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Bisma Wisesa Kaiwswara

Andini Sakti Street, Bekasi

+62 821-1082-3709

August 21, 2023

Mr. Rudy
Studio Shadow
Bukit Sakti Street, Semarang

Dear Mr. Rudy,

I am writing to express my interest in the photographer position at Studio Shadow. My passion for
photography, combined with my desire to work in a dynamic environment such as yours, makes me
eager to be a part of your esteemed studio.

Throughout my career, I have honed my skills in wedding, portrait, and commercial photography. In
my previous role at Brocelle Creative Agency, I notably enhanced editing processes to produce high-
quality commercial imagery and ensured efficient post-production workflows.

I am particularly excited about the opportunity to work at Studio Shadow due to the numerous
achievements the company boasts. I am confident that my expertise can complement and further
enrich the already impressive portfolio of Studio Shadow.

Enclosed with this letter is my CV, offering a comprehensive overview of my qualifications and
experiences. I believe it will provide you with a clear picture of my accomplishments and capabilities
in the field of photography.

Thank you for considering my application, Mr. Rudy. I am eager to discuss how my experience and
vision can align with Studio Shadow's objectives and aspirations. For any further discussions, I can be
reached at +62 821-1082-3709.


Bisma Wisesa Kaiwswara

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