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Name: Section:

Date: Activity No: 1

1. Motivational Activity: “Tuldok” by Asin

(Listen to the song Tuldok by Asin and make a reflection with 5 sentences)
Asin's song "Tuldok" is more than just music; it's a deep reflection on life. A
reflection of the brief essence of our existence was emphasized by the lyrics. It
enables us to pause and reflect on the decisions we make, the relationships we value,
and the effect we have on other people. As it resonates with our own experiences and
the universal truths of human existence. "Tuldok" inspires us to live completely and
recognize the beauty and only temporary nature of our path through its interesting

2. Differentiate the two philosophical perspectives, the ESSENTIALIST view and

EXISTENTIALIST view. (2 sentences for each view)

Essentialism is a philosophical perspective that asserts the existence of inherent and

unchanging essences or qualities that define the nature of objects or beings.
Essentialism emphasizes the search for universal truths and objective realities. It
believes in the existence of fixed categories and essential characteristics that define
the essence of individuals or objects.
On the other hand, existentialism is a philosophical perspective that focuses on
individual existence and subjective experience. Existentialists emphasize the freedom
and responsibility of individuals to create their own meaning and purpose in life.
Existentialism emphasizes the importance of personal choice, authenticity, and the
recognition of one's own existence.

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