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Name _____________________________________ List No.

______ Group _____

Name _____________________________________ List No.______ Group _____
Name _____________________________________ List No.______ Group _____
Name _____________________________________ List No.______ Group _____
Date: ___________________________________________________________

Representation of Period and People

in History
Think About It
A representation includes costumes, sounds, and images. This type of presentation
conveys a particular point of view and is designed to entertain and inform a particular
audience. In this case you will be preparing a representation about a particular time
in history of your choosing. You will research a particular time and its people, country
as well as particular persons, and find the effects it had on society and history as
we know it. You will also investigate and report the financial aspects it had and any
hardships, downfalls, or other life situations the time period and its outcome during
that period. You must investigate all you can about the time period from beginning
to end. Any famous personalities of history that participated and their role during that
time period. Your representation will be live and in the form of a play or skit and you
will be sharing this information with your classmates, parents, teachers,
coordinators, and anyone else that is willing to watch your representation in class or
via on line in one format or another. Each team member must know in depth
information about the time period. If the time period you chose had multiple
participants, countries or historic persons, please depict them in your representation.
Just as you need to know all information about your time period the same will be
expected of the country’s geography, government type and so on. The
representation must be factual and lifelike so all participants must be dressed
accordingly and your team will be graded as a whole for the costumes and any
backround scenery used. If you like the entire classroom may share scenery if it is
adequate for the time periods represented, in fact both classrooms may share
scenery as long as there is full cooperation in making it. No costumes may be
shared! You may also bring food that was eaten during that time period but not
As a group/team talk about the things that you will need to do research and present
your representation. Create a check list of tasks that must be done and organize the
list in the order in which the tasks must be done. Decide as a group/team who will
do what and responsible for that particular area. Focus on individual’s strengths. You
should also choose someone to be the team leader. This person is in charge of
making sure all the tasks are completed and turning in information on specified due
dates. After talking about the topic, tasks, roles, and choosing leader you should
move on to gathering and organizing information.

Gather and Organize Information
As a group brainstorm and write down what you will need in the way of sound and
music, and other media to help your representation if you choose to do so. Use of
the cannon is not permitted so no presentations will be made with electronic devices.
Focus on simple costumes that simply fit over your clothes so as not to be
cumbersome while performing or having to go to great lengths to prepare for your
representation. Simple t-shirts, scarves, dinner jackets, dress slacks, uniforms,
or anything of the such will not be permitted.
Discuss the precise periods you want to present during your representation and how
you will act those out in order to make it as historically lifelike as possible. Put them
in logical order.
Investigate the period to its entirety as well as the country’s rise and fall and historical
personalities involved. Also investigate the flags, coat of arms, religions and anything
else necessary to make your play/skit a success.
Use your notes to draft an information outline. Be sure to only include the information
you will actually use if you just print and turn in then you will be expected to present
all information to your teacher and classmates. Write the text you will say as well as
any other text you might want to include in the representation. Note where you will
place sound and graphics and discuss what kind of media will work best. The
information you will use must be placed in a presentation outline and this must
include what each person will say, please take note all team members must have
equal or near equal speaking time. You may be allowed to use one team member to
introduce “with style” what will be depectied.
Prepare a Presentation
Prepare your representation that must last more than 10 minutes for each team.
Teams will need two and a half minutes the least and 3 minutes per speaker if you
go over this allotted time there is no problem if you are less it will affect the grade.
Your representation must be from memory, no reading or notes what so ever can be
used. Reading or note using will result in your grade to be over 50 only for the
person(s) reading or using notes. Be sure to have all necessary props ready and
made for the day of your presentation. A really outstanding play/skit might be
possible to count as perfect score for the partial but in order for this to occur all
instructions must be followed to a tee and all team members must cooperate fully
throughout entire process of preparing the project. One area not done cooperatively
by a team member will cause it being nullified and your team having to accept the
grade given. You will be expected to turn in all material as in other team projects you
have had for World History.
Practice and Present
Practice your representation as a group. Follow your presentation outline. Use music
or sound effects to support key scenes of your play/skit if you will use them. If a
classmate from another team is operating a music player, practice together
beforehand so that the sounds will come in “on cue.” Keep practicing until each
person in the presentation knows his or her part well and the play/skit flows smoothly
with all team members coming in on cue. Gesturing to someone that does not know
when he or she must come in will not make for a good historical represntaion.

Giving Presentation
Remember that representations such as this are formal. Speak loudly enough to be
heard, but use a natural voice. Face the audience as you speak. If you turn away
from the audience people may not be able to hear or understand you. Use body
language and facial expressions to show the mood your character is depicting and
so that other team members and audience know your state; eg. anger, anguish, pain,
suffering, joy, and so on.

Don’t just memorize your information make sure you understand what it
means and imagine what the person that you are depicting lived through along
with the impact your time period had on history. Then, even if you forget a
word or two, you can substitute other words to express the right meaning. As
a group say your presentation to each other if you think it will help. Be sure to
use hand gestures, facial expressions, and speak loudly and clearly.
Listen for information that will persuade you that the character was a real
person and not a class project. And his or her place in history is really
something that is awe struck. Look for clues that touch a person’s feelings that
will make them want to look for more information. For example it has special
meaning to you for some reason what ever it may be. Maybe you can really
relate to the character and their significance on our lives for their cause on
Project Timeline
Task Due Date
1. Tasks and roles May, 17th
2. Organized Information in Outline May, 23rd
3. Wardrobe and scenery. June, 7th
3. Presentation Outline Blank Evaluation Format June, 9th
4. Presentation and Blank Evaluation Sheets June, 10th to 15th
All “Task” information must be turned in on the due date whether you have
World History class or not. Anything not turned in on due date will result in a
zero for your team on that particular task and will remain such until task is
turned in and will be dropped points for each passing day. Information must
be in a working file and printed with team member’s names, list numbers and
roles. No handwritten information will be accepted! After all information is
gathered and only when it is gathered you will be able to work in World History
class. No teacher other than Mr. Longoria may be asked for help of any kind
nor may class other than his be interrupted nor asked to work. If this does
happen it will result in a lower grade for entire project for your team. Neither
unauthorized printing nor making of copies at school will be allowed. Only
final file in clean will use cover page and must be stapled and in a manila
folder. Five blank evaluations with four lines will be brought day of
presentations by each team member.


Geography: Where are they located? What is that place called today? What effect
did the geographic settting have on the civilization that grew there? Were they
geographically isolated fromother civilizations? Were they exposed to large bodies
of water?
Time Period: When did they emerge as a civilization? When were thayat their
peak? How long were they around? When did they fall?
Rise and Fall: What caused this civiliaion to rise and fall?Did they conquer another
civilization? Were they conquered? How many times were they conquered? Could
hey have sayed in power if their geographic location had been different?
Government: What type of rulership did they have? How were they organized?
What type of laws did they have? What were their courts like?
Economy: What role did trade and commerce have in this civilization? What were
their major products fo trade? How did their geography affect their trade? Was their
economy based on a division of social classes?
Beliefs: What kind of religion or worship did they practice? Were they Polytheistic?
Monotheistic? Was their religion and govermnemt combined? Did they believe in
life after death?
Technology: What innovations were made in this civilization? Did they have
calendar? Did they have irrigation systems? How did they build their buildings?
Writing: What form of communication did they use? What type of writing did they
have? Was it pictographic? Can we read it today? Why did it develop? Was it used
by other civilizations as well?
Art/Architecture: What role did the arts have in this civilization? What were heir
main form of art? What was their architecture like? What can we learn about them
from their art?
Slavery: How was slavery a part of his civilization? Were he cities buil by forced
labor? Was slavery based on race? Was it permanent?
Contributions:Wha were the major contributions of this civilization to he world at
their time? Are there any lasting contributions to the world still seen today? What
did they leave us?
Golden Age: Did this civilization have a golden age? Did he civilization have
different golden ages? Separations of periods?

Evaluate the Presentation
You will improve your skills as a speaker and a listener by evaluating each
presentation you give and hear. Use the questions to judge your team’s presentation
and the presentations of your classmates. On lines provided write Why or Why Not
for the question asked. Only give positive feedback.

Evaluator ________________________________ List No.______ Team ______

TEAM Evaluated _________
Was the representation well organized?
Did the information bring to life the time period and its historical impact?
Were the presenters prepared and realistic?
Were the costumes according to the time in history?
Did the representation grab other students’ attention?
Did the presentation teach you something about that particular historical period?

Check list of Task and Roles

“Ming Dynasty”

Names Topic Tasks Roles

Culture Peoples • Investigate Leader
• Ideas
• Making sure everyone do
their work
• Inspire the team
Emperors, • Bring printed stuff Sub-Leader
Peasants, Trade, • Help leader with ideas (Secretary)
• Remembering teammates
and Cities the due dates
• Investigate
Types of Worship • Organize the presentation Organizer
• Write the ideas on paper
• Help leader with ideas
• Investigate
Geography • Make sure we have all Document Keeper
• Pass the information to
• Investigate
• Help leader with ideas
7C Team no. 25
Juanito, #11 Leader
Chanita # 5 Sub-leader
Pepita # 12 Organizer
Jose Cuervo # 27 Document keeper

My Name: _________________________________________________________

My Team Members Names:




Our First choice of civilization is: _______________________________________

Some reasons why we want to do it are: _________________________________




Our Second choice of civilization is: _____________________________________

Some reasons why we want to do it are: _________________________________




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