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3 Parallelograms Summary Sheet

Mark which property applies to each of the special quadrilaterals listed.

Property Parallelogram Rhombus Rectangle Square
All sides are ≅
Opposite sides are ≅
Opposite sides are ∥
Opposite angles are ≅
All angles are right angles
Diagonals bisect each other
Diagonals are≅
Diagonals are ⟂
Diagonals bisect opposite

Identify the properties that are being shown in the diagrams below.
Both pairs of opposite sides are parallel.

Opposite sides congruent. Opposite sides congruent. All sides congruent. All sides congruent.
Opposite angles congruent. All angles are right angles. Opposite angles congruent. All angles are right angles.

The diagonals are congruent. The diagonals bisect each other. The diagonals are congruent.
The diagonals bisect each other. The diagonals bisect each other. The diagonals are perpendicular. The diagonals bisect each other.
The diagonals are perpendicular.

Justify the markings on the figures below.

Alternate interior angles or parallel Since the diagonals are divided The opposite angles are The diagonals bisect the right angles
lines are congruent. into four congruent segments, congruent AND the diagonals of the squares into 45 degree angles.
two sets of congruent bisect the angles into congruent
ISOSCELES triangles are formed. angles.

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