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Development of Leadership Skills among Students

Dr. Radhika Kapur

The primary objective of educational institutions in imparting academic learning to
the students is to ensure that they are able to achieve their personal and professional goals,
sustain their livelihoods opportunities in an appropriate manner and turn out to be effectual
citizens of the country. Apart from academic learning, it is essential for students to develop
leadership skills among themselves. When they develop leadership skills, they are able to
lead and guide others in the right direction, inculcate the traits of diligence and
conscientiousness and differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate. The educators are
vested with the responsibility to assign students tasks and activities that may render an
effective contribution in augmenting their leadership skills. They make provision of duties to
students, particularly within the classrooms to augment leadership skills. These include,
monitoring and supervision, maintaining discipline, helping students, who are facing
problems in academic learning and so forth. The main areas that have been taken into account
in this research paper include, aspects highlighting significance of leadership, importance of
developing leadership skills among students, strategies for developing leadership skills,
leadership styles, and transformational leadership in classroom instruction.

Keywords: Classroom Instruction, Development, Leadership Skills, Leadership

Styles, Students, Transformational Leadership

When conducting research on the area of development of leadership skills among

students, it is essential to acquire an understanding of meaning of leadership. Leadership is
the process in which one individual formulates the direction and objectives for the other
individual or individuals. The individuals are required to move in the right direction, as
guided by their leaders. When the individuals are moving towards the right direction, then
they are required to be committed and augment their competencies and proficiencies.
Leadership is the art of influencing others to work to their best abilities to accomplish the
desired goals and objectives. In leadership skills, the leaders influence the behaviour of other
individuals, without using any coercion or violence. The development of leadership skills is
regarded as important for individuals in enhancing their career prospects. When they develop
leadership skills, they are able to generate awareness in terms of various aspects that are
necessary to achieve personal and professional goals and to attain better livelihoods

Development of leadership skills among students is an integral part of education. The

educators need to ensure that opportunities should be provided to them and activities should
be encouraged that would facilitate the development of leadership skills. These skills enables
the individuals to acquire self-autonomy and they are less likely to be dependent on others for
the implementation of various task and activities. In higher educational institutions, when
students are pursuing masters and doctoral programs, then professors and supervisors assign
them various tasks that would enable them to develop leadership skills. For instance,
teamwork is promoted. When the students work in a team, then one of the students assumes
the responsibilities and divides the functions among others. Through the development of
leadership skills, the individuals are able to generate awareness in terms of direction, how to
put into practice the procedures to carry out various tasks and activities and accomplishing
the desired objectives.

Aspects Highlighting Significance of Leadership

Leadership skills are not only possessed by individuals in high positions, but it is
essential for all individuals to possess leadership skills, irrespective of their job positions,
categories and backgrounds. Acquiring an understanding of leadership is incomplete without
understanding its significance. When the leaders are able develop effective interactions and
put into operation the traits of morality and ethics, they are able to carry out their job duties in
a well-organized manner and accomplish the desired goals and objectives. The significance
of leadership can be understood by generating information in terms of various aspects of
principle roles, behaviour and attitude, personal traits and interpersonal skills. These have
been stated as follows:

Principle Role of Leaders

When leaders are to implement their job duties, they are required to assume various
aspects. These include, negotiator, coach and motivator, team-builder, friend, mentor, guide,
and advisor (Chapter-3, Leadership, n.d.). In educational institutions, some students
experience learning disabilities and take time to acquire an efficient understanding of the
academic concepts. Whereas, some students are astute and are able to understand in just one
explanation. In such cases, educators assign the responsibilities to the students to assist the
ones, who experience learning disabilities. When the students participate in providing
solutions to the academic problems of fellow students, they are able to augment their
leadership skills. On the other hand, fellow students also are able to develop leadership skills
by monitoring and supervising the class, especially in the absence of educators. When there
are organization of competitions, seminars or workshops in educational institutions, then
students are assigned certain duties, which facilitate the development of leadership skills.

Behaviour and Attitude of Trustworthy Leaders

For the leaders to carry out their job duties in an appropriate manner and obtain
respect and appreciation from others, they are required to inculcate the traits of morality and
ethics. The behaviour and attitude of leaders, who are trusted by his or her group members
need to possess various qualities. These are, reliability, truthfulness, consistency, readiness of
accepting feedback, walking the talk, confidence, collaboration, co-operation, effective
communication and predictability (Chapter-3, Leadership, n.d.). When the students possess
these traits among themselves, they will be able to develop leadership skills in a well-
organized manner. Within educational institutions, apart from problems and difficulties in
understanding academic concepts, students may also experience other problems. These are,
conflicts or disagreements with individuals, unfavourable home environmental conditions or
other personal problems. The behaviour and attitude of trustworthy leaders would enable
them to form good terms and relationships with fellow students and they will also seek
guidance and advice from them regarding their personal problems.

Personal Traits of Leaders

The various personal traits of leaders are, assertiveness, warmth, high tolerance for
frustration, charisma, inspirational, role model behaviour, responsibility, review and follow
up, adaptability, performance orientation, skills development, risk taking, flexibility,
generosity, forgiving and rationality (Chapter-3, Leadership, n.d.). These are some of the
personality traits of the leaders, which they need to hone throughout their work duties. In
educational institutions, apart from academic concepts, it is the job duty of the educators to
promote the development of these traits. The students experience various problems and
challenges within the course of implementation of their tasks. Therefore, when they are able
to develop these personality traits, they are able to not only maintain good terms and
relationships with the other members of the educational institutions, but also would be able to
render an effective contribution in the enhancement of the overall system of education. One
of the aspects that is of utmost significance is, students need to overcome their psychological
problems of depression, stress and anxiety. They need to ensure that they do not impose
barriers within the course of enhancing one’s academic performance and achievement of
desired goals and objectives.

Interpersonal Skills of Leaders

The development of interpersonal skills is regarded to be of utmost significance in the

implementation of leadership functions. The major interpersonal skills, which the leaders are
required to possess are, empathy, listening skills, insight into individuals, diplomacy and tact,
patience towards individuals, concern for promoting welfare of the individuals, emotional
security, non-competitiveness with group members, enthusiasm in concerning individuals,
satisfaction in helping others perform their job duties well, interest in the development of
group members, high expectations for each group members, ability to provide authentic
feedback, interest in enriching the skills and abilities of the individuals, friendliness and
honesty and integrity (Chapter-3, Leadership, n.d.). When leaders are focusing upon the
honing of interpersonal skills among themselves, they need to take into consideration
primarily three aspects. These are effectively listen to the problems, concerns and grievances
of the individuals, provide them factual information and ensure that they do not depict any
anger and frustration. They need to communicate with them in a friendly manner and possess
an approachable nature. The interpersonal skills of leaders would enable them to create vision
for promoting creativity and ingenuity.

Importance of Developing Leadership Skills among Students

Leadership is integral to all aspects of life. In order to carry out one’s tasks and
activities in a well-organized manner, guide and lead others in the right direction and in
promoting well-being of themselves and community, it is vital for the individuals to develop
leadership skills. Educational institutions are required to impart knowledge and competencies
among students, so they are able to augment leadership skills. In the present existence, the job
market demands the individuals to possess leadership skills to acquire employment
opportunities in positions of, technology executive, communication specialist and leadership
training and development specialist. However, schools and most especially middle schools
put emphasis upon meeting the standards. For this purpose, they are required to inculcate
leadership skills among students. The must teach the thwarts for teaching the development of
leadership skills among students (Haynes-Tross, 2015). The importance of developing
leadership skills among students is highlighted in the aspects, which have been stated as
follows: (Aymoldanovna, Zhetpisbaeva, Kozybaevna, & Kadirovna, 2015).
The Predominance of Orientation to Achieve the Goal – In educational institutions,
students are dedicated towards the achievement of academic goals. Their primary goal is to
put into operation the learning methods and functions in such a manner that they should be
able to achieve their academic goals in a well-organized manner. To achieve the desired goals
and objectives, it is necessary for students to develop leadership skills. These skills will
enable them to make appropriate decisions, implement the tasks and functions with ingenuity
and meticulousness and form good terms and relationships with the other members of the
educational institutions.
Inner Desire for Self-Development – Apart from the achievement of academic goals,
the students need to possess an inner desire for bringing about self-development. When one is
focusing upon self-development, there are number of aspects that need to be taken into
consideration. These are, developing effective communication skills, inculcating the traits of
morality and ethics, generating awareness regarding various aspects, forming constructive
viewpoints, enhancing one’s personality traits, implementing honesty and truthfulness,
recognising ones responsibilities, forming effective terms and relationships with others,
making wise decisions and enriching one’s overall quality of lives. Putting into practice these
traits would render an effective contribution in bringing about self-development.
Creativity in Performance – In the implementation of one’s tasks and activities, it is
essential for students to be creative. Particularly, when they are working on assignments,
reports or projects, then creativity is usually depicted in stating ideas and in the overall
presentation. When the students are creative, they will be able to augment leadership skills.
Creativity is not only considered vital in performing tasks and activities, but in the
communication processes as well. It is the indispensable job duty of the leaders to ensure that
they adequately guide and lead the other individuals in the right direction. Hence, it is vital
for them to be creative in giving ideas and suggestions.
The Ability to Inspire – In educational institutions, educators normally encourage
team work. When students are working in a team, certain responsibilities are assigned to all
members. The team members are different from each other in terms of natures, skills,
capabilities and behavioural traits. In some cases, they carry out their job duties with
wholehearted interest and enthusiasm, whereas, in other cases, they do not develop keen
interest and enthusiasm and may procrastinate their tasks. When the students assume the roles
of leaders, they are required to put into practice, the methods and strategies to inspire and
stimulate the mind-sets of other team members towards completion of tasks and functions.
The Ability to Predict and Make Decisions – The leaders need to put emphasis upon
their abilities to predict and make decisions. Predicting is referred to forecasting, envisaging
and calculating. When the leaders are able to predict the future or the behavioural traits of
other individuals, they are able to determine the procedures, which would be most effectual in
the implementation of tasks and activities. Making decisions is an integral part of the
functioning of classroom activities and the entire educational institutions. The leaders are
vested with the authority to make decisions. But it is vital for them to take ideas and
suggestions from other individuals. In other words, the team members should be allowed to
participate in the decision making processes. When the decisions are made, it needs to be
ensured that they are beneficial to all members of the educational institutions and enhance the
overall system of education.
The Ability to Cope with Challenges – Within the course of pursuance of academic
goals, the students are required to experience certain problems and challenges. The major
challenges that they experience are problems within the course of preparation of assignments,
or projects or in acquiring an efficient understanding of the academic concepts. In enhancing
one’s leadership skills, students are able to effectively cope with challenges. When one is
experiencing challenges, they need to remain calm, conduct an analysis of the alternatives
available and put into practice the alternative that would be most suitable. When the leaders
will possess abilities to cope with challenges, they will be able to guide the other team
members too in an appropriate manner.
The Ability to Implement Tasks in accordance to the Situations – The implementation
of tasks and activities need to be in accordance to the situations. For instance, students are
provided with number of other opportunities as well, apart from understanding academic
concepts. For instance, in educational institutions, there are organization of seminars and
workshops. When seminars and workshops are to be organized, the educators assign number
of responsibilities and duties to the students. Therefore, they are required to implement tasks
and activities in accordance to the situations. When students are implementing the tasks for
the first time, it is vital for them to seek assistance and support from educators or fellow
students, particularly when they are not confident.
Development of Professionalism – Development of professionalism is regarded to be
of utmost significance, particularly when the students are carrying out leadership roles.
Professional traits among students are depicted in various aspects. These are, communicating
with other individuals with respect and courtesy, implementing honesty and truthfulness,
inculcating the traits of morality and ethics, realizing one’s responsibilities, possessing
adequate knowledge and information in terms of various tasks and activities, inculcating the
traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness, adopting the feeling of patriotism,
curbing negative viewpoints, forming constructive viewpoints and perspectives regarding the
educational institutions and personnel and ensure the learning methods are put into practice in
an appropriate manner. The development of professionalism would not only enable the
students to achieve personal and professional goals, but also in the adequate sustenance of
their living conditions.
Development of Knowledge and Skills – It is essential for the students to conduct
research and pay attention towards the development of knowledge and skills. The
development of knowledge and skills are regarded as indispensable, particularly in the case of
lesson plans and academic concepts. In order to achieve academic goals, it is essential for
them to possess efficient knowledge in terms of preparation of one’s assignments, projects
and other documents. Furthermore, tests and competitions are an integral part of learning.
Hence, it is vital for the students to develop their knowledge and skills regarding academic
concepts. Apart from academic concepts, it is essential for students to develop knowledge
and skills in terms of other activities as well. In educational institutions, at all levels, students
are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular and creative activities. These include, sports,
physical activities, music, singing, dancing, artworks, handicrafts, role playing and so forth.
Participation in extra-curricular and creative activities stimulate their mind-sets towards
Adoption of Social Responsibility – In schools and higher educational institutions, the
educators generate awareness among students in terms of adoption of social responsibility.
Social responsibility is referred to the responsibility of the students towards promoting well-
being of the community. In some cases, students participate in making provision of literacy
skills among students, belonging to deprived, marginalized and socio-economically backward
sections of the society. Whereas, in other cases, students are vested with the responsibility of
collecting various things, such as, food items, clothing, medicines, and other items for the
victims of natural calamities and disasters. Therefore, the adoption of social responsibility
enables the students to render an effective contribution towards promoting well-being of the
Strategies for Developing Leadership Skills
The various strategies that are necessary for students to put into operation for
developing leadership skills have been stated as follows:

Effective Communication Skills – Development of effective communication skills is

regarded to be of utmost significance. In the development of these skills, the individuals need
to take into consideration three major aspects. These are, speaking, listening and responding.
When one is speaking, it is vital for them to communicate factual information and make use
of decent language. Secondly, one should possess effective listening skills and pay attention
to the speakers. Thirdly, it is vital for the listeners to respond and give proper feedback. In
educational institutions as well as in other organizations, when individuals are practicing
leadership skills, in other words, when they are directing, guiding and leading individuals in
the right direction, especially regarding the implementation of their goals and objectives, then
it is indispensable for them to implement effective communication skills. Communication
may take place in a verbal manner through face to face conversation or through phone or it
may take place in a written form through letters, emails, notices, and so forth.

Enthusiasm and Interest – The leaders are required to depict interest and enthusiasm
in the implementation of their tasks and activities. When individuals approach them to redress
their grievances or seek solutions to problems, they need to pay attention to their concerns
and assist them in every possible manner. Enthusiasm and interest is primarily depicted by
possessing an approachable nature, being considerate and courteous, provide equal treatment
and equal opportunities to all the group members and work in integrity and co-ordination
with others. When leaders will depict enthusiasm and interest, the individuals will feel
comfortable in approaching them with their problems and concerns. It is vital for the leaders
to make provision of equal opportunities and not discriminate against others on the basis of
factors, such as, caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, and socio-economic
background. Within the classroom settings, there are differences among students on the basis
of these factors. Hence, when students are focusing upon the development of leadership
skills, it is vital for them to treat fellow students with respect and courtesy.

Focused towards Goals – When the students are augmenting leadership skills among
them, they need to focus upon their personal and professional goals. When one exercises
leadership skills on others, the individuals have targets or goals to achieve. For instance,
when one student is helping another in acquiring a better understanding of the lesson plans,
he has the major objective of ensuring that his fellow student is able to adequately understand
the concepts. It is the job of the leaders to guide the individuals in a proper direction towards
achievement of desired goals. In some cases, students experience learning disabilities and do
not pay attention towards their studies. Within educational institutions, they may get engaged
in other tasks and activities. In such cases, it is the job duty of the student leaders to motivate
them towards the completion of their assignments and pay attention towards their studies.
Educators normally assign the job duties to the educators of monitoring the classroom,
particularly in their absence. In such cases, student leaders need to ensure that discipline is
maintained, students are concentrating on their studies and the environmental conditions
within the classroom setting are well-maintained.

Knowing Other Individuals – The leaders need to know all the individuals and
particularly their roles and responsibilities. Within educational institutions, the students vary
in their grade levels, personalities and behavioural traits, but they have one common
objective that is to implement appropriate learning methods. The implementation of suitable
learning methods would enable them to enhance their academic performance. In order to
know other individuals, the leaders are required to establish interaction terms with the other
individuals on frequent basis. When they will form personal contacts, they will be able to
know them well. The student leaders need to be familiar with other students within the
classroom setting. They need to note their qualities and characteristics (Developing
Leadership Skills, n.d.). Noting qualities and characteristics of the other students will help the
student leaders in determining the strategies that are required to effectively monitor and lead
them. Within classrooms, student leaders are vested with the job duty of taking attendance.
Hence, when they know other students, they will be able to perform this job duty

Identification of Responsibilities –It is vital for the leaders to make use of one’s
knowledge and understanding and carry out their responsibilities in a well-organized manner.
Furthermore, they should also enable each group member as well to identify his or her duties
and responsibilities. When the students are pursuing masters or doctoral programs, they
usually work as teaching assistants. In implementation of one’s job duties as teaching
assistants, they need to be aware of the expectations of students, particularly in the
achievement of their academic goals. When the students are working as teaching assistants or
are carrying out the tasks of research and writing or implementing any other job duty in
educational institutions. It is vital for them to generate awareness in terms of methods and
approaches that they need to put into practice. When the student leaders are carrying out their
job duties with diligence, conscientiousness and resourcefulness, it is vital for the educators
to motivate them. Giving rewards are primary ways of motivating individuals.

Accepting Responsibilities – Research has indicated that students normally develop

motivation and interest, particularly when they are to participate in leadership functions.
Accepting responsibilities is regarded as one of the effectual ways of not only enhancing
leadership skills, but students also acquire appreciation from their educators. By accepting
responsibilities regarding various aspects, the individuals are able to augment their skills and
abilities. To accept responsibilities, it is essential for the students to put into operation certain
strategies. These are establishing appropriate terms with the educators, taking initiative,
offering help and information, obtaining guidance and assistance, when needed, and making
things happen. When the students show initiative in accepting responsibilities and inculcate
the traits of diligence, creativity and resourcefulness among themselves, the educators too
assign responsibilities to them. When the students due to some valid causes are unable to
accept responsibilities, they need to communicate valid reasons in a polite and decent
manner. But when they feel that accepting responsibilities would prove to be beneficial to
them, they should assign first and foremost priority to their work and accept responsibilities.

Counselling and Guidance – Implementation of counselling and guidance are also

regarded as important strategies for the development of leadership skills. It is an integral job
duty of the leaders to adequately counsel and guide the other individuals in providing
solutions to their problems. When they are implementing counselling and guidance, they need
to ensure that they are providing satisfactory ideas and suggestions that would be suitable to
them. When students are performing their roles as leaders within the classroom, they need to
put into practice counselling and guidance strategies, particularly in case of students, who
experience setbacks in their academic performance or the ones, who experience any personal
problems. One of the important aspects that needs to be taken into consideration is, student
leaders should provide counselling and guidance facilities to the fellow students, when they
approach them. When one approaches the student leaders and discusses his or her problems,
they are required to make provision of meaningful ideas and suggestions to them. Through
the possession of counselling and guidance skills, the student leaders are able to enhance their
competencies and aptitudes.
Implementing Problem-Solving Methods – When implementing problem-solving
methods, the leaders are required to follow a step-by-step approach. These are, stating the
problem as simply and clearly as possible, gathering all the relevant information and pertinent
resources, brainstorming as many ideas and solutions as one can think of, when there are
number of alternatives available, the individuals need to conduct an analysis of all the
alternatives and make selection of the most suitable ones, plans need to be designed for
utilizing ideas and solutions and following up on the plan is regarded as vital, as it will help
in determining, whether the methods that have been put into practice have been suitable or
not (Developing Leadership Skills, n.d.). In order to implement problem-solving methods in
an effectual manner, the individuals are required to possess certain skills and abilities. They
need to hone their problem-solving skills and conduct research on regular basis in terms of
various factors.

Identify the Areas for Improvement – In all areas within the educational institutions,
particularly in teaching-learning methods, instructional strategies, teaching-learning materials
and other tasks and activities within the classroom, it is necessary to bring about changes and
progressions. In order to enhance the system of education, it is necessary to put into operation
modern and innovative methods and strategies. Hence, it is vital for the leaders to identify the
areas, which need to be improved. When students are developing leadership skills among
them, it is vital for them to identify, which are the areas that are needed to get improved.
After identifying the areas for improvement, it is necessary to generate awareness and
information in terms of measures and practices that are needed to be put into practice to
enrich the system of education and facilitate the achievement of academic goals. The other
important aspects that need to be taken into consideration are, effective communication skills
and problem-solving methods. As individuals need to communicate with other individuals
and bring about solutions to the problems that may arise.

Controlling Negative Viewpoints – During the course of implementation of one’s job

duties or pursuance of academic goals, the leaders may feel stressed or anxious or frustrated.
They may form various negative viewpoints. Particularly, when one is overwhelmed by
number of responsibilities, then one may feel stressed and frustrated. But the leaders need to
ensure that they do not let any negative viewpoints and perspectives prove to be barriers
within the course of implementation of one’s job duties. Even when leaders are vested with
number of responsibilities, they need to ensure that they form good terms and relationships
with other individuals and possess a magnanimous nature. It is apparent that in some cases,
one does feel angry and frustrated. But the individuals need to possess appropriate skills and
abilities to overcome these traits. Within educational institutions, when the individuals are
performing their job duties, it is vital for them to communicate with others in a polite manner
and put into practice the traits of morality and ethics. The students need to ensure that they
develop good terms and relationships with all fellow students.

Leadership Styles

The leadership styles are referred to the approaches of the leaders to provide direction,
put into practice the plans and motivate individuals. The leadership styles are of three kinds
and these have been stated as follows: (Chapter-3, Leadership, n.d.).

Authoritarian or Autocratic

Authoritarian or autocratic is the leadership style, which involves making of decisions

or putting into practice various tasks and activities, without consulting others. In this case, the
leaders do not take any ideas or suggestions from other team members. This style is primarily
used, when the leaders tell their team members, what needs to be done and what methods and
procedures needs to be put into practice to get the tasks done. The leaders do not prefer taking
any ideas and suggestions from others and simply give instructions. Some of the appropriate
conditions, when this style is put into practice is to make use of all the information to provide
solutions to the problems. Normally, within organizations, individuals form negative
viewpoints regarding this style. The main reason being, they possess the viewpoint that their
leaders are imposing strictness and threats, giving them instructions without taking into
consideration their viewpoints and perspectives, and are abusing their power.

Usually this style is not implemented in educational institutions or any organizations.

Within these areas, it is one of the major rules that equal rights and opportunities should be
provided to all individuals. They should be allowed to express their viewpoints and
perspectives, particularly in the decision making processes, concerning their well-being.
There should not be any form of discrimination on the basis of any factors, such as, caste,
creed, race, religion, gender, age, ethnicity or socio-economic background. Hence, when the
leaders are putting into practice authoritarian or autocratic style, they are depriving other
individuals to express their viewpoints and perspectives. The authoritarian style should
normally be used on rare occasions. When decisions are to be made in haste and when the
leaders do not have time to seek ideas and suggestions from the other individuals, then it is
considered appropriate to make decisions without consulting other team members. Otherwise,
it is necessary to promote participation of other individuals as well.

Participative or Democratic Style

Participative or democratic leadership style is the one that encourages the

participation of the individuals in the decision making processes. When the individuals are
participating in the decision making processes, it is vital for them to generate awareness in
terms of what to do and how to do it. However, the authority to make the final decisions is
vested with the leaders. When various tasks and activities are put into practice, then the team
members are allowed to express their viewpoints and perspectives. They are provided with
rights and opportunities to give ideas and suggestions to their superiors. In the
implementation of this leadership style, the individuals are able to obtain opportunities to
augment their competencies and they become motivated towards the achievement of their
goals. This style is regarded as the style of strength that the team members will respect and

In educational institutions, particularly within the classroom setting, this style is put
into practice to a major extent. The educators and students need to work in collaboration and
integration with each other in the achievement of academic goals and in augmenting the
overall system of education. When any tasks or activities need to implemented, or concerning
teaching-learning methods, instructional strategies or teaching-learning materials, the
students are provided with the rights to give ideas and suggestions to the educators.
Therefore, it can be stated that educators promote participative or democratic style. The
educators are vested with the authority to make decisions regarding the teaching-learning
methods and other tasks that need to be implemented to augment student learning. They need
to ensure that the methods and practices that are putting into operation should be favourable
to the students. But the educators may not be aware of each and every aspect, hence, they
encourage the participation of students to enrich the overall system of education. In this
manner, the students develop interest and enthusiasm and become motivated towards the
achievement of academic goals.

Delegative or Free Reign

In this leadership style, the leader allows the team members to make decisions.
However, the leaders are responsible for the decisions that are made. When the leaders
possess the viewpoint that the team members are conscientious, possess adequate knowledge
in terms of the situations, then they assign them the duties to make decisions. It is vital for the
team members to be informative in terms of strategies and methods. The leaders should be
aware of this fact, before granting the rights and opportunities to make decisions. In
educational institutions, the educators as well as students are vested with number of
responsibilities. In some cases, they are overwhelmed by their job duties and responsibilities
that it becomes difficult for them to take out time for some tasks. In such cases, they assign
priorities. The tasks and functions that are regarded as significant are to get carried out first.
Whereas, the tasks, which are not very important are procrastinated. Hence, it is vital for the
members of the educational institution to put into practice the tasks and make effectual
decisions with diligence and conscientiousness.

As it has been stated above that in this style, the leader grants authority to the team
members to make the decisions, but he is responsible for the decisions made. In such cases,
when the decisions made prove to be beneficial, then the leaders appreciate the team
members and they are even rewarded. On the other hand, when the decisions made have not
proven to be worthwhile and beneficial, then he is not supposed to blame others. Rather, this
style is to be used, when the leaders are completely aware of the facts that the team members
are skilful, aware, competent and would make the right decisions. When one is putting into
practice this style, they should not feel apprehensive and vulnerable, but it should be used

Transformational Leadership in Classroom Instruction

The transformational leadership is used on an extensive scale to motivate and improve

the lives of the individuals. Within the classroom setting, the educators are required to
implement transformational leadership to not only facilitate the understanding of academic
concepts among students, but also enable them to achieve their academic goals. One of the
important aspects of transformational leadership is to augment the skills and proficiencies
among students. It allows the educators to implement the teaching-learning methods that
would make provision of knowledge among students to enrich their learning potential.
Through transformational leadership, the educators are able to motivate students to rise above
their own expectations. In other words, the students are able to augment their skills and
abilities and achieve beyond their desired goals. The teaching-learning methods that are
employed by the educators are used to bring about academic and social transformation among
the students by encouraging their participation in problem solving, which would build critical
thinking skills (Haynes-Tross, 2015).

Motivating students during the classroom instruction to think in terms of the assigned
problems and scenarios, particularly related to the development of leadership skills, inspire
the students to develop cognitive thinking skills, encourage creative exploration and expand
their enquiry. If the instructional methods that are used within the classrooms are put into
practice in an appropriate manner, then students would be able to acquire the skills,
knowledge and attitudes that are vital in overcoming problems and challenges related to
academics. When the students are able to overcome challenges and learn to cope with
problems and difficulties, they are able to augment leadership skills (Haynes-Tross, 2015).
Furthermore, it is vital for the educators to put into practice assessment methods that are
required to evaluate the leadership capabilities both internally and externally (Seven Steps for
Effective Leadership Development, 2012). The implementation of assessment methods help
in identifying the limitations and bringing about improvements. It is vital to put into practice
modern and innovative methods to impart leadership skills among students.


The development of leadership skills are regarded as vital among students. They need
to possess adequate knowledge and information regarding the significance of leadership. The
major aspects highlighting the significance of leadership are, principle role of leaders,
behaviour and attitude of trustworthy leaders, personal traits of leaders and interpersonal
skills of leaders. When understanding the importance of developing leadership skills among
students, it is essential to take into account various factors. These are, the predominance of
orientation to achieve the goal, inner desire for self-development, creativity in performance,
the ability to inspire, the ability to predict and make decisions, the ability to cope with
challenges, the ability to implement tasks in accordance to the situations, development of
professionalism, development of knowledge and skills and adoption of social responsibility.
When the students are well-aware in terms of these factors, they are able to augment
leadership skills in an effective manner.

The various strategies that are necessary for students for developing leadership skills
are, effective communication skills, enthusiasm and interest, focused towards goals, knowing
other individuals, identification of responsibilities, accepting responsibilities, counselling and
guidance, implementing problem-solving methods, identify the areas for improvement and
controlling negative viewpoints. The students generate awareness in terms of these strategies
either from their family members, educators, friends or by themselves. The other area that has
been taken into account is, leadership styles. There are three kinds of leadership styles,
authoritarian or autocratic, participative or democratic and delegative or free reign. Usually in
educational institutions, participative or democratic leadership style is put into practice. In
this style, students are provided with rights and opportunities to participate and augment their
skills and abilities. Within the classroom setting, transformational leadership is put into
practice to a major extent to enhance skills and abilities of students. Finally, it can be stated
that honing of leadership skills not only helps the students to achieve the desired academic
goals, but they are also able to enhance professional skills and sustain their living in an
appropriate manner.
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