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Blog Post #1

1. Fusing Traditional Korean and Western Desserts Together

• I have chosen this topic because even though I love baking desserts, I have never tried to
bake traditional Korean desserts. I think that fusing traditional Korean desserts and Western
desserts would improve my baking skill, as well as enhancing and spreading my culture.

• This topic excites me because I would love to experiment with different recipes and create
my original recipe. This is also a great opportunity to learn more about my culture.

• My mom would be a mentor for my project because she has a passion for baking as well.
My mom is also experienced in baking Korean desserts.

2. Inquiry questions that I am considering in this project:

Cultural Integration:

• How can I seamlessly blend Korean and Western culinary elements in this dessert?

• Which specific Korean ingredients or techniques can be incorporated while maintaining the
essence of the Western dessert?

Flavor Profile:
• What flavor combinations from both Korean and Western cuisines complement each other?

• Which key Korean ingredients will I use and how will they harmonize with traditional Western
dessert ingredients?
• How can I ensure accessibility of ingredients?

3. Obstacles:
Obstacles in this project will be the baking process, because traditional Korean desserts generally take a lot
of time and effort to make. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the dessert that I baked would taste

4. Overcoming the Challenge:

I plan to overcome the challenge by trying different combinations of ingredients, having taste tests from
friends and family, and applying their opinions and suggestions to build on the recipe.

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