the endless
possibilities of AI-generated art and the unique style of Arcane.
Let's see the youtube video for a short demo of ArcaneGAN.⬇
AI Demos | Gradio Demo for ArcaneGAN | Transform your Portraits into A…

9. CVPR/ml-talking-face
CVPR/ml-talking-face is a system that can create a video of a talking
face based on text input. You can provide text in four languages:
Chinese, English, Japanese, and Korean.
Moreover, you can also choose the language for the output speech. If
the input text and output language differ, the input text will be
translated using Google Translate API.
Even the lip synchronization is entirely accurate. It is an excellent
advancement in AI. Check it out. Experiment with the languages for
any desired text input.
Here's a short demo for CVPR/ml-talking-face.⬇
AI Demos | Generate Multilingual Talking Face Videos with CVPR/ml-talki…

10. Finetuned Diffusion

Finetuned Diffusion exhibits various Stable Diffusion models that have
been fine-tuned to have different styles, such as Arcane, Archer,
Elden Ring, Spider-Verse, Modern Disney, Balloon Art, and others.
Here, the models can create distinct and visually appealing images
that represent their respective styles.
Explore Finetuned Diffusion with this demo video.⬇

AI Demos | Finetuned Diffusion Models Demo | Multiple Styles

These are some amazing Hugging Face Spaces you have to explore.
Experiment with your ideas and bring your imaginations to reality.
If you want to stay up-to-date on the latest AI tools and technologies,
visit Our website is a valuable resource for anyone
interested in discovering the potential of AI. With video demos, you
can explore the latest AI tools and better understand what is possible
with AI. Our goal is to educate and inform about the many possibilities
of AI.
Don't miss out; visit today!

nlp GPT 3 huggingface Computer Vision stable diffusion

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