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AECT Standard 4-Professional Knowledge and Skills

Donetha Meyers

University of Arkansas Fayetteville

ETEC 5981 - EPortfolio Production

Dr. Derrick Mears

Sept. 25, 2023


4.1 Collaborative Practice

3 projects demonstrate achievement in this part of standard 4: Strategic Action Plan, Website

Design Project, and the Assistive Technology Project. In the Strategic Action plan I

collaborated with current and former coaches of the robotics tea,. current and former computer

science teachers, and the students themselves to figure out what the robotics team needed and

where they wanted to go This was done with interviews, surveys, group discussions, and more.

In the Website Design Project I collaborated with a colleague to create a functional website for

him to use for his high school science classes. In the first part of the Assistive Technology

Project I collaborated with fellow students to design a plan of action for a fictional college

student with hearing loss.

4.2 Leadership

1 project demonstrates achievement in this portion of standard 4: the Strategic Action Plan.

In this project I collaborated with the coaches, teachers. and students to find out what the

robotics team needed and where it wanted to go. I led the coaches, teachers, and students when

it came to creating a plan of action, finding technology to assist them, and setting out steps for

them to follow to achieve their goals.

4.3 Reflection on Practice

3 projects demonstrate achievement in this portion of standard 4: Strategic Action Plan,

Website Design Project, and the Gamification of a Science Classroom paper. In the Strategic

Action Plan I held and led meetings with both teachers and students. After each meeting I

would evaluate everything done and said. That information helped me to determine a course of

action for the next meeting, as well as for the long term implementation of the plan. In the

website project I conducted a useability test with students and teachers. The information

collected was used to make improvements and adjustments to the website. In the gamification

paper I read many research studies and had to determine which ones to use. I evaluated the

effectiveness of the methods and if they were applicable to a science classroom. Some of the

studies done were not effectively carried out, or the end results were unclear.

4. 4 Assessing/Evaluating

3 projects demonstrate achievement in this portion of standard 4: Strategic Action Plan,

Website Design Project, and the LMS Project - Canvas. In the action plan I created a way for

the robotics team to evaluate their progress at the start of the year and at the end of the year.

They can then use that information to determine the direction the next year needs to go. In the

website project I designed a useability test for users of the website to work through. It

consisted of tasks to accomplish, plus qualitative and quantitative questions to answer about

their experience. In the Canvas project I created both formative and summative assessment for

the course. These were in the form of pre-tests, quizzes, and projects. These will help the

teacher determine if the students are learning what they need to.

4.5 Ethics

This portfolio demonstrates achievement in this portion of standard 4. This portfolio is

easily accessible to any learner. The contents have been carefully designed to keep in mind the

diversity of learners who may be accessing it.



Pina, A. (2012, July 16). AECT Standards, 2012 version. Association for Educational

Communications and Technology. Retrieved September 12, 2023, from

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