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Operation Management at KFC


KFC is one of the largest franchise companies. One of the branches of KFC consists of 100 employees. This business report critically underpins the issues

which emerge during the processes, designs and supply chain of the business. It will also unveil that how can KFC become the market leader and gain the

competitive advantage over all the rivals. It also reveals that brand name like KFC can increase the productivity, market share avoid wastage. How can it become

the cost effective specially, in this highly competitive environment.

Conclusion And Recommendation:

KFC can progress rapidly by identifying new facility locations and increasing existing target market and facility locations by launching new competitive product chain at minimum cost. KFCs Unity Drive had a simple but essential message and objective. To bring together the people of Pakistan by promoting in the words of KFC founder, Unity, Faith & Discipline. In a time of uncertainty and fear, KFC rose to the occasion and built a platform of solidarity and togetherness for the people of Pakistan. The campaign proved to be a successful initiative in not just providing hope for our patrons, but also allowed KFC Pakistan to take an effective step forward during tough times and entrust other responsive companies to act in a similar manner.

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