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Writing and Game Design:
Felix irnich

Story Concept:
dingo, Felix irnich

Dominik Parisien, Verity Lane , misty Bourne, ty christensen

Graphic Designers:
Ricardo Evangelho, Rosemarie Halim

Art Direction:
Justin Chan

Front Cover Illustrator:


Dingo, Justin Chan

Project Managers:
Ricardo Evangelho, Graeme Fotheringham

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Fools Gold: Into the Bellowing Wilds, Foreclaimer Race Preview is Copyright © 2021 Hit Point Press Inc.,
1175 Brookfield Rd East, Ottawa, Ontario, K1V0C3, Canada. All rights reserved. All characters and their
distinctive likenesses are property of Hit Point Press Inc. in Canada, US and other countries. Any reproduction
or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express permission
of Hit Point Press Inc. Reference to other copyrighted material in no way constitutes a challenge to the

respective copyright holders of that material. Hit Point Press, and its associated logos are trademarks of Hit
Point Press Inc. First Printing. Printed in Canada.
Foreclaimer Race
Foreclaimers are something of a mystery, as Ruthless
their civilization disappeared suddenly more than
2,000 years ago. What little is known of them
Foreclaimers reached adulthood at the early
has been gleaned from the ruins and artifacts of
age of 20, and while an unaugmented Foreclaimer
their once-expansive empire and from surviving
could live to around 700 years old, an augmented
lore and legends. The sudden reappearance of a
Foreclaimer could live up to 1,400 years. With
Foreclaimer would certainly cause great interest
such an unnaturally long lifespan, they saw
and upheaval in the world of Ambria.
events in the world differently and were able to
A Superior Body accumulate huge amounts of knowledge and
Foreclaimers are distantly related to elves, wisdom. Events like global catastrophes didn’t
specifically Drow, and share similar features such trouble them but were instead seen as important
as pointed ears, slender physiques, and long research opportunities. Foreclaimers would stop
lifespans. However, they were taller than their at nothing to further the goal of their society: the
ancestors and typically stood at six to seven feet efficient pursuit of becoming the ultimate, perfect
tall. Their skin was light gray, and their hair colors form of life.
were varied pastel hues such as earthy greens, soft This endless pursuit of knowledge and
blues, and muted reds. efficiency was the principle underlying
Where they diverged significantly from elves Foreclaimer society. They were ruthlessly curious
was in their use of technology. Foreclaimers about the world, gathering knowledge about all of
advanced well beyond their natural abilities its aspects and researching how to improve upon
through extensive technological modification them. The concept of efficiency was an obsession
called “augmentation.” Some researchers have to them, and this ideal guided them in every
recently attributed the task they undertook. People who encountered
Forelaimers’ acceptance Foreclaimers would’ve done well to flee, lest they
of radical physiological be captured and taken for further study or killed
changes to meddling by if seen as a threat. There was a key distinction that
the Seraphim Stella, set Foreclaimers apart from other races in Ambria:
but the exact truth is they did not possess empathy, lacking the ability
lost to the ages. to understand or connect with the emotions of
another being. In fact, they saw the concept of
empathy as a flaw, an undesirable defect that
stifled growth.
Justin Chan & Dingo

It is unclear how the otherwise brilliant

Foreclaimers began to see empathy as a flaw.
Still, the consequences of this thinking was
clear in how they behaved. Foreclaimers
acted without mercy, as they did not value
lives in the same way as other races. This
led Foreclaimers to dull their own
ability to feel emotions further as
part of their self-experimentation,
making them exceptionally brutal and
remorseless in their interactions with
others as well as with their own kind.

Conquerors stomach, completely replacing their natural
of the Jungle metabolism. The use of power crystals eliminated
Even at the height of its power, Foreclaimer the Foreclaimer’s need to sleep, eat, or drink and
society remained mostly contained to a single dramatically slowed the aging process. This new
megacity called Soladin, which spanned the metabolic process also maintained the body’s
entirety of the Bellowing Wilds during its fat and muscle masses at optimal levels for daily
estimated 3,000 year reign. Their advanced tasks, which could be adjusted as needed.
weapons and technology established them as the A single power crystal could power a
apex predators of this jungle region and scared Foreclaimer for up to 50 years, at which point
off even the most imposing opponents. They did it would need to be replaced. The crystals could
not trade with other nations nor use their own be removed with relative ease, which could
currency. Resources were distributed as needed unfortunately be abused by enemies. Once
among the Foreclaimer citizens. Foreclaimers augmented with power crystals, a Foreclaimer
provided superb care for their citizens, so long as relied on them for the rest of their life. During
it did not cause a strain on resources. Outliers, the first hour without a crystal, a Foreclaimer
inefficient individuals, and those incapable of suffered terrible fatigue and stomach pains. If
contributing were exiled and left to die in the unpowered for more than a day, a Foreclaimer
harsh jungle on the outskirts of Soladin. would lose all benefits the power crystal granted
Foreclaimer society adhered to a strict them: they would once again need to sleep
collective approach, using what they considered and consume food and would experience
a simple hierarchy. For the sake of efficiency, an accelerated aging process. To avoid such
they had an Emperor, although the position was repercussions, Foreclaimers replaced their crystals
based on intelligence and expertise rather than a as quickly as possible.
bloodline. Once a Foreclaimer reached adulthood, The longer a Foreclaimer relied on power
they had a profession assigned to them based on crystals, the worse the effects of going without
their interests and aptitudes. They worked within one became. If a Foreclaimer who had been
that profession for their entire lives, barring augmented with a power crystal for more than
unexpected obsolescence. During the twilight 500 years became unpowered for more than a
years of their life, elder Foreclaimers assisted in year, their bodies declined rapidly, significantly
educating the next generation. Most Foreclaimers weakening them. In addition, their remaining
chose to receive an augmentation associated with lifespan would be reduced to a mere 100 years,
their profession in addition to their power crystal, at most, whether they were re-powered or not.
which allowed them to contribute to their society Foreclaimers considered these potential downsides
at peak efficiency. an acceptable trade-off, as their power crystal
supplies were abundant.
Powerful During the power crystal augmentation
Augmentations process, Foreclaimers could also choose to have
Power crystals, which store sunlight their bodies modified in one additional way.
as magical energy, were a vital element of These additional modifications normally had
Foreclaimer society. For centuries the crystals to do with their assigned specializations, such
powered early Foreclaimer machines. After as extra strength for miners or greater speed for
considerable research and experimentation, scouts. Despite the remarkable changes their
Foreclaimers determined that the crystals could bodies underwent, Foreclaimers were unable to
also power their bodies. In order to avoid adverse sustain more than one additional augmentation in
effects, it was determined that augmentation addition to their original power crystal receptacle.
would only occur once an individual reached
adulthood. At that time, a socket for power
crystals was surgically inserted into a Foreclaimer’s

Foreclaimer Traits racial ability score increases. In addition, your
Foreclaimers have a plethora of abilities, remaining lifespan is reduced to a maximum
some of which evolved over many years, while of 500 years. One hour after your crystal is
others are artificial augmentations they add to removed, you suffer one level of exhaustion. Your
their bodies. unpowered body also rapidly degrades over a
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity, period of 30 years, deteriorating your physique
Intelligence, and Wisdom scores each and appearance. If you have been continuously
increase by 1. powered for at least 500 years and your crystal is
Age. You reach adulthood at the age of 20 removed for longer than 1 year, your remaining
and can live up to 1,400 years if augmented lifespan is permanently reduced to a maximum of
and powered by power crystals. Unaugmented 100 years, regardless of whether you gain a new
Foreclaimers have a lifespan of around 700 years. power crystal.
Alignment. Foreclaimers typically do not Languages. You can speak, read, and write
possess empathy and, as such, tend toward neutral Common and Stelkin. Stelkin was the ancient
and evil alignments. language of Foreclaimers, derived long ago from
Size. Foreclaimers are taller than their elven Elvish. It was a language of harsh precision, with
ancestors, standing between 6 and 7 feet tall with sharp tones and faster pacing. Outsiders who
a near-perfect physique. Your size is Medium. wished to master it needed to learn an entirely
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. new breathing technique, as Foreclaimers avoided
Lack of Empathy. You have disadvantage on taking any unnecessary breaths while speaking.
all Deception, Insight and Persuasion checks. Augmentation. Adult Foreclaimers may
Observant. You gain proficiency in the choose to take a single augmentation to assist
Investigation and Perception skills. them in completing their projects more efficiently.
Efficient Metabolism.
You are sustained by your power crystal and do
not require food or drink. You are also unable to
sleep, do not require it to rest, and cannot be put
to sleep by magic. To benefit from a long rest, you
must spend at least four hours not moving and
doing only light activities. You remain conscious
and aware of your surroundings during this time.
You can also benefit from a short rest in half the
time typically required.
Stella’s Blessing.
You can cast light at will, using Intelligence
as your spellcasting ability. Once you cast
the spell, you can’t cast it again via this
trait until you finish a short or long
Solar Power. Your
augmentations and racial
benefits only work while
powered by a power crystal.
If the crystal is removed for
Justin Chan & Dingo

longer than 1 day, you lose

your Augmentation benefits,
Stella’s Blessing, Efficient
Metabolism, and any

Aggressive Reflexes You add your Proficiency Bonus to your Initiative rolls.
Your base walking speed increases by 5 feet and you ignore
Agility Boost
difficult terrain movement penalties.
Cat’s Eyes You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Climbing Claws You gain a climbing speed of 20 feet.
Gills You can breathe air and water.
Muscle Fiber Enhancement Your Strength score increases by 1 up to a maximum of 20.
You are able to ignore the sensation of pain and your sense of
Nerve Deadening
touch is numbed. You gain a +1 bonus to your Armor Class.
You gain proficiency in Dexterity saving throws and are not easily
Sixth Sense
surprised in combat.
Tempered Skin You gain resistance to fire damage.
You become immune to diseases and the poisoned condition.
Your blood is toxic, and any creature who consumes it must
Toxic Blood succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become poisoned
for 1 hour. (The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your
Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.)

Creating a Foreclaimer Character

Here are some questions to consider when developing your Foreclaimer character:
1. Foreclaimers completely vanished thousands of years ago. Why did you not vanish with them, or
how have you reappeared? Does your character know what has happened to themselves or not?
Work with your GM to find a way to incorporate your character’s backstory into the campaign.
2. Most Foreclaimers specialized in a certain profession, like hunting or research. What was your
3. Foreclaimers typically do not feel empathy. Do you have that ability for some reason? How do you
cope with it if you do, or how do you overcome this limitation if you don’t?
Justin Chan & Dingo

Augmentation Record
Subject: Gothica Diossol
Age: 20 Occupation: Leadership (Princess rank)
Install Power Crystal Socket? X Yes No
Requested Additional Augmentation:
Aggressive Reflexes X Gills Sixth Sense
Agility Boost Muscle Fiber Enhancement Tempered Skin
Cat’s Eyes Removed Nerves Toxic Blood
Climbing Claws
Surgeon: Alva Carnossa
Operative Summary:
This case was an anomaly, as an additional augmentation is not expected for individuals in high
leadership ranks. However, I was in no position to question orders, and with Diossol’s insistence, I
proceeded with the additional augmentation. As Diossol was led into the operating room, she was
animated, exhibiting disproportionate anticipation, which runs contrary to the painful recovery
period ahead.
Following standard anesthesia, the installation of the power crystal socket was successful. Per
protocol, socket model Antares was installed to match occupational rank. The body did not show signs
of rejection. Initial power crystal test confirmed predicted augmentation lines forming across the body
with a glow within normal parameters. Lifespan extended to a projected 1,220 years. Innate metabolism
successfully halted and replaced by crystal energy. Muscle and fat tissues successfully connected to new
augmentation lines.
Following a standard recovery period of 4 hours, the procedure for the additional augmentation
of Gills was undertaken. Incisions were properly made in the neck area. Gills removed from Merfolk
#20945 successfully transplanted into Diossol. Additional augmentation lines were carved to ensure
gills comply with new crystal metabolism. The body did not show signs of rejection. Vitals remained
within acceptable parameters. Initial water and air tests confirmed gills as fully functional.
As requested by the Emperor, I attempted to identify the cause of her unusual behavior and rectify
the defect. Unfortunately, I was unable to determine the cause. Further testing would have negatively
impacted the augmentation procedure. Continued monitoring of this subject’s mental state to ensure
it stays within acceptable parameters is required. If further deviation is identified, I recommend early
termination or sterilization to prevent further undesired defects in subsequent generations.
I must note a secondary concern after the second recovery period of 24 hours began. Diossol’s royal
sharkhound, specimen “Jawbone,” would not leave her side during recovery, potentially compromising the
safety of other patients in recovery. I recommend a replacement sharkhound be acquired and the current
one be terminated due to the problematic and exceptionally strong bond these two exhibit.

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