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linux capitalize the first letter in a variable

You can capitalize the first letter of a string stored in a variable in Linux bash
shell using the following method:

Copy code
# Example input string in a variable
input="hello world"

# Capitalize the first letter

output="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "${input:0:1}")${input:1}"

# Print the capitalized string

echo "$output"
Here's what each part of the script does:

input="hello world": This line sets the input string to your variable. Replace
"hello world" with your actual string.

output="$(tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' <<< "${input:0:1}")${input:1}": This line

performs the capitalization. It takes the first character of the input string,
converts it to uppercase using tr, and then concatenates it with the rest of the
string (from position 1 onward).

echo "$output": This line prints the capitalized string.

When you run this script, it will capitalize the first letter of the string stored
in the input variable and display the result.

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