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2 pounds ground beef

2 teaspoons(cucharaditas ) garlic powder- ajo en polvo

a little beef soup –caldo de res
1 oil – aceite
3 onions cut .cebolla cortada
1 cup chopped celery (taza de apio picado)
1 katchup
4 bay leaves (hojas de laurel )
3 pound cooked lasagna pasta(fideo para pasta de lasaña )
mozzarella cheese
Salt and pepper to taste
1 cup Parmesan cheese

Let the meat rest with pepper, salt and the beef soup , fry the celery with the garlic and onion, then
add the meat and cook for 10 minutes. Meanwhile we cook the noodles in water and with four bay
then put the katchup and let it cook for 15 minutes
when the noodle is ready leave it (enfriar ).
To assemble the lasagna we put a layer of noodles, then the meat and finally mozzarella cheese.
repeat as many times as necessary and put in the oven for 20 minutes

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