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Drama-INT-Unit1 – Gr2 - 2022

Central Idea Exploring family history and origin contribute to people

understanding the relationship between the past and the

IB learner profile Inquiries, reflective

ATL Research skills, thinking skills

Related concepts Influence, history

Subject based In this unit, learners will research and identify history of the
first theatre. They will identify the differences between first
and current theatres. Learners will discuss the benefits of
theatre over film during its evolution period and what leisure
activities families mostly prefer in our time and the
past.Learners will present an artwork to illustrate their
knowledge (creating board, drawing).

ATL skills:
1. Research skills:
 Data gathering and documenting (audio recording, drawing,
photographing). Learners will gather information they receive through
the watching video, photographs, literature. The will learn how they can
observe and notice details more beneficial. Record information through
drawing and writing.
 Synthesizing and interpreting. Learners will sort and categories
information and materials, they will prepare two boards where they will
differentiate where they need to place the first theatre information and
what board new theatre descriptions goes to. Learners will receive
coloring images that they will need to sort what theater they belong to,
they will write and draw on the board.
2. Thinking skills:
 Critical thinking. Learners will learn how to observe information and
how to find unique characteristics, the will consider meanings taken
from received and researched resources. They will organize and
evaluate gathered information.
 Creative thinking: Learners will practice visible thinking routines and
use discussions to generate new ideas while creating posters.

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