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"Journalism and the future of peace." As a result of journalism, it is possible to disseminate information that might result in the occurrence of social changes. There has been considerable change in the field of journalism and the business of journalism over the years. Do you think the future of journalism will look similar to what it looks like today? It is obvious that reporting is entering a renaissance era due to new technologies and shifting social norms in the media. Journalism is on a path to understanding and peace; it is only now starting to grasp what this peace means. Because they are dedicated to uncovering the truth and disseminating it to the public, journalists offer a fair opinion. As a result, it gives people access to the most up-to-date information so they can make informed decisions about all aspects of their lives. They aid in our understanding of complex subjects through their writing. However, if we are surrounded by incorrect information, how can we have a peaceful world? Because some individuals these days just base their beliefs on what they see or read on social media without researching the facts, they just believe it because it was trending, just like Dr. Carl Balita remarked, "Social media is making people more stupid." Many people pass down the possibility of inaccurate knowledge that can make life unpleasant. | was merely attempting to make the point that journalists may influence people and that their writing can influence others. The reported truth has the power to bring about world peace. The truth will set us free because they write the truth. They are also accountable for speaking the truth and ensuring that people's opinions are heard. Their influence is mostly indirect because they cannot compel others to do or refrain from doing anything. They may, however, establish the agenda and act as gatekeepers, choosing which issues are brought to light and which are left in the background. Additionally, journalists can assist us in speaking for ourselves, particularly for the poor Filipinos who are sometimes mute or unnoticed by some governments. Journalists can take action to help them be seen by producing such documentaries, featuring them, or engaging in any other activities that demonstrate that there are people that require government assistance. In essence, they offer the silent a voice. By presenting a wide range of opposing viewpoints and beliefs, journalism can help shape and propagate moral principles, ease tensions, and combat hate speech. Investigative journalism can encourage individuals to challenge preconceived notions and engage in critical thinking about current events. On the other hand, the way some information is disseminated, supplying information that is twisted by people in power, can also help to intensify conflict. In addition, the truth is a problem that the world cannot handle on its own; it enlightens people at a time when ignorance is on the rise. Journalism that inspires people around the world to work for peace. In these ways, journalism excels at what it does best—connecting and inspiring readers. Journalists are aware of all aspects of every story. They are helping to elucidate the truth. Because if the journalist didn't do that, everyone would be duped into believing the lies of others around them, preventing the world from being better. The government and officials may occasionally feel uncomfortable due to fake news and misinformation. If journalism follows the adage, "Do not merely deliver the news, protect and respect the rights of the people,” it could bring about world peace. We all have our own rights. Therefore, if they want to make the world a better place, they should at the very least respect the people they come into contact with. You do not automatically have the freedom to behave as you choose just because you are a journalist. Only if we understand what causes conflict can there be true peace. In other words, journalism has a duty to contribute to the development of a society devoid of discrimination, fear, and violence. There can be no peace if journalists do not cover violent conflicts. The pursuit of peace and journalism are tied hand in hand. Understanding why people fight in the first place is important to know when reporting on conflicts and wars. It's not just about telling a compelling narrative or getting the most dramatic picture on the front page. (to avoid being biased) If you truly wish to bring about world peace and have the power to bring about change, you should begin with yourself, since you have the same kind of power as a journalist to sway people.

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