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Name: __________________________ Section: _____________

Direction: Complete the given statements. Select the word/words from the list provided that fits the
description as stated.

Small intestine Chyme stomach esophagus chemically

Anus mouth absorption large intestine peristalsis
Mechanical ingestion feces assimilation bolus

In human digestive system, food enters the 1.) _____________ through the process of taking in food
called 2.) ____________.
Food is changed physically into smaller pieces through 3.) _____________digestion. The ingested
food and product of digestion in mouth known as
4.) _____________, travels down the 5.) _____________, a long muscular tube.
Then the food is easily pushed down the tube due to the involuntary movement of muscles known as
6.) _____________. As food reaches the 7.) _____________, a J-shaped, bag-like muscular organ
that can hold approximately one liter of fluid and food. Gastric juices produced by the cells of its walls
help in the breakdown of food
8.) _____________, a type of digestion when enzymes actively takes part in the process. Food
becomes a thick liquid called 9.) _____________. Later, food enters the 10.) _____________for
further digestion and 11.) _____________, a process when nutrients enter and are absorbed in the
bloodstream. The body is now ready to perform the process of 12.) _____________, when the
nutrients absorbed are used by the cells for metabolic activities. The undigested food travels down to
13.) _____________, where liquids are reabsorbed leaving the waste or 14.) _____________. These
waste are eliminated out of the body through 15.) _____________.

Name: __________________________ Section: _____________

Direction: Complete the given statements. Select the word/words from the list provided that fits the
description as stated.

Small intestine Chyme stomach esophagus chemically

Anus mouth absorption large intestine peristalsis
Mechanical ingestion feces assimilation bolus

In human digestive system, food enters the 1.) _____________ through the process of taking in food
called 2.) ____________.

Food is changed physically into smaller pieces through 3.) _____________digestion. The ingested
food and product of digestion in mouth known as 4.)______________,travels down the 5.)
_____________, a long muscular tube.

Then the food is easily pushed down the tube due to the involuntary movement of muscles known as
6.) _____________. As food reaches the 7.) _____________, a J-shaped, bag-like muscular organ
that can hold approximately one liter of fluid and food. Gastric juices produced by the cells of its walls
help in the breakdown of food 8.) _____________, a type of digestion when enzymes actively takes
part in the process. Food becomes a thick liquid called 9.) _____________. Later, food enters the

10.) _____________ for further digestion and 11.) _____________, a process when nutrients enter
and are absorbed in the bloodstream. The body is now ready to perform the process of

12.) _____________, when the nutrients absorbed are used by the cells for metabolic activities. The
undigested food travels down to 13.) _____________, where liquids are reabsorbed leaving the waste
or 14.) _____________. These waste are eliminated out of the body through 15.) _____________.

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