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Verb To Be

We can use the verb To Be for several cases:

1) To talk about qualities
 He is rich.
 You are old.
 The weather is terrible.
 The food is so good in Italy.
2) To talk about nationalities
 She is Irish.
 We are Japanese.
3) To talk about Jobs and Professions
 He is a firefighter.
 My brothers are doctors.
 I am a nurse.
4) To talk about ages
 I am thirteen.
 She is forty-five.
 How old are you?
5) To talk about places
 I am at the school.
 The shops are at the end of the street.
6) To talk about time
 What time is it?
 We are late.
 The movie is at seven o’ clock.
7) To talk about personality or feelings
 They are shy.
 She is so nice.
 I am hungry.
 They are sad.
Now it is your turn:
1. My cat _____ black and white.
2. He ____ inside the house.
3. Mum and Dad _______ away.
4. Grandma _____ here.
5. Grass _____ green.
6. The sun _____ yellow.
7. New York ____ a city in the USA.
8. Canada ______ at north of the USA.
9. A horse ______ an animal.
10. The bike _____ from my father.
11. The poster ____ from John.
12. The plane ______ late.
13. The people _______ noisy.
14. Nobody _______ here.
15. John, Mike and Bo ______ sick.
16. An egg _____ white and yellow.
17. Rome ___ the capital city of Italy.
18. Beans _______ green.
19. They ______ healthy.
20. I ______ hungry.
21. Sylvia ______ in love with Bob.
22. The queen _______ fat.
23. The king ______ strong.
24. You _______ brave.
25. They _______ mad.
26. Coffee ______ hot.
27. Ice-cream ____ cold.
28. Pancakes ________ good.
29. It ______ a super job!

Negative form:

For example:
 I’m not hungry.
 She is not allergic to nuts.
 They aren’t happy.
Now it is your turn:
1. He ______ seven years old.
2. Maria ______ a girl.
3. She _______ Scott’s sister.
4. You _______ in my house.
5. He _______ a good footballer.
6. They ________ from Germany.
7. We _______ from Denmark.
8. It ______ hot today.
9. Tinker ______ a dog.
10. He ______ my dog.
11. A football _______ often white.
12. It ______ my bike.
13. Muzzy _______ a monster.
14. We _______ happy.
15. She ______ from Canada.
16. I _______ from Australia.
17. He _____ tall.
18. They _______ new here.
19. Today _______ Tuesday.
20. And tomorrow _____ Wednesday.
21. Peter _____ in grade three.
22. Sarah and Derek ______ at home.
23. We ______ going to eat now.
24. I ______ good at math.
25. Hockey _____ a winter sport.

Interrogative form

For example:
 Am I ugly?
 Is she Brazilian?
 Are they married?
Note that those questions can have just two types of answer. Either it will be
a positive, or it will be a neative answer. Check it out:
 Am I ugly? No, you are not.
 Is she Brazilian? Yes, she is.
 Are they married? No, they are not. They are just friends.
Now it is your turn:
Put the verb 'to be' into a question form. Ex. (It is late.) Is it late?
1. Carol's cat is very pretty.
2. Rob is ten years old.
3. Those paintings are beautiful.
4. John is from the USA.
5. Science is very difficult.
6. All the doors are open in this house!
7. Helena and Barbara are sisters.
8. My teacher is English.
9. Laura is from England.
10. My favorite color is blue.
11. My best friend is a student.
12. Peru is in Asia.
13. You are from Britain.
14. Your car is blue
15. Your sister is older than you.
16. This is your watch.
17. I am married.
18. Bob and I are from Canada.
19. Marcel is from France.

Rearrange the sentence.

1. I / not / a student. / am ___________________________
2. he / my brother. / is ___________________________
3. The girls / beautiful. / are ___________________________
4. Lara/ in the classroom. / is ___________________________
5. We / not / are /sad. ___________________________
5. My father / happy. / is ____________________________
6. My mother / a housewife. / is___________________________
7. She / not / my cousin. / is ___________________________
8. Adam / intelligent. / is ___________________________
9. The cat / friendly. / is ___________________________
9. Fill in the blanks with the right form of verb to be, either in the affirmative or in
the negative.
1. The stars in the sky _________________ shining.
2. You and I _________________ best friends.
3. All the people on the movie set _________________ actors.
4. The painting in that museum _________________ well guarded.
5. The woman in these magazines _________________ famous at all. I
wonder why she _________________ in them.
6. The milk in these cartons _________________ fresh because
it_________________ from two weeks ago.
7. Some lecturers in the university _________________ very tough.
8. Don’t gaze at blind people as if they _________________ weird. It
_________________ polite.
9. I _________________ sure that your mother and father
_________________ quite amazed by the news. The news
_________________ over whelming. I, on the other hand,
_________________ shocked because I have heard it before.
10. Don’t touch the meat that_________________ in that package. My
mother _________________ planning on using it in a new dish.
11. Some of the politicians in this party _________________ honest in the
least. On the contrary: I believe that they _________________ so
devious that the simple man will fall in their trap.
12. The software on my new computer _________________ absolutely
terrible. The salesmen_________________ complete frauds. Perhaps I
should complain. No one will ever buy there again.
13. The goods in the store _________________ quite fascinating. All the rich
men in the city _________________ talking about them.
14. The teachers’ room _________________ full of teachers that
_________________ eager to start working. It _________________ the
beginning of the year and one of them _________________ absolutely
sure that the students _________________ eager too.
_________________ she right? I fear that she _________________.
The students _________________ as eager as she
15. Water _________________ less and less found on earth. Unfortunately,
humans _________________ concerned enough about the situation.
That _________________ the reason that not enough
_________________ being done to save the world from water shortage.
16. The files on your desk _________________ super important. Please
secure them in a locked safe. The safe _________________ in your
office but in mine. Give them to me when you and your partner
_________________ finished with them.
17. The heirs of this mansion _________________ very excited. They
believe that it _________________ worth a lot of money.

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