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Purge the Unclean: Rejoice for you are True

Dark Heresy

Note: While on Scintilla this is the home of the House of the Just (Arbites) and the Divisio Immoralis.
On Scintilla, the Adeptus Arbites is based at the Fortress of the Just, a massive rockcrete slab that sits in
the relentless desert a short flight away from Hive Tarsus. It is here that Lord Marshall Goreman’s
headquarters can be found, along with the training facilities for the arbitrator cadets sent to the Calixis
Sector, and the Sector Judicial archive. The Divisio Immoralis is based in a cramped set of offices in
the Archive, while Scintilla’s large pool of enforcers trains regularly in the bullet-scarred mock town
just outside the fortress.

Alaric & Tsar & Tsaritsa are incircled in salt Warding for Daemons (Tsar & Tsaritsa did it) Mr. B
played Warp Space Incursion card (put in a lesser Daemon), doing spooky shit to the Psycho-meter.
Use a minor version of the Veiled Deceit from the Koronus Bestiary. Get someone to roll for the Twins
Occult skills to see how good the salt circle is.

Veiled Deceit
WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
(6) (10)
35 50 25 — 20 25 45 50 35
Movement: N/A Wounds: 10
Armour: None. Total TB: 6
Skills: Awareness (Per), Charm (Fel), Deceive (Fel), Psyniscience (Per).
Talents: Heightened Senses (all).
Psychic Powers (Psy Rating 6): Delude, Dominate, Mental Bond, Mind Probe, Mind Scan.
Traits: Creature Of The Warp†, Daemonic (TB 6),
Daemonic Presence††, Dark Sight, Fear (3), From Beyond,
Glossolalia†††, Hoverer (3), Size (Hulking), Strange
Physiology, The Stuff Of Nightmares, Unnatural Intelligence
(x2), Warp Instability, Warp Weapon.
†Creature of the Warp: Veiled Deceits never invoke Psychic Phenomena.
††Daemonic Presence: When a Veiled Deceit manifests, the local temperature drops to near freezing
as frigid winds blow into the rift formed by the Veiled Deceit’s presence. All creatures within 20 metres
take a –10 penalty to Willpower Tests and those without appropriate thermal protection within 10
metres must take a Difficult (–10) Toughness Test or suffer one point of Fatigue.
†††Glossolalia: When a Veiled Deceit speaks, each individual listener hears it talking in their native
tongue. Weapons: Endless Teeth (1d10+2 R; Pen 0, Tearing, Warp Weapon).

Ranksacked an apartment

Subelty is down to 50.

Starts with the group being called in because the Strophes niece is missing but also because there may
be a connection with the strange cult. Have the group have to retrieve a meter themselves if they want
that info.
Inquisitor has business at the Bastion Serpentis to speak with the Tyrantine Cabal, whatever that is. He
seeks knowledge of the tyrant star and the Serrated Query.

Tie Ins: Serrated Query, Caros Shoal knows Noxt & Yorgos Marcin, Haarlock play, Amaranthine
Syndicate is forcing the Query out of Hazeroth Abyss, Query has a Ghostfire “farm” on Iocanthos
(Corey's Solo session?) also growing the Zamarkand Rose,

Use Subtlety: Starting Subtlety is (XX REDACTED). Make a Subtlety test and if it is over they gain a
+20 to covert actions and if it is under they take a -20 to covert actions and vice versa.

Alter Egos: All considered best quality +10 to test to prove they are who they say they are, could be
higher but the Strophes didn't know any exact details about the Acolytes. Give them an additional +10
and bonus Subtlety if they truly play the part. There cover identities are
– Noble: May carry a pistol & sword and gains +10 on interaction tests with other nobles -10
for non nobles.
– Bodyguard: Pistol & Sword & “longarm” -10 to interact with nobles, +10 interact with
other bodyguards.
– Entertainer: +10 to all interaction tests.
– Every weapon after the limit lowers the groups Subtlety by 1 or by 2 if it is a basic weapon
and 3-5 if it is particularly large (Heavy) or exotic.

Clothes Maketh the Man: Clothing varies a great deal across the length and breadth of the Calixus
Sector but regardless of where you are how you dress changes how other see you. All clothing is either
of Poor (+0), Common (+3), Good (+5), or Best (+10) these bonuses apply on specific social
interaction tests when your “type” of dress is relevant. For example an acolyte dressed in proper
Arbites regalia of Common Quality would gain a +5 bonus on a test to get information out of a mid-
hiver or to convince others that his is an Arbite. He would not get the same bonuses out of a spire noble
who does not fear Arbites in the same way as the mid-hiver, if he had the regalia of an Arbites Judge
that might be a different matter. The downside to this is of course depending on who they are dealing
with these bonuses can quickly become penalties if for example you are dressed as an Aribte in a low-
hive mutant bar it may make Charm tests that much more difficult.

Brother Martus and Brother Roberts

Julia's Notes:
Lady Tanae Borella: Influential supporter of the Choir seems harmless and generally likes throwing
parties, likes just enough excitement that things are interesting but dislikes a “ruckus”.
Sorkat Authwaite: Gunmetal Nobleman trade baron from Gun Metal City, loud and brash he respects
those that know there weapons.
Malene Trun: Mid-hiver invited due to her great works. Little else is known, unimportant.
Lord Raephen Verence: Noble from Maris Hax's court and is kind of a big deal. Anything that could
gain Hax's is favour is a boon, his displeasure a curse.
Spirit Daneen: They are minor noble, a bit of a social butterfly as I've seen them at many parties.
Counsellor Cort Arboag: The only higher ranking Choir member other than Lady Borella that will be
in attendance.
Maelinea Yong: An imperial scholar from a powerful mercantile house.
Lady Amanda Shillering Movia: A recent widow and a bit of a “libertine” if my sources are correct.
Baron Walges Comtum: Very minor noble family he's looking to fund some kind expedition for
relics? Honestly a bit of a bore.

Day 1 (Opening Act): Tasks for travel over from Malfi, any further questions or interactions with the
Throne Agents. Briefing on what they know and house Strophes.

Day 2 (Cover): The Acolytes make up their cover stories and get settled in with the Strophes. In the
evening they are free to meet with Vorlin Orday or do any other sleuthing they might want to do. Such
as locate a harmony meter.

Day 3 (Lady Borella's Soiree): They are given the invite list and told that securing a way to get closer
to the upper echelons of the cult is the prime objective.

Day 4 (Assassination & Chase): Meet Orday in the morning in the Hustle, where Orday gets shot.
First encounter with Theodosia. Rest of the day is free?

Day 5 (Alabastor Court): They find a way to attend the Alabaster Court and in the evening they are
attack by goons.

Day 6 (Ornothopter ride to Ambulon): Time should be spent finding out about the Oracle and
locating the Queries true hideout.

Day 7 (Final Showdown): They Acolytes track down the maddening warehouse and fight the Query
there. Unless they've escaped.

Attention Spanner (Drug)

(Instant / -10 / Psychotropic / Addictive / varies / Rare)
This drug induces a state of near monomania, allowing the user to totally focus their concentration on
a single subject. It is not to be used carelessly; if the mind wanders while the
drug takes effect there is no telling what topic may become the fixation. Still, when a deadly puzzle
must be solved or an ancient scroll deciphered it can literally become a lifesaver.
Effect: Users taking the drug must first take a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test to see if they
successfully focus on the desired topic. If they succeed, then they take all Intelligence-based tests at
+30 bonus for 3d10 rounds. If they fail however, for the same period of time they take all tests at a –20
penalty, perhaps concentrating more on an attractive shipmate or the pattern or the stars through the
glassteel void portals.

Blush (Drug)
(Swift / -10 / Psychotropic / - / varies / Very Rare)
This intoxicating drink is made from a rare small yellow fruit found on some worlds on the rimward
edges of the Calixis Sector. Fermented properly in raw stone vats, it gives a very pleasant glowing
feeling when imbibed. This glow is quite literal—as intoxication sets in, the drinker actually emits a
soft reddish hue that diminishes as the effects fade and sobriety sets back in. Popular amongst
debauched young nobles, it is a favourite drink at their parties, where they compete to see who can
glow the brightest before passing out.

Dramatis Personae
Julia Strophes:
Laurent Strophes:
Saia Stophes: Missing niece
Lady Borella's Soiree Attendees
Lady Tanae Borella: Influential supporter of the Choir if she takes a liking (2 DoS charm) grants the
Acolyte a invite to the Alabaster Court.
Sorkat Authwaite: Gunmetal Nobleman (150y looks 50y) likes guns. Info
Malene Trun: Mid hiver invited due to her great works. Knows that many of the younger choir
members are hooked on some new drug.
Lord Raephen Verence: Noble from Maris Hax's court and is kinda a big deal. Knows that the
Scintillian psyker tithe is down and knows of other sector gossip. Mutant uprisings trouble Sepherus
Secondus again, war has broken out in the periphery, and war drains manpower, strange killings in
Landunder, Death of nobles on Malfi, etc.
Spirit Daneen: Also looking for an invite to the Alabaster court, will help acolytes. Secretly Slannesh.
Counsellor Cort Arboag: High up Choir member will discuss their beliefs and if paid (500 Throne
Gelt) or promised great wealth with 2 DoS on appropriate action test nets an invite.
Maelinea Yong: Debates faith but is of a staunch and austere sect of the Imperial Creed.
Lady Amanda Shillering Movia: Looking for a husband or at least a good time.
Baron Walges Comtum: Knows about Shoal's past if questioned about him or the Choir. Has left the
Archeo-exhumantors as he thinks they have fallen in with the wrong sort.

Gisbern van Hank (Lady's Borella's bodyguard): A jovial man who loves his food & drink can be
buttered up to let slip that Borellas has invitations to Alabastor court.
Hafah (Arboag's Bodyguard): Knows nothing, is surprising well kitted out though. He's form
Pressure Point a mercenary company.
Nagen (Lady Amanda Shillering's bodyguard): Skintight synskin and ornate rapier, was mostly hired
for his looks.
Nicklas Braun (Verence's Bodyguard): Is dying for a drink and is tired of these stuffy parties. Knows
plenty of gossip from across the hive.

Sigmari Pfeiffer (Dancer): Doesn't know about the Choir but does know about Farcosia. It's new and
it is expensive, more an upper hive thing though some in the mid-hive are hooked on it.
Bartisch Allenstag (Poet): Composes poetry and is already hooked on Farcosia. Is a budding heretic
that hasn't yet take the plunge, he is searching for a copy of the Eris Transform.
Nikki Eshemann (Courtesan): Knows that all sorts of new drugs are flooding into the hives right now.
Shankslandian Coca, Farcosia, Spiral Black, and Blush to name a few.

Farcosia Tasting

Alabaster Court
Caros Shoal:
Elergi Krin: Haarlock in the “play” possibly duellist
Thiery & Colva: Counsellors and Query members
Georgius Nussbacher: Amaranthine Agent
Thaddeus Boselmann: Very rich donor to the church
Kite Ahlen: Plays as fate and is a devoted servant to Elergi Krin
Ermel Dietersmann: Very minor latent psychic (-40 psyniscience) otherwise jovial man who wishes to
do good works.
Friedrica Zumwalder: Noble woman Hooked on Farcosia

Clue: Harmony Meter and Tarot contain the same technology

Skill: Forbidden Lore (Archeotech or Xenos).
– Success: Though most of the meters are probably fake, some contain lost technology that bears
an uncanny resemblance to the tainted Tarot cards. They are full of “filler” techonolgy that does
very little.
– DoS 1: Tech is certainly not current Imperial techonology and it has the ability to detect
– DoS 2: It can detect psychic abilities well below the threshold of most of the similar equipment
the Inqusiton possess including most other pyskers.
– DoS 3: This technology is human but not imperial, and it is quite old.
– DoS 4: This techonolgy comes from the ancient Adranti civilzation that once lived in the
– DoS 5+:

Clue: Scintilla planetary data

Skill: Common Lore (Imperium)
Lead: Psyker Tithe down these last 5 years
Red Herring: Scintillian Military tithe is way up.
Red Herring:
Red Herring:

Clue: Drug farcosia

Skill: Chem-Use or Psynesience
Lead: Incredibly complex cocktail of organic matter, contains extracts of the Zamarkand Rose Rose,
Malfian centipede venom (Dirge Empress), Ghostfire Extract, human DNA, Sinophian blight fungus,
etc. Or the fact that it has a warp signature.

Chase in the Hustle:

Roll Initiative:

Clue: Papers in Theodosia's “office”

Skill: Cyphers
Lead: It contians flight times and fuel for ornothopters.
Make Theodosia Scarier

WS BS S T Ag Int Per WP Fel
55 41 45 54 52 32 37 44 33
Corruption Points: 9 Insanity Points: 6
Movement: 5/10/15/30 Wounds: 30
Skills: Awareness (Per) +10, Common Lore (Imperium) (Int), Concealment (Ag) +10, Dodge (Ag) +20,
Inquiry (Fel), Interrogation (WP), Intimidate (S) +10, Security (Ag) +10, Shadowing (Ag) +10, Silent
Move (Ag) +10, Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Tracking (Int), Acrobatics (Ag), Climb (S),
Contortionist (Ag) +20, Secret Tongue (Cult) (Int), Forbidden Lore (Serrated Query) (Int), Demolition
(Int) +20.
Talents: Basic Weapon Training (Las, SP), Disarm, Hip Shooting, Melee Weapon Training (Chain,
Primitive, Power), Pistol Training (Las, SP), Rapid Reaction, Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee), Combat
Master, Chem Geld, Leap Up, Ambidextrous.
Traits: Cybernetic Body: (adds 5 AP to all locations except Head, immune to Blood Loss), Double-
jointed limbs (these twisted mechanical limbs allow him to use all his arms as legs and his legs as
arms if need be. This adds +20 to all Climb Tests and allows him to traverse vertical surfaces as
though he is moving on the ground. In addition, he may rotate his body independently of his head and
legs, allowing him a 360-degree arc of fire).
Hyper-reaction emitter: +2 reactions a round
Armour: Cybernetic body (Head 3 (5), Arms 5 (7), Body 5 (7), Legs 5 (7)). Mesh robes 4 all but +2 for
– Best quality enhanced autopistol with man-stopper bullets (30m; S/–/6; 1d10+3 I; Pen 3; Clip
18(x3); Rld Full Toxic),
– two power blades (1d10+7 E; Pen 6; Balanced, Power Field).
Gear: Robes, 20 man-stopper rounds, pysbernetics
Psychic Powers:

Spur (Drug):
A common drug for those who live by the sword, spur infuses the user with boundless energy until
he feels ready to tackle any situation. The powerful stimulant increases reaction times and overall
stamina for a short period, with the inevitable crash of depression and weariness following soon after.
Each dose lasts 2d10 minutes, during which the user cannot be Stunned and takes no Fatigue.
Afterwards, however, the character takes a –20 Penalty for Toughness and Agility Tests for one hour,
as well as one Fatigue level for every two they would have received while
the drug was active. If used more than five times in a week long period, the user must make a Hard (–
20) Willpower Test, or ingest the drug daily as he becomes addicted.

Trying to Save Orday

-60 Medicae

Make up interesting chase rules

How do they find out that the base is on Ambulon?

Shoal lets it slip
Lip Reading
Attack on House Stophes
– An acolyte that impresses them may get a discount on buying him or her as a contact

More Dramatis Personae

Make up the Story for the “Fall of Cyprene” or make is the fall of the Dynasty of Haarlocke?

A tragedgy loosely based of the rise and fall of the Haarlocke dynasty

Fall of the Dynasty of Haarlocke

Mattathias Haarlock: Underhiver
Erasumus Haarlock: Elergi Kring
Wife: Elena Haarlock (Actor Medena)
Child: Daphne Haarlock (Actor Tanis)
Spear of Destiny: Ship

The room is lit by hundreds of candles, a few of which are enormous, allowing for the nobles to show
off their “star lit” fashions. A stage has been set up within the centre of the court and the Acolytes hear
whispers of a grand performance in the offing. If Lady Borella invited one or more of the Acolytes, she
soon notices them and glides over with some of her entourage, including Siprit Daneen. She confirms
that a popular young noble named Elsergi Krin has apparently arranged for the evening’s opening

The crowd falls silent as a masked figure steps out onto the stage. Cloaked in grey robes, the figure’s
mask suddenly flickers to life, revealing shifting holographic features that study the crowd with interest.
“Call me Fate for it is by my dark hand that these puppets move,” he intones, “so ready
yourselves and prepare for a tale of woe.” Thus begins one of the great tragedies of our sectors
history the Fall of of the Dynasty Haarlock; a play about the trials of the lost Rogue Trader dynasty are
there tragic infighting. A ragged figure soon staggers out onto the stage. Though dressed in fine
clothing, he is clearly dishevelled and emaciated from hunger. Chorus declares, “Hail Mattathias!” as
the play begins in earnest. What follows is an hour of masked figures coming and going acting around
“Mattathias” who appears somewhat lost and out-of-sorts.

Near the climax two other actors lie at Mattathias feet (drugged), Chorus states, “What fate is suitable
for such a one?” Before anyone can reply, the clearly frightened Mattathias whispers, “nonono, by the
Emperor what have i done, forgvie me?!,” which hangs in the air several long seconds before Chorus
replies, “There is no forgiveness, only vengange!” as he impales the man from behind with a power
sword. The nobles applaud wildly as the corpse slumps to the stage. Haarlock removes his mask,
revealing handsome features and a tight smile of perfectly formed diamond teeth, before bowing to the
cheering crowd.

Shoal's Logbook

Ticket log for a Rogue Trader vessel called the silver dart for one way travel out into the Koronus
expanse, stopping at Port Wander.

A good place to lay low, but I've been having a hell of time getting a hold of any geniue xeno artifacts
to flip for a profit back on Scintila, seems that there are at least 5 big players out here and I've learned
enough to know that I don't want to anger any of them.

I've got a meeting with one of the “quintet” if this is the end of me at least I will have lived better than
that horrible pit I was birthed in. Damn the lower hive, damn it hell.

Huzzah! My humble searchings have finally born fruit! My genius is recognized as these new fellows
seem interested in my distinct ability to set up fast and lucrative business. I've always said there was
money in religion sounds like a perfect time to get out of the artifact game. I'd planned on gathering up
some of the fake trinkets out in the Koronus Expanse but this is much better.

Ripped off by that bastard Noxt I'm left with 80kg's of vat grown flesh, damned stuff will rot in the
warehouse I'll need to find another buyer. Marcin?

These are a unique class of aircraft, using regular engines plus large articulated wings to mimic avian
flight. Often graceful and manoeuvrable beyond normal craft, they require more specialised training as
they are prone to mishap in the hands of an inexperienced Pilot. Piloting such a vehicle is a sure sign
of expert skills and an appreciation for style above the more brutish
fashions displayed among other Imperial vehicles.
Type: Civilian Craft
Size: Hulking
Armour: Hull 12, Wings 9
Traits: none
Narrative Speed: 50 kmph/70 kmph
Combat Speed: -/25/50/75/100
Handling Modifier (Pilot (Civilian Craft): -20
Armaments: None
Crew: 1 (Pilot) Passengers: 1
Access Points: Ornithropters are open-topped so can be boarded or disembarked from any point.

Those Who Control The Trade

To be part of the Cold Trade is to deal with some of the most
powerful groups in the Expanse. Not the heated power of raw
military might, but more subtle power generated by enormous
wealth and networks of agents. These are organisations that
traffic with the alien on a regular basis, utilising mysterious
means and devices still hidden from the Imperium, that perhaps
even act on the behalf of mankind’s enemies. All are veiled in
motive and methods, and even the most detailed Ordo Xenos
dossiers on these organizations often contain only aliases and
false information. However, although they are veiled in secrecy,
these organizations are well aware of the players in the Cold
Trade and events that may affect it. For an Explorer looking to
make their name and fortune in the Cold Trade, the question
is perhaps not how to operate without their notice, but instead
how to profit without their assistance.
The Quintet contains some of the most powerful groups in
the Cold Trade. They work jointly to ensure the smooth traffic of
illicit xenos goods for the profit of all, or at least themselves. First
among the Five is the Kasballica, with their well-known Mission
on Footfall. This crime syndicate has tendrils across Calixis
and deep into the Expanse. Though there are often internecine
conflicts between the primary Kasballica operations in the Drusus
Marches and the Kasballica Mission on Footfall over spheres of
influence and profit tithes, both sides realise that these can only
benefit their enemies and seek to keep such disputes minimised
or hidden from spying eyes. The Mission (often represented by
Vladaym Tocara, one of its senior negotiators) stands ready to
greet Rogue Traders new to the Expanse, and actively seeks
exclusive xenos artefact contracts, with Egarian crystalline relics
a particular speciality. Where negotiations fail, the Mission is also
ready with blackmail, threats, and worse to aid negotiations. The
self-styled Baron Armund Deveros leads the Kasballica interests
in the Quintet. He disguises a shrewd and calculating mind with
bluster and boasts. His goal is to ensure potential new challengers
are cut out of lucrative opportunities before they become a threat
to the Kasballica and its profits.
The Hecaton Cartel is also part of the Quintet, and as the
name suggests operates mostly to the extreme Rimward of the
Expanse. Led by Barterman Primus Gulten Farnham, the cartel
members trade on their name to suggest their association with
this most deadly and mysterious area of Koronus. Though
more localised than many of the other trading groups, they are
growing in power and strength through the audacity of their
deals. The Traders who operate under their sigil are renowned
for their extreme daring and the quality of the extraordinary
artefacts they recover. Little is spoken though of those who
never return from the Rifts, although the remaining captains
raise a toast in obsidian flasks in their name each year.
While they do not have a fixed base in the Expanse, the
Serrated Query are widely respected for the breadth of their
activities and operatives, as well as the extensive network of
spies feeding information to their controlling cells. If there are
illegal Thrones to be made, the Query are probably already
aware of it and demanding their slice of the action. They are
also known for the extreme loyalty and ruthlessness of their
agents, with their organisation acting more like a religious cult133
at times. There is quiet talk that this Quintet member might
be more than they seem, but so far these are only the casual
suspicions of a sort anyone in the Expanse might have.
The Archeo-exhumators of Hive Sibellus have forced a
place for themselves in the Quintet due to the power of their
backers, the nobility of Sibellus and other puissant hive-lords.
Well educated, well funded, and well supplied with both
manpower and weaponry, they range over both the Calixis
Sector and Koronus Expanse to uncover new treasures for their
collector-masters. While others may search for decades for a lost
civilisation, the Archeo-exhumators draw on vast data pools and
voyage logbooks to make needle-like raids, often reclaiming
artefacts before others are aware they have been found. They
each jealously guard their personal contacts and rarely act in
concert, the main reason they have not totally dominated the
The last current member of the Quintet is the most
overlooked one. The Mist Fleets are known for their skilled
negotiators, and became a part of the Five due to their valuable
services in that regard. Their flotilla operates secretly, with
highly encrypted astropathic announcements of their next
location sent to their clientele register. It is an open secret
that they have hundreds more smaller vessels roaming the
Expanse and pushing beyond its nebulous boundaries for
new acquisitions. Once found, the larger ships break from
the fleet to oversee excavations and protection, then return
to arrange transfer to buyers. Captain Marcel Kentolli of the
Maeander is one of the more well known trader-captains and
is frequently seen at Footfall to represent the Mist Fleets.
There are other organisations involved with the Cold Trade
that are not part of the Quintet. Some of these organisations
operate more as buyers than sellers. The Ordinati Xenologis is a
rogue cult of the Adeptus Mechanicus which has an overwhelming
commitment to the study of xenos artefacts. Magos Nadya
Kimura has sequestered herself and her courtiers in a secretive
station far in the clouds of Port Wander, where she deals with
Rogue Traders on specific missions into the Expanse on the
Ordinati’s behalf, often with their agents sent to accompany
them in their tasks. The Adeptus Mechanicus presence within
the Calixis Sector typically ignores this group, but remain ready
to act if their research or conclusions become too heretical.
Another prominent organisation is the Armaranthine
Syndicate. Though mostly known for routine smuggling
amidst their normal mercantile operations, it is gathering more
and more Inquisitorial attention due to the numerous xenos
items found among seized contraband goods. That some of
these artefacts defy identification is becoming very worrisome
to the Ordo Xenos, and those who have dealt with the
Syndicate are coming under increased scrutiny. Though they
have informally petitioned for association with the Quintet,
the other members remain uneasy. There are dark tales that
are only told when confidences are absolute, for those who
speak too freely are usually never heard from again. These
tell of horrific alien guises, massive biological constructs, and
insidious agendas far beyond mere profits. Needless to say,
the Quintet is not eager to allow them to join.
In the middle of these group is the most improbable of
powers. She is the Lady Bellefonte, Marquessate of Albia Novis
and the invisible Vertess of Port Wander. The widow of Rogue
Trader Ricard Pomfroy, she is extraordinarily wealthy; her lavish
asteroid-estate near the Port hosts huge de rigueur galas for
those of proper breeding (or sufficient affluence). Here she sits
like a spider in the centre of the vast web of Cold Trade dealings
stretching across Calixis as well as through the Maw and deep
into the Expanse, gathering information from lowly dregs as
well as highborn nobility of xenos finds, artefact desires, double
crosses, and surreptitious dealings. This information is bartered
to the Quintet amongst others, with some special data put aside
for blackmail or extortion where necessary. What started as a
stimulating game to ease the boredom of her mourning period
has become her passion, and she controls a vast trove of xenos
knowledge and confidential information, and most find her too
useful to consider eliminating her.

As the Expanse is not under the direct dominion of the Master of Mankind, the alien is allowed to roam
without rightful challenge. Xenos fleets move through the Koronus Expanse, such as massive Kroot
Warspheres or barbed Eldar Corsair raiders. Ork vessels leave behind destroyed planets and drifting
bloodstained flotsam in their wake as they travel from war to war. Stryxis traders establish dealings
across the Expanse, ready to deal with any who would dare. All these and more act as sources of
xenos goods for the Explorer canny or brave enough to deal with them. Such direct contact can lead
to superlative deals, but can also lead to deadly battles should negotiations falter. Surrounding and
watching these are the agents of the Inquisition, Adeptus Mechanicus, and other Imperial agencies
duty-bound to protect mankind from the heresies of xenos

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