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LSMW Import Export

1. Go to tcode LSMW

2. Give the project name

3. Click Extras->Export Project

4. Click Tickmark to continue

5. Place cursor on Description of project - so that u can see the select mark coming at the end

Try clicking the description 2/3 times so that the mark comes for all the objects and sub objects

6. Not click F8(Export)...

7. Give a name to the file

Now go to Production system and try importing with other(new) project name.

Hope this works..

Alternative using transport:

1. Create a Transport on your name(Owner's name should be urs, not the task name).

2. Now go to tcode LSMW

3. Given the project name

4. Click Extras->Generate change request

5. Add the project to Transport request

6. Release this Transport to Production.

I suggest to use a Transport to move an object to Production.


Veeranji Reddy P.

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