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Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 103 (2004) 405–411

Arbuscular mycorrhiza and enzymatic activities in the rhizosphere

of Trachypogon plumosus Ness. in three acid savanna soils
J.C. López-Gutiérrez∗ , M. Toro, D. López-Hernández
Facultad de Ciencias, Laboratorio de Estudios Ambientales, Instituto de Zoologı́a Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela,
Caracas 1041-A, Apartado 47.058, Venezuela

Phosphorus (P) is one of the most limiting macronutrients in savannas. Seasonality strongly affects nutrition processes in
such ecosystems. We studied arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM), microbial and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of Trachy-
pogon plumosus Ness. in three acid savanna soils differing in taxonomic order and P content. Microbial number and activity, P
mineralization and AM dynamics were quantified in rhizospheric samples of T. plumosus during the dry and the rainy season
at three sites in the Estación Experimental La Iguana, Guárico State, Venezuela. Soils were characterized and infective AM
propagules enumerated using the most probable number method on Sorghum vulgare Pers. Acid phosphatase activity (APA),
dehydrogenase activity (DHA) and number of bacteria and fungi were determined in rhizospheric samples. AM colonized root
length percentage (%CRL) was also determined in T. plumosus. Our data showed that the three soil orders had a very low fertil-
ity. AM infective potential showed values similar to those reported for tropical savannas. Also, AM %CRL was high for a grass
species. APA increased in the rainy season in all cases. However, DHA and microbial counts decreased during the rainy season
suggesting that soil microorganisms do not mediate the increase in APA. AM colonization, seasonal changes in microbial
activity and in APA seemed to be important processes for P availability and T. plumosus P-uptake in savanna ecosystems.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Phosphatase; Savanna; Dehydrogenase; Arbuscular mycorrhiza; Trachypogon

1. Introduction dry and rainy seasons. Most of Venezuelan savanna

ecosystems are dominated by grasses such as Tra-
Nearly one third of the Venezuelan territory is dom- chypogon plumosus Ness., in fact some savannas are
inated by savanna ecosystems. In general savanna soils known as Trachypogon savannas. Other shrub and tree
are highly weathered, acidic, with a very low fertility like species, such as Curatella americana Linn., Mau-
which results in a low nutrient content and low primary ritia flexuosa Linn. and Bowdichia virgiloides H.B.
productivity (Jordan, 1984). Phosphorus (P) is one of and K. can be found, however, they do not form a
the most limiting macronutrients in savannas due to continuous canopy (Sarmiento, 1981).
the high weathering rate of these soils (Tiessen et al., In a detailed P fractionation study in Venezuelan
1984). These ecosystems are subject to very marked savannas Hernández-Valencia and López-Hernández
(1999) show that only 4% of the total soil P is either
available or labile inorganic P (Pi). This fractionation
∗ Corresponding author. Present address: Institute National de la
also shows the importance of soil microorganisms
Recherche Agronomique, UMR 1229, Microbiologie et Géochimie
des Sols, 17 rue Sully, B.V. 86510. 21065 Dijon, France; Tel:
in P-cycling, since 6% of the phosphorus in the
+33-3-80-69-30-90; fax: +33-3-80-69-32-24. ecosystem is present as microbial P. Finally, 24% of
E-mail address: (J.C. López-Gutiérrez). the soil P is labile and moderately labile organic P

0167-8809/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
406 J.C. López-Gutiérrez et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 103 (2004) 405–411

(Po). Even though Po is not readily available for plant nent, and isolated C. americana Linn., as the tree
uptake, it can become available after mineralization to component, in Estación Experimental La Iguana near
inorganic forms (Ascencio, 1997). Acid phosphatase Santa Marı́a de Ipire, Guárico State, in northeastern
activity (APA) allows the use of less readily avail- Venezuela (8◦ 25 N and 65◦ 25 W). The average annual
able P forms hydrolyzing Po to Pi (Clarholm, 1993). precipitation is 1200 mm (concentrated in a rainy sea-
Most of the Po mineralizing activity occurs at the son between May and September), and the average
rhizosphere where phosphatases released from plant monthly temperature is 27.9 ◦ C.
roots (Helal and Dressler, 1989), soil microorganisms
(Asmar et al., 1995) and earthworms (Satchell and 2.2. Soil sampling and characterization
Martin, 1984) are present.
Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) contribute to plant The sampling sites correspond to an Entisol, an
growth and nutrient uptake, specially P (Smith and Ultisol and a Vertisol that differ in texture. For the gen-
Gianinazzi-Pearson, 1988). Contribution can be a eral soil characterization air-dried 2 mm sieved sam-
direct effect through an exploration of a larger ples from the dry season were used. For the rest of the
volume of soil and/or a hyphal access to soil biological analysis soil samples from the rhizosphere
P pools not available to plants (Koide, 1991; of T. plumosus individuals, as well as roots, were col-
Li et al., 1991; Jayachandran et al., 1992). Some lected in the middle of the dry and the rainy seasons
authors even assert that AM mycelia may have P min- and stored in sealed plastic bags at 4 ◦ C until used.
eralizing activity (Jayachandran et al., 1992; Tarafdar Soil characterization involved: (1) Pt determined
and Marshner, 1994). after perchloric/sulfuric acid digestion and colorimet-
APA (Fox and Comerford, 1992; Clarholm, 1993) ric P determination (Murphy and Riley, 1962; Olsen
as well as AM colonization (Tarafdar and Marshner, and Sommers, 1982); (2) P-NaHCO3 determined
1994; Joner and Jakobsen, 1995) can be induced by with 0.5 M NaHCO3 extraction after 16 h shaking
P deficiency. Furthermore, rhizospheric microorgan- (Bowman and Cole, 1978); (3) soil pH measured with
isms and AM can synergistically contribute to plant P a glass electrode (1:5 soil:water ratio) and soil texture
nutrition (Toro et al., 1996; Singh and Kapoor, 1998). with the Bouyoucos method.
We hypothesize that some specific mechanisms
must be operating in the plant rhizosphere to allow 2.3. Rhizospheric enzymatic determinations
plant growth in savannas. Thus, AM, soil microor-
ganisms and APA in the rhizosphere are considered DHA was determined colorimetrically as the degra-
as crucial mechanisms for P availability and plant dation of triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) to
P-uptake. Our interest focuses on the biochemical triphenyl tetrazolium formazan (TTF) after 24 h of
processes occurring in the rhizosphere of native plant 1.5 g fresh soil sample incubation. Values are ex-
species of P-deficient soils. Therefore microbial activ- pressed as microgram of TTF released per gram of
ity, as measured by viable plate counts and dehydro- dry soil per 24 h, according to Casida et al. (1964).
genase activity (DHA), mineralization activity (APA) APA was determined colorimetrically as the degra-
and AM dynamics was studied in the rhizosphere of dation of PNP-P (p-nitrophenyl phosphate) to PNP
T. plumosus growing on three seasonal savanna soils (p-nitrophenol) after a 30 min incubation of 1 g fresh
differing in phosphorus content and soil order. soil sample at pH 4.5. Values are expressed as micro-
gram of PNP released per gram of dry soil per hour,
according to Tabatabai and Brenmer (1969).

2. Materials and methods 2.4. Rhizospheric bacterial and fungal

viable plate counts
2.1. Sampling sites
Bacterial and fungal colony forming units (CFUs)
Sampling sites were located in savannas with T. were counted using the standard dilution plate tech-
plumosus Ness., as the dominant herbaceous compo- nique of fresh soil suspension on selective media.
J.C. López-Gutiérrez et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 103 (2004) 405–411 407

Bacteria were determined on tryptic soy agar (Martin, ples. When media were different a Duncan’s test was
1975). Fungi were estimated on rose bengal agar applied to observe statistical differences (P = 0.05).
(Martin, 1950). Colonies were counted on the ap- Parameters for the soil characterization were com-
propriate dilutions after 2 and 5 days, respectively, pared between soils while the other parameters were
incubation at 25 ◦ C. The results are reported as log of compared only between seasons for each soil order.
bacterial or fungal CFU per gram of dry soil.

2.5. Mycorrhizal determinations 3. Results and discussion

AM infective potential was determined by the 3.1. Soil chemical and textural analyses:
most probable number (MPN) of infective propagules phosphorus forms
method according to Sieverding (1991). An amount
of 5 kg of native soil (0–15 cm) collected from each Soils were slightly acid and as expected they had a
site in the dry season was sieved through a 1 cm mesh very low Pt content (Table 1). P-NaHCO3 , which is
and 1 h steam sterilized for three consecutive days. considered to be plant available (Bowman and Cole,
The 500 g pots were prepared using sterile/native 1978), is extremely low in all three soils. This result
soil serial dilutions in 1:10 proportion. One seed per supports findings for other seasonal tropical ecosys-
pot (10% sodium hypochlorite surface sterilized) of tems were P is one of the most limiting macronutrients
Sorghum vulgare Pers. was placed and after 40 days (Roy and Singh, 1995).
roots were cleared and stained as described below to In general, available P seem to be higher as
observe presence or absence of AM structures. Data texture becomes finer (O’Halloran et al., 1987;
is expressed as number of AM propagules in 100 g López-Hernández and Niño, 1993; Zubillaga and
dry soil and the confidence limits assigned according Giuffré, 1999), our results showed exactly the oppo-
to Fisher and Yates (1970). site, P-NaHCO3 was lower as texture became finer,
To determine AM colonization, T. plumosus root being extremely low in the case of the Vertisol. P
samples collected in the rainy and the dry season adsorption in these soils is higher as silt and clay con-
were carefully rinsed, cleared and trypan blue stained tent increase (O’Halloran et al., 1987). The Vertisol in
(Phillips and Hayman, 1970). AM colonization in this study differs from others in the world because of
these samples was quantified in a microscope at 10× the acid pH instead of the basic pH of those derived
magnification and expressed as percentage of colo- from calcareous material which are very fertile soils
nized root length (%CRL), according to Giovanetti (USDA, 1978).
and Mosse (1980).
3.2. Enzymatic results and viable plate counts
2.6. Statistical analyses
APA significantly increased during the rainy season
Data were analyzed with one way ANOVA test to in all soil orders. This increase, however, was propor-
observe statistical differences between media of sam- tionally higher for the Entisol (Fig. 1). These results

Table 1
General soil characterization and most probable number of three acid savanna soils
Soil order Entisol Vertisol Ultisol

Texture Sandy Clay loam Sandy clay loam

pH 5.4 a 5.7 b 5.4 a
P-total (␮g g−1 ) 59.8 a 143.5 c 93.0 b
P-NaHCO3 (␮g g−1 ) 4.9 b 0.75 a 1.4 ab
AM infective potential propagules per 435.4 (100.2–456.0) 435.4 (100.2–456.0) 189.5 (44.4–201.84)
100 g soil (95% confidence limits)
Values followed by the same letter do not differ significantly. Duncan’s test (P = 0.05).
408 J.C. López-Gutiérrez et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 103 (2004) 405–411

250,00 3,5
b a
3 a a
200,00 b b a
log fungal cfu / g

µg PNP/g h

150,00 Dry
a 2
100,00 b a Rainy
a 1
0,00 0,5
Entisol Vertisol Ultisol
Soil Order Entisol Vertisol Ultisol

Soil Order
Fig. 1. Seasonal changes in acid phosphatase activity in the rhi-
zosphere of T. plumosus in three acid savanna soils (mean ± S.D.,
Fig. 3. Seasonal changes in viable fungal plate counts in the rhi-
n = 3). Values followed by the same letter do not differ signifi-
zosphere of T. plumosus in three acid savanna soils (mean ± S.D.,
cantly. Duncan’s test (P = 0.05).
n = 3). Values followed by the same letter do not differ signifi-
cantly. Duncan’s test (P = 0.05).

suggest that P mineralization, as expressed by APA,

increases during the rainy season, when plant nutri- bacteria. Viable plate counts are not expected to show
ent uptake and nutrient leaching are higher (Roy and the same pattern as enzyme activities because selec-
Singh, 1995). tive media recovers only a proportion of soil microor-
Dehydrogenases are not expected to be free in ganisms and might include those in dormant phase
soil, therefore, DHA expresses living cell activity and (Frankenberger and Dick, 1983; Riis et al., 1998).
that is why it is an indicator of biological activity The results showed that viable fungal counts (Fig. 3)
(Frankenberger and Dick, 1983). DHA significantly were significantly different between seasons only for
decreased during the rainy season in all soil orders the Entisol, being higher during the rainy season.
(Fig. 2). Even though several soil factors such as Bacterial counts (Fig. 4) significantly increased dur-
soil texture affect DHA, this enzymatic activity can ing the rainy season for the Ultisol, but decreased for
be used to detect soil seasonal changes (Cooper and the Entisol and the Vertisol during the rainy season.
Warman, 1997). Furthermore, DHA can correlate with The latter result agrees with the microbial activity, as
changes in the microbial biomass due to long-term expressed by DHA, significantly decreasing during
soil amendment (Goyal et al., 1993). the rainy season at all sites (Fig. 2).
In an attempt to relate DHA with another indicator A higher bacterial count and DHA during the dry
of soil microbial activity we quantified soil fungi and season support the idea that in seasonal ecosystems
microbial grazers and plants are not as active during

200,00 b b
µg TTF/ g 24h

log bacterial cfu / g

b a
150,00 6 a

Dry 5 Dry
100,00 4 Rainy
b Rainy
50,00 2
b a a 1
Entisol Vertisol Ultisol Entisol Vertisol Ultisol
Soil Order Soil Order

Fig. 2. Seasonal changes in dehydrogenase activity in the rhizo- Fig. 4. Seasonal changes in viable bacterial plate counts in the rhi-
sphere of T. plumosus in three acid savanna soils (mean ± S.D., zosphere of T. plumosus in three acid savanna soils (mean ± S.D.,
n = 3). Values followed by the same letter do not differ signifi- n = 3). Values followed by the same letter do not differ signifi-
cantly. Duncan’s test (P = 0.05). cantly. Duncan’s test (P = 0.05).
J.C. López-Gutiérrez et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 103 (2004) 405–411 409

the dry season while soil microorganisms are (Singh 100

et al., 1989). In fact, Ingham et al. (1986) showed how 90

% Colonized root length

80 a
in a seasonally dry ecosystem protozoa, fungivorous 70 b
microarthropods and bacterial feeding nematode pop- 60 a
a Dry
ulations decrease while bacterial populations increase 50
40 Rainy
during the dry season. 30
In savannas (Singh et al., 1991), as well as in 20
other tropical ecosystems affected by low fertility and 10
strong seasonality (Singh et al., 1989; Campo et al.,
Entisol Vertisol Ultisol
1998), soil microorganisms, besides being adapted to
Soil Order
dry conditions, play an important role in the seasonal
P-cycling by immobilizing P during the dry season Fig. 5. Seasonal changes in AM colonization of T. plumosus in
and releasing P during the rainy season. The impor- three acid savanna soils (mean ± S.D., n = 3). Values followed by
tance of soil microorganisms in these studies has the same letter do not differ significantly. Duncan’s test (P = 0.05).
been evaluated in terms of the content of nutrients in
the microbial biomass. Our results confirmed these
earlier findings taking into account viable counts and agricultural management of savanna soil may increase
activity of soil microorganisms (DHA), instead of the the soil AM potential, increasing the efficiency of
nutrient content present in the living cells or microbial plant AM symbiosis for P-uptake (Dodd et al., 1990).
biomass. Considering that herbaceous plants with rapidly
Furthermore, microorganisms in the rhizosphere growing fine roots and abundant root hairs are less
may contribute to P nutrition through the synthesis responsive to AM colonization (St. John, 1980), T.
and release of phosphatases when P is not available plumosus showed rather high %CRL (Fig. 5). Some
(Speir and Cowling, 1991; Clarholm, 1993). The de- authors (St. John et al., 1983; St. John and Uhl, 1983)
crease in DHA and bacterial counts during the rainy observed CRL of 54.7% for Panicum pilosum Sw. and
season, however, suggests that the increase in APA 29.8% for Andropogon bicornis Linn., in savannas.
during that period is not mediated by rhizospheric Even though both are grass species their %CRL is not
microorganisms, i.e., soil extracellular phosphatases as high as our results which suggests that AM may
may have been already present in the soil or have be a crucial mechanism for T. plumosus P-uptake in
plant root origin. savanna ecosystems.
AM colonization, registered as %CRL in T. plumo-
3.3. Mycorrhizal status sus, was higher in the Entisol and Vertisol during the
dry season, but not in the Ultisol (Fig. 5). Several
The number of AM infective propagules (MPN) environmental factors, seasonality being one of them,
was high and not significantly different in all three may cause differences in %CRL. Such variations may
soils (Table 1). Textural differences do not affect this depend upon the specific structural, developmental
parameter, as suggested by Sieverding (1991) in nat- and physiological characteristics of the plant–AM
ural ecosystems. The values were higher than those combination (Smith and Read, 1997). Furthermore,
reported in natural Colombian savannas, however, a the ability of the mycorrhiza to absorb nutrients is
well-managed cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) linked to the development of external mycelium and
crop may have values six-fold higher than natural the proportion of the fungus which is metabolically
savannas (Sieverding, 1991). One of the reasons for active (Hepper, 1981) which might not be reflected
not finding significant differences in this parameter on the %CRL (Tisserant et al., 1993).
is the fact that MPN method has wide confidence On the other hand, Nelsen and Safir (1982) showed
limits (Porter, 1979). Moreover, this method involves how drought stress, even in fertile soils, causes high
soil sample mixing and dilution which causes hy- levels of AM colonization because low moisture levels
phal network rupture, yet it allows robust propagule can reduce nutrient diffusion rate, such as P, decreas-
enumeration in soil (Jasper et al., 1993). Proper ing plant availability. Accordingly, our results showed
410 J.C. López-Gutiérrez et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 103 (2004) 405–411

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