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ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039



E-N Madias1*, E Patrikios2, C Grigoropoulos2, L Doulos1,2

Lighting Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical
University of Athens, Greece.
Lighting Design Laboratory, School of Applied Arts and Sustainable Design, Hellenic Open
University, Patras, Greece.


Abstract. Apart from the visual effects, light can also affect the human non-visual system, which
includes a wide range of functions such as hormone secretion, alertness, mood etc. The non-
image forming effects occur because light affects melanopsin, a photosensitive protein present
in the receptive domain of retinal ganglion cells. These cells are responsible for generating nerve
impulses that regulate the secretion of two hormones, cortisol and melatonin. Low-wavelength
light at 460-480 nm inhibits melatonin secretion and activates brain activity. Aim of this paper
is to create a sustainable and human centric luminaire suitable for office installations that will
regulate the biological rhythm of the occupants and has the minimum environmental impact. The
luminaire’s light source emits variable spectrum, with a collated colour temperature varying
between 2700K and 6500K. For a 500 step of colour temperature values, the appropriate human
centric lighting metrics are calculated: Equivalent Melanopic Lux, Melanopic Daylight
Equivalent Illuminance, Circadian Stimulus. The development of the human centric luminaire
considers not only the metrics of human centric lighting but energy efficiency and visual comfort
as well. Conclusively, the proposed luminaire can provide a holistic approach to lighting design
so as to integrate both visual and non-visual effects and produce sustainable and environmentally
friendly lighting.

1. Introduction
The obvious effect of light is to activate the visual system. However, light affects many aspects of human
physiology beyond vision. The specific aspects of light are called non-visual effects. The non-visual
effects of light include cell reproduction, hormone production, as well as human psychology. An
important milestone in understanding the non-visual effects of light was the discovery of a new type of
photoreceptor in the human retina [1].
This new photoreceptor, called the intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cell, or ipRGC for
short, is not located in the same layer of the retina as the already known rod and cone photoreceptors
used by the human visual system. As its name suggests, it is a special form of ganglion cell. The
photochromic substance contained in an ipRGC cell is melanopsin which has a maximum absorption at
a wavelength of 480 nm [2]. Each ipRGC has an extended dendritic form that spreads across the retina.
Each dendrite is stimulated in incident light.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

The axis of each ipRGC feeds signals to the brain. There are two main pathways that have been
explored so far, the primary optic track (POT) which is fed by signals from the cone and rod
photoreceptors and leads to the visual cortex and the retinal hypothamalic track (RHT) which is fed by
signals from the ipRGCs and leads to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the brain. The
suprachiasmatic nucleus is recognized as the "biological clock" in mammals, including humans and is
responsible for the timing of many different physiological events in the body, including DNA repair and
hormone production. The non-visual system after the eye continues with the hypothalamic pathway,
proceeds to the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the brain, then to the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), the
external thoracic nucleus, the superior cervical ganglion and ends in the pineal gland. In the absence of
light, the pineal gland produces the hormone melatonin, which is distributed to other tissues and organs
of the body through the blood. The non-visual effects, also known as non-image forming effects of light
are summarized as follows:
x secretion of melatonin
x shifting of circadian rhythm
x increase of body temperature
x secretion of cortisol
Based on all of the above, the aim of this paper is the development of a human centric luminaire
suitable for office interiors which will concern the regulation of the biological rhythm of the users. It is
a recessed ceiling luminaire with a tuneable white LED light source with a colour temperature that can
be varied between 2700K and 6500K. The manuscript consists of two parts, the theoretical and the
practical part. The theoretical part analyses the theoretical background of human centric lighting with a
review of the literature, while the practical part deals with the process of design, development and
implementation of the luminaire. In the following paragraphs, more details are presented about the
above-mentioned effects.

2. Analysis of the non-image forming effects of light

In this section the most significant non-image forming effects of light are presented, namely the secretion
of hormones such as melatonin and cortisol, the shifting of circadian rhythm and the increase of body

2.1. Secretion of melatonin

Melatonin is a hormone that is produced by the human brain during darkness and prepares the body for
rest. The secretion of this hormone determines the circadian cycle in humans. The essential role of
melatonin is to regulate the activation of many other physiological functions, not at the same time, but
at the times in the 24-hour cycle that they should occur [3]. The concentration of melatonin is high at
night and decreases during daytime. The level of melatonin production during the night is not equal for
all people. It differs and is affected by age and sex. Disturbance of normal melatonin secretion can result
in serious health problems, e.g. cancer, mental disorders [4], but causality between the exposure to
artificial light and these diseases has not been verified. Normally, high levels of melatonin are produced
at night and low levels are produced during the day. Melatonin is maximized in the dark at 00:00 and
04:00, with minimum levels from 12:00 to 20:00. However, the presence of light at night suppresses
melatonin secretion and the rate of melatonin reduction is determined by the spectrum, illuminance
levels as well as the duration of exposure.

2.2. Shifting of circadian rhythm

Kripke et al. [5] researched the phase shift of the circadian rhythm for a group of young people (18-31
years old) and older people (59-75 years old). The light exposure pattern in which the dark state consists
of a repeated alternating pattern of 30 minutes of bed rest in the absence of light followed by 60 minutes
of activity. The illuminance levels during the 30 min of bed rest was never greater than 50 lx at eye
level. The total duration to light exposure of was 3 h and the illuminance levels were 3000 lx at eye
level. Illuminance was provided by fluorescent lamps with a correlated color temperature of 4100K. The

ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

results showed that exposure to high illuminance levels in the afternoon has very little to no effect on
the phase of the circadian cycle over the next 24 hours. However, exposure to high illuminance levels
early at night tends to cause a delay in the circadian rhythm phase, while high illuminance levels late at
night accelerate the circadian rhythm phase. The critical time at which the effect of exposure to high
light levels changes from phase delay to phase acceleration is when the human body temperature reaches
its minimum value i.e. 1-2 hours before waking.

2.3. Increase of body temperature

The effect of the phase shift of the circadian rhythm due to light exposure becomes apparent after several
hours, in contrast to the suppression of melatonin secretion that occurs more immediately in time. This
results in an increase in alertness as well as an increase in human body temperature, as demonstrated in
research by Badia et al. [6]. Their approach studied the effect of exposure to high illuminance levels
(5000 lx) as well as low illuminance levels (50 lx) on core body temperature for alternating periods of
90 minutes. Two equal groups of people were exposed to the same light levels, Group 1 was initially
exposed to the high illuminance level, whereas Group 2 was exposed initially to the low illuminance
level. The researchers concluded that exposure to high illuminance levels tends to increase human body
temperature, whereas exposure to lower illuminance tends to decrease it.

2.4. Secretion of cortisol

In addition to melatonin secretion, another hormone that is affected by light exposure is cortisol. This is
because nerve impulses from ipRGCs receptors are transmitted to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, then to
the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus and via the anterior pituitary to the adrenal cortex which
produces cortisol. The role of cortisol is to release the energy needed to achieve the transition from
inactivity to activity, as a routine or stress response. Unlike melatonin, which is secreted to prepare the
body for sleep and rest, cortisol prepares the human body for wakefulness and activity. The maximum
cortisol concentration occurs at the time of waking and slowly decreases until it reaches its minimum
value at night. The minimum cortisol value is relatively stable even until 4 am. Since the cortisol-
producing adrenal cortex receives information from the suprachiasmatic nucleus, which in turn is
influenced by exposure to light, one concludes that light exposure at specific times may accelerate or
delay the phase of the cortisol secretion rate. Leproult et al. [7] demonstrated that exposure to a light
intensity of 2000-4500 lx for a period of 3 h between 5 and 8 am caused an immediate increase in cortisol
concentration during the night. Figueiro and Rea [8] also found that exposure to an illuminance of 40 lx
coming from narrow wavelength light (either low or high wavelength light) caused an increase in
cortisol concentration even during the night hours.

3. Metric systems of human centric lighting

In order to quantify the circadian effects of light radiation, three metric systems have been proposed by
researchers: the equivalent melanopic illuminance, the melanopic daylight equivalent illuminance and
the circadian stimulus.

3.1. Equivalent Melanopic Lux.

The first metric system of anthropocentric lighting is proposed by WELL Building Standard [9] and
concerns the equivalent melanopic illuminance (Equivalent Melanopic Lux, EML) which is given by
the formula:

   ,     !"  # 1

where $%&'()*+-.,/  023. 0

ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

According to the WELL Standard in workplaces, an equivalent melanopic luminous intensity of 200
EML in the vertical plane using natural and artificial lighting or 150 EML using artificial lighting only
is recommended at a height of 1.2 m. A reduction in artificial lighting levels due to the utilisation of
natural lighting is permitted, but the luminaires shall be capable of providing the above lighting levels
regardless of the presence or absence of natural lighting.

3.2. Melanopic Daylight Equivalent Illuminance.

In this example we can see that there are footnotes after each author name and only 5 addresses The
International Commission on Illumination proposes its own metric system for quantifying the non-
visual effects of light. It is defined as the Melanopic Daylight Equivalent Illuminance (MDEI) which
is given by the product:

5   ,678  9   !"  # (2)

where  ,678  753.8 .

MDEI is the integral of the product of the spectral response curve of the light source multiplied by
the spectrum of the melanopic response of the human eye multiplied by the constant K_(melanopic,D65) [10].

3.3. Circadian Stimulus.

The circadian stimulus (CS), developed by the Lighting Research Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute [11], is a nonlinear model of human nocturnal melatonin suppression based on light level and
spectral distribution of the source that assumes 1 h of exposure time. The model describes how the retina
converts light signals into neural signals for the circadian system. First, circadian light (CLa) is
calculated using as input the spectral distribution of the light source. Circadian light is essentially the
radiation incident on the cornea, appropriately weighted to represent the spectral sensitivity of the human
circadian system calculated from the acute suppression of melatonin secretion after one hour of light
exposure. After calculating the circadian light, the circadian stimulus CS is calculated, which is the
efficiency of the radiation, appropriately weighted to correspond to the spectral sensitivity of the cornea.
The CS is calculated by fitting the CLa values to a four-parameter logistic function. CS is expressed as
a decimal percentage of melatonin suppression. CS ranges from 0.00 (0%) to 0.70 (70%) which is the
saturation value. According to the Lighting Research Center guidelines that emerged after experiments
on different samples of human subjects, e.g., office workers, Alzheimer's disease patients, adolescents,
healthy older adults, it is recommended that exposure to a light stimulus that elicits a circadian stimulus
of at least 0. 3 (i.e. CS0.3) for at least one hour early in the day, in order to properly activate the human
circadian system and have a beneficial effect on the psychology of the person. Furthermore, the
appropriate circadian stimulus values for periods of relaxation or rest are as high as 0.1, while for periods
of work or concentration they are as high as 0.7 [12].

4. Methodology
In this section the main parts of the methodology are presented. First of all, the design and construction
of the lighting fixture are demonstrated. Secondly, the photometric, electric and spectral measurements
concerning different color temperature values are presented. Moreover, the calculation of the metrics of
human centric lighting is conducted. The results provide useful conclusions for the design and
implementation of a holistic lighting approach regarding not only the visual effects of light but the non-
image forming effects as well. A block diagram depicts the methodology of our approach:

Figure 1. Block diagram of the proposed methodology

ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

4.1. Design and construction of the human centric luminaire

For the construction of the luminaire a tunable white COB LED is used. It has two "channels", one that
emits warm white light (2700K) and another one that emits cool white light (6500K). Essentially, the
emitted light results from the blending of the 2 channels. The spectrum and consequently the colour
temperature is tuned by adjusting the driving current in each of the 2 channels. The light source is paired
with a die cast aluminium heat sink that provides efficient heat dissipation. For the construction of the
luminaire an inner reflector, an inner supporting ring that offers tiltable movement, a circular aluminium
frame as well as a front reflector is used. For the operation of the luminaire a LED driver is used as well
as a separate controller that controls the driving current for each one of the two channels. Figure 2
shows the individual components of the luminaire, Figure 3 depicts the dimensions of the luminaire and
Figure 4 presents the different views of the luminaire. The commercial name of the luminaire is GEMINI

Figure 2. Block diagram of the proposed methodology

Figure 3. Dimensions of the luminaire

Figure 4. Luminaire GEMINI 220TW

ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

4.2. Photometric, electric and spectral measurements

The luminaire is placed on the goniophotometer at a distance of 2m from the illuminance sensor. The
power supply voltage of the LED driver is 230 V AC (50 Hz). The measurement setup is presented
below (Fig.5). The goniophotometer rotates the luminaire axis in 4 C-planes (C0, C90, C180, C270).
Moreover, the vertical axis of the goniophotometer is rotated with an angular step of gamma angle =1.5o
from an angle of =0o to =180o. At each pair of coordinates (C,) the illuminance of the sensor is
recorded. Before starting the measurement, the luminaire shall be stabilized with respect to its
photometric and electrical parameters. The walls and surrounding surfaces shall be covered with black
paint to minimize reflections. From the photometric measurements, the luminous flux, the luminous
intensity distribution is calculated. Additionally, the consumption of power is measured. The luminous
efficacy (in lm/W) of the luminaire was calculated, as well as spectral parameters such as colour
temperature, colour rendering index (CRI) etc. The above-mentioned procedure is repeated for different
values of the colour temperature, i.e. for a nominal colour temperature from 2700 K to 6500 K, with a
step of 500K. Overall, the luminaire was adjusted to the following nominal colour temperature values:
2700K, 3000K, 3500K, 4000K, 4500K, 5000K, 5500K, 6500K. More importantly, apart from the
photometric, electric and spectral measurements the human centric lighting metrics were calculated,
namely EML, MDEI and CS.

Figure 5. Goniophotometer apparatus for the conduction of measurements

5. Results and discussion

The following Tables present the results from the measurements. Figure 6 shows the luminous intensity
distribution of the luminaire which is stable and independent from the colour temperature. The luminaire
has a beam angle of 39o. Table 1 presents the nominal CCT, the measured CCT, the driving current for
the warm white and the cool white channel of the light source, the active consumed power of the
luminaire, its driver and controller, the luminous flux as well as the luminous efficacy of the luminaire.
Observing Table 1 it is obvious that the luminous flux increases as the CCT is increased up until 5500K,
which is the point where it reaches its maximum value (3278 lm). Its standard deviation is 197.93 lm.
The active power remains relatively stable with its minimum value at 40 W (for nominal CCT values of
3500 and 4000K) and its maximum value at 42.1W (2700 K). The luminous efficacy reaches its
maximum value (namely 81.09 lm/W) at 4500 K and its minimum value (64.39 lm/W) at 2700 K.
Efficacy reaches such a low value at 2700 K due to the high colour rendering index. The luminous
efficacy increases as CCT rises from 2700K up to 4500  and then is characterized by a downward
trend. Its standard deviation is 5.48 lm/W. The colour rendering index (CRI) shows a variation of 4.23%
between minimum and maximum values and a standard deviation of 1.45. Its minimum value is 93.5
whereas its maximum value is 97.5. The deviation of nominal CCT versus measured CCT variates from
0.3% (6000K vs 5984K) to 8.6 % (3500K vs 3127K). This means that in some cases the controller is

ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

not able to deliver reliably the appropriate spectrum and consequently the nominal CCT. This problem
should be fixed with a DALI II driver.

Figure 6. Luminous intensity distribution of the human centric luminaire

Table 1. Photometric, electric and colorimetric results of the measurements

Driving Driving
Nominal current current Luminous Measured CCT Luminous
CCT for WW for CW CRI flux CCT Deviation efficacy
(K) channel channel (lm) (K) (%) (lm/W)
(mA) (mA)
2700 1050 0 42.1 97.1 2711 2724 0.9 64.39
3000 870 180 41.1 97.2 2919 3165 5.5 71.02
3500 637 413 40 97.5 3127 3800 8.6 78.18
4000 462 588 40 97.5 3227 4324 8.1 80.68
4500 330 720 40.3 96.9 3268 4796 6.6 81.09
5000 219 831 40.8 96.3 3278 5217 4.3 80.34
5500 131 919 41.4 95.4 3270 5625 2.3 78.99
6000 58 992 42 94.4 3248 5984 0.3 77.33
6500 0 1050 42 93.5 3234 6285 3.3 77.00
St. Dev. - - 0.86 1.45 197.93 - - 5.48
Table 2 presents the results from the calculations from the human-centric lighting metrics, namely
equivalent melanopic illuminance, melanopic equivalent daylight illuminance and circadian stimulus as
well as the corresponding multiplying factors MEER and MDER that are used so as to convert photopic
illuminance to equivalent melanopic and equivalent daylight melanopic illuminance respectively. A
column with typical values of MEER and MDER for LED light sources according to CEN/TR
15193:2017 [13] is presented. It is observed that with the increase of CCT, the values of EML, MDEI
increase as well as the corresponding factors MEER and MDER. This result is attributed to the spectral
sensitivity of melatonin which is more sensitive to low wavelengths (in the region of blue). In other
words, light emission with spectral content which is rich in low wavelength radiation inhibits the
secretion of melatonin, thus boosting alertness. On the other hand, lower color temperature favors the
secretion of melatonin, hence resulting in relaxation. Comparing the values of MEER and MDER with
the typical values of CEN/TR 15193:2017 it is evident that the proposed human centric luminaire is able
to produce lighting with more effective circadian effects since its values in most cases are higher than

ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

the ones referred in CEN/TR 15193:2017. Another useful result is that the circadian stimulus also
increases with the increase of CCT but there is a point of discontinuity between 3000K and 3500 K,
where CS decreases sharply and then increases again. This is caused by the calculation model of CS.
Researchers utilized two different spectral sensitivity functions for the calculation of CS, one that
describes the spectral response of the human circadian rhythm for warm white light sources and a
different one for cool white light sources. In conclusion, this fundamental difference in the calculation
models of CS, with the utilization of two different spectral sensitivity functions that represent the
melatonin action spectrum is the cause of discontinuity in the curve that is depicted in Fig. 8. MEER
shows a standard deviation of 0.182, whereas MDER and CS show a standard deviation of 0.17 and
0.026 respectively.

Table 2. Human centric lighting metrics

CCT CCT (per (per (CEN/TR (CEN/TR
(K) (K) 100 100 lx) 15193:2017) 15193:2017)
2700 2724 0.504 50.4 0.456 45.6 0.127 0.45 -
3000 3165 0.632 63.2 0.572 57.2 0.158 - 0.408
3500 3800 0.760 76 0.689 68.9 0.099 - -
4000 4324 0.838 83.8 0.760 76.0 0.123 0.74-0.76 0.672
4500 4796 0.897 89.7 0.813 81.3 0.14 - -
5000 5217 0.942 94.2 0.854 85.4 0.153 - -
5500 5625 0.982 98.2 0.889 88.9 0.164 - 0.904
6000 5984 1.013 101.3 0.918 91.8 0.173 - -
6500 6285 1.037 103.7 0.94 94.0 0.18 0.800
St.Dev. - 0.182 18.20 0.17 16.51 0.026


0 2000 4000 6000 8000
Figure 7. CS as a function of CCT

6. Conclusions
Light can inflict both visual and non-visual effects on humans. Literature review has shown that three
metric systems have prevailed so as to quantify the non-image forming effects of light namely the
equivalent melanopic illuminance, the melanopic daylight equivalent illuminance and the circadian

ICED-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1123 (2022) 012039 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1123/1/012039

Aim of this paper is to design and develop a human centric LED luminaire that can deliver the optimal
quality of lighting, considering not only visual comfort but the circadian effects of light as well. Thus,
a tunable white COB LED light source has been assembled along with individual components, i.e.,
reflector, heatsink, driver and controller. The spectrum of the light source can be tuned by adjusting the
driving current of two channels, a warm white one with a CCT of 2700 K and a cool white one with a
CCT of 6500 K. By blending the emission of the two channels different spectral distributions can be
produced, hence a plethora of CCT values is feasible.
A set of photometric, electric and spectral measurements was performed for a variety of nominal
CCTs (2700 K -6500 K). The human centric lighting metrics have been calculated for these CCTs. In
conclusion, all metrics increase with the increase of CCT. This is attributed to the spectral sensitivity of
melatonin which is maximized at low wavelengths, namely at hues with higher CCT. This means, that
spectral distributions with higher values of CCT lead to a maximum inhibition of melatonin secretion
thus boosting alertness. The only exception concerns CS which shows a discontinuity between 3000 K
and 3500 K, where it decreases sharply and then starts to increase again. This discontinuity is caused by
the different spectral sensitivity functions that the calculation model utilizes for warm white sources and
cool white sources. The luminaire can be exploited for the implementation of a circadian lighting design
in indoor installations [14]. It can produce light that is able to follow a circadian pattern: delivering cool
white light in the morning hours so as to reinforce work performance and productivity of the occupants
and altering its light output to warm white hues in the afternoon so as to prepare the occupants for
relaxation at the end of their work schedule. The luminaire is constructed of ecologically friendly
materials, achieves a maximum luminous efficacy of 81 lm/W and its maximum power consumption is
relatively low (about 40 W). Thus, it encompasses a variety of advantages and can be integrated in a
sustainable lighting system with ambient light sensors [15] and occupancy sensors, so as to implement
a holistic lighting design approach which aims at both visual comfort [16-17], optimization of circadian
effects, minimization of energy consumption [18-19] and minimum environmental impact in overall
[20-21]. Another conclusion is that all manufacturers of lighting equipment should provide the
respective values of MDER, MEER and CS in the datasheets of luminaires, so as to inform the customers
and the lighting designers about the circadian effects of their lighting products. Thus, customers will be
able to be informed about the non-visual impact of a luminaire and lighting designers will be aided in
their work so as to design adequately a human centric lighting system.

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