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AT A GLANCE: Half-elves are a mixture of man and elf, and occupy the middle ground
between the two. They are stockier than elves and lack the pointed ears, though
they still have slender and finely-chiseled facial-features of the elven faces. It
is possible for a Half-elf to “pass” as man or elf for brief periods, but usually
such duplicity is discovered.
ELMINSTER’S NOTES: Half-elves are not a true race, but rather the product of the
union of man and elf, and as such have no national or racial heritage oth- er than
that of the area they have been brought up in. A Half-elf that had been raised in
the Elven Court thinks like an elf: one from Aglarond thinks as a man, for the
elven people have been long bred into the general population.
Half-elves appear as men, tending to be slenderer than most but not match- ing the
thinness of the elves themselves. Half-elves tend to take on some of the features
of their Elvish sub-race:
l Moon Half-elves tend to be pale with just a touch of blue around the ears and at
the chin.
l Gold Half-elves tend to be bronzed of skin.
l Wild Half-elves are very rare and tend to have bronzed skin touched with green.
l Sea Half-elves tend to he a blend of the fleshtones of human and elven parent. A
child of a Lantan mer- chant and a Great Sea Elf will appear a like green.
l Drow Half-elves are very rare and tend to be dusky-colored with white hair.
Half-elves may mate and breed, but will always produce the offspring of the other
parent (a Half-elf/elf pairing will produce elven children, while a Half- elf/human
pairing will result in human children). Second generation Half-elves only result if
two Half-elves marry (as is the case in Aglarond).
GAME INFORMATION: Half-elf player- characters have the limitations and advantages
as set down for the Half-elf

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