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Welcome to The Positive Birth Company hypnobirthing course.

My name is Siobhan and I am a Mum to three boys and founder of The Positive
Birth Company. I discovered hypnobirthing when pregnant with my second
child and it changed everything for me. Having had an induction with lots of
intervention first time round, I went on to have a completely natural home birth
and my son was born under the lights of the Christmas tree. It was magical and
I have never felt more amazing! I practiced hypnobirthing again before the
birth of my third child and he was born calmly in the water at the local birth
centre. I was able to catch him myself before bringing him up to my chest. It
was so beautiful and peaceful.

I left my digital marketing career in 2013 to complete a masters in psychology

before training to become a hypnobirthing teacher with Katharine Graves in
2015. Hypnobirthing, contrary to how it might sound, is a very logical approach
to birth and the tools you will learn on this course are highly effective when it
comes to creating a positive and empowering birth experience for both mum
and birth partner.

You will learn how labour works on a physiological and psychological level; how
the muscles of the uterus work and the hormones required to ensure a quick
and comfortable birth. You will be taught relaxation techniques so that you can
ensure you are working with your perfectly-designed birthing body. Regular
practice will increase the effectiveness of these techniques and you will feel the
benefits immediately. We also cover interventions that may be offered, the
different stages of labour and the options available so that you can make
informed decisions ensuring your baby is born In the best possible way to a
calm, confident and empowered mother. I am certain that by the time you
finish this course you will be feeling excited for your labour to begin.

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that The Positive Birth
Company are here to support you throughout your pregnancy so please don’t
hesitate to get in touch at any point.

Finally, I love hearing your happy news (it is the highlight of my job!) so please
let us know when you’ve had your baby. Positive birth stories are so powerful so
if you’d be willing to share yours please say.

Wishing you all the best for an amazing birth (all the strength you need is within

Siobhan x


1. Up Breathing Page 4

2. Down Breathing Page 4

3. Visualisations Page 5

4. Simple Head and Face Relaxation Page 6

5. Arm Stroking Guided Relaxation Page 7

6. Calming Touch Guided Relaxation Page 10

7. Relaxation Triggers Page 12

8. Positive Affirmations Page 13

9. Your Body, Your Baby & Your Birth Page 14

10. Early Labour Page 16

11. Established Labour Page 17

12. Making informed decisions - B.R.A.I.N Page 18

13. Induction of Labour - Hugs before Drugs Page 19

14. Fear Release Script Page 20

15. Packing the Ultimate Birth Bag Page 24

16. Practice Schedule Page 25

17. Resources Page 26

18. Notes Page 27


With body relaxed and shoulders dropped, slowly breathe in through your nose,
filling your lungs, then slowly breathe out through your mouth, exhaling all

I breathe in for a count of four and then out for a count of eight but if you find it
tricky exhaling for a full count of eight, aim for six instead. Do what feels
comfortable for you but try to make your exhale longer than your inhale.

This breathing technique will help you remain calm and relaxed, enabling the
muscles of the uterus to work comfortably and efficiently as they are designed
to and you to feel in control. Use this breathing technique during every surge in
the Up Stage (First Stage) of labour. You can return to your normal breathing
pattern between surges.

You might like for your birth partner to count out loud for you when you are in
labour or you might prefer quiet. Sometimes visualisations can help with your
breathing. For example, as you inhale and fill your lungs, you could imagine the
sun rising over the horizon, filling the sky with warm light and then as you exhale,
imagine the golden sun rising upwards to the highest point in the sky. Or you
could imagine a hot air balloon inflating as you breathe in and then, as you
breathe out, you see the hot air balloon lift off the ground and float upwards
and away.

Practice this breathing technique for a few minutes every day either with your
birth partner counting for you or using visualisations.


Take a big quick breath in through your nose and then as you breathe out
through your mouth, focus your attention downward towards your pelvic floor,
sending your breath down through your body with purpose.

Use this breath in the Down Stage (Second Stage) of labour as you feel your
muscles beginning to push downwards and your baby descend. Remember
you can return to normal breathing between surges.

You will know when it is time to use this breathing technique as the surges will
noticeably change. You will feel a powerful and involuntary pushing sensation.

This breathing technique is effective not only because it ensures you are
bringing oxygen in, which the muscles need, but you will also be actively
working with your body, rather than against it.

You want to bring the breath in and send it down through your body, gently
helping your muscles as they push downwards. You want to allow everything to
soften and release so your baby can be born gently and easily. You want to
avoid tensing and drawing all core and pelvic floor muscles upwards as this will
make your baby’s descent more difficult and you will be working against the
downward motion of your uterus muscles.

Practice this breathing technique when you go to the toilet for a poo!

Also do some practice with your birth partner so they are familiar with it and
can prompt you when the time comes to use it.


These visualisations may be helpful with the Up Breathing in the Up Stage of


-Picture the sunrise as you inhale, see the beautiful pink appearing on the
horizon as you feel your chest expand.
-As you exhale, see the sun rise higher and higher in the sky until it reaches the
midday point.

-As you inhale and feel your chest expand, imagine you are inflating a party
balloon and it is getting bigger and bigger.
-As you exhale see the balloon float upwards into the sky, up, up and away until
it disappears.

-As you inhale picture a brightly coloured hot air balloon being inflated with air.
It gets bigger and bigger as you feel your chest expand.
-Now, as you exhale, watch it lift off the ground and rise up and up, higher and
higher into the sky until it disappears from sight.

For use with Down Breathing in the Down Stage of Labour:

As you exhale, channelling your breath down through your body, see the
ripples spreading out and out on a pond. So soft and calm, fluid and smooth.

As you exhale, sending your breath down through your body, imagine
snowflakes gently falling, so beautiful and soft.

Imagine a stunning waterfall, as you exhale with purpose, see the water flowing
downwards, glistening in the sun.

As you feel your baby descend, visualise the moment of your baby’s birth. You
are so close now and will soon be holding your baby in your arms.


Guided Relaxation
Allow your eyes to close gently and easily, so that you are better able to focus
on my voice. Feel your body begin to relax.

Tune in now with your breath. Allow it to slow down and deepen. Settle into a
rhythm that feels natural for you. Breathe slowly, deeply and comfortably.

As you inhale, feel your lungs gently expand and, as you exhale, imagine that a
valve has opened, and you feel all the pressure within you release. Now, again.
Inhale, expand, exhale, release. Feel all the tension flow out and away from
your body. Breathe in and breathe out. Inhale, expand. Exhale, release. Now
allow your shoulders to drop and everything to soften, relax and release... You
feel completely comfortable… You are totally relaxed…

Focus now on your eyelids and allow the muscles to soften. Feel the relaxation
spread upwards and across your forehead. Everything softening and relaxing.
Feel the muscles relax so that your forehead is smooth and free of all tension.
Allow yourself to sink into this lovely feeling of warmth and comfort as
everything becomes soft and relaxed. Inhale, expand. Exhale, release. Breathe
in and breathe out. Enjoy this feeling of peace, calm and wellbeing.

Now feel the relaxation spread downwards from your forehead, in and around
your eyes and down through your cheeks. Everything softens as the warm
feeling gently spreads. Allow your jaw to become loose so that it too is relaxes.
Feel the warmth spread on downwards through your neck and across your
shoulders. All the muscles soften and release as the relaxation gently spreads
downwards through your body. Everything is loose and relaxed.

Notice now your mouth and your lips. Allow them to soften and release. Notice
your tongue, it rests completely relaxed in your mouth. Every muscle in your
face is soft and free of tension. Your whole face and head feels completely
relaxed. Inhale, expand. Exhale, release. Breathe in and breathe out. You feel
very, very peaceful.

Finally, feel your shoulders relax. Allow them to sink to their natural level, so that
your whole body is limp and relaxed, and your breathing is soft and slow. Pause
for a moment and enjoy this feeling of calm, warmth and wellbeing.

You feel happy now, knowing that you can easily access this wonderful feeling
of peace, calm and relaxation whenever you need to. You know that your
body has been perfectly designed to grow and birth your baby. You feel strong
and confident, calm and relaxed. You know that you can feel just as relaxed as
you do now when you give birth to your baby, and so you look forward to
meeting your baby feeling calm and full of love. You look forward to the
amazing and empowering experience that is giving birth, trusting that you, your
body and your baby know exactly what to do.

Now, when you’re ready and in your own time, slowly open your eyes, gently
and calmly, coming back to the present feeling relaxed, confident and ready.


Guided Relaxation

Gently and easily allow your eyes to close so that you can focus on my voice
and begin to relax.

Allow your breathing to slow down and deepen. As you inhale, feel your lungs
expand as they fill with air and as you exhale, feel all the pressure and tension
release and flow out of your body. Inhale, expand, exhale, release. Breathing in
and breathing out. With each breath you become more and more relaxed.
Inhale, expand, exhale, release. Breathing in and breathing out. You feel
peaceful. You feel comfortable. You feel deeply relaxed.

Now place your focus on your feet. Feel the weight of your feet where they rest.
As you focus on your feet imagine all the stress and tension in your body
draining out through your feet, down, down and away, into the ground. You
begin to feel lighter. Everything feels more relaxed.

Now imagine that as all the stress and tension leaves your body, a wave of
relaxation and peace flows down through you. You can feel this wave of
warmth and light as it slowly spreads and fills every part of your body. You feel
an overwhelming feeling of comfort and wellbeing as this wave of peace and
relaxation, warmth and light, fills every part of you.

Your breath begins to slow down and deepen. Inhale, expand, exhale, release.
Breathing in and breathing out. Slower and deeper.

Now that you are relaxed, I will begin to stroke your hand and arm very gently.

Start stroking her hand and arm speaking slowly and calmly.

You can feel my touch on your hand and arm. I am here. You are safe. Allow
yourself to sink, deeply relaxed, completely comfortable. As I stroke your hand
and arm you relax more and more deeply. You can feel my touch. It feels
soothing and reassuring. You are safe.

Enjoy this feeling. Endorphins spreading throughout your body. Inhale, expand,
exhale, release. Breathing in and breathing out. You are deeply relaxed.
Peaceful and calm. Filled with warmth and light.

Now the feeling in your hand and arm and begins to fade away. You know that
I am still stroking your hand and arm... but all you can feel is warmth and
comfort. Maybe you can feel a light tingle from my touch, but as I continue to
stroke, the feeling becomes less and less. Your hand and arm become
increasingly numb.

Inhale, expand, exhale, release. Inhale, Exhale. Breathing in and breathing out.

You feel more and more deeply relaxed. You are completely comfortable.
Peaceful. Safe. Gradually the feeling in your hand and arm becomes less and
less. Gradually fading. Until you feel nothing at all.

Inhale, expand, exhale, release. Breathing in and breathing out.

You realise now that you can apply this warm, comfortable feeling of numbness
wherever you want. Simply focus on a part of your body and the feeling
becomes less and less, gradually fades away... until there is nothing at all.

Enjoy this sensation that fills your body... Warmth and light. Peace and calm.

You are now very, very relaxed.

Just pause and enjoy this wonderful feeling of wellbeing, peace and calm that
fills your body.

You realise that you are a strong, powerful and capable woman and are
perfectly designed to grow and birth your baby.

You appreciate the power of your intuition, and you trust that it will guide
through your labour and birth.

You know that giving birth is safe and you are safe.

You understand how important it is to be relaxed when giving birth and you feel
confident that you are able to access this deep relaxation when needed.

You understand your mind and body are connected so you prepare mentally
for the positive and empowering birth experience you wish for.

You know that the decisions in birth are yours to make and you feel
empowered by this fact

You look forward to meeting your baby and holding him or her in your arms.

(Pause). Stop stroking.

Inhale, expand, exhale, release. Breathing in and breathing out.

This relaxation has been very powerful. You feel relaxed, calm and peaceful.
You now know that you have power to control the sensations in your body.

In a moment it will be time to come back to the present, slowly and gently. You
feel calm, relaxed and confident. And each time you do this, these feelings will
grow stronger and stronger. You will become more and more confident and
you will be able to access this deep relaxation more quickly than before.

So now, in your own time, come back to the present, slowly and gently opening
your eyes, feeling calm, relaxed and confident.


Arm Drop & Release Guided Relaxation

Gently rest your hand on her bump

As my hand rests here, allow your eyes to close, gently and easily, so that you
can better focus on my voice. Feel the muscles in your eyelids soften and relax
so that your eyelids feel light and your forehead is soft and smooth.

Tune in now with your breathing. Allow your breath to slow down and deepen.
Inhale, your lungs expand, Exhale, all tension releases. Breathing in and
breathing out. Feel all your tension and stress flow out of your body and away.

Focus now on your eyes, they feel relaxed, feel your cheeks soften, allow your
lips to part and your jaw to rest, loose and relaxed.

Now allow your shoulders to sink to their natural level as you feel the relaxation
spread down your neck, across your shoulders and on down through your back.
You feel calm, relaxed and peaceful.

Your whole body sinks into the lovely familiar feeling of warm relaxation. You are
completely comfortable. You know that you are safe.

You relax deeper and deeper. It feels so good to take the time to just allow
everything to soften, release and relax. So comfortable, so easy. Embrace this
wonderful feeling of warmth and wellbeing.

Inhale, expand, exhale, release. Breathing in and breathing out.

You feel the relaxation slowly spreading throughout your body until every single
cell feels soft and relaxed. You feel so calm and peaceful, happy and relaxed.

And every time you feel my hand rest here, you will recognise this as a sign to
let go and relax. You know you can access this wonderful feeling any time you

Tune in again with your breathing. Breathe slowly and deeply. Inhale, expand.
Exhale, release. Breathing in and breathing out. So comfortable, so relaxed.

Now I shall lift your arm gently at the wrist. Just relax and let me take all of the
weight (raise arm). Notice how heavy your arm feels. It feels so good to just
relax and allow me to take the weight.

In a moment, I will gently release your arm and it will fall, landing in your lap and
your relaxation will deepen even more (let go of arm).

Now again, I will lift your arm, slowly and gently. Feel the weight of your arm as I
raise it (raise arm). You are completely relaxed.

In a moment I will let your arm go again and as I do, your relaxation will
become deeper and more profound. (let go of arm). You are now so deeply

And again, one last time, I’m lifting your arm (raise arm). You allow me to take
the full weight of your arm. As I let go, your arm falls into your lap and you go
many times
deeper (let go of arm).

Rest now, comfortable and relaxed. Enjoy the feeling of calm and wellbeing
that radiates through your body.

You now know that that this easy, deep relaxation is here for you when it comes
to giving birth. Know that you can feel just as calm and relaxed then as you do
right now.

You know that your body has been perfectly designed to grow and birth your
baby naturally, easily and comfortably. You look forward to giving birth to your
baby because you know it is going to be the most amazing and empowering

experience of your life, and you will meet your baby feeling calm and
confident, happy and relaxed.

Now the time has come to return to the present so slowly and gently allow your
eyes to open and return feeling confident and relaxed about birth, bringing
with you all the lovely feelings of calm and content you have just created.


It is important to practice the guided relaxations in pregnancy and listen to the

MP3s. By doing so you’re conditioning yourself to associate both with feelings of
relaxation, peace and calm. Both can also be used in early labour to help you
relax. In established labour when the surges are frequent and regular, it is
unlikely that there will be time to read a relaxation, but it can still be helpful to
have the MP3s playing in the background.

However in established labour you can use elements from the relaxation
readings, such as arm stroking or the arm drop, as standalone triggers to help
you relax more deeply.

Here are some suggestions of other things you can do to access deep

A GENTLE DEEP BREATH: Just one lovely, gentle, deep breath. As you
exhale and relax, your body will be producing oxytocin, the hormone that
drives the surges and makes your body work efficiently, and endorphins, your
body’s natural pain relief.

STROKING: Stroking on any part of the body usually helps people relax. The
space between forehead the eyebrows can be especially relaxing.

BACK STROKING: Don’t forget to use the light touch massage technique
you have learnt! Use this between surges to encourage the body to produce
more oxytocin and endorphins.

SAFE PLACE: Reminding someone that there are completely safe is very
powerful. Instead of telling someone there is no need to be frightened, remind
them that they are safe and doing brilliantly. Remember to think and speak

DROP YOUR SHOULDERS: You will be amazed how much tension you hold
in your shoulders without being aware. In labour, you might notice your
shoulders creeping up slowly towards your ears. Placing your hands on
someone’s shoulders and encouraging them to release and drop is a quick and
easy way to aid relaxation.



It is important that women understand the decisions that need to be made in

labour and birth are theirs alone to make. Professionals may give advice,
friends, family, and colleagues, may share their opinions but the decision as to
what happens is always the mother’s. In fact it is a legal requirement that
women give informed consent for any procedure that is offered to them. Being
in a position to make informed decisions and give informed consent is therefore
of utmost importance. But who is responsible for ensuring a woman is fully
informed? The answer is YOU.

Of course when you are in established labour and focusing on breathing

through the surges you might not feel you’re in a position to ask the necessary
questions or focus clearly. That is where birth partners come in! Birth partners
can ask all the questions, gather all the information and then relay this to you
between surges so you can then make an informed decision based on the
information provided.

It is also true that you cannot make a choice, if you do not know all the options
available to you. Never feel you’re being difficult by asking questions or
challenging professionals. It is very important that you understand all of your

Here are some points to remember:

★ You need to feel uninhibited for your body to open and birth a baby. The
environment will have a massive impact on how you feel. Remember to
own the space you’re in and make it work for you.

★ As a mother, your instincts are powerful. This is never more true than when
you are giving birth. You know your body. You are the only person who can
feel what’s happening. Trust your instinct and follow it.

★ Your only job in labour is to focus on breathing through the surges. Your birth
partner is there to support you, coach you through the surges, help you

relax in between, manage the environment, advocate for you when
necessary and ensure your birth preferences are met. Your midwife / doctor
is there to look after you and your baby from a medical perspective and
will monitor you both throughout.

★ The people who are with you during labour are extremely important. Make
sure you are surrounded by people who you feel safe with, who you trust
and who will support you wholeheartedly, so that you are able to fully relax.
Be prepared to request a different midwife / doctor if necessary. The most
important thing is that you feel comfortable and well supported. This is not a
time to be worried about offending people.

★ Remember that the law says no intervention may be done without

informed consent. This fact alone should be quite empowering. Nothing
can be done to you without you agreeing. Nobody can force you to do
anything you do not want to do. You are in charge! Once you have
listened to the advice, done your research and made your informed
decision, any further discussion may be regarded as harassment.

★ Taking responsibility for your baby’s birth means not relinquishing personal
responsibility as soon as you walk into a medical environment by handing
over control to anyone else. Avoid getting caught up on the ‘conveyor belt
of care’. Navigate your birth in a way that feels right for you.

★ Language is important. Doctors and midwives and other professionals may

give advice and recommendations but that is all it is. They can never order
you to do something. You are always allowed to say NO. You have the
same human rights in hospital as you do anywhere else. No means No.

★ You’ll find that as you raise your child(ren) that people are quick to offer
advice and their opinions. This begins in pregnancy. People will have
opinions on birth but you do not have to do what your mother did or what
your peers have done. Your birth is yours and nobody else’s. Do what is best
for you. Same goes with parenting.

★ People tend to come to hypnobirthing wanting a calm and positive birth

experience. The wonderful thing is that a calm birth for you is also a calm
birth for baby! A baby who enters the world calmly and gently and is met
by a parent who is feeling calm and happy, confident and alert is given
the best start.

★ Giving birth is one of the most significant experiences of your life and you
will carry the memories of it forever. The benefits of a positive birth are
profound and long-lasting. Prepare for this moment by empowering yourself
with knowledge and equipping yourself with practical tools you can use in
labour. A positive birth does not mean a natural birth. All birth types can be
positive and empowering for you.


Here are some things you could do in early labour:

★ Remember the more relaxed you are, the easier your birth will be

★ If it’s night time try and rest / sleep and conserve energy

★ If it’s daytime gently keep doing whatever you feel like

★ Cuddle up on the sofa and watch something funny and familiar

★ Wear comfy clothes

★ Read a guided relaxation script

★ Take a warm bath

★ Listen to the MP3s or gentle music

★ Sip water so you don’t get dehydrated

★ Snack to keep your energy up

★ At some point start timing your surges

★ When you feel it would be helpful, use your up breathing technique during

★ Call the midwife or to go the birth centre or hospital when you are having
three surges in a ten minute period and each surge is last about 45 seconds
- 1 minute.

★ Welcome the surges as they come; each one is bringing you closer to your


Established or active labour is when you are experiencing three powerful surges
within a 10 minute period, with each surge lasting between 45 seconds - 1
minute. You’re considered by midwives / doctors to be in established labour
once you are 4cm dilated.

Here’s what you and your birth partner could be doing in established labour:

★ Calling the midwife to come to you at home or travelling to the birth

centre or hospital.

★ Creating a calm and peaceful environment. Think sight (dim lighting),

sound (music), smell (essential oils), taste (drinks and treats), touch
(comfy clothes and cosy fabrics).

★ Playing the MP3s. The audio will help you to relax as it will be so familiar.

★ Breathing through the surges with your birth partner counting or using

★ Relaxing between the surges (think traffic light system and returning to
★ Using tools like light touch massage, arm stroking, the arm drop
technique to deepen relaxation and get the oxytocin flowing between

★ Ensuring those looking after you have a copy of your birth preferences

★ Asking questions so that you can make informed decisions if necessary.

BIRTHING PERSON: Up breathing, up visualisations

Down breathing, down and open visualisations

BIRTH PARTNER: Creating and maintaining the environment that is right for birth
Coaching you partner through surges (e.g. counting and offering reassurance)
Light touch massage, arm stroking, arm drop between surges
Making sure your partner is well hydrated and providing snacks as wanted
Protecting you partner’s space and advocating for her if need be


It’s normal to feel awkward when questioning someone who you perceive to
be in a position of authority or an expert. We are so conditioned to respect
those in authority and do what we are told from an early age! But when it
comes to birth it’s so important that you are fully informed and in a position to
make your own informed choices and give informed consent. Which is why it’s
necessary to ask questions and sometimes even challenge what you are being
told. Never be afraid to ask for more information.

Remember to use your BRAIN acronym: benefits, risks, alternatives, instinct,

Here are some questions you may want to ask:

● What are the benefits of what you are proposing?

● What are the known risks associated with that course of action?
● Are there any alternatives?
● What does your instinct say?
● What happens if we do nothing? For 5 minutes / until later / for 24

If you feel you are being pressured into agreeing to something you’re not sure
about, an easy question to ask is:

● Is this an emergency? Is someone’s life in immediate danger?

If not (which hopefully will be the case as true emergencies are very rare), then
you have time to pause proceedings, go through your questions and make the
decision that feels right for you. You may well agree with what is being
suggested or perhaps you won’t but the important thing is that you reached
the decision. When you take the time to make your own decisions you will feel
empowered, rather than overwhelmed.


The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) produce evidence-based
guidelines to govern NHS practice, and state the following with regards to

Induced labour has an impact on the birth experience of women. It may be

less efficient and is usually more painful than spontaneous labour, and
epidural analgesia and assisted delivery are more likely to be required.

Induction of labour has a large impact on the health of women and their
babies and so needs to be clearly clinically justified.

In spite of these guidelines, the national induction rate is approaching 25% and

of these 70% are for ‘post dates’. If you and baby are well, and certainly if you
are not yet 42 weeks pregnant, it is definitely worth weighing up the risks against
the benefits if induction is proposed. Spontaneous labours are generally shorter,
more comfortable and less likely to need intervention compared with an
induced labour.

What we do know is that oxytocin is the hormone we need for labour to begin
and we produce oxytocin when we are happy, relaxed and feeling good. With
this in mind you might want to try these natural ways to encourage a stalled /
slow labour to progress:

★ Listening to your MP3s and positive affirmations

★ Light touch massage and relaxation readings
★ Complementary therapies, e.g. acupuncture, reflexology,
★ Having a cosy night in and watching something funny on TV
★ Cuddling
★ Resting
★ Nipple stimulation
★ Orgasm


Sit back and relax. Now let your eyes close, slowly and gently. Just relax, relax,
relax. Notice your breathing, how soft and quiet it has become, as you relax
even further.

Now you may begin to feel just as relaxed throughout your entire body, so you
allow a wave of warmth and content to wash all through you, starting at the
very top of your head as a gentle, warm, golden light that penetrates softly
every part of you. Slowly it moves down through your head; your eyelids, all
around your eyes, your cheeks, your lips, your jaw. Everything calm and relaxed.
Just let that feeling spread on down through your neck, your shoulders, and
down your arms. It flows down into your chest, down your back, through your
stomach, your pelvis; all the way down your legs, your upper legs, your knees,
your lower legs, your feet, until it reaches your toes, and every single part of
your body is completely relaxed in this gentle golden glow.

Everything around you helps you to relax more and more deeply, your
breathing, the music, my quiet voice. Even if an unexpected sound breaks in,
like a car passing or a phone ringing, the sound will simply be a trigger to allow
you to relax even more.

Now just imagine yourself at the top of a wide and shallow staircase. This is a
very safe staircase. It might be made of stone, or wood with a beautiful grain,
so softly carpeted, and you take the first step down. Ten… your foot goes safely
down on the first step and you have just started on your way down. Nine… you
find yourself going deeper into relaxation as you take the next step down,
going deeper with it. Eight… as you take the next step down, you go further into
yourself. Seven… your whole body starts to feel completely weightless. Six…you
are floating on a wave of relaxation as if on a soft cloud. Five… deeper, deeper
still. Four… you have entered your own true self, deeply and willingly. Three…
you are so focused within your whole being that nothing touches you but your
own true self, your wisdom, your intuition. Two… everything is slipping away but
your mind and your thoughts. One… you feel completely, deeply and
wonderfully relaxed, free of all care and worries, happy and peaceful. Even
your thoughts are fading into oblivion. So deep; so very, very deep.

Rest, just rest happy and relaxed for a while............there’s plenty of time............

Now imagine a blue-skied summer’s day and you are lying on soft, dry grass
under a tree by the sea. A warm, gentle breeze just lightly touches your cheek.
You are completely serene, happy and peaceful.

As you look up, you notice that the leaves of the tree have pictures of all your
happy memories, but also a few of them have images of the upsetting things in
your life that make you wonder about giving birth. As you look at the leaves you
notice some images that bring to mind things you have heard or read or
thought about the concerns of childbirth, or your own previous experience of
giving birth. As you observe and study the first one, you notice that the image
gradually fades into the leaf itself which then turns yellow, gold then brown - the
colours of autumn - meaning the leaf has come to the end of its time, and
neither it nor the thought it held matter any longer; and then the leaf just drops
off the tree and lands beneath it.

Now you notice another leaf with another concern and it too gently fades and
dissolves into the leaf which changes colour and flutters to the ground, joining
the first one.

As you look, each time a concern you have comes to mind, a leaf takes on
that image, which then fades and disappears as the leaf changes colour and
falls to earth.

You realise now that you are able to see all these concerns in the leaves, so you
just take all the time you need to make sure all are dealt with – concerns about
birth, or anything else that comes to mind and you would like to easily release
and you find that one by one the same thing happens. The image of each
concern is taken on by a leaf, and is absorbed into the leaf, until it completely
disappears. And all the leaves concerned change colour through the shades
of autumn – yellow, gold, brown and flutter to earth, taking their now vanished
concerns with them, and when the process is complete you sweep the leaves
up into a heap.

Now only happy and joyful green leaves are left on the tree and as you wonder
what do with the pile of leaves beside you, you have an idea. You decide you
will have a bonfire, and invite to it all the people who have helped you in the
past or who are helping you now, or who are going to help you at this
wonderful and important time in your life. Soon they start to arrive. They all
come. You’re both there of course, your mother and father, other family
members, friends from throughout your life including right back to school,
perhaps some of the people who taught you, your midwife, doctor, employers,
colleagues, just everyone who has ever helped or supported you, and those
who will support you during the rest of your pregnancy and your baby’s birth.

When they have all arrived and you are one big happy gathering, you set light
to the bonfire. It blazes quickly, and the leaves that had all the upsetting
memories start to burn and curl up in the crackling flames. As they curl up and
burn they turn to ash, and the ash rises in the heat and, as it rises, the gentle
breeze picks it up and wafts it out to sea. You watch it as it floats further and
further out over the water until it completely vanishes from sight, and as it
vanishes completely, those memories and feelings the leaves carried vanish
completely with it, gone forever, leaving you so confident and calm, peaceful
and happy.

Now you look up with gratitude to the tree with all its green leaves with their
happy memories, and something wonderful happens. The leaves separate and
form a beautiful green picture frame, and the picture inside that frame is you,
both of you, with your baby in your arms. You look so happy and radiant,
knowing that all happened just as you had visualised it. Your baby is sleeping
gently in the crook of your arm, so sweet and gentle and secure. You are filled
with love and happiness.

The picture seems to float gently down from the tree and it becomes lifesize as
it envelops you, and now, like a miracle, you realise that what seemed to be a
picture of you both and your baby now really is you, and you feel overjoyed at
your success. Such gentle tenderness comes over you as you look down at your
baby’s face and it opens its eyes and looks into yours. All is so perfectly as you
planned it to be, and you will remember this feeling over and over again until
the day when it really happens.

You realise your body has been specially designed to give birth naturally, easily
and comfortably, so you look forward to giving birth to your baby as the most
wonderful and empowering experience, and meeting your baby happily and

So in a minute it will be time to return to everyday reality, but a different reality,

as you remember all you have just experienced and the joy it gave you and will
continue to give you, as your pregnancy progresses, as you give birth to your
baby, and after your baby is born.

Now gently and gradually come back to the present, your eyes open as you
quietly and gently rejoin me in this room in calm confidence.
Copyright © Katharine Graves 2008



❏ Maternity notes ❏ Hypnobirthing course notes
❏ Copies of Birth Preferences ❏ Relaxation MP3s and music
❏ Large T-shirt to wear in labour ❏ Wireless speaker and charger
❏ Eye mask ❏ iPhone and charger
❏ iPhone, charger & headphones ❏ Camera and charger
❏ Bikini top ❏ Battery operated tealights
❏ Slippers ❏ Fairy lights
❏ Dressing gown ❏ Room fragrance / Pillow spray
❏ Fluffy Socks ❏ Massage oil
❏ Snacks (non-perishable) ❏ Essential oils e.g. lavender
❏ Drinks (coconut water is great) ❏ Swimwear if joining in pool
❏ Flannels ❏ Snacks and drinks for yourself
❏ Facial spray / spritzer ❏ Toothbrush, toothpaste,
❏ Lip balm deodorant
❏ Water bottle with straw ❏ Change for parking (if needed)
❏ Thick headband and hair bands ❏ Mini bottle of champagne!
❏ Your pillow
❏ TENS machine (if using) BABY
❏ Hot water bottle or wheat bag
❏ Positive affirmation cards ❏ Nappies (allow 10 a day)
❏ Birth ball (if needed) ❏ Cotton wool balls (use with water
❏ 2 nursing bras - avoid using wipes at first)
❏ Breast pads ❏ Olive oil in small bottle (apply to
❏ Nipple cream (lansinoh is good) baby’s bum before nappy - will
❏ Maternity pads (2 packs) make cleaning much easier!)
❏ Plenty of big cotton pants ❏ 3 cotton sleepsuits with feet
❏ Front opening nightie or PJs ❏ 3 cotton vests
❏ Toiletries & make-up ❏ 2 hats
❏ Towel ❏ Muslin squares
❏ Hairbrush ❏ Baby blanket
❏ Comfy outfit for going home ❏ Jacket or snowsuit if winter
❏ Infant car seat


Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive

affirmations affirmations affirmations affirmations affirmations affirmations affirmations
DAYTIME birth stories birth stories birth stories birth stories birth stories birth stories birth stories
& videos & videos & videos & videos & videos & videos & videos

Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice

down down down down down down down
breathing breathing breathing breathing breathing breathing breathing
on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet

Practice up Practice up Practice up Practice up Practice up Practice up Practice up

breathing breathing breathing breathing breathing breathing breathing
EVENING on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet on toilet
before before before before before before before
relaxtion relaxtion relaxtion relaxtion relaxtion relaxtion relaxtion
exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise exercise

Head & 10 mins of Stroking Calming 10 mins of Head & 10 mins of

face light touch relaxation touch light touch face light touch
relaxation massage script relaxation massage relaxation massage
script script

Play Play Play Play Play Play Play

BEDTIME relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation relaxation
MP3s MP3s MP3s MP3s MP3s MP3s MP3s


Instagram: @thepositivebirthcompany
Facebook: /thepositivebirthcompany
YouTube: /thepositivebirthcompany

Which? Birth Choice: Unfortunately the Which? Birth Choice link referenced in
the videos is no longer available. Instead, you can contact your local NHS Trusts
to ask for their rates of vaginal birth, instrumental birth and caesarean to help
inform a choice about where to go.

Birth Place Study: - A huge study of 64,000 births

in the UK (all ‘low risk’). Evaluated the outcomes for woman and baby at
various settings including home, birth centres and traditional labour wards. Well
worth a look!

UPDATE: There is a new study from 2020 which looked at 500,000 births, and
analysis of 18 studies (all ‘low risk’) based in well-resourced countries (The Birth
Place Study was included) inc The Netherlands, England, Iceland, Canada,
USA, NZ, Norway, Sweden, Japan. It is the largest and most comprehensive

meta-analysis on the topic of planned place of birth. https://

NHS Squeezy App: - a brilliant NHS app to help

women strengthen their pelvic floor through regular exercise.

Spinning Babies: - advice on how to encourage a

breech or back-to-back baby to turn into the optimum position for birth.

Placenta Remedies Network: - lots of information
on this site about placenta encapsulation. Also a directory so you can find an
IPEN qualified specialist near you.

Birth Photography: @birthbecomesher and @thefirsthello - great instagram

accounts to follow for positive and inspiring birth photography.

AIMS: - produce booklets which give evidence-based and

accurate information based on statistics - lots of information on their website.




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