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The Bible Study Resources (BSR)

If we want to understand the text/ the passage from the Bible deeper it is useful to use some Bible Study Resources.
The simple way is to use other different versions/ translations of the Bible besides the one we have, e.g. having
Slovak Lutheran translation plus Ecumenical Slovak Translation.
Sometimes we need to find a verse or a meaning of the term in the original biblical language, or we need to clarify
the historical situation or some social background in the text, then we use the BSR.
 Concordance/konkordancia – the index of every word in the Bible in alphabetical order with the particular
verse where the word occurs. Helpful to find the word in the particular biblical verse. “GPS” of the Bible

 Bible Dictionary/Biblický slovník – Explains the meaning of ancient Hebrew or Greek words; it also includes
historical, geographical, cultural, and archeological information.

 Commentaries/ komenáre – biblical scholars interpret and explain a particular text of the Bible based on
their study of the background, language, place, time etc. Keep in mind these are written by humans and are
not infallible. They enable a clearer understanding of the passage; the explanations of biblical texts, arranged
in biblical order, contains introductions to each book of the Bible (author, date, message, outline of book…)

 Biblical Atlas – includes maps, time lines, charts, diagrams, pictures of the geographical places, etc.

 The Study Bible - is loaded with insights and commentary to help you dig deeper. It includes maps, graphs,
concordances, and charts that shed light on biblical times. An edition which prints not only the biblical text
itself, but also extensive “editorial material”, including introductions, footnotes, appendices with maps,
charts, time-lines, etc.

 Biblical Synopsis/Biblická synopsa - A book which prints similar periscopes from the Gospels (either the
Synoptic only, or possibly all four Gospels) in parallel columns on the same pages for easy comparison.

 Parallel Bible - An edition which prints several English translation

(often 4, 6, or 8 different ones - and sometimes also the original Greek and Hebrew text) in parallel columns
on the same pages to compare them easily.
 Other resources e.g. Biblical Lexicon, Topical Bible (similar to Concordance and the Bible Dictionary), Bible
Here are some examples of the Bible Study Resources:
Exegesis is defined as a critical analysis, interpretation or explanation of a written work. It means using the words of
the text in Scripture, through the lens of their original context, to determine their intent.
The types of exegesis (some of them):
 Historical – critical: history questions, questions about the used words and their meaning, about author,
comparison with other translations, comparison with other manuscripts, analysis of sources, genres, authorship,
background information (historical, social, cultural)
 Contextual approach: e.g. liberationist approach, feminist approach
 Literary Analysis: rhetorical (author, message, technique), narrative (characters, plot, point of view), semiotic
(words and symbols)

There are different websites which are helpful in deeper studying of the Scripture:;

How to read the Bible?

It is not an easy to read literature. The best it is to start with the Gospel, the Acts of the Apostles, letters, Psalms, etc.
We can use the Bible study resources or books for daily devotion/ denná pobožnosť. (Tesná brána – The Narrow
Gate, Our Daily Bread, The Good Seed…)
1. Think about the text you have read
2. Let the Bible to explain itself (footnotes, verses)
3. Read the Bible with a prayer and ask what does God want me to learn from the passage?
(What do I learn about God, about a man, about myself, is there any promise, any kind of lesson for me,
prayer to repeat…?)
4. Apply into your life

Overview Questions:

1. List some of the Bible Study Resources?

2. What is the Study Bible and The Gospel Synopsis?
3. Explain the term exegesis.
4. Give an example of exegetical method.
5. What are devotional books?
6. How would you advice someone to read the Bible for him/herself?

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