Azure Devops Pipelines Yaml Schema Reference

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YAML schema reference for Azure

Article • 07/10/2023

The YAML schema reference for Azure Pipelines is a detailed reference for YAML
pipelines that lists all supported YAML syntax and their available options.

To create a YAML pipeline, start with the pipeline definition. For more information about
building YAML pipelines, see Customize your pipeline.

The YAML schema reference does not cover tasks. For more information about tasks, see
the Azure Pipelines tasks index.

A pipeline is one or more stages that describe a CI/CD process.

Extends a pipeline using a template.

Specifies the jobs that make up the work of a stage.

A deployment job is a special type of job. It's a collection of steps to run sequentially
against the environment.

Target environment name and optionally a resource name to record the deployment
history; format: environment-name.resource-name.

Execution strategy for this deployment.

Canary Deployment strategy.

Rolling Deployment strategy.
RunOnce Deployment strategy.

A job is a collection of steps run by an agent or on a server.

Container resource name.

Execution strategy for this job.

Any resources required by this job that are not already referenced.

A set of jobs defined in a template.

Specifies the runtime parameters passed to a pipeline.

Pipeline template parameters.

Which pool to use for a job of the pipeline.

Demands (for a private pool).

Pull request trigger.

Resources specifies builds, repositories, pipelines, and other resources used by the

List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.
A build resource used to reference artifacts from a run.

List of container images.
A container resource used to reference a container image.

Specify none to disable, true to trigger on all image tags, or use the full syntax as
described in the following examples.

List of package resources.

A package resource used to reference a NuGet or npm GitHub package.

List of pipeline resources.

A pipeline resource.

Specify none to disable, true to include all branches, or use the full syntax as described
in the following examples.

Branches to include or exclude for triggering a run.

List of repository resources.

A repository resource is used to reference an additional repository in your pipeline.

List of webhooks.

A webhook resource enables you to integrate your pipeline with an external service to
automate the workflow.

List of trigger filters.

Webhook resource trigger filter.
The schedules list specifies the scheduled triggers for the pipeline.

A scheduled trigger specifies a schedule on which branches are built.

Stages are a collection of related jobs.

A stage is a collection of related jobs.

You can define a set of stages in one file and use it multiple times in other files.

Steps are a linear sequence of operations that make up a job.

Runs a script in Bash on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Configure how the pipeline checks out source code.
Downloads artifacts associated with the current run or from another Azure Pipeline that
is associated as a pipeline resource.

Downloads build artifacts.

Downloads a package from a package management feed in Azure Artifacts or Azure
DevOps Server.

Runs a script using either Windows PowerShell (on Windows) or pwsh (Linux and

Publishes (uploads) a file or folder as a pipeline artifact that other jobs and pipelines can

Runs a script in PowerShell Core on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Downloads creates a resource dynamically under a deploy phase provider.

Runs a script using cmd.exe on Windows and Bash on other platforms.

Runs a task.

Define a set of steps in one file and use it multiple times in another file.

Tasks run in an execution context, which is either the agent host or a container.

Restrictions on which variables that can be set.

Continuous integration (push) trigger.

Define variables using name/value pairs.
Reference variables from a variable group.
Define variables using name and full syntax.

Define variables in a template.

Supporting definitions

7 Note

Supporting definitions are not intended for use directly in a pipeline. Supporting
definitions are used only as part of other definitions, and are included here for

Used to run steps that deploy your application.
Lists of items to include or exclude.

Items to include or exclude.

Volumes to mount read-only, the default is all false.

Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.

Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.

Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.

Used to run the steps after the traffic is routed. Typically, these tasks monitor the health
of the updated version for defined interval.

Used to run steps that initialize resources before application deployment starts.

Used to run steps that serve the traffic to the updated version.

Workspace options on the agent.

YAML schema documentation conventions

The YAML schema reference is a detailed reference guide to Azure Pipelines YAML
pipelines. It includes a catalog of all supported YAML capabilities and the available

Here are the syntax conventions used in the YAML schema reference.

To the left of : is a literal keyword used in pipeline definitions.

To the right of : is a data type. The data type can be a primitive type like string or
a reference to a rich structure defined elsewhere in this reference.
The notation [ datatype ] indicates an array of the mentioned definition type. For
instance, [ string ] is an array of strings.
The notation { datatype : datatype } indicates a mapping of one data type to
another. For instance, { string: string } is a mapping of strings to strings.
The symbol | indicates there are multiple data types available for the keyword. For
instance, job | template means either a job definition or a template reference is

See also
This reference covers the schema of an Azure Pipelines YAML file. To learn the basics of
YAML, see Learn YAML in Y Minutes . Azure Pipelines doesn't support all YAML
features. Unsupported features include anchors, complex keys, and sets. Also, unlike
standard YAML, Azure Pipelines depends on seeing stage , job , task , or a task shortcut
like script as the first key in a mapping.
pipeline definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A pipeline is one or more stages that describe a CI/CD process.

Implementation Description

pipeline: stages Pipeline with stages.

pipeline: extends Pipeline that extends a template.

pipeline: jobs Pipeline with jobs and one implicit stage.

pipeline: steps Pipeline with steps and one implicit job.

A pipeline is one or more stages that describe a CI/CD process. Stages are the major
divisions in a pipeline. The stages "Build this app," "Run these tests," and "Deploy to
preproduction" are good examples.

A stage is one or more jobs, which are units of work assignable to the same machine.
You can arrange both stages and jobs into dependency graphs. Examples include "Run
this stage before that one" and "This job depends on the output of that job."

A job is a linear series of steps. Steps can be tasks, scripts, or references to external

This hierarchy is reflected in the structure of a YAML file like:

Stage A
Job 1
Step 1.1
Step 1.2
Job 2
Step 2.1
Step 2.2
Stage B

Simple pipelines don't require all of these levels. For example, in a single-job build, you
can omit the containers for stages and jobs because there are only steps. And because
many options shown in this article aren't required and have good defaults, your YAML
definitions are unlikely to include all of them.

If you have a single stage, you can omit the stages keyword and directly specify the
jobs keyword:


# ... other pipeline-level keywords

jobs: [ job | template ]

If you have a single stage and a single job, you can omit the stages and jobs keywords
and directly specify the steps keyword:


# ... other pipeline-level keywords

steps: [ script | bash | pwsh | powershell | checkout | task | template |
... ]

Use the name property to configure the pipeline run number. For more information, see
Configure run or build numbers.

pipeline: stages
Pipeline with stages.


stages: [ stage | template ] # Required. Stages are groups of jobs that can
run without human intervention.
pool: string | pool # Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless
otherwise specified.
name: string # Pipeline run number.
appendCommitMessageToRunName: boolean # Append the commit message to the
build number. The default is true.
trigger: none | trigger | [ string ] # Continuous integration triggers.
parameters: [ parameter ] # Pipeline template parameters.
pr: none | pr | [ string ] # Pull request triggers.
schedules: [ cron ] # Scheduled triggers.
resources: # Containers and repositories used in the build.
builds: [ build ] # List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.
containers: [ container ] # List of container images.
pipelines: [ pipeline ] # List of pipeline resources.
repositories: [ repository ] # List of repository resources.
webhooks: [ webhook ] # List of webhooks.
packages: [ package ] # List of package resources.
variables: variables | [ variable ] # Variables for this pipeline.
lockBehavior: string # Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit
in relation to other exclusive lock requests.

stages stages. Required.

Stages are groups of jobs that can run without human intervention.

pool pool.

Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless otherwise specified.

name string.

Pipeline run number.

appendCommitMessageToRunName boolean.

Append the commit message to the build number. The default is true.

trigger trigger.

Continuous integration triggers.

parameters parameters.

Pipeline template parameters.

pr pr.
Pull request triggers.

schedules schedules.

Scheduled triggers.

resources resources.

Containers and repositories used in the build.

variables variables.

Variables for this pipeline.

lockBehavior string.

Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit in relation to other exclusive lock
requests. sequential | runLatest.

- main

vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- stage: CI
- job: CIWork
- script: "Do CI work"

- stage: Test
- job: TestWork
- script: "Do test work"

pipeline: extends
Pipeline that extends a template.


extends: # Required. Extends a template.

template: string # The template referenced by the pipeline to extend.
parameters: # Parameters used in the extend.
pool: string | pool # Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless
otherwise specified.
name: string # Pipeline run number.
appendCommitMessageToRunName: boolean # Append the commit message to the
build number. The default is true.
trigger: none | trigger | [ string ] # Continuous integration triggers.
parameters: [ parameter ] # Pipeline template parameters.
pr: none | pr | [ string ] # Pull request triggers.
schedules: [ cron ] # Scheduled triggers.
resources: # Containers and repositories used in the build.
builds: [ build ] # List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.
containers: [ container ] # List of container images.
pipelines: [ pipeline ] # List of pipeline resources.
repositories: [ repository ] # List of repository resources.
webhooks: [ webhook ] # List of webhooks.
packages: [ package ] # List of package resources.
variables: variables | [ variable ] # Variables for this pipeline.
lockBehavior: string # Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit
in relation to other exclusive lock requests.

extends extends. Required.
Extends a template.

pool pool.

Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless otherwise specified.

name string.

Pipeline run number.

appendCommitMessageToRunName boolean.

Append the commit message to the build number. The default is true.

trigger trigger.

Continuous integration triggers.

parameters parameters.

Pipeline template parameters.

pr pr.

Pull request triggers.

schedules schedules.

Scheduled triggers.

resources resources.

Containers and repositories used in the build.

variables variables.

Variables for this pipeline.

lockBehavior string.

Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit in relation to other exclusive lock
requests. sequential | runLatest.

pipeline: jobs
Pipeline with jobs and one implicit stage.

jobs: [ job | deployment | template ] # Required. Jobs represent units of

work which can be assigned to a single agent or server.
pool: string | pool # Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless
otherwise specified.
name: string # Pipeline run number.
appendCommitMessageToRunName: boolean # Append the commit message to the
build number. The default is true.
trigger: none | trigger | [ string ] # Continuous integration triggers.
parameters: [ parameter ] # Pipeline template parameters.
pr: none | pr | [ string ] # Pull request triggers.
schedules: [ cron ] # Scheduled triggers.
resources: # Containers and repositories used in the build.
builds: [ build ] # List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.
containers: [ container ] # List of container images.
pipelines: [ pipeline ] # List of pipeline resources.
repositories: [ repository ] # List of repository resources.
webhooks: [ webhook ] # List of webhooks.
packages: [ package ] # List of package resources.
variables: variables | [ variable ] # Variables for this pipeline.
lockBehavior: string # Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit
in relation to other exclusive lock requests.

jobs jobs. Required.

Jobs represent units of work which can be assigned to a single agent or server.

pool pool.

Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless otherwise specified.

name string.

Pipeline run number.

appendCommitMessageToRunName boolean.

Append the commit message to the build number. The default is true.

trigger trigger.

Continuous integration triggers.

parameters parameters.

Pipeline template parameters.

pr pr.

Pull request triggers.

schedules schedules.

Scheduled triggers.

resources resources.

Containers and repositories used in the build.

variables variables.

Variables for this pipeline.

lockBehavior string.

Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit in relation to other exclusive lock
requests. sequential | runLatest.


- main

vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- job: PreWork
- script: "Do pre-work"

- job: PostWork
pool: windows-latest
- script: "Do post-work using a different hosted image"

pipeline: steps
Pipeline with steps and one implicit job.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |

downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # Required. A
list of steps to run in this job.
strategy: strategy # Execution strategy for this job.
continueOnError: string # Continue running even on failure?
pool: string | pool # Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless
otherwise specified.
container: string | container # Container resource name.
services: # Container resources to run as a service container.
string: string # Name/value pairs
workspace: # Workspace options on the agent.
clean: string # Which parts of the workspace should be scorched before
name: string # Pipeline run number.
appendCommitMessageToRunName: boolean # Append the commit message to the
build number. The default is true.
trigger: none | trigger | [ string ] # Continuous integration triggers.
parameters: [ parameter ] # Pipeline template parameters.
pr: none | pr | [ string ] # Pull request triggers.
schedules: [ cron ] # Scheduled triggers.
resources: # Containers and repositories used in the build.
builds: [ build ] # List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.
containers: [ container ] # List of container images.
pipelines: [ pipeline ] # List of pipeline resources.
repositories: [ repository ] # List of repository resources.
webhooks: [ webhook ] # List of webhooks.
packages: [ package ] # List of package resources.
variables: variables | [ variable ] # Variables for this pipeline.
lockBehavior: string # Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit
in relation to other exclusive lock requests.

steps steps. Required.

A list of steps to run in this job.

strategy jobs.job.strategy.

Execution strategy for this job.

continueOnError string.

Continue running even on failure?

pool pool.

Pool where jobs in this pipeline will run unless otherwise specified.

container jobs.job.container.

Container resource name.

services string dictionary.

Container resources to run as a service container.

workspace workspace.

Workspace options on the agent.

name string.

Pipeline run number.

appendCommitMessageToRunName boolean.

Append the commit message to the build number. The default is true.

trigger trigger.

Continuous integration triggers.

parameters parameters.

Pipeline template parameters.

pr pr.

Pull request triggers.

schedules schedules.

Scheduled triggers.

resources resources.

Containers and repositories used in the build.

variables variables.

Variables for this pipeline.

lockBehavior string.

Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit in relation to other exclusive lock
requests. sequential | runLatest.


- main

vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- script: "Hello world!"

See also
Pipelines with multiple jobs
Build number formats
extends definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Extend a pipeline using a template.


template: string # The template referenced by the pipeline to extend.
parameters: # Parameters used in the extend.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline

template string.

The template referenced by the pipeline to extend.

parameters template parameters.

Parameters used in the extend.

Templates and their parameters are turned into constants before the pipeline runs.
Template parameters provide type safety to input parameters. In this example, templates
restrict which pools can be used in a pipeline by offering an enumeration of possible
options rather than a freeform string.


# template.yml
- name: userpool
type: string
default: Azure Pipelines
- Azure Pipelines
- private-pool-1
- private-pool-2

pool: ${{ parameters.userpool }}

- script: # ... removed for clarity

# azure-pipelines.yml
template: template.yml
userpool: private-pool-1

See also
Template types & usage
Security through templates
jobs definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Specifies the jobs that make up the work of a stage.


jobs: [ job | deployment | template ] # Specifies the jobs that make up the
work of a stage.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, stages.stage

List types
Type Description

jobs.job A job is a collection of steps run by an agent or on a server.

jobs.deployment A deployment job is a special type of job. It's a collection of steps to run
sequentially against the environment.

jobs.template A set of jobs defined in a template.

A job is a collection of steps run by an agent or on a server. Jobs can run conditionally
and might depend on earlier jobs.

7 Note

If you have only one stage and one job, you can use single-job syntax as a shorter
way to describe the steps to run.


- job: MyJob
displayName: My First Job
continueOnError: true
clean: outputs
- script: echo My first job

See also
For more information about uses , see Limit job authorization scope to referenced
Azure DevOps repositories. For more information about workspaces, including
clean options, see the workspace topic in Jobs.
Learn more about variables, steps, pools, and server jobs.
jobs.deployment definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A deployment job is a special type of job. It's a collection of steps to run sequentially
against the environment.


- deployment: string # Required as first property. Name of the deployment
job, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and underscore. The word deploy is a keyword and is
unsupported as the deployment name.
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the deployment.
dependsOn: string | [ string ] # Any jobs which must complete before this
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this deployment.
continueOnError: string # Continue running even on failure?
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this job to complete before
the server kills it.
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for the job to cancel before
forcibly terminating it.
variables: variables | [ variable ] # Deployment-specific variables.
pool: string | pool # Pool where this job will run.
environment: string | environment # Target environment name and optionally
a resource name to record the deployment history; format: environment-
strategy: strategy # Execution strategy for this deployment.
workspace: # Workspace options on the agent.
clean: string # Which parts of the workspace should be scorched before
uses: # Any resources required by this job that are not already
repositories: [ string ] # Repository references.
pools: [ string ] # Pool references.
container: string | container # Container resource name.
services: # Container resources to run as a service container.
string: string # Name/value pairs
templateContext: # Deployment related information passed from a pipeline
when extending a template.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs

deployment string. Required as first property.

Name of the deployment job, A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and underscore. The word deploy is a
keyword and is unsupported as the deployment name.

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the deployment.

dependsOn string | string list.

Any jobs which must complete before this one.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this deployment.

continueOnError string.

Continue running even on failure?

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this job to complete before the server kills it.

cancelTimeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for the job to cancel before forcibly terminating it.

variables variables.

Deployment-specific variables.

pool pool.

Pool where this job will run.

environment jobs.deployment.environment.

Target environment name and optionally a resource name to record the deployment
history; format: environment-name.resource-name.

strategy jobs.deployment.strategy.
Execution strategy for this deployment.

workspace workspace.

Workspace options on the agent.

uses jobs.job.uses.

Any resources required by this job that are not already referenced.

container jobs.job.container.

Container resource name.

services string dictionary.

Container resources to run as a service container.

templateContext templateContext.

Deployment related information passed from a pipeline when extending a template. See
remarks for more information. For more information about templateContext , see
Extended YAML Pipelines templates can now be passed context information for stages,
jobs, and deployments and Templates - Use templateContext to pass properties to

In YAML pipelines, the pipelines team recommends that you put your deployment steps
in a deployment job.

For more information about templateContext , see Extended YAML Pipelines templates
can now be passed context information for stages, jobs, and deployments and
Templates - Use templateContext to pass properties to templates.


# track deployments on the environment
- deployment: DeployWeb
displayName: deploy Web App
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
# creates an environment if it doesn't exist
environment: 'smarthotel-dev'
# default deployment strategy, more coming...
- script: echo my first deployment
jobs.deployment.environment definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The environment keyword specifies the environment or its resource that is targeted by a
deployment job of the pipeline.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment

Implementation Description

environment: string Deployment job with environment


environment: name, resourceName, resourceId, Full syntax for complete control.

resourceType, tags

An environment also holds information about the deployment strategy for running the
steps defined inside the job.

You can reduce the deployment target's scope to a particular resource within the
environment as shown here:


environment: 'smarthotel-dev.bookings'
- task: KubernetesManifest@0
displayName: Deploy to Kubernetes cluster
action: deploy
namespace: $(k8sNamespace)
manifests: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/manifests/*
imagePullSecrets: $(imagePullSecret)
containers: $(containerRegistry)/$(imageRepository):$(tag)
# value for kubernetesServiceConnection input automatically passed
down to task by environment.resource input
environment: string
To specify an environment by name without using any additional properties, use the
following syntax.


environment: string # Deployment job with environment name.

environment string.

Deployment job with environment name.


environment: environmentName.resourceName
strategy: # deployment strategy
runOnce: # default strategy
- script: echo Hello world

environment: name, resourceName, resourceId,

resourceType, tags
To configure environment properties in addition to the name, use the full syntax.


name: string # Name of environment.
resourceName: string # Name of resource.
resourceId: string # Id of resource.
resourceType: string # Type of environment resource.
tags: string # List of tag filters.

name string.

Name of environment.
resourceName string.

Name of resource.

resourceId string.

Id of resource.

resourceType string.

Type of environment resource.

tags string.

List of tag filters.

The full syntax is:


environment: # create environment and/or record deployments

name: string # name of the environment to run this job on.
resourceName: string # name of the resource in the environment to record
the deployments against
resourceId: number # resource identifier
resourceType: string # type of the resource you want to target. Supported
types - virtualMachine, Kubernetes
tags: string # comma separated tag names to filter the resources
in the environment
strategy: # deployment strategy
runOnce: # default strategy
- script: echo Hello world

If you specify an environment or one of its resources but don't need to specify other
properties, you can shorten the syntax to:


environment: environmentName.resourceName
strategy: # deployment strategy
runOnce: # default strategy
- script: echo Hello world

You can reduce the deployment target's scope to a particular resource within the
environment as shown here:

environment: 'smarthotel-dev.bookings'
- task: KubernetesManifest@0
displayName: Deploy to Kubernetes cluster
action: deploy
namespace: $(k8sNamespace)
manifests: $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/manifests/*
imagePullSecrets: $(imagePullSecret)
containers: $(containerRegistry)/$(imageRepository):$(tag)
# value for kubernetesServiceConnection input automatically passed
down to task by environment.resource input

See also
Create and target an environment
jobs.deployment.strategy definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A deployment strategy enables you to configure how the update is delivered.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment

Implementation Description

strategy: runOnce Run once deployment strategy.

strategy: rolling Rolling deployment strategy.

strategy: canary Canary deployment strategy.

When you're deploying application updates, it's important that the technique you use to
deliver the update will:

Enable initialization.
Deploy the update.
Route traffic to the updated version.
Test the updated version after routing traffic.
In case of failure, run steps to restore to the last known good version.

We achieve this by using lifecycle hooks that can run steps during deployment. Each of
the lifecycle hooks resolves into an agent job or a server job (or a container or validation
job in the future), depending on the pool attribute. By default, the lifecycle hooks will
inherit the pool specified by the deployment job.

Deployment jobs use the $(Pipeline.Workspace) system variable.

If you are using self-hosted agents, you can use the workspace clean options to clean
your deployment workspace.


- deployment: deploy
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
clean: all
environment: staging

strategy: runOnce
The runOnce deployment strategy rolls out changes by executing each of its steps one


runOnce: # RunOnce Deployment strategy.
preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
deploy: # Deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for runOnce deployment
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
on: # On success or failure hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

runOnce jobs.deployment.strategy.runOnce.

RunOnce Deployment strategy.

runOnce is the simplest deployment strategy wherein all the lifecycle hooks, namely
preDeploy deploy , routeTraffic , and postRouteTraffic , are executed once. Then, either

on: success or on: failure is executed.

strategy: rolling
A rolling deployment replaces instances of the previous version of an application with
instances of the new version of the application on a fixed set of virtual machines (rolling
set) in each iteration.


rolling: # Rolling Deployment strategy.
maxParallel: string # Maximum number of jobs running in parallel.
preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
deploy: # Deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for rolling deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for rolling deployment
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
on: # On success or failure hook for rolling deployment strategy.
failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

rolling jobs.deployment.strategy.rolling.

Rolling Deployment strategy.

strategy: canary
Canary deployment strategy rolls out changes to a small subset of servers.


canary: # Canary Deployment strategy.
increments: [ string ] # Maximum batch size for deployment.
preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
deploy: # Deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for canary deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for canary deployment
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
on: # On success or failure hook for canary deployment strategy.
failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

canary jobs.deployment.strategy.canary.
Canary Deployment strategy.

Canary deployment strategy is an advanced deployment strategy that helps mitigate the
risk involved in rolling out new versions of applications. By using this strategy, you can
roll out the changes to a small subset of servers first. As you gain more confidence in
the new version, you can release it to more servers in your infrastructure and route more
traffic to it.

See also
Deployment jobs
Article • 07/10/2023

Canary deployment strategy rolls out changes to a small subset of servers.


increments: [ string ] # Maximum batch size for deployment.
preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
deploy: # Deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for canary deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for canary deployment
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
on: # On success or failure hook for canary deployment strategy.
failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy

increments string list.

Maximum batch size for deployment.

preDeploy preDeployHook.

Pre deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.

deploy deployHook.

Deploy hook for canary deployment strategy.

routeTraffic routeTrafficHook.

Route traffic hook for canary deployment strategy.

postRouteTraffic postRouteTrafficHook.

Post route traffic hook for canary deployment strategy.

on onSuccessOrFailureHook.

On success or failure hook for canary deployment strategy.

Canary deployment strategy is an advanced deployment strategy that helps mitigate the
risk involved in rolling out new versions of applications. By using this strategy, you can
roll out the changes to a small subset of servers first. As you gain more confidence in
the new version, you can release it to more servers in your infrastructure and route more
traffic to it.

Canary deployment strategy supports the preDeploy lifecycle hook (executed once) and
iterates with the deploy , routeTraffic , and postRouteTraffic lifecycle hooks. It then
exits with either the success or failure hook.

The following variables are available in this strategy: : Name of the strategy. For example, canary.

strategy.action : The action to be performed on the Kubernetes cluster. For example,

deploy, promote, or reject.

strategy.increment : The increment value used in the current interaction. This variable is

available only in deploy , routeTraffic , and postRouteTraffic lifecycle hooks.

Descriptions of lifecycle hooks

preDeploy : Used to run steps that initialize resources before application deployment

deploy : Used to run steps that deploy your application. Download artifact task will be

auto injected only in the deploy hook for deployment jobs. To stop downloading
artifacts, use - download: none or choose specific artifacts to download by specifying
Download Pipeline Artifact task.

routeTraffic : Used to run steps that serve the traffic to the updated version.

postRouteTraffic : Used to run the steps after the traffic is routed. Typically, these tasks

monitor the health of the updated version for defined interval.

on: failure or on: success : Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.

In the following example, the canary strategy for AKS will first deploy the changes with
10 percent pods, followed by 20 percent, while monitoring the health during
postRouteTraffic . If all goes well, it will promote to 100 percent.


- deployment:
environment: smarthotel-dev.bookings
name: smarthotel-devPool
increments: [10,20]
- script: initialize, cleanup....
- script: echo deploy updates...
- task: KubernetesManifest@0
action: $(strategy.action)
namespace: 'default'
strategy: $(
percentage: $(strategy.increment)
manifests: 'manifest.yml'
pool: server
- script: echo monitor application health...
- script: echo clean-up, rollback...
- script: echo checks passed, notify...

See also
Deployment jobs
Article • 07/10/2023

A rolling deployment replaces instances of the previous version of an application with

instances of the new version of the application on a fixed set of virtual machines (rolling
set) in each iteration.


maxParallel: string # Maximum number of jobs running in parallel.
preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
deploy: # Deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for rolling deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for rolling deployment
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
on: # On success or failure hook for rolling deployment strategy.
failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy

maxParallel string.

Maximum number of jobs running in parallel.

preDeploy preDeployHook.

Pre deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.

deploy deployHook.
Deploy hook for rolling deployment strategy.

routeTraffic routeTrafficHook.

Route traffic hook for rolling deployment strategy.

postRouteTraffic postRouteTrafficHook.

Post route traffic hook for rolling deployment strategy.

on onSuccessOrFailureHook.

On success or failure hook for rolling deployment strategy.

Azure Pipelines currently only support the rolling strategy to VM resources.

For example, a rolling deployment typically waits for deployments on each set of virtual
machines to complete before proceeding to the next set of deployments. You could do
a health check after each iteration and if a significant issue occurs, the rolling
deployment can be stopped.

Rolling deployments can be configured by specifying the keyword rolling: under the
strategy: node. The variable is available in this strategy block, which

takes the name of the strategy. In this case, rolling.

All the lifecycle hooks are supported and lifecycle hook jobs are created to run on each

preDeploy , deploy , routeTraffic , and postRouteTraffic are executed once per batch

size defined by maxParallel . Then, either on: success or on: failure is executed.

With maxParallel: <# or % of VMs> , you can control the number/percentage of virtual
machine targets to deploy to in parallel. This ensures that the app is running on these
machines and is capable of handling requests while the deployment is taking place on
the rest of the machines, which reduces overall downtime.
7 Note

There are a few known gaps in this feature. For example, when you retry a stage, it
will re-run the deployment on all VMs not just failed targets.

Descriptions of lifecycle hooks

preDeploy : Used to run steps that initialize resources before application deployment


deploy : Used to run steps that deploy your application. Download artifact task will be
auto injected only in the deploy hook for deployment jobs. To stop downloading
artifacts, use - download: none or choose specific artifacts to download by specifying
Download Pipeline Artifact task.

routeTraffic : Used to run steps that serve the traffic to the updated version.

postRouteTraffic : Used to run the steps after the traffic is routed. Typically, these tasks

monitor the health of the updated version for defined interval.

on: failure or on: success : Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.

The following rolling strategy example for VMs updates up to five targets in each
iteration. maxParallel will determine the number of targets that can be deployed to, in
parallel. The selection accounts for absolute number or percentage of targets that must
remain available at any time excluding the targets that are being deployed to. It is also
used to determine the success and failure conditions during deployment.


- deployment: VMDeploy
displayName: web
name: smarthotel-dev
resourceType: VirtualMachine
maxParallel: 5 #for percentages, mention as x%
- download: current
artifact: drop
- script: echo initialize, cleanup, backup, install certs
- task: IISWebAppDeploymentOnMachineGroup@0
displayName: 'Deploy application to Website'
WebSiteName: 'Default Web Site'
Package: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop/**/*.zip'
- script: echo routing traffic
- script: echo health check post-route traffic
- script: echo Restore from backup! This is on failure
- script: echo Notify! This is on success

See also
Deployment jobs
Article • 07/10/2023

The runOnce deployment strategy rolls out changes by executing each of its steps one


preDeploy: # Pre deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.
deploy: # Deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.
routeTraffic: # Route traffic hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.
postRouteTraffic: # Post route traffic hook for runOnce deployment
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.
on: # On success or failure hook for runOnce deployment strategy.
failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout |
download | downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A
list of steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy

preDeploy preDeployHook.

Pre deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.

deploy deployHook.

Deploy hook for runOnce deployment strategy.

routeTraffic routeTrafficHook.

Route traffic hook for runOnce deployment strategy.

postRouteTraffic postRouteTrafficHook.

Post route traffic hook for runOnce deployment strategy.

on onSuccessOrFailureHook.

On success or failure hook for runOnce deployment strategy.

runOnce is the simplest deployment strategy wherein all the lifecycle hooks, namely

preDeploy deploy , routeTraffic , and postRouteTraffic , are executed once. Then, either
on: success or on: failure is executed.

Descriptions of lifecycle hooks

preDeploy : Used to run steps that initialize resources before application deployment


deploy : Used to run steps that deploy your application. Download artifact task will be

auto injected only in the deploy hook for deployment jobs. To stop downloading
artifacts, use - download: none or choose specific artifacts to download by specifying
Download Pipeline Artifact task.

routeTraffic : Used to run steps that serve the traffic to the updated version.

postRouteTraffic : Used to run the steps after the traffic is routed. Typically, these tasks

monitor the health of the updated version for defined interval.

on: failure or on: success : Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.

The following example YAML snippet showcases a simple use of a deployment job by
using the runOnce deployment strategy. The example includes a checkout step.


# Track deployments on the environment.
- deployment: DeployWeb
displayName: deploy Web App
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
# Creates an environment if it doesn't exist.
environment: 'smarthotel-dev'
- checkout: self
- script: echo my first deployment

With each run of this job, deployment history is recorded against the smarthotel-dev

7 Note

It's also possible to create an environment with empty resources and use that
as an abstract shell to record deployment history, as shown in the previous

The next example demonstrates how a pipeline can refer both an environment and a
resource to be used as the target for a deployment job.


- deployment: DeployWeb
displayName: deploy Web App
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
# Records deployment against bookings resource - Kubernetes namespace.
environment: 'smarthotel-dev.bookings'
# No need to explicitly pass the connection details.
- task: KubernetesManifest@0
displayName: Deploy to Kubernetes cluster
action: deploy
namespace: $(k8sNamespace)
manifests: |
imagePullSecrets: |
containers: |

This approach has the following benefits:

Records deployment history on a specific resource within the environment, as

opposed to recording the history on all resources within the environment.
Steps in the deployment job automatically inherit the connection details of the
resource (in this case, a Kubernetes namespace, smarthotel-dev.bookings ),
because the deployment job is linked to the environment. This is useful in the
cases where the same connection detail is set for multiple steps of the job.

See also
Deployment jobs
jobs.job definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A job is a collection of steps run by an agent or on a server.


- job: string # Required as first property. ID of the job.
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the job.
dependsOn: string | [ string ] # Any jobs which must complete before this
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this job.
continueOnError: string # Continue running even on failure?
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this job to complete before
the server kills it.
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for the job to cancel before
forcibly terminating it.
variables: variables | [ variable ] # Job-specific variables.
strategy: strategy # Execution strategy for this job.
pool: string | pool # Pool where this job will run.
container: string | container # Container resource name.
services: # Container resources to run as a service container.
string: string # Name/value pairs
workspace: # Workspace options on the agent.
clean: string # Which parts of the workspace should be scorched before
uses: # Any resources required by this job that are not already
repositories: [ string ] # Repository references.
pools: [ string ] # Pool references.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |
downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
templateContext: # Job related information passed from a pipeline when
extending a template.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs

job string. Required as first property.

ID of the job. Acceptable values: Valid names may only contain alphanumeric characters
and '_' and may not start with a number.
displayName string.

Human-readable name for the job.

dependsOn string | string list.

Any jobs which must complete before this one.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this job.

continueOnError string.

Continue running even on failure?

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this job to complete before the server kills it.

cancelTimeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for the job to cancel before forcibly terminating it.

variables variables.

Job-specific variables.

strategy jobs.job.strategy.

Execution strategy for this job.

pool pool.

Pool where this job will run.

container jobs.job.container.

Container resource name.

services string dictionary.

Container resources to run as a service container.

workspace workspace.

Workspace options on the agent. For more information about workspaces, including
clean options, see the workspace topic in Jobs.

uses jobs.job.uses.

Any resources required by this job that are not already referenced. For more information
about uses , see Limit job authorization scope to referenced Azure DevOps repositories.

steps steps.

A list of steps to run.

templateContext templateContext.

Job related information passed from a pipeline when extending a template. See remarks
for more information. For more information about templateContext , see Extended YAML
Pipelines templates can now be passed context information for stages, jobs, and
deployments and Templates - Use templateContext to pass properties to templates.

The default timeoutInMinutes is set to 60 minutes. For more information, see Timeouts.

Jobs can run conditionally and might depend on earlier jobs.

7 Note

If you have only one stage and one job, you can use single-job syntax as a shorter
way to describe the steps to run.

For more information about templateContext , see Extended YAML Pipelines templates
can now be passed context information for stages, jobs, and deployments and
Templates - Use templateContext to pass properties to templates.


- job: MyJob
displayName: My First Job
continueOnError: true
clean: outputs
- script: echo My first job

See also
For more information about uses , see Limit job authorization scope to referenced
Azure DevOps repositories.
For more information about workspaces, including clean options, see the
workspace topic in Jobs.
Learn more about variables, steps, pools, and server jobs.
jobs.job.container definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Container jobs allow you to run jobs on a container instead of the agent host.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, jobs.job, jobs.deployment

Implementation Description

container: string Specify job container by alias.

container: image Specify job container using image tag and options.

container: string
Specify job container by alias.


container: string # Specify job container by alias.

container string.

Specify job container by alias.

The alias can be the name of an image, or it can be a reference to a container resource.

The following example fetches the ubuntu image tagged 18.04 from Docker Hub and
then starts the container. When the printenv command runs, it happens inside the
ubuntu:18.04 container.


vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'
container: ubuntu:18.04

- script: printenv

container: image
Specify job container using image tag and options.


image: string # Required. Container image tag.
endpoint: string # ID of the service endpoint connecting to a private
container registry.
env: # Variables to map into the container's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
mapDockerSocket: boolean # Set this flag to false to force the agent not
to setup the /var/run/docker.sock volume on container jobs.
options: string # Options to pass into container host.
ports: [ string ] # Ports to expose on the container.
volumes: [ string ] # Volumes to mount on the container.
mountReadOnly: # Volumes to mount read-only, the default is all false.
work: boolean # Mount the work directory as readonly.
externals: boolean # Mount the externals directory as readonly.
tools: boolean # Mount the tools directory as readonly.
tasks: boolean # Mount the tasks directory as readonly.

image string. Required.

Container image tag.

endpoint string.
ID of the service endpoint connecting to a private container registry.

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the container's environment.

mapDockerSocket boolean.

Set this flag to false to force the agent not to setup the /var/run/docker.sock volume on
container jobs.

options string.

Options to pass into container host.

ports string list.

Ports to expose on the container.

volumes string list.

Volumes to mount on the container.

mountReadOnly mountReadOnly.

Volumes to mount read-only, the default is all false.

Use options to configure container startup.


image: ubuntu:18.04
options: --hostname container-test --ip

- script: echo hello

In the following example, the containers are defined in the resources section. Each
container is then referenced later, by referring to its assigned alias.


- container: u14
image: ubuntu:14.04

- container: u16
image: ubuntu:16.04

- container: u18
image: ubuntu:18.04

- job: RunInContainer
vmImage: 'ubuntu-18.04'

containerResource: u14
containerResource: u16
containerResource: u18

container: $[ variables['containerResource'] ]

- script: printenv

See also
Define container jobs
Define resources
jobs.job.strategy definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Execution strategy for this job.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, jobs.job

Implementation Description

strategy: matrix, maxParallel Matrix job strategy.

strategy: parallel Parallel job strategy.

strategy: matrix, maxParallel

Use of a matrix generates copies of a job, each with different input. These copies are
useful for testing against different configurations or platform versions.


matrix: # Matrix defining the job strategy; see the following examples.
{ string1: { string2: string3 }
maxParallel: string # Maximum number of jobs running in parallel.

matrix { string1: { string2: string3 }.

Matrix defining the job strategy; see the following examples.

maxParallel string.

Maximum number of jobs running in parallel.


matrix: { string1: { string2: string3 } }
maxParallel: number

For each occurrence of string1 in the matrix, a copy of the job is generated. The name
string1 is the copy's name and is appended to the name of the job. For each occurrence
of string2, a variable called string2 with the value string3 is available to the job.

7 Note

Matrix configuration names must contain only basic Latin alphabet letters (A-Z and
a-z), digits (0-9), and underscores ( _ ). They must start with a letter. Also, their
length must be 100 characters or fewer.

The optional maxParallel keyword specifies the maximum number of simultaneous

matrix legs to run at once.

If maxParallel is unspecified or set to 0, no limit is applied.

7 Note

The matrix syntax doesn't support automatic job scaling but you can implement
similar functionality using the each keyword. For an example, see expressions.


- job: Build
maxParallel: 2

This matrix creates three jobs: "Build Python35," "Build Python36," and "Build Python37."
Within each job, a variable named PYTHON_VERSION is available. In "Build Python35,"
the variable is set to "3.5". It's likewise set to "3.6" in "Build Python36." Only two jobs run
strategy: parallel
The parallel job strategy specifies how many duplicates of a job should run.


parallel: string # Run the job this many times.

parallel string.

Run the job this many times.

The parallel job strategy is useful for slicing up a large test matrix. The Visual Studio Test
task understands how to divide the test load across the number of scheduled jobs.


- job: SliceItFourWays
parallel: 4
jobs.job.uses definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Any resources required by this job that are not already referenced.


repositories: [ string ] # Repository references.
pools: [ string ] # Pool references.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.job, jobs.deployment

repositories string list.

Repository references.

pools string list.

Pool references.
jobs.template definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A set of jobs defined in a template.


- template: string # Required as first property. Reference to a template for
this deployment.
parameters: # Parameters used in a deployment template.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs

template string. Required as first property.

Reference to a template for this deployment.

parameters template parameters.

Parameters used in a deployment template.

You can define a set of jobs in one file and use it multiple times in other files. See
templates for more about working with job templates.

In the main pipeline:


- template: string # name of template to include

parameters: { string: any } # provided parameters

In the included template:

parameters: { string: any } # expected parameters
jobs: [ job ]

In this example, a single job is repeated on three platforms. The job itself is specified
only once.


# File: jobs/build.yml

name: ''
pool: ''
sign: false

- job: ${{ }}
pool: ${{ parameters.pool }}
- script: npm install
- script: npm test
- ${{ if eq(parameters.sign, 'true') }}:
- script: sign


# File: azure-pipelines.yml

- template: jobs/build.yml # Template reference
name: macOS
vmImage: macOS-latest

- template: jobs/build.yml # Template reference

name: Linux
vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- template: jobs/build.yml # Template reference

name: Windows
vmImage: windows-latest
sign: true # Extra step on Windows only
See also
See templates for more about working with job templates.
pipeline.parameters definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The parameters list specifies the runtime parameters passed to a pipeline.


parameters: [ parameter ] # Specifies the runtime parameters passed to a


Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline

List types
Type Description

parameters.parameter Pipeline template parameters.

See also
See templates for more about working with templates.
Article • 07/10/2023

A parameter represents a value passed to a pipeline.


- name: string # Required as first property.
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the parameter.
type: string
default: string | parameters | [ parameters ]
values: [ string ]

Definitions that reference this definition: parameters

name string. Required as first property.

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the parameter.

type string.

boolean | container | containerList | deployment | deploymentList | environment |

filePath | job | jobList | number | object | pool | secureFile | serviceConnection | stage |
stageList | step | stepList | string.

default parameters.

values string list.

The type and name fields are required when defining parameters. See all parameter data


- name: string # name of the parameter; required
type: enum # see the enum data types in the following section
default: any # default value; if no default, then the parameter
MUST be given by the user at runtime
values: [ string ] # allowed list of values (for some data types)

The type value must be one of the enum members from the following table.

Data type Notes

string string

number may be restricted to values: , otherwise any number-like string is accepted

boolean true or false

object any YAML structure

step a single step

stepList sequence of steps

job a single job

jobList sequence of jobs

deployment a single deployment job

deploymentList sequence of deployment jobs

stage a single stage

stageList sequence of stages

The step, stepList, job, jobList, deployment, deploymentList, stage, and stageList data
types all use standard YAML schema format. This example includes string, number,
boolean, object, step, and stepList.


- name: myString
type: string
default: a string
- name: myMultiString
type: string
default: default
- default
- ubuntu
- name: myNumber
type: number
default: 2
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 8
- 16
- name: myBoolean
type: boolean
default: true
- name: myObject
type: object
foo: FOO
bar: BAR
- one
- two
- three
one: apple
two: pear
count: 3
- name: myStep
type: step
script: echo my step
- name: mySteplist
type: stepList
- script: echo step one
- script: echo step two

trigger: none

- job: stepList
steps: ${{ parameters.mySteplist }}
- job: myStep
- ${{ parameters.myStep }}


# File: azure-pipelines.yml
- name: image
displayName: Pool Image
type: string
default: ubuntu-latest
- windows-latest
- ubuntu-latest
- macOS-latest

trigger: none

- job: build
displayName: build
vmImage: ${{ parameters.image }}
- script: echo The image parameter is ${{ parameters.image }}```

You can use parameters to extend a template. In this example, the pipeline using the
template supplies the values to fill into the template.


# File: simple-param.yml
- name: yesNo # name of the parameter; required
type: boolean # data type of the parameter; required
default: false

- script: echo ${{ parameters.yesNo }}


# File: azure-pipelines.yml
- main

template: simple-param.yml
yesNo: false # set to a non-boolean value to have the build fail

See also
See templates for more about working with templates.
pool definition
Article • 07/28/2023

The pool keyword specifies which pool to use for a job of the pipeline. A pool
specification also holds information about the job's strategy for running.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, stages.stage, jobs.job,

jobs.deployment, preDeployHook, deployHook, routeTrafficHook, postRouteTrafficHook,
onFailureHook, onSuccessHook

Implementation Description

pool: string Specify a private pool by name.

pool: name, demands, vmImage Full syntax for using demands and Microsoft-hosted pools.

You can specify a pool at the pipeline, stage, or job level.

The pool specified at the lowest level of the hierarchy is used to run the job.

pool: string
Specify a private pool by name to use for a job of the pipeline.


pool: string # Specify a private pool by name.

pool string.

Specify a private pool by name.

Use this syntax to specify a private pool by name.
7 Note

If your pool name has a space in it, enclose the pool name in single quotes, like
pool: 'My pool' .

To use a private pool with no demands:


pool: MyPool

pool: name, demands, vmImage

Full syntax for using demands and Microsoft-hosted pools.


name: string # Name of a pool.
demands: string | [ string ] # Demands (for a private pool).
vmImage: string # Name of the VM image you want to use; valid only in the
Microsoft-hosted pool.

name string.

Name of a pool.

demands pool.demands.

Demands (for a private pool).

vmImage string.

Name of the VM image you want to use; valid only in the Microsoft-hosted pool.

Specify a Microsoft-hosted pool using the vmImage property.
If your self-hosted agent pool name has a space in it, enclose the pool name in single
quotes, like name: 'My pool' .

To use a Microsoft-hosted pool, omit the name and specify one of the available hosted


vmImage: ubuntu-latest

You can specify demands for a private pool using the full syntax.

To add a single demand to your YAML build pipeline, add the demands: line to the pool


name: Default
demands: SpecialSoftware # exists check for SpecialSoftware

Or if you need to add multiple demands, add one per line.


name: MyPool
- myCustomCapability # exists check for myCustomCapability
- Agent.Version -equals 2.144.0 # equals check for Agent.Version 2.144.0

Checking for the existence of a capability (exists) and checking for a specific string in a
capability (equals) are the only two supported operations for demands.

Exists operation
The exists operation checks for the presence of a capability with the specific name. The
comparison is not case sensitive.

name: MyPool
demands: myCustomCapability # exists check for myCustomCapability

Equals operation
The equals operation checks for the existence of a capability, and if present, checks its
value with the specified value. If the capability is not present or the values don't match,
the operation evaluates to false. The comparisons are not case sensitive.


name: MyPool
demands: Agent.Version -equals 2.144.0 # equals check for Agent.Version

Agent variables as system capabilities

Self-hosted agents have the following system capabilities with similar names to agent
variables, but they are not variables and don't require variable syntax when checking for
exists or equals in a demand.

Agent.OSVerion (Windows agents only)

For more information, see Specify demands.

See also
Specify demands
Learn more about conditions and timeouts.
pool.demands definition
Article • 07/28/2023

Demands (for a private pool).

Definitions that reference this definition: pool

Implementation Description

demands: string Specify a demand for a private pool.

demands: string list Specify a list of demands for a private pool.

Checking for the existence of a capability (exists) and checking for a specific string in a
capability (equals) are the only two supported operations for demands.

Exists operation
The exists operation checks for the presence of a capability with the specific name. The
comparison is not case sensitive.


name: MyPool
demands: myCustomCapability # exists check for myCustomCapability

Equals operation
The equals operation checks for the existence of a capability, and if present, checks its
value with the specified value. If the capability is not present or the values don't match,
the operation evaluates to false. The comparisons are not case sensitive.


name: MyPool
demands: Agent.Version -equals 2.144.0 # equals check for Agent.Version

Agent variables as system capabilities

Self-hosted agents have the following system capabilities with similar names to agent
variables, but they are not variables and don't require variable syntax when checking for
exists or equals in a demand.

Agent.OSVerion (Windows agents only)

demands: string
Specify a demand for a private pool.


demands: string # Specify a demand for a private pool.

demands string.

Specify a demand for a private pool.

To add a single demand to your YAML build pipeline, add the demands: line to the pool


name: Default
demands: SpecialSoftware # exists check for SpecialSoftware

demands: string list

Specify a list of demands for a private pool.


demands: [ string ] # Specify a list of demands for a private pool.

List types

Type Description

string Specify a list of demands for a private pool.

To specify multiple demands, add one per line.


name: MyPool
- myCustomCapability # exists check for myCustomCapability
- Agent.Version -equals 2.144.0 # equals check for Agent.Version 2.144.0
pr definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A pull request trigger specifies which branches cause a pull request build to run.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline

Implementation Description

pr: none Disable pull request triggers.

pr: string list List of branches that trigger a run.

pr: autoCancel, branches, paths, drafts Full syntax for complete control.

If you specify no pull request trigger, pull requests to any branch trigger a build.

There are three distinct syntax options for the pr keyword: a list of branches to include,
a way to disable PR triggers, and the full syntax for complete control.

) Important

YAML PR triggers are supported only in GitHub and Bitbucket Cloud. If you use
Azure Repos Git, you can configure a branch policy for build validation to trigger
your build pipeline for validation.

If you specify an exclude clause without an include clause for branches or paths , it is
equivalent to specifying * in the include clause.

pr: none
Disable pull request triggers.


pr: none # Disable pull request triggers.

pr string. Allowed values: none.

Disable pull request triggers.

Disablement syntax:


pr: none # will disable PR builds (but not CI builds)

pr: string list

List of branches that trigger a run.


pr: [ string ] # List of branches that trigger a run.

List types

Type Description

string List of branches that trigger a run.

The list syntax specifies a list of branches which trigger a run when a pull request is
raised or a push is made to the source branch of a raised pull request.

List syntax:


- main
- develop
pr: autoCancel, branches, paths, drafts
Use the full syntax when you need full control of the pull request trigger.


autoCancel: boolean # Whether to cancel running PR builds when a new
commit lands in the branch. Default: true.
branches: # Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run.
include: [ string ] # List of items to include.
exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.
paths: # File paths to include or exclude for triggering a run.
include: [ string ] # List of items to include.
exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.
drafts: boolean # Whether to start a run when a draft PR is created.
Default: true.

autoCancel boolean.

Whether to cancel running PR builds when a new commit lands in the branch. Default:

branches includeExcludeFilters.

Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run.

paths includeExcludeFilters.

File paths to include or exclude for triggering a run.

drafts boolean.

Whether to start a run when a draft PR is created. Default: true.

Full syntax:


- features/*
- features/experimental/*

See also
Learn more about pull request triggers and how to specify them.
resources definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Resources specifies builds, repositories, pipelines, and other resources used by the


builds: [ build ] # List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.
containers: [ container ] # List of container images.
pipelines: [ pipeline ] # List of pipeline resources.
repositories: [ repository ] # List of repository resources.
webhooks: [ webhook ] # List of webhooks.
packages: [ package ] # List of package resources.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline

builds resources.builds.

List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.

containers resources.containers.

List of container images.

pipelines resources.pipelines.

List of pipeline resources.

repositories resources.repositories.

List of repository resources.

webhooks resources.webhooks.

List of webhooks.

packages resources.packages.

List of package resources.

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
resources.builds definition
Article • 07/10/2023

List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.


builds: [ build ] # List of build resources referenced by the pipeline.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources

List types
Type Description A build resource used to reference artifacts from a run.

See also
Add resources to a pipeline definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A build resource used to reference artifacts from a run.


- build: string # Required as first property. Alias or name of build
type: string # Required. Name of the artifact type.
connection: string # Required. Name of the connection. This connection
will be used for all the communication related to this artifact.
source: string # Required. Name of the source definition/build/job.
version: string
branch: string
trigger: none | true # When the artifact mentioned in this build resource
completes a build, it is allowed to trigger this pipeline.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.builds

build string. Required as first property.

Alias or name of build artifact. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

type string. Required.

Name of the artifact type.

connection string. Required.

Name of the connection. This connection will be used for all the communication related
to this artifact.

source string. Required.

Name of the source definition/build/job.

version string.

branch string.

trigger string.

When the artifact mentioned in this build resource completes a build, it is allowed to
trigger this pipeline. none | true.
If you have an external CI build system that produces artifacts, you can consume
artifacts with a build resource. A build resource can be any external CI systems like
Jenkins, TeamCity, CircleCI, and so on.

) Important

Triggers are only supported for hosted Jenkins where Azure DevOps has line of
sight with Jenkins server.


- build: Spaceworkz
type: Jenkins
connection: MyJenkinsServer
source: SpaceworkzProj # name of the jenkins source project
trigger: true

See also
Define resources in YAML
resources.containers definition
Article • 07/10/2023

List of container resources referenced by the pipeline.


containers: [ container ] # List of container images.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources

List types
Type Description

resources.containers.container A container resource used to reference a container image.

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
Article • 07/10/2023

A container resource references a container image.


- container: string # Required as first property. Alias of the container.
image: string # Required. Container image tag.
type: string # Type of the registry like ACR or GCR.
trigger: trigger | none | true # Specify none to disable, true to trigger
on all image tags, or use the full syntax as described in the following
endpoint: string # ID of the service endpoint connecting to a private
container registry.
env: # Variables to map into the container's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
mapDockerSocket: boolean # Set this flag to false to force the agent not
to setup the /var/run/docker.sock volume on container jobs.
options: string # Options to pass into container host.
ports: [ string ] # Ports to expose on the container.
volumes: [ string ] # Volumes to mount on the container.
mountReadOnly: # Volumes to mount read-only, the default is all false.
work: boolean # Mount the work directory as readonly.
externals: boolean # Mount the externals directory as readonly.
tools: boolean # Mount the tools directory as readonly.
tasks: boolean # Mount the tasks directory as readonly.
azureSubscription: string # Azure subscription (ARM service connection)
for container registry.
resourceGroup: string # Resource group for your ACR.
registry: string # Registry for container images.
repository: string # Name of the container image repository in ACR.
localImage: boolean # When true, uses a locally tagged image instead of
using docker pull to get the image. The default is false.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.containers

container string. Required as first property.

ID for the container. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

image string. Required.

Container image tag.

type string.

Type of the registry like ACR or GCR.

trigger resources.containers.container.trigger.

Specify none to disable, true to trigger on all image tags, or use the full syntax as
described in the following examples.

endpoint string.

ID of the service endpoint connecting to a private container registry.

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the container's environment.

mapDockerSocket boolean.

Set this flag to false to force the agent not to setup the /var/run/docker.sock volume on
container jobs.

options string.

Options to pass into container host.

ports string list.

Ports to expose on the container.

volumes string list.

Volumes to mount on the container.

mountReadOnly mountReadOnly.

Volumes to mount read-only, the default is all false.

azureSubscription string.
Azure subscription (ARM service connection) for container registry.

resourceGroup string.

Resource group for your ACR.

registry string.

Registry for container images.

repository string.

Name of the container image repository in ACR.

localImage boolean.

When true, uses a locally tagged image instead of using docker pull to get the image.
The default is false.
This property is useful only for self-hosted agents where the image is already present on
the agent machine.

Container jobs let you isolate your tools and dependencies inside a container.

The agent launches an instance of your specified container then runs steps inside it. The
container keyword lets you specify your container images.

Service containers run alongside a job to provide various dependencies like databases.

Template expressions are supported for endpoint , volumes , ports , and options
properties of a container resource in a YAML pipeline.


- container: linux
image: ubuntu:16.04
- container: windows
endpoint: my_acr_connection
- container: my_service
image: my_service:tag
- 8080:80 # bind container port 80 to 8080 on the host machine
- 6379 # bind container port 6379 to a random available port on the host
- /src/dir:/dst/dir # mount /src/dir on the host into /dst/dir in the

See also
Define resources in YAML
Article • 07/10/2023

Specifies the trigger conditions for a container resource.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.containers.container

Implementation Description

trigger: enabled, tags Specify a list of tags to trigger on.

trigger: none | true Specify none to disable or true to trigger on all image tags.

Specify none to disable, true to trigger on all image tags, or use the full syntax as
described in the following examples.

trigger: enabled, tags

Configure which tags trigger a run.


enabled: boolean # Whether the trigger is enabled; defaults to true.
tags: includeExcludeStringFilters | [ string ] # Tag names to include or
exclude for triggering a run.

enabled boolean.

Whether the trigger is enabled; defaults to true.

tags includeExcludeStringFilters.

Tag names to include or exclude for triggering a run.

In the following example, the trigger is enabled for tags matching production* .


- container: petStore
type: ACR
azureSubscription: ContosoARMConnection
resourceGroup: ContosoGroup
registry: petStoreRegistry
repository: myPets
- production*

trigger: none | true

Specify none to disable or true to trigger on all image tags.


trigger: none | true # Specify none to disable or true to trigger on all

image tags.

trigger string. Allowed values: none | true.

Specify none to disable or true to trigger on all image tags.

Specify none to disable the trigger, or true to enable. If not specified, the default is
none . To configure triggers based on specific tags, see the following section.


- container: petStore
type: ACR
azureSubscription: ContosoARMConnection
resourceGroup: ContosoGroup
registry: petStoreRegistry
repository: myPets
tags: none # Triggers disabled


- container: petStore
type: ACR
azureSubscription: ContosoARMConnection
resourceGroup: ContosoGroup
registry: petStoreRegistry
repository: myPets
tags: true # Triggers enabled for all tags

See also
Define a container resource
resources.packages definition
Article • 07/10/2023

List of package resources referenced by the pipeline.


packages: [ package ] # List of package resources.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources

List types
Type Description

resources.packages.package A package resource used to reference a NuGet or npm GitHub


See also
Add resources to a pipeline
resources.packages.package definition
Article • 07/10/2023

You can consume NuGet and npm GitHub packages as a resource in YAML pipelines.
When specifying package resources, set the package as NuGet or npm .


- package: string # Required as first property. Alias of package artifact.
type: string # Required. Type of the package. Ex - NuGet, NPM etc.
connection: string # Required. Name of the connection. This connection
will be used for all the communication related to this artifact.
name: string # Required. Name of the package.
version: string
tag: string
trigger: none | true # Trigger a new pipeline run when a new version of
this package is available.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.packages

package string. Required as first property.
Alias of package artifact. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

type string. Required.

Type of the package. Ex - NuGet, NPM etc.

connection string. Required.

Name of the connection. This connection will be used for all the communication related
to this artifact.

name string. Required.

Name of the package.

version string.

tag string.

trigger string.

Trigger a new pipeline run when a new version of this package is available. none | true.
In this example, there is an GitHub service connection named pat-contoso to a GitHub
npm package named contoso . Learn more about GitHub packages .


- package: contoso
type: npm
connection: pat-contoso
name: yourname/contoso
version: 7.130.88
trigger: true

vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- getPackage: contoso

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
resources.pipelines definition
Article • 07/10/2023

List of pipeline resources referenced by the pipeline.


pipelines: [ pipeline ] # List of pipeline resources.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources

List types
Type Description

resources.pipelines.pipeline A pipeline resource.

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
resources.pipelines.pipeline definition
Article • 07/10/2023

If you have an Azure Pipeline that produces artifacts, your pipeline can consume the
artifacts by defining a pipeline resource. In Azure DevOps Server 2020 and higher, you
can also enable pipeline completion triggers using a pipeline resource.


- pipeline: string # Required as first property. ID of the pipeline
project: string # Project for the source; defaults to current project.
source: string # Name of the pipeline that produces the artifact.
version: string # The pipeline run number to pick the artifact, defaults
to latest pipeline successful across all stages; used only for manual or
scheduled triggers.
branch: string # Branch to pick the artifact. Optional; defaults to all
branches, used only for manual or scheduled triggers.
tags: [ string ] # List of tags required on the pipeline to pickup default
artifacts. Optional; used only for manual or scheduled triggers.
trigger: # Specify none to disable, true to include all branches, or use
the full syntax as described in the following examples.
enabled: boolean # Whether the trigger is enabled; defaults to true.
branches: branches # Branches to include or exclude for triggering a
stages: [ string ] # List of stages that when matched will trigger the
tags: [ string ] # List of tags that when matched will trigger the

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.pipelines

pipeline string. Required as first property.

ID of the pipeline resource. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

project string.

Project for the source; defaults to current project.

source string.

Name of the pipeline that produces the artifact.

version string.

The pipeline run number to pick the artifact, defaults to latest pipeline successful across
all stages; used only for manual or scheduled triggers.

branch string.

Branch to pick the artifact. Optional; defaults to all branches, used only for manual or
scheduled triggers.

tags string list.

List of tags required on the pipeline to pickup default artifacts. Optional; used only for
manual or scheduled triggers.

trigger resources.pipelines.pipeline.trigger.

Specify none to disable, true to include all branches, or use the full syntax as described
in the following examples.


7 Note

pipeline: specifies the name of the pipeline resource. Use the label defined here

when referring to the pipeline resource from other parts of the pipeline, such as
when using pipeline resource variables or downloading artifacts.

For more information about stages and tags in the pipeline resource trigger, see
pipeline-completion triggers.

Pipeline resource trigger syntax

7 Note

Pipeline completion triggers use the Default branch for manual and scheduled
builds setting to determine which branch's version of a YAML pipeline's branch
filters to evaluate when determining whether to run a pipeline as the result of
another pipeline completing. By default this setting points to the default branch of
the repository. For more information, see Pipeline completion triggers - branch

There are several ways to define triggers in a pipeline resource. To trigger a run when
any run of the referenced pipeline completes, use trigger: true .

- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
trigger: true

To disable the pipeline resource trigger, specify a value of none .


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
trigger: none

To configure branch filters, use the full syntax. Branch filters can be specified as a list of
branches to include, or as a list of branches to include combined with a list of branches
to exclude.

To specify a list of branches to include and exclude, use the following trigger syntax.


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
- main
- develop
- features/*
- features/experimental/*

To specify a list of branches to include, with no excludes, omit the exclude value, or use
the following syntax to specify the list of branches to include directly following
branches .


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
- main
- develop

To filter by stages or tags, use the following trigger syntax.


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
branches: # Branches to include
tags: # List of tags that when matched will trigger the pipeline.
- release25
stages: # List of stages that when complete will trigger the pipeline.
- build

For more information, see Pipeline completion triggers.

) Important

When you define a resource trigger, if its pipeline resource is from the same repo
as the current pipeline, triggering follows the same branch and commit on which
the event is raised. But if the pipeline resource is from a different repo, the current
pipeline is triggered on the branch specified by the Default branch for manual and
scheduled builds setting. For more information, see Branch considerations for
pipeline completion triggers.

Pipeline resource metadata as predefined variables

In each run, the metadata for a pipeline resource is available to all jobs as the following
predefined variables. These variables are available to your pipeline at runtime, and
therefore can't be used in template expressions, which are evaluated at pipeline compile



) Important

projectName is not present in the variables if the pipeline resource does not have a

project value specified. The project property is optional for pipeline resources

that reference a pipeline in the same project, but may be specified if desired.

Replace <Alias> with the ID of the pipeline resource. For the following pipeline
resource, the variable to access runID is resources.pipeline.source-pipeline.runID .


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline

When a pipeline is triggered by one of its pipeline resources, the following variables are
set in addition to the variables in the previous list.

Variable Value

Build.Reason ResourceTrigger

Resources.TriggeringAlias The name of the pipeline resource, such as source-pipeline from

the previous example.

Resource.TriggeringCategory pipeline

The following example has two pipeline resources.


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: PipelineTriggerSource
project: FabrikamFiber
trigger: true
- pipeline: other-project-pipeline
source: PipelineTriggerFromOtherProject
project: FabrikamRepo
trigger: true

trigger: none # Only trigger with pipeline resource trigger

vmImage: ubuntu-latest

- bash: echo $(resources.pipeline.source-pipeline.projectName)

- bash: printenv | sort

Whe this pipeline is run, the first bash task outputs the projectName of the the pipeline
resource named source-pipeline , which is FabrikamFiber .

The second bash task outputs all of the environment variables available to the task,
including the pipeline resource variables described in this section. Listing environment
variables isn't typically done in a production pipeline, but it can be useful for
troubleshooting. In this example there are two pipeline resources, and the output
contains the following two lines.


7 Note

System and user-defined variables get injected as environment variables for your
platform. When variables convert into environment variables, variable names
become uppercase, and periods turn into underscores. For example, the variable
name any.variable becomes ANY_VARIABLE .

For more information about using variables and variable syntax, see Understand
variable syntax, Specify conditions, and Expressions.

You can consume artifacts from a pipeline resource by using a download task. See the keyword.

- pipeline: MyAppA
source: MyCIPipelineA
- pipeline: MyAppB
source: MyCIPipelineB
trigger: true
- pipeline: MyAppC
project: DevOpsProject
source: MyCIPipelineC
branch: releases/M159
version: 20190718.2
- main
- releases/*
- users/*

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
Article • 07/10/2023

Specify none to disable, true to include all branches, or use the full syntax as described
in the following examples.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.pipelines.pipeline

Implementation Description

trigger: enabled, branches, stages, Configure pipeline resource triggers using the full
tags syntax.

trigger: none | true Specify none to disable or true to include all branches.

There are several ways to define triggers in a pipeline resource. To trigger a run when
any run of the referenced pipeline completes, use trigger: true .


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
trigger: true

To disable the pipeline resource trigger, specify a value of none .


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
trigger: none
To configure branch filters, use the full syntax. Branch filters can be specified as a list of
branches to include, or as a list of branches to include combined with a list of branches
to exclude.

To specify a list of branches to include and exclude, use the following trigger syntax.


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
- main
- develop
- features/*
- features/experimental/*

To specify a list of branches to include, with no excludes, omit the exclude value, or use
the following syntax to specify the list of branches to include directly following
branches .


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
- main
- develop

To filter by stages or tags, use the following trigger syntax.


- pipeline: source-pipeline
source: TriggeringPipeline
branches: # Branches to include
tags: # List of tags that when matched will trigger the pipeline.
- release25
stages: # List of stages that when complete will trigger the pipeline.
- build

For more information, see Pipeline completion triggers.

) Important

When you define a resource trigger, if its pipeline resource is from the same repo
as the current pipeline, triggering follows the same branch and commit on which
the event is raised. But if the pipeline resource is from a different repo, the current
pipeline is triggered on the branch specified by the Default branch for manual and
scheduled builds setting. For more information, see Branch considerations for
pipeline completion triggers.

trigger: enabled, branches, stages, tags

Configure pipeline resource triggers using the full syntax.


enabled: boolean # Whether the trigger is enabled; defaults to true.
branches: branches # Branches to include or exclude for triggering a run.
stages: [ string ] # List of stages that when matched will trigger the
tags: [ string ] # List of tags that when matched will trigger the

enabled boolean.

Whether the trigger is enabled; defaults to true.

branches resources.pipelines.pipeline.trigger.branches.

Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run.

stages string list.

List of stages that when matched will trigger the pipeline.

tags string list.

List of tags that when matched will trigger the pipeline.

trigger: none | true
Specify none to disable or true to include all branches.


trigger: none | true # Specify none to disable or true to include all


trigger string. Allowed values: none | true.

Specify none to disable or true to include all branches.

ches definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Branches to include or exclude for triggering a run using a pipeline resource.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.pipelines.pipeline.trigger

Implementation Description

branches: include, exclude Lists of branches to include and exclude.

branches: string list List of branches to include.

branches: include, exclude

Lists of branches to include and exclude.


include: [ string ]
exclude: [ string ]

include string list.

exclude string list.

branches: string list

List of branches to include.


branches: [ string ] # List of branches to include.

List types

Type Description

string List of branches to include.

resources.repositories definition
Article • 07/10/2023

List of repository resources referenced by the pipeline.


repositories: [ repository ] # List of repository resources.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources

List types
Type Description

resources.repositories.repository A repository resource is used to reference an additional

repository in your pipeline.

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
Article • 07/28/2023

The repository keyword lets you specify an external repository. Use a repository
resource to reference an additional repository in your pipeline.


- repository: string # Required as first property. Alias for the repository.
endpoint: string # ID of the service endpoint connecting to this
trigger: none | trigger | [ string ] # CI trigger for this repository, no
CI trigger if skipped (only works for Azure Repos).
name: string # repository name (format depends on 'type'; does not accept
ref: string # ref name to checkout; defaults to 'refs/heads/main'. The
branch checked out by default whenever the resource trigger fires.
type: string # Type of repository: git, github, githubenterprise, and

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.repositories

repository string. Required as first property.

Alias for the specified repository. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

endpoint string.

ID of the service endpoint connecting to this repository.

trigger trigger.

CI trigger for this repository, no CI trigger if skipped (only works for Azure Repos).

name string.

Repository name. Format depends on 'type'; does not accept variables.

ref string.

ref name to checkout; defaults to 'refs/heads/main'. The branch checked out by default
whenever the resource trigger fires. Template expressions are supported.
type string.

Type of repository: git, github, githubenterprise, and bitbucket.

Template expressions are supported for the ref property (but not the name property).
Wildcards are supported in triggers.

) Important

Repository resource triggers are supported for Azure Repos Git repositories only.
For more information on trigger syntax, including wildcard support for branches
and tags, see trigger definition and Build Azure Repos Git or TFS Git repositories.

) Important

batch is not supported in repository resource triggers.

If your pipeline has templates in another repository, or if you want to use multi-repo
checkout with a repository that requires a service connection, you must let the system
know about that repository.

Pipelines support the following values for the repository type: git , github , and
bitbucket . The git type refers to Azure Repos Git repos.

If you specify type: git , the name value refers to the name of an Azure Repos Git
If your pipeline is in the same Azure DevOps project as the repository, for
example a repository named tools , you reference it using name: tools .
If your pipeline is in the same Azure DevOps organization as the repository, but
in a different Azure DevOps project, for example a project named ToolsProject ,
you must qualify the repository name with the project name: name:
ToolsProject/tools .

If you specify type: github , the name value is the full name of the GitHub repo and
includes the user or organization. An example is name: Microsoft/vscode . GitHub
repos require a GitHub service connection for authorization.
If you specify type: bitbucket , the name value is the full name of the Bitbucket
Cloud repo and includes the user or organization. An example is name:
MyBitbucket/vscode . Bitbucket Cloud repos require a Bitbucket Cloud service

connection for authorization.

For more information about these types, see Check out multiple repositories in your
pipeline - Repository resource definition.

In each run, the metadata for a repository resource is available to all jobs in the form of
runtime variables. The <Alias> is the identifier that you gave for your repository



The following example has a repository resource with an alias of common , and the
repository resource variables are accessed using resources.repositories.common.* .


- repository: common
type: git
ref: main
name: Repo

ref: $[ resources.repositories.common.ref ]
name: $[ ]
id: $[ ]
type: $[ resources.repositories.common.type ]
url: $[ resources.repositories.common.url ]

- bash: |
echo "name = $(name)"
echo "ref = $(ref)"
echo "id = $(id)"
echo "type = $(type)"
echo "url = $(url)"


- repository: common
type: github
name: Contoso/CommonTools
endpoint: MyContosoServiceConnection

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
resources.webhooks definition
Article • 07/10/2023

List of webhook resources referenced by the pipeline.


webhooks: [ webhook ] # List of webhooks.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources

List types
Type Description

resources.webhooks.webhook A webhook resource enables you to integrate your pipeline with

an external service to automate the workflow.

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
resources.webhooks.webhook definition
Article • 07/28/2023

A webhook resource enables you to integrate your pipeline with an external service to
automate the workflow.


- webhook: string # Required as first property. Name of the webhook.
connection: string # Required. Name of the connection. In case of offline
webhook this will be the type of Incoming Webhook otherwise it will be the
type of the webhook extension.
type: string # Name of the webhook extension. Leave this empty if it is an
offline webhook.
filters: [ filter ] # List of trigger filters.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.webhooks

webhook string. Required as first property.
Name of the webhook. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

connection string. Required.

Name of the connection. In case of offline webhook this will be the type of Incoming
Webhook otherwise it will be the type of the webhook extension.

type string.
Name of the webhook extension. Leave this empty if it is an offline webhook.

filters resources.webhooks.webhook.filters.

List of trigger filters.

You can define your pipeline as follows.


- webhook: WebHook
connection: IncomingWH

- script: echo ${{ parameters.WebHook.resource.message.title }}

To trigger your pipeline using the webhook, you need to make a POST request to<org_name>/_apis/public/distributedtask/webhooks/<webhook_con

nection_name>?api-version=6.0-preview . This endpoint is publicly available, and no

authorization is needed. The request should have the following body.


"resource": {
"message": {
"title": "Hello, world!",
"subtitle": "I'm using WebHooks!"

When you access data from the webhook's request body, be mindful that it may lead to
incorrect YAML. For example, if in the previous pipeline, your step reads - script: echo
${{ parameters.WebHook.resource.message }} , and you trigger the pipeline via a

webhook, the pipeline doesn't run. This is because in the process of replacing ${{
parameters.WebHook.resource.message.title }} with message , which contains the

following JSON, the generated YAML becomes invalid.


"title": "Hello, world!",
"subtitle": "I'm using WebHooks!"

Because the generated YAML becomes invalid, no pipeline run is queued in response.

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
Article • 07/10/2023

List of trigger filters.


filters: [ filter ] # List of trigger filters.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.webhooks.webhook

List types
Type Description

resources.webhooks.webhook.filters.filter Webhook resource trigger filter.

er definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Filters used to customize the triggers for a webhook event.


- path: string # Required as first property. json path to select data from
event payload.
value: string # Required. Expected value for the filter to match.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.webhooks.webhook.filters

path string. Required as first property.

json path to select data from event payload.

value string. Required.

Expected value for the filter to match.

For subscribing to a webhook event, you need to define a webhook resource in your
pipeline and point it to the Incoming webhook service connection. You can also define
additional filters on the webhook resource based on the JSON payload data to further
customize the triggers for each pipeline, and you can consume the payload data in the
form of variables in your jobs.


- webhook: MyWebhookTrigger ### Webhook alias
connection: MyWebhookConnection ### Incoming webhook service
- path: repositoryName ### JSON path in the payload
value: maven-releases ### Expected value in the path provided
- path: action
value: CREATED
- task: PowerShell@2
targetType: 'inline'
### JSON payload data is available in the form of ${{ parameters.
script: |
Write-Host ${{ parameters.MyWebhookTrigger.repositoryName}}
Write-Host ${{}}

See also
Add resources to a pipeline
schedules definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The schedules list specifies the scheduled triggers for the pipeline.


schedules: [ cron ] # The schedules list specifies the scheduled triggers

for the pipeline.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline

List types
Type Description

schedules.cron A scheduled trigger specifies a schedule on which branches are built.

If you specify no scheduled trigger, no scheduled builds occur.

) Important

Scheduled triggers defined using the pipeline settings UI take precedence over
YAML scheduled triggers.

If your YAML pipeline has both YAML scheduled triggers and UI defined scheduled
triggers, only the UI defined scheduled triggers are run. To run the YAML defined
scheduled triggers in your YAML pipeline, you must remove the scheduled triggers
defined in the pipeline settings UI. Once all UI scheduled triggers are removed, a
push must be made in order for the YAML scheduled triggers to start being

To delete UI scheduled triggers from a YAML pipeline, see UI settings override

YAML scheduled triggers.

See also
Learn more about scheduled triggers.
Learn more about triggers in general and how to specify them.
schedules.cron definition
Article • 07/24/2023

A scheduled trigger specifies a schedule on which branches are built.


- cron: string # Required as first property. Cron syntax defining a schedule
in UTC time.
displayName: string # Optional friendly name given to a specific schedule.
branches: # Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run.
include: [ string ] # List of items to include.
exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.
batch: boolean # Whether to run the pipeline if the previously scheduled
run is in-progress; the default is false.
always: boolean # Whether to always run the pipeline or only if there have
been source code changes since the last successful scheduled run; the
default is false.

Definitions that reference this definition: schedules

cron string. Required as first property.

Cron syntax defining a schedule in UTC time.

displayName string.

Optional friendly name given to a specific schedule.

branches includeExcludeFilters.

Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run.

batch boolean.

Whether to run the pipeline if the previously scheduled run is in-progress; the default is
false . This is regardless of the version of the pipeline repository.

The following table describes how always and batch interact.

Always Batch Behavior

false false Pipeline runs only if there's a change with respect to the last successful
scheduled pipeline run.
Always Batch Behavior

false true Pipeline runs only if there's a change with respect to the last successful
scheduled pipeline run, and there's no in-progress scheduled pipeline run.

true false Pipeline runs according to the cron schedule.

true true Pipeline runs according to the cron schedule.

) Important

When always is true , the pipeline runs according to the cron schedule, even when
batch is true .

always boolean.

Whether to always run the pipeline or only if there have been source code changes
since the last successful scheduled run; the default is false.

If you specify no scheduled trigger, no scheduled builds occur.

7 Note

If you specify an exclude clause without an include clause for branches , it is

equivalent to specifying * in the include clause.

) Important

Scheduled triggers defined using the pipeline settings UI take precedence over
YAML scheduled triggers.

If your YAML pipeline has both YAML scheduled triggers and UI defined scheduled
triggers, only the UI defined scheduled triggers are run. To run the YAML defined
scheduled triggers in your YAML pipeline, you must remove the scheduled triggers
defined in the pipeline settings UI. Once all UI scheduled triggers are removed, a
push must be made in order for the YAML scheduled triggers to start being
To delete UI scheduled triggers from a YAML pipeline, see UI settings override
YAML scheduled triggers.

Build.CronSchedule.DisplayName variable
When a pipeline is running due to a cron scheduled trigger, the pre-defined
Build.CronSchedule.DisplayName variable contains the displayName of the cron schedule

that triggered the pipeline run.

Your YAML pipeline may contain multiple cron schedules, and you may want your
pipeline to run different stages or jobs based on which cron schedule runs. For example,
you have a nightly build and a weekly build, and you want to run a certain stage only
during the nightly build. You can use the Build.CronSchedule.DisplayName variable in a
job or stage condition to determine whether to run that job or stage.


- stage: stage1
# Run this stage only when the pipeline is triggered by the
# "Daily midnight build" cron schedule
condition: eq(variables['Build.CronSchedule.DisplayName'], 'Daily midnight

For more examples, see the following Examples section.

The following example defines two schedules.

The first schedule, Daily midnight build, runs a pipeline at midnight every day only if
the code has changed since the last successful scheduled run. It runs the pipeline for
main and all releases/* branches, except for those branches under releases/ancient/* .

The second schedule, Weekly Sunday build, runs a pipeline at noon on Sundays for all
releases/* branches. It does so regardless of whether the code has changed since the

last run.


- cron: '0 0 * * *'
displayName: Daily midnight build
- main
- releases/*
- releases/ancient/*
- cron: '0 12 * * 0'
displayName: Weekly Sunday build
- releases/*
always: true

To conditionally run a stage or job based on whether it was scheduled by a scheduled

trigger, use the Build.CronSchedule.DisplayName variable in a condition. In this example,
stage1 only runs if the pipeline was triggered by the Daily midnight build schedule,

and job3 only runs if the pipeline was triggered by the Weekly Sunday build schedule.


- stage: stage1
# Run this stage only when the pipeline is triggered by the
# "Daily midnight build" cron schedule
condition: eq(variables['Build.CronSchedule.DisplayName'], 'Daily midnight
- job: job1
- script: echo Hello from Stage 1 Job 1

- stage: stage2
dependsOn: [] # Indicate this stage does not depend on the previous stage
- job: job2
- script: echo Hello from Stage 2 Job 2
- job: job3
# Run this job only when the pipeline is triggered by the
# "Weekly Sunday build" cron schedule
condition: eq(variables['Build.CronSchedule.DisplayName'], 'Weekly
Sunday build')
- script: echo Hello from Stage 2 Job 3

See also
Learn more about scheduled triggers.
Learn more about triggers in general and how to specify them.
stages definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Stages are a collection of related jobs.


stages: [ stage | template ] # Stages are a collection of related jobs.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline

List types
Type Description

stages.stage A stage is a collection of related jobs.

stages.template You can define a set of stages in one file and use it multiple times in other files.

By default, stages run sequentially. Each stage starts only after the preceding stage is
complete unless otherwise specified via the dependsOn property.

Use approval checks to manually control when a stage should run. These checks are
commonly used to control deployments to production environments.

Checks are a mechanism available to the resource owner. They control when a stage in a
pipeline consumes a resource. As an owner of a resource like an environment, you can
define checks that are required before a stage that consumes the resource can start.

Currently, manual approval checks are supported on environments. For more

information, see Approvals.

This example runs three stages, one after another. The middle stage runs two jobs in

- stage: Build
- job: BuildJob
- script: echo Building!
- stage: Test
- job: TestOnWindows
- script: echo Testing on Windows!
- job: TestOnLinux
- script: echo Testing on Linux!
- stage: Deploy
- job: Deploy
- script: echo Deploying the code!

This example runs two stages in parallel. For brevity, the jobs and steps are omitted.


- stage: BuildWin
displayName: Build for Windows
- stage: BuildMac
displayName: Build for Mac
dependsOn: [] # by specifying an empty array, this stage doesn't depend on
the stage before it

See also
Learn more about stages, conditions, and variables.
stages.stage definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Stages are a collection of related jobs. By default, stages run sequentially. Each stage
starts only after the preceding stage is complete unless otherwise specified via the
dependsOn property.


- stage: string # Required as first property. ID of the stage.
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the stage.
pool: string | pool # Pool where jobs in this stage will run unless
otherwise specified.
dependsOn: string | [ string ] # Any stages which must complete before
this one.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this stage.
variables: variables | [ variable ] # Stage-specific variables.
jobs: [ job | deployment | template ] # Jobs which make up the stage.
lockBehavior: string # Behavior lock requests from this stage should
exhibit in relation to other exclusive lock requests.
templateContext: # Stage related information passed from a pipeline when
extending a template.

Definitions that reference this definition: stages

stage string. Required as first property.

ID of the stage.

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the stage.

pool pool.

Pool where jobs in this stage will run unless otherwise specified.

dependsOn string | string list.

Any stages which must complete before this one. By default stages are run sequentially
in the order defined in the pipeline. Specify dependsOn: [] for a stage if it shouldn't
depend on the previous stage in the pipeline.
condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this stage.

variables variables.

Stage-specific variables.

jobs jobs.

Jobs which make up the stage.

lockBehavior string.

Behavior lock requests from this stage should exhibit in relation to other exclusive lock
requests. sequential | runLatest.

templateContext templateContext.

Stage related information passed from a pipeline when extending a template. For more
information about templateContext , see Extended YAML Pipelines templates can now be
passed context information for stages, jobs, and deployments and Templates - Use
templateContext to pass properties to templates.

For more information about templateContext , see Extended YAML Pipelines templates
can now be passed context information for stages, jobs, and deployments and
Templates - Use templateContext to pass properties to templates.

Use approval checks to manually control when a stage should run. These checks are
commonly used to control deployments to production environments.

Checks are a mechanism available to the resource owner. They control when a stage in a
pipeline consumes a resource. As an owner of a resource like an environment, you can
define checks that are required before a stage that consumes the resource can start.

Currently, manual approval checks are supported on environments. For more

information, see Approvals.

Exclusive lock
In YAML pipelines, checks are used to control the execution of stages on protected
resources. One of the common checks that you can use is an exclusive lock check. This
check lets only a single run from the pipeline proceed. When multiple runs attempt to
deploy to an environment at the same time, the check cancels all the old runs and
permits the latest run to be deployed.
You can configure the behavior of the exclusive lock check using the lockBehavior
property, which has two values:

runLatest - Only the latest run acquires the lock to the resource. This is the default

value if no lockBehavior is specified.

sequential - All runs acquire the lock sequentially to the protected resource.

Canceling old runs is a good approach when your releases are cumulative and contain
all the code changes from previous runs. However, there are some pipelines in which
code changes are not cumulative. By configuring the lockBehavior property, you can
choose to allow all runs to proceed and deploy sequentially to an environment, or
preserve the previous behavior of canceling old runs and allowing just the latest. A value
of sequential implies that all runs acquire the lock sequentially to the protected
resource. A value of runLatest implies that only the latest run acquires the lock to the

To use exclusive lock check with sequential deployments or runLatest , follow these

1. Enable the exclusive lock check on the environment (or another protected
2. In the YAML file for the pipeline, specify a new property called lockBehavior . This
can be specified for the whole pipeline or for a given stage:

Set on a stage:


- stage: A
lockBehavior: sequential
- job: Job
- script: Hey!

Set on the pipeline:


lockBehavior: runLatest
- stage: A
- job: Job
- script: Hey!

This example runs three stages, one after another. The middle stage runs two jobs in


- stage: Build
- job: BuildJob
- script: echo Building!
- stage: Test
- job: TestOnWindows
- script: echo Testing on Windows!
- job: TestOnLinux
- script: echo Testing on Linux!
- stage: Deploy
- job: Deploy
- script: echo Deploying the code!

This example runs two stages in parallel. For brevity, the jobs and steps are omitted.


- stage: BuildWin
displayName: Build for Windows
- stage: BuildMac
displayName: Build for Mac
dependsOn: [] # by specifying an empty array, this stage doesn't depend on
the stage before it

See also
Learn more about stages, conditions, and variables.
stages.template definition
Article • 07/10/2023

You can define a set of stages in one file and use it multiple times in other files.


- template: string # Required as first property. Reference to a template for
this stage.
parameters: # Parameters used in a stage template.

Definitions that reference this definition: stages

template string. Required as first property.

Reference to a template for this stage.

parameters template parameters.

Parameters used in a stage template.

Reference the stage template in the main pipeline.


- template: string # name of template to include

parameters: { string: any } # provided parameters

Define the stages in the template.


parameters: { string: any } # expected parameters

stages: [ stage ]

In this example, a stage is repeated twice for two different testing regimes. The stage
itself is specified only once.


# File: stages/test.yml

name: ''
testFile: ''

- stage: Test_${{ }}
- job: ${{ }}_Windows
vmImage: windows-latest
- script: npm install
- script: npm test -- --file=${{ parameters.testFile }}
- job: ${{ }}_Mac
vmImage: macos-latest
- script: npm install
- script: npm test -- --file=${{ parameters.testFile }}


# File: azure-pipelines.yml

- template: stages/test.yml # Template reference
name: Mini
testFile: tests/miniSuite.js

- template: stages/test.yml # Template reference

name: Full
testFile: tests/fullSuite.js

See also
Template types & usage
Security through templates
steps definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Steps are a linear sequence of operations that make up a job.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |

downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # Steps are a
linear sequence of operations that make up a job.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, jobs.job, preDeployHook,

deployHook, routeTrafficHook, postRouteTrafficHook, onFailureHook, onSuccessHook

List types
Type Description

steps.task Runs a task.

steps.script Runs a script using cmd.exe on Windows and Bash on other platforms.

steps.powershell Runs a script using either Windows PowerShell (on Windows) or pwsh
(Linux and macOS).

steps.pwsh Runs a script in PowerShell Core on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

steps.bash Runs a script in Bash on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

steps.checkout Configure how the pipeline checks out source code. Downloads artifacts associated with the current run or from another Azure
Pipeline that is associated as a pipeline resource.

steps.downloadBuild Downloads build artifacts.

steps.getPackage Downloads a package from a package management feed in Azure Artifacts

or Azure DevOps Server.

steps.publish Publishes (uploads) a file or folder as a pipeline artifact that other jobs and
pipelines can consume.

steps.template Define a set of steps in one file and use it multiple times in another file.

steps.reviewApp Downloads creates a resource dynamically under a deploy phase provider.

Each step runs in its own process on an agent and has access to the pipeline workspace
on a local hard drive. This behavior means environment variables aren't preserved
between steps but file system changes are.

All tasks and steps support a set of common properties, such as enabled and env ,in
addition to their task or step specific properties. For more information on configuring
these properties, see Task control options and Task environment variables.


- script: echo This runs in the default shell on any machine
- bash: |
echo This multiline script always runs in Bash.
echo Even on Windows machines!
- pwsh: |
Write-Host "This multiline script always runs in PowerShell Core."
Write-Host "Even on non-Windows machines!"

See also
Specify jobs in your pipeline
Task types and usage
steps.bash definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The bash step runs a script in Bash on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


- bash: string # Required as first property. An inline script.
failOnStderr: string # Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?
workingDirectory: string # Start the script with this working directory.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

bash string. Required as first property.

An inline script.

failOnStderr string.

Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?

workingDirectory string.

Start the script with this working directory.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The bash keyword is a shortcut for the shell script task. The task runs a script in Bash on
Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Learn more about conditions, timeouts, and step targets.


- bash: |
which bash
echo Hello $name
displayName: Multiline Bash script
name: Microsoft

If you don't specify a command mode, you can shorten the target structure to:


- bash:
target: string # container name or the word 'host'

See also
shell script task
Learn more about conditions, timeouts, and step targets
steps.checkout definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Use checkout to configure how the pipeline checks out source code.


- checkout: string # Required as first property. Configures checkout for the
specified repository.
clean: string # If true, run git clean -ffdx followed by git reset --hard
HEAD before fetching.
fetchDepth: string # Depth of Git graph to fetch.
fetchTags: string # Set to 'true' to sync tags when fetching the repo, or
'false' to not sync tags. See remarks for the default behavior.
lfs: string # Set to 'true' to download Git-LFS files. Default is not to
download them.
persistCredentials: string # Set to 'true' to leave the OAuth token in the
Git config after the initial fetch. The default is not to leave it.
submodules: string # Set to 'true' for a single level of submodules or
'recursive' to get submodules of submodules. Default is not to fetch
path: string # Where to put the repository. The root directory is
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

checkout string. Required as first property.

Configures checkout for the specified repository. Specify self , none , repository name,
or repository resource. For more information, see Check out multiple repositories in your
7 Note

If no checkout step is present, it defaults to self for jobs.job.step.checkout and

none for jobs.deployment.steps.checkout .

clean string.

If true, run git clean -ffdx followed by git reset --hard HEAD before fetching. true | false.

fetchDepth string.

Depth of Git graph to fetch.

fetchTags string.

Set to 'true' to sync tags when fetching the repo, or 'false' to not sync tags. See remarks
for the default behavior.

lfs string.

Set to 'true' to download Git-LFS files. Default is not to download them.

persistCredentials string.

Set to 'true' to leave the OAuth token in the Git config after the initial fetch. The default
is not to leave it.

submodules string.

Set to 'true' for a single level of submodules or 'recursive' to get submodules of

submodules. Default is not to fetch submodules.

path string.

Where to put the repository. The root directory is $(Pipeline.Workspace).

condition string.
Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

Shallow fetch
Clean property
Sync tags

Shallow fetch

) Important

New pipelines created after the September 2022 Azure DevOps sprint 209 update
have Shallow fetch enabled by default and configured with a depth of 1. Previously
the default was not to shallow fetch. To check your pipeline, view the Shallow fetch
setting in the pipeline settings UI.

To disable shallow fetch, you can perform one of the following two options.

Disable the Shallow fetch option in the pipeline settings UI.

Explicitly set fetchDepth: 0 in your checkout step.
To configure the fetch depth for a pipeline, you can either set the fetchDepth property
in the checkout step, or configure the Shallow fetch setting in the pipeline settings UI.

7 Note

If you explicitly set fetchDepth in your checkout step, that setting takes priority
over the setting configured in the pipeline settings UI. Setting fetchDepth: 0
fetches all history and overrides the Shallow fetch setting.

Clean property
If the clean property is unset, then its default value is configured by the clean setting in
the UI settings for YAML pipelines, which is set to true by default. In addition to the
cleaning option available using checkout , you can also configure cleaning in a
workspace. For more information about workspaces and clean options, see the
workspace topic in Jobs.

Sync tags
The checkout step uses the --tags option when fetching the contents of a Git
repository. This causes the server to fetch all tags as well as all objects that are pointed
to by those tags. This increases the time to run the task in a pipeline, particularly if you
have a large repository with a number of tags. Furthermore, the checkout step syncs
tags even when you enable the shallow fetch option, thereby possibly defeating its
purpose. To reduce the amount of data fetched or pulled from a Git repository,
Microsoft has added a new option to checkout to control the behavior of syncing tags.
This option is available both in classic and YAML pipelines.

Whether to synchronize tags when checking out a repository can be configured in YAML
by setting the fetchTags property, and in the UI by configuring the Sync tags setting.

To configure the setting in YAML, set the fetchTags property.


- checkout: self
fetchTags: true

To configure the setting in the pipeline UI, edit your YAML pipeline, and choose More
actions, Triggers, YAML, Get sources, and check or uncheck the Sync tags checkbox. For
more information, see Sync tags.

Default behavior
For existing pipelines created before the release of Azure DevOps sprint 209,
released in September 2022, the default for syncing tags remains the same as the
existing behavior before the Sync tags options was added, which is true .
For new pipelines created after Azure DevOps sprint release 209, the default for
syncing tags is false .

) Important

A Sync tags setting of true in the UI takes precedence over a fetchTags: false
statement in the YAML. If Sync tags is set to true in the UI, tags are synced even if
fetchTags is set to false in the YAML.

To avoid syncing sources at all:


- checkout: none

7 Note

If you're running the agent in the Local Service account and want to modify the
current repository by using git operations or loading git submodules, give the
proper permissions to the Project Collection Build Service Accounts user.


- checkout: self
submodules: true
persistCredentials: true

To check out multiple repositories in your pipeline, use multiple checkout steps:

- checkout: self
- checkout: git://MyProject/MyRepo
- checkout: MyGitHubRepo # Repo declared in a repository resource

For more information, see Check out multiple repositories in your pipeline.

See also
Supported source repositories definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The download step downloads artifacts associated with the current run or from another
Azure Pipeline that is associated as a pipeline resource.


- download: string # Required as first property. Specify current, pipeline
resource identifier, or none to disable automatic download.
artifact: string # Artifact name.
patterns: string # Pattern to download files from artifact.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

download string. Required as first property.

Specify current, pipeline resource identifier, or none to disable automatic download.

artifact string.

Artifact name.

patterns string.

Pattern to download files from artifact.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The download keyword is a shortcut for the Download Pipeline Artifacts task.

Artifact download location

Artifacts from the current pipeline are downloaded to $(Pipeline.Workspace)/<artifact
name> .

Artifacts from the associated pipeline resource are downloaded to

$(Pipeline.Workspace)/<pipeline resource identifier>/<artifact name> .

Automatic download in deployment jobs

All available artifacts from the current pipeline and from the associated pipeline
resources are automatically downloaded in deployment jobs and made available for
your deployment.

To prevent downloads, specify download: none .


- download: current # refers to artifacts published by current pipeline
artifact: WebApp
patterns: '**/.js'
displayName: Download artifact WebApp
- download: MyAppA # downloads artifacts available as part of the pipeline
resource specified as MyAppA

See also
Publish and download pipeline Artifacts
Download Pipeline Artifacts task
steps.downloadBuild definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The downloadBuild step downloads build artifacts.


- downloadBuild: string # Required as first property. Alias of the build
artifact: string # Artifact name.
path: string # Path to download the artifact into.
patterns: string # Downloads the files which matches the patterns.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

downloadBuild string. Required as first property.

ID for the build resource.

artifact string.

Artifact name.

path string.

Path to download the artifact into.

patterns string.

Downloads the files which matches the patterns.

condition string.
Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.
continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The downloadBuild keyword is a shortcut for the Download Build Artifacts task.

7 Note

The pipelines team recommends upgrading from downloadBuild (download build

artifacts task) to download (download pipeline artifacts task) for faster
See also
Publish and download pipeline Artifacts
Download Build Artifacts task
steps.getPackage definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The getPackage step downloads a package from a package management feed in Azure
Artifacts or Azure DevOps Server.


- getPackage: string # Required as first property. Alias of the package
path: string # Path to download the package into.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

getPackage string. Required as first property.

ID for the package resource.

path string.

Path to download the package into.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The getPackage keyword is a shortcut for the Download Package task.

See also
Download Package task
steps.powershell definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The powershell step runs a script using either Windows PowerShell (on Windows) or
pwsh (Linux and macOS).


- powershell: string # Required as first property. Inline PowerShell or
reference to a PowerShell file.
errorActionPreference: string # Unless otherwise specified, the error
action preference defaults to the value stop. See the following section for
more information.
failOnStderr: string # Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?
ignoreLASTEXITCODE: string # Check the final exit code of the script to
determine whether the step succeeded?
workingDirectory: string # Start the script with this working directory.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

powershell string. Required as first property.

Inline PowerShell or reference to a PowerShell file.

errorActionPreference string.
Unless otherwise specified, the error action preference defaults to the value stop. See
the following section for more information.

failOnStderr string.

Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?

ignoreLASTEXITCODE string.

Check the final exit code of the script to determine whether the step succeeded?

workingDirectory string.

Start the script with this working directory.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The powershell keyword is a shortcut for the PowerShell task. The task runs a script
using either Windows PowerShell (on Windows) or pwsh (Linux and macOS).

Each PowerShell session lasts only for the duration of the job in which it runs. Tasks that
depend on what has been bootstrapped must be in the same job as the bootstrap.

Learn more about conditions and timeouts.

Error action preference

Unless otherwise specified, the error action preference defaults to the value stop , and
the line $ErrorActionPreference = 'stop' is prepended to the top of your script.

When the error action preference is set to stop, errors cause PowerShell to terminate the
task and return a nonzero exit code. The task is also marked as Failed.


errorActionPreference: stop | continue | silentlyContinue


- powershell: |
Write-Error 'Uh oh, an error occurred'
Write-Host 'Trying again...'
displayName: Error action preference
errorActionPreference: continue

Ignore last exit code

The last exit code returned from your script is checked by default. A nonzero code
indicates a step failure, in which case the system appends your script with:

if ((Test-Path -LiteralPath variable:\LASTEXITCODE)) { exit $LASTEXITCODE }

If you don't want this behavior, specify ignoreLASTEXITCODE: true .


ignoreLASTEXITCODE: boolean

- powershell: git nosuchcommand
displayName: Ignore last exit code
ignoreLASTEXITCODE: true

Learn more about conditions and timeouts.


- powershell: Write-Host Hello $(name)
displayName: Say hello
name: firstStep
workingDirectory: $(build.sourcesDirectory)
failOnStderr: true
name: Microsoft

See also
PowerShell task
Learn more about conditions and timeouts
steps.publish definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The publish keyword publishes (uploads) a file or folder as a pipeline artifact that other
jobs and pipelines can consume.


- publish: string # Required as first property. The publish step is a
shortcut for the PublishPipelineArtifact@1 task. The task publishes
(uploads) a file or folder as a pipeline artifact that other jobs and
pipelines can consume.
artifact: string # Artifact name.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

publish string. Required as first property.

The publish step is a shortcut for the PublishPipelineArtifact@1 task. The task publishes
(uploads) a file or folder as a pipeline artifact that other jobs and pipelines can consume.

artifact string.

Artifact name.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.
Continue running even on failure?
displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The publish keyword is a shortcut for the Publish Pipeline Artifact task.

Learn more about publishing artifacts.


- publish: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/build
artifact: WebApp
displayName: Publish artifact WebApp
See also
Publish Pipeline Artifact task
Publishing artifacts
steps.pwsh definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The pwsh step runs a script in PowerShell Core on Windows, macOS, and Linux.


- pwsh: string # Required as first property. Inline PowerShell or reference
to a PowerShell file.
errorActionPreference: string # Unless otherwise specified, the error
action preference defaults to the value stop. See the following section for
more information.
failOnStderr: string # Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?
ignoreLASTEXITCODE: string # Check the final exit code of the script to
determine whether the step succeeded?
workingDirectory: string # Start the script with this working directory.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

pwsh string. Required as first property.

Inline PowerShell or reference to a PowerShell file.

errorActionPreference string.

Unless otherwise specified, the error action preference defaults to the value stop. See
the following section for more information.

failOnStderr string.

Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?

ignoreLASTEXITCODE string.

Check the final exit code of the script to determine whether the step succeeded?
workingDirectory string.

Start the script with this working directory.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The pwsh keyword is a shortcut for the PowerShell task when that task's pwsh value is
set to true. The task runs a script in PowerShell Core on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Learn more about conditions and timeouts.

Each PowerShell session lasts only for the duration of the job in which it runs. Tasks that
depend on what has been bootstrapped must be in the same job as the bootstrap.


- pwsh: Write-Host Hello $(name)
displayName: Say hello
name: firstStep
workingDirectory: $(build.sourcesDirectory)
failOnStderr: true
name: Microsoft

See also
PowerShell task
Learn more about conditions and timeouts
steps.reviewApp definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The reviewApp step creates a resource dynamically under a deploy phase provider.


- reviewApp: string # Required as first property. Use this task under deploy
phase provider to create a resource dynamically.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

reviewApp string. Required as first property.

Use this task under deploy phase provider to create a resource dynamically.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The reviewApp keyword is a shortcut for the Review App task.

See also
Review App task
steps.script definition
Article • 07/10/2023

The script step runs a script using cmd.exe on Windows and Bash on other platforms.


- script: string # Required as first property. An inline script.
failOnStderr: string # Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?
workingDirectory: string # Start the script with this working directory.
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

script string. Required as first property.

An inline script.

failOnStderr string.

Fail the task if output is sent to Stderr?

workingDirectory string.

Start the script with this working directory.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it.

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

The script keyword is a shortcut for the command-line task. The task runs a script
using cmd.exe on Windows and Bash on other platforms.

Learn more about conditions, timeouts, and step targets.

If you don't specify a command mode, you can shorten the target structure to:


- script:
target: string # container name or the word 'host'

- script: echo Hello world!
displayName: Say hello

See also
command-line task
steps.task definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A task step runs a task.


- task: string # Required as first property. Name of the task to run.
inputs: # Inputs for the task.
string: string # Name/value pairs
condition: string # Evaluate this condition expression to determine
whether to run this task.
continueOnError: boolean # Continue running even on failure?
displayName: string # Human-readable name for the task.
target: string | target # Environment in which to run this task.
enabled: boolean # Run this task when the job runs?
env: # Variables to map into the process's environment.
string: string # Name/value pairs
name: string # ID of the step.
timeoutInMinutes: string # Time to wait for this task to complete before
the server kills it.
retryCountOnTaskFailure: string # Number of retries if the task fails.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

task string. Required as first property.

Name of the task to run.

inputs string dictionary.

Inputs for the task.

condition string.

Evaluate this condition expression to determine whether to run this task.

continueOnError boolean.

Continue running even on failure?

displayName string.

Human-readable name for the task.

target target.

Environment in which to run this task.

enabled boolean.

Run this task when the job runs?

env string dictionary.

Variables to map into the process's environment.

name string.

ID of the step. Acceptable values: [-_A-Za-z0-9]*.

timeoutInMinutes string.

Time to wait for this task to complete before the server kills it. For example, to configure
a 10 minute timeout, use timeoutInMinutes: 10 .

7 Note

Pipelines may be configured with a job level timeout. If the job level timeout
interval elapses before your step completes, the running job (including your step) is
terminated, even if the step is configured with a longer timeoutInMinutes interval.
For more information, see Timeouts.

retryCountOnTaskFailure string.

Number of retries if the task fails.

Tasks are the building blocks of a pipeline. There's a catalog of tasks available to choose

If you don't specify a command mode, you can shorten the target structure to:


- task:
target: string # container name or the word 'host'

Common task properties

All tasks support a set of common properties in addition to name and inputs . For a list
of common task properties, see the preceding Properties section. For more information
on configuring these properties, see Task control options and Task environment
Learn more about conditions, timeouts, and step targets.


- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: Build
timeoutInMinutes: 120
solution: '**\*.sln'

See also
Catalog of tasks
steps.template definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Define a set of steps in one file and use it multiple times in another file.


- template: string # Required as first property. Reference to a template for
this step.
parameters: # Parameters used in a step template.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps

template string. Required as first property.

Reference to a template for this step.

parameters template parameters.

Parameters used in a step template.

In the main pipeline:


- template: string # reference to template
parameters: { string: any } # provided parameters

In the included template:


parameters: { string: any } # expected parameters

steps: [ script | bash | pwsh | powershell | checkout | task |
templateReference ]

# File: steps/build.yml

- script: npm install
- script: npm test


# File: azure-pipelines.yml

- job: macOS
vmImage: macOS-latest
- template: steps/build.yml # Template reference

- job: Linux
vmImage: ubuntu-latest
- template: steps/build.yml # Template reference

- job: Windows
vmImage: windows-latest
- template: steps/build.yml # Template reference
- script: sign # Extra step on Windows only

See also
See templates for more about working with templates.
target definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Tasks run in an execution context, which is either the agent host or a container.

Definitions that reference this definition: steps.task, steps.script, steps.powershell,

steps.pwsh, steps.bash, steps.checkout,, steps.downloadBuild,
steps.getPackage, steps.publish, steps.reviewApp

Implementation Description

target: string Environment in which to run this step or task.

target: container, commands, Configure step target with environment, and allowed list of
settableVariables commands and variables.

An individual step may override its context by specifying a target , and optionally
configure a container, commands, and settable variables.

target: string
Specify a step target by name.


target: string # Environment in which to run this step or task.

target string.

Available options are the word host to target the agent host plus any containers
defined in the pipeline.

target: container, commands, settableVariables

Configure step target using a container name, commands, and settable variables.

container: string # Container to target (or 'host' for host machine).
commands: string # Set of allowed logging commands ('any' or
settableVariables: none | [ string ] # Restrictions on which variables
that can be set.

container string.

Container to target (or 'host' for host machine).

commands string.

Set of allowed logging commands ('any' or 'restricted'). any | restricted.

settableVariables target.settableVariables.

Restrictions on which variables that can be set.

You don't need to configure all of these properties when configuring a step target. If not
specified, the default value for container is host , the default value of commands is any ,
and the default value for settableVariables allows all variables to be set by a step.

Step targeting and command isolation

Azure Pipelines supports running jobs either in containers or on the agent host.
Previously, an entire job was set to one of those two targets. Now, individual steps (tasks
or scripts) can run on the target you choose. Steps may also target other containers, so a
pipeline could run each step in a specialized, purpose-built container.

7 Note

This feature is in public preview. If you have any feedback or questions about this
feature, let us know in the Developer Community .

Containers can act as isolation boundaries, preventing code from making unexpected
changes on the host machine. The way steps communicate with and access services
from the agent is not affected by isolating steps in a container. Therefore, we're also
introducing a command restriction mode which you can use with step targets. Setting
commands to restricted will restrict the services a step can request from the agent. It

will no longer be able to attach logs, upload artifacts, and certain other operations.

The following example shows running steps on the host in a job container, and in
another container.


- container: python
image: python:3.8
- container: node
image: node:13.2

- job: example
container: python

- script: echo Running in the job container

- script: echo Running on the host

target: host

- script: echo Running in another container, in restricted commands mode

container: node
commands: restricted

See also
Task types & usage - step target
target.settableVariables definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Restrictions on which variables that can be set by a step.

Definitions that reference this definition: target

Implementation Description

settableVariables: none Disable a step from setting any variables.

settableVariables: string list Restrict variable setting to a list of allowed variables.

You can disable setting all variables for a step, or restrict the settable variables to a list. If
the settableVariables property is not set, the default allows all variables to be set by a

settableVariables: none
Disable a step from setting any variables.


settableVariables: none # Disable a step from setting any variables.

settableVariables string. Allowed values: none.

Disable a step from setting any variables.


- script: echo This is a step
settableVariables: none

settableVariables: string list

Restrict a step from setting any variables not in the specified list.


settableVariables: [ string ] # Restrict variable setting to a list of

allowed variables.

List types

Type Description

string Restrict variable setting to a list of allowed variables.

In the following example, the bash step can only set the value of the sauce variable.
When the pipeline runs, the secretSauce variable is not set, and a warning is displayed
on the pipeline run page.


- bash: |
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=sauce;]crushed tomatoes"
echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=secretSauce;]crushed tomatoes
with garlic"
- sauce
name: SetVars
- bash:
echo "Sauce is $(sauce)"
echo "secretSauce is $(secretSauce)"
name: OutputVars

See also
Configure settable variables for steps
trigger definition
Article • 07/10/2023

A push trigger specifies which branches cause a continuous integration build to run.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, resources.repositories.repository

Implementation Description

trigger: none Disable CI triggers.

trigger: string list List of branches that trigger a run.

trigger: batch, branches, paths, tags Full syntax for complete control.

For more information about using triggers with a specific repository type, see Supported
source repositories.

If you specify no push trigger, pushes to any branch trigger a build.

There are three distinct syntax options for the trigger keyword: a list of branches to
include, a way to disable CI triggers, and the full syntax for complete control.

If you specify an exclude clause without an include clause for branches , tags , or
paths , it is equivalent to specifying * in the include clause.

trigger: none
Disable CI triggers.


trigger: none # Disable CI triggers.

trigger string. Allowed values: none.

Disable CI triggers.

trigger: none # will disable CI builds entirely

trigger: string list

List of branches that trigger a run.


trigger: [ string ] # List of branches that trigger a run.

List types

Type Description

string List of branches that trigger a run.


- main
- develop

trigger: batch, branches, paths, tags

Use the full syntax control for full control over the CI trigger.


batch: boolean # Whether to batch changes per branch.
branches: # Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run.
include: [ string ] # List of items to include.
exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.
paths: # File paths to include or exclude for triggering a run.
include: [ string ] # List of items to include.
exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.
tags: # Tag names to include or exclude for triggering a run.
include: [ string ] # List of items to include.
exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.

batch boolean.

Whether to batch changes per branch.

branches includeExcludeFilters.

Branch names to include or exclude for triggering a run.

paths includeExcludeFilters.

File paths to include or exclude for triggering a run.

tags includeExcludeFilters.

Tag names to include or exclude for triggering a run.

If you have many team members uploading changes often, you may want to reduce the
number of runs you start. If you set batch to true , when a pipeline is running, the
system waits until the run is completed, then starts another run with all changes that
have not yet been built. By default, batch is false .

7 Note

batch is not supported in repository resource triggers.

For more information, see Triggers - CI triggers and choose your repository type.


# specific branch build with batching

batch: true
- main


batch: true
- features/*
- features/experimental/*

See also
Learn more about triggers and how to specify them.
variables definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Define variables using name/value pairs.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, stages.stage, jobs.job,


Implementation Description

variables: string dictionary Define variables using name/value pairs.

variables: variable list Define variables by name, variable group, or in a template.

The variables keyword uses two syntax forms: variable list and mapping (string

In mapping syntax, all keys are variable names and their values are variable values. To
use variable templates, you must use list syntax. List syntax requires you to specify
whether you're mentioning a variable ( name ), a variable group ( group ), or a template
( template ).

You can't use list and mapping variables in the same variables section, but you can
combine name , group , and template when using list syntax.

You can specify variables at the pipeline, stage, or job level.

variables: string dictionary

Define variables using name/value pairs.


string: string # Name/value pairs

For a simple set of hard-coded variables, use this mapping syntax:


variables: { string: string }

Variables defined at different scopes:


variables: # pipeline-level
MY_VAR: 'my value'
ANOTHER_VAR: 'another value'

- stage: Build
variables: # stage-level
STAGE_VAR: 'that happened'

- job: FirstJob
variables: # job-level
JOB_VAR: 'a job var'
- script: echo $(MY_VAR) $(STAGE_VAR) $(JOB_VAR)

variables: variable list

Define variables by name, variable group, or in a template.


variables: [ name | group | template ] # Define variables by name, variable

group, or in a template.

List types

Type Description Define variables using name and full syntax. Reference variables from a variable group.

Type Description

variables.template Define variables in a template.

To include variable groups, switch to this sequence syntax:


- name: string # name of a variable
value: string # value of the variable
- group: string # name of a variable group

You can repeat name / value pairs and group .

Variables can also be set as read only to enhance security.


- name: myReadOnlyVar
value: myValue
readonly: true

You can also include variables from templates.

Sequence syntax:


- name: MY_VARIABLE # hard-coded value
value: some value
- group: my-variable-group-1 # variable group
- group: my-variable-group-2 # another variable group

See also
Add & use variable groups
Define variables definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Reference variables from a variable group.


- group: string # Required as first property. Variable group name.

Definitions that reference this definition: variables

group string. Required as first property.

Variable group name.


- group: my-variable-group

Use a variable group and variables defined in the pipeline.


- group: my-variable-group
- name: my-bare-variable
value: 'value of my-bare-variable'

See also
Add & use variable groups
Define variables definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Define variables using name and full syntax.


- name: string # Required as first property. Variable name.
value: string # Variable value.
readonly: boolean # Whether a YAML variable is read-only; default is

Definitions that reference this definition: variables

name string. Required as first property.

Variable name.

value string.

Variable value.

readonly boolean.

Whether a YAML variable is read-only; default is false.

If you want to reference a variable group and define variables in the same variables
section, you must use define your variables using name and full syntax.


- name: one
value: initialValue
- name: two
value: value2
See also
Add & use variable groups
Define variables
variables.template definition
Article • 08/10/2023

You can define a set of variables in one file and use it multiple times in other files.


- template: string # Required as first property. Template file with
parameters: # Parameters to map into the template.

Definitions that reference this definition: variables

template string. Required as first property.

Template file with variables.

parameters template parameters.

Parameters to map into the template.

In this example, a set of variables is repeated across multiple pipelines. The variables are
specified only once.


# File: variables/build.yml
- name: vmImage
value: vs2017-win2016
- name: arch
value: x64
- name: config
value: debug


# File: component-x-pipeline.yml
- template: variables/build.yml # Template reference
vmImage: ${{ variables.vmImage }}
- script: build x ${{ variables.arch }} ${{ variables.config }}


# File: component-y-pipeline.yml
- template: variables/build.yml # Template reference
vmImage: ${{ variables.vmImage }}
- script: build y ${{ variables.arch }} ${{ variables.config }}

See also
Template usage reference
Template parameters
Define variables
boolean definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Represents a boolean value in a pipeline.


boolean: string # true | y | yes | on | false | n | no | off.

boolean string. Allowed values: true | y | yes | on | false | n | no | off.

Azure pipelines uses any of the previous string values to represent a boolean value in a

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, trigger, pr, jobs.job.container,

schedules.cron,, mountReadOnly, steps.task, steps.script,
steps.powershell, steps.pwsh, steps.bash, steps.checkout,,
steps.downloadBuild, steps.getPackage, steps.publish, steps.reviewApp,
resources.containers.container, resources.containers.container.trigger,
deployHook definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Used to run steps that deploy your application.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |
downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where deploy steps will run.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy.runOnce,

jobs.deployment.strategy.rolling, jobs.deployment.strategy.canary

steps steps.

A list of steps to run.

pool pool.

Pool where deploy steps will run.

includeExcludeFilters definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Lists of items to include or exclude for trigger events.


include: [ string ] # List of items to include.
exclude: [ string ] # List of items to exclude.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: trigger, pr, schedules.cron

include string list.

List of items to include.

exclude string list.

List of items to exclude.

includeExcludeStringFilters definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Items to include or exclude.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: resources.containers.container.trigger

Implementation Description

includeExcludeStringFilters: string list List of items to include.

includeExcludeStringFilters: include, exclude Lists of items to include and exclude.

includeExcludeStringFilters: string list

List of items to include.


includeExcludeStringFilters: [ string ] # List of items to include.

List types

Type Description

string List of items to include.

includeExcludeStringFilters: include, exclude

Lists of items to include and exclude.

include: [ string ]
exclude: [ string ]

include string list.

exclude string list.

mountReadOnly definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Volumes to mount read-only, the default is all false.


work: boolean # Mount the work directory as readonly.
externals: boolean # Mount the externals directory as readonly.
tools: boolean # Mount the tools directory as readonly.
tasks: boolean # Mount the tasks directory as readonly.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.job.container,


work boolean.

Mount the work directory as readonly.

externals boolean.

Mount the externals directory as readonly.

tools boolean.

Mount the tools directory as readonly.

tasks boolean.

Mount the tasks directory as readonly.

onFailureHook definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |
downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: onSuccessOrFailureHook

steps steps.

A list of steps to run.

pool pool.

Pool where post on failure steps will run.

onSuccessHook definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |
downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: onSuccessOrFailureHook

steps steps.

A list of steps to run.

pool pool.

Pool where on success steps will run.

onSuccessOrFailureHook definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Used to run steps for rollback actions or clean-up.


failure: # Runs on failure of any step.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post on failure steps will run.
success: # Runs on success of all of the steps.
steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download
| downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where on success steps will run.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy.runOnce,

jobs.deployment.strategy.rolling, jobs.deployment.strategy.canary

failure onFailureHook.

Runs on failure of any step.

success onSuccessHook.

Runs on success of all of the steps.

postRouteTrafficHook definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Used to run the steps after the traffic is routed. Typically, these tasks monitor the health
of the updated version for defined interval.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |
downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where post route traffic steps will run.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy.runOnce,

jobs.deployment.strategy.rolling, jobs.deployment.strategy.canary

steps steps.

A list of steps to run.

pool pool.

Pool where post route traffic steps will run.

preDeployHook definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Used to run steps that initialize resources before application deployment starts.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |
downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where pre deploy steps will run.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy.runOnce,

jobs.deployment.strategy.rolling, jobs.deployment.strategy.canary

steps steps.

A list of steps to run.

pool pool.

Pool where pre deploy steps will run.

routeTrafficHook definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Used to run steps that serve the traffic to the updated version.


steps: [ task | script | powershell | pwsh | bash | checkout | download |
downloadBuild | getPackage | publish | template | reviewApp ] # A list of
steps to run.
pool: string | pool # Pool where route traffic steps will run.

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: jobs.deployment.strategy.runOnce,

jobs.deployment.strategy.rolling, jobs.deployment.strategy.canary

steps steps.

A list of steps to run.

pool pool.

Pool where route traffic steps will run.

workspace definition
Article • 07/10/2023

Workspace options on the agent.


clean: string # Which parts of the workspace should be scorched before

7 Note

This definition is a supporting definition and is not intended for use directly in a
pipeline. This article provides the YAML syntax for this supporting type, but does
not show usage examples. For more information on using the definitions that this
type supports, see the following definition links.

Definitions that reference this definition: pipeline, jobs.job, jobs.deployment

clean string.

Which parts of the workspace should be scorched before fetching. outputs | resources |

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