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Importance of a legal regulatory framework for forensic auditing, focused on Law 43

of 1990 that regulates the profession of public accountant, this exercise must be
carried out in English.

The generally accepted audit standards in Colombia as well as the code of ethics are
contained in Law 43 of 1990; What refers to the quality of the standards contained in the
execution of the work, it is important to highlight that the information that is collected or
obtained in an investigation and reporting must be clear, useful and precise.
Professionalism is represented in personal standards, which form the first group indicated
by article 7 of Law 43 of 1990 where it speaks of the attitudes that a professional in the
audit area must have, due to this They are related to the professional qualities of the Public
Accountant, who must stand out for the good judgment in the execution of his examination
and in the report referring to it.

The importance of a legal regulatory framework for forensic auditing is to identify

under the law the processes and characteristics of forensic auditing, as a tool for the
detection of economic crimes in companies, through documentary and analytical studies,
which allow knowing their responsibility. and importance.

In Colombia, the professional who is trained and in accordance with Law 43 of

1990 who can perform accounting activities is the Public Accountant. In this way, any
accounting professional in Colombia can work in this type of specialty. It is clear that
forensic auditing can help public and private companies to prevent economic crimes that
lead to bankruptcy, if the professionals who perform it are empirical and although they
have skills that they have acquired throughout the exercise of the profession, They do not
present any type of legal requirement that allows you to prove the suitability that a
professional who intends to practice the aforementioned accounting specialty must have.

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