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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 546 (2005) 291–295

Analysis and simulation of charge collection efficiency in

silicon thin detectors
M. Petaseccaa,b,, F. Moscatellia,b,c, G.U. Pignatela,b
DIEI, University of Perugia, via G. Duranti, 93, 06125 Perugia, Italy
INFN sez. Perugia, via Pascoli, 10, 06100 Perugia, Italy
IMM-CNR sez. Bologna, via Gobetti, 101, 04129 Bologna, Italy
Available online 7 April 2005


Thin detectors have been proposed to investigate the possibility to limit the full depletion voltage and the leakage
current of heavily irradiated silicon devices. In this work we compare typical silicon detectors (p–n junctions over a
300 mm thick substrate) with thinned devices (50–100 mm of thickness). In order to investigate the performances of these
structures, simulations have been carried out using the ISE-TCAD DESSIS device simulator. The so called three-level
model has been used to investigate the effects of the radiation fluence on charge collection efficiency of thin and thick
silicon structures. For each thickness, we simulate the hit of a minimum ionizing particle and then we calculate the
current at the diode’s electrode. We consider a 7  1011 cm3 n-doped substrate (a high resistivity substrate); all the
structures are composed of a 40 mm diode contact and a 15 mm distant guard ring. The simulated collected charge of the
300 mm diode is in agreement with the experimental results; the simulation of thinner structures (50–100 mm) shows a
saturation of the number of e–h pairs collected at the diode’s electrodes. These results suggest that thin detectors may
have a better performance at higher fluences than thick ones. They are maximizing the collected charge at lower
depletion voltage.
r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 29.40.Wk

Keywords: Simulation; Silicon detectors; Charge collection efficiency; Radiation hardness

1. Introduction

Previous studies have shown that heavy irradia-

Corresponding author. DIEI, University of Perugia, via G. tion of silicon detectors can result in severe
Duranti, 93, 06125 Perugia, Italy. Tel.: +39 075 585 3644; fax:
deterioration of their electrical characteristics [1].
+39 075 585 3654. The option to upgrade the luminosity of the Large
E-mail address: (M. Petasecca). Hadron Collider reactor operating at CERN-CH

0168-9002/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

292 M. Petasecca et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 546 (2005) 291–295

will involve radiation fluences of fast hadrons Table 1

Parameters of defects included in the simulation with the three-
above 1016 cm2. Current silicon technology is
level model
unable to cope with such an environment. The
effect of such heavy irradiation is the increase in Acceptor Acceptor Donor
leakage current, increase of the charge trapping
E EC–0.42 eV EC–0.55 eV EV+0.36 eV
and change of the effective doping concentration
sn 2.11  1016 cm2 1016 cm2 1015 cm2
[2] of the silicon sensors. In the framework of sp 1  1014 cm2 1015 cm2 1016 cm2
RD50 collaboration, it has been proposed to Z 1 cm1 0.08 cm1 1 cm1
investigate the use of thin silicon detectors with
the aim to have low depletion voltages and less
leakage currents. The present work shows the For simulation purposes we have considered the
preliminary simulation results, carried out by so called three-level model [4]. The three levels are
means of the ISE-TCAD DESSIS [3] simulation related, with two acceptor levels located at
tool, for comparison between the irradiated and E C 20:42 eV (V0/
2 ) and E C 20:55 eV (V2O
non-irradiated standard (thick) and thin silicon [8] and a donor level located at E V þ 0:36 eV
detectors. The radiation damage effects are simu- (CiO+/0
i ). We also considered a donor removal
lated by exploiting the so called three-level mechanism with a removal rate based on the work
radiation damage model [4,7]. In particular, we of Moll [2]. The compensation of this effect is
highlight the effects of lower depletion voltages obtained by increasing the introduction rate of the
and higher charge collection efficiency (CCE) in divacancy. In addition, an enhanced capture cross-
irradiated and non-irradiated structures as a section is used for the first acceptor level, increas-
function of the fluence. ing it to a value of 1014 cm2, instead of an
experimental value 2  1015 cm2 [2]. The complete
set of defect properties included in the simulation
is summarized in Table 1. With the parameters
2. The three-level radiation damage model quoted in Table 1, we have obtained a damage
constant, a, of 5.3  1017 A cm1, which is in
Highly energetic ionizing particles interact with satisfactory agreement with values reported in
the substrate and generate electron–hole pairs literature [2].
along their path, crossing a silicon detector. If
the hitting particle has enough energy, a lattice
atom can be displaced from its original position 3. Simulation setup
(PKA or Primary Knock-on Atom). After that an
interstitial and a vacancy are created. This type of To analyze thin and thick detectors, we consider
defect is referred to as a Frenkel pair. Most of simple, two dimensional p þ =n=nþ structures
these pairs quickly recombine themselves; a with a substrate doping concentration N D ¼ 7 
significant portion of them produces electrically 1011 cm3 corresponding to a resistivity of
active defects that act as recombination-generation 6 kO cm. A 1 mm deep pþ implant (Gaussian
centers in the band gap [6]. The most important profile) for the pþ guard ring has been adopted.
defects have been identified as the divacancy V2, The simulated structure consists in a simple diode
the divacancy-oxygen complex V2O and the CiOi of 40 mm in width, surrounded by a 6 mm wide
complex, on account of their high introduction guard ring, 15 mm apart (Fig. 1). The guard ring is
rates and relative proximity to mid-gap [2,5]. The necessary to obtain a uniform electric field
divacancy and the CiOi complex play an important distribution underneath the diode junction. We
role in simulation setup because they determine the simulate devices with different thickness (D in
macroscopic behavior of radiation-damaged de- Fig. 1), corresponding to thin (50 and 100 mm) and
tectors in terms of type inversion and leakage thick (300 mm) detectors. The radiation’s effect due
current increase. to charge built up at the Si/SiO2 interface has been

M. Petasecca et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 546 (2005) 291–295 293

taken into account with the definition of a acceptor-like defects overwhelm the substrate n-
different charge oxide concentrations in non- type doping concentration. The calculated type-
irradiated (4  1011 cm3 ) and irradiated inversion fluence of 5  1012 cm2 is in agreement
12 3
(1  10 cm ) devices, respectively. with what is reported in literature [2].
Considering the variation of the depletion
voltage as a function of the fluence, Fig. 2 shows
4. Simulation results that the advantages of the thin detector is to
operate in full depleted conditions at very high
First of all, we calculated the depletion voltage fluences with low bias voltages. In order to analyze
changes as a function of the fluence for two the behavior of thin detectors at very high fluences,
different thicknesses. Fig. 2 shows the effect of we have carried out Simulations of CCE as a
type inversion of the silicon detector at a fluence. function of the fluence.
A zero depletion voltage means a perfectly In Fig. 3 the simulated CCE values with the
compensated substrate. After this point, the experimental data [9] are compared at fluences of
1  1014 (1 MeV) neutron/cm2 and 2.5  1014 neu-
tron/cm2, respectively. The simulations well repro-
Guard Guard
Ring Diode Ring duce the experimental results; then, using the same
15um model and structure, we extended the simulation
9um to thin and thick diodes at fluences of 1015 and
40 um
1016 (1 MeV) n/cm2. In Fig. 4 the collected charge
6um as a function of the applied voltage and thickness
of the detector is reported.
In terms of CCE, the simulation at 1015 n/cm2

shows that, at 150–200 V of bias voltage, a thin

detector has a CCE of about 80% while thick
diodes have only 50%. A maximum efficiency of
73% for thick diodes can be obtained only at a
bias voltage of 1000 V. However, this operating
condition is intolerable for thick detectors because
Back they exhibit a high leakage current and a high risk
Fig. 1. (a) Simulated diode structure: D represents the thickness
of breakdown. The ratio between the collected
of the detectors which, in our simulations, is variable in the charge of a 300 mm thick detector and a 50 mm
range between 20 and 300 mm. thick diode is Q(300 mm)/Q(50 mm)E6: this means

Fig. 2. Comparison between the depletion voltages of thick (a) and thin (b) diodes.

294 M. Petasecca et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 546 (2005) 291–295

Fig. 3. Comparison between the experimental and simulated Charge Collection Efficiency for a thick detector at a fluence of
1  1014 n/cm2 (a) and of 2.5  1014 n/cm2 (b).

Fig. 4. Comparison between collected charge as function of the applied bias voltage for various detector’s thicknesses.

that the effect of shorter trapping time due to the The comparison between depletion voltages
high defect density, is not yet relevant at this and CCE in the thin detectors, as compared
fluence [10]. The simulation at 1016 n/cm2, instead, with the thick ones, shows that the most remark-
shows that CCE of 300 mm thick diode saturates at able result obtainable using thinned devices
30% with a ratio Q(300 mm)/Q(50 mm) of 2.6: it is a full depletion voltage lower than 160 V at a
means that, at this fluence, the recombination fluence of 1016 cm2. As far as the CCE is
mechanism due to the radiation defects become concerned, a good fitting of simulations with
more effective although the total collected charge experimental data is obtained for fluences up to
of a thin detector is still about one-half of that of a 2.5  1014 cm2. For higher fluences the ISE T-
thick one. CAD simulation model does not show the
expected saturation effect of trapping time and
recombination length. In the next future, this latter
5. Conclusions point will be investigated, and simulation data
will be compared with the experimental results
In the framework of RD50 collaboration, we obtained from the electrical characterizations and
performed a set of simulations to understand the the CCE measurements of thin diodes irradiated
behavior of thinned detectors. up to 1016 n/cm2.

M. Petasecca et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 546 (2005) 291–295 295

References [6] B.C. MacEvoy, PhD Thesis, Imperial College, London,

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058 and LHCC-RD-002. 186 (2002) 171.
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[3] ISE-TCAD DESSIS User’s Guide. 588.
[4] D. Passeri, P. Ciampolini, G. Bilei, F. Moscatelli, IEEE [9] P.P. Allport, et al., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 501 (2003)
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