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1. Forests in Africa abound with/in wild animals.

2. Tigers abound in the forests of India.
3. He is absorbed in reading Stevenson's 'Treasure Island’.
4. He very kindly acceded to my request.
5. Try to be accurate in your calculations.
6. His brother was accused of theft.
7. He soon became accustomed to the local food.
8. I have no acquaintance with Shelley's poetry.
9. Are you acquainted with our new Headmaster?
10. The magistrate acquitted him of theft.
11. Charles Lamb had great affection for his sister.
12. The old woman is afflicted with dysentery.
13. The rat is afraid of the cat.
14. I could not agree with him. (With a person)
15. He did not agree to my proposal. (To a proposal).
16.I did not agree with him in matters of policy. (With views)
17. Can you guess what he is aiming at?
18.I am alive to the seriousness of the situation.
19. The father was very angry with his son for not going to school.
20. I am very angry at his misconduct.
21. He is very anxious about his success in the competition.
22. Doctor Johnson apologized to Oliver Goldsmith for the rude words he had spoken.
23. Rajat applied to the government for a post.
24.1 do not approve of your action.
25. You ought to feel ashamed of your conduct.
26.I can assure you of my loyalty in this matter.
27. Attend to your lessons, boys.
28. I have only one servant to attend upon me.
29: He is seldom attentive to his lessons.
30. Avail yourself of this opportunity.
31. I was not aware of the matter.
32. The accused begged the judge for mercy.
33. The accused begged mercy of the judge.
34. The new chapter begins at page 50.
35. Let us begin with the first story.
36. I do not believe in your story.
37, These books belong to me.
38. He is bent on mischief.
39. Beware of imitations.
40. He is blind in (or of) one eye.
41. He is not blind to the shortcomings of his only son.
42. Robert Burns was born of poor but wise parents.
43. A son was born to her.
44. The ship is bound for Australia.
45. Saharanpur is celebrated for its wood-work.
46. Change places with each other.
47. Give me change for a rupee.
48. Othello was charged with the murder of his wife, Desdemona.
49. Love is generally compared to madness.
50. People compare Browning with Chaucer.
51. He intends to compete with Hamid for the prize in the cycle race.
52. The passenger complained to the station-master against a coolie.
53. He complains of pain in the head.
54. Has he any complaint against you?
55. I am sorry I cannot comply with your wishes.
56. This class is composed of boys from all districts.
57.I am confident of success.
58. I have no confidence in this man.
59. I congratulate you on your brilliant success.
60. The magistrate convicted the accused of theft.
61. He deals in computer software.
62. He knows how to deal with his customers.
63. I am desirous of joining the Government College.
64. He is destined for the bar.
65. You cannot deprive me of my due share.
66. He is devoid of all sense of decency.
67. I differ with you on the question of opening a new section.
Note: I differ from you is also used.
68. Slate differs from other rocks in many ways.
69. I intend to dispense with the services of my servant.
70. I intend to dispose of all my books. (not 'off")
71. The disciple was eager for praise.
72. You are not eligible for this post
73. He is endowed with a strong will.
74. I am engaged in the study of Renaissance.
75. His daughter is engaged to my son.
76. Every adult is entitled to vote.
77. Be not envious of your brother's position.
78. A tiger escaped from the Zoo.
79. My brother excels me in music.
80. I exchanged a pencil with my cousin for a pen.
81. You had no excuse for remaining absent from home.
82. Keats was exposed to criticism from all quarters.
83. The servant is very faithful to his master.
84. Never be false to your friends.
85. His face is familiar to me.
86. I am quite familiar with this place.
87. Hardy is famous for his Wessex novels.
88. This incident might prove fatal to his cause.
89. Babies are fond of bright colors.
90. A goat feeds on leaves.
91. Drinking water should be free from germs.
92. He furnished his house with the best furniture available.
93. Our new teacher is gifted with eloquence.
94. I am grateful to you for many favours.
95. He is greedy of (for) money.
96. Always guard your cash-box against thieves.
97. He was found guilty of murder.
98. He is the only heir to his father's property.
99. I am quite hopeful of success.
100. Let us hope for the best.
101. I have no hope of success at all.
102. You are mistaken in thinking that he is hostile to you.
103. He is ignorant of what is happening here.
104. Mohan is lying very ill of (with) fever.
105. I am indebted to my friend for my safety. (To a person for a thing).
106. My essay is not inferior to yours.
107. I never saw a place so infected with locusts.
108 Please keep me informed of everything.
109. Everyone believes him to be innocent of the crime.
110.I am not intimate with that gentleman.
111.I was introduced to his sister last month.
112. Goneril was jealous of Cordelia.
113. Your brother is junior to me by one year.
114. Be kind to the poor.
115. Everything is known to me.
116. He is lame of (or in) one leg.
117. Do no laugh at a beggar.
118. He has no leisure for reading newspapers.
119. He is liable to expulsion from school.
120. I am not liable for the debts incurred by my brother
121. Be loyal to your country.
122 Macbeth was married to an ambitious wife.
123. She is no match for him.
124. It is well to be mindful of our health.
125. All the people mourned for their dead hero.
126. It is natural to man to err.
127. Good health is necessary to happiness.
128. It is not necessary for you to apply for leave.
129. A conscientious worker is never neglectful of his duty.
130. He has never been found to be negligent in his work.
131. He is notorious for gambling.
132. The servant must be obedient to his master.
133. He objects to our going to the píctures.
134. I am obliged to you for your kindness.
135. Mohan was offended with Sohan at his irisolence.
136. I am open to conviction.
137. This news is very painful to my father.
138. This side is parallel to that.
139. Cordelia parted from King Lear weeping.
140. It is difficult for a student to part with his books.
141. We share each others burdens and partake in each others joys.
142. This custom is peculiar to India.
143. He is polite in his behaviour to all.
144. Hardy is popular with Indian readers.
145. Let us pray to God for his long life.
146. A brave man prefers death to dishonour.
147. Poverty with honesty is preferable to a rich, dishonest life.
148. He pretended not to notice.
149. He prevented me from talking to you.
150. We all profited by his advice.
151. He is proud of his riches.
152. He prided himself on his brilliant achievements.
153. Everyone in the neighbourhood took pride in Nany's work.

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