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Elianny Casado

Professor Doris Ervin

Early Childhood Education

October 11th, 2020

Value of Play for Children

Assignment # 3
1. Assume that you are a kindergarten teacher. At parents’ night, one of the parents asks,
“Why don’t you teach my child anything? All he does all day is play.”
2. Describe how you would respond to this parent to help them appreciate the value of play
in children’s learning using ideas and believes discussed in chapters 2 and 3.

If a parent comes to me and ask why his/her child plays so much, I would kindly explain the

importance of play for children. I would say that play is not a luxury, on the contrary, playtime is

a necessity, the most valuable way that children learn.

In the case that I am working with a baby or a toddler, and a parent complains about his

child playing too much, I would enlighten all the benefits of playtime for his child. To illustrate

him, I would show him a few toys and play areas around the classroom and tell him about

symbolic play and how his child plays in that area or with that toy and pretend it is something or

someone. This particular game promotes the child imagination, language, creativity and eye-

hand co-ordination. Additionally, I would point out that it is through play that children at very

early age engage and interreact with the world around them. Play promotes the aspects of

children intellectual development, they learn to manipulate objects, jump, run, climb, hop, etc.

my words will be, Ms. Avery, children learn to control their bodies when they play and that is

fundamental in their emotional, physical, and social development.


In a different scenario, if a parent of a pre-k student asks why her child is playing instead of

learning, I would say that play is fundamental for a healthy brain development. Children develop

social skills when they play with peers, they learn to share, take turns and be patient. I would

also mention how important it is that children learn to self-regulate, manage their emotion,

behavior, and focus on tasks. Playtime encourages these abilities. Playing with toys such as

blocks helps them slow down, be more attentive and careful so his tower does not fall down. Is

by play that a child learns to be persistent, creative, and friendly. Ms. Stanton, play is vital for a

child’s total development.

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