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Master of Business Administration

Individual Assignment: Advanced Research Methodology

Arcticle Review on :


Selamawit Seferih.

Prepared by: Naol Debele

Submitted to: Dr. Dinkisa

February | 2023
Addis ababa
Reading and summarizing a research article in AN ASSESSMENT OF

The topic “An assessment of purchasing practice in the case of GOAL Ethiopia ”
by Selamawit Seferih worked for the fulfillment of the requirement for bachelor
degree from St. Mary university, Ethiopia. The idea of the research is concern on
purchasing practice of one organization, It’s procedures, factor affecting and
solution for improvement of it.
In this article, I tried to review this research in terms of It’s topic, abstract, problem
statement, Hypothesis and research questions, Delimitations, methodology,
findings, discussion, and finally I conclude the whole Idea of it and my new
understanding from reading this research.

The title should be between 10 and 15 words long and should clearly identify for
the reader the purpose of the study (Connell Meehan, 1999). Titles that are too
long or too short can be confusing or misleading (Parahoo, 2006).
OF GOAL ETHIOPIA” by Selamawit Seferih is limited with the word.
Title must be:
• It should be precise. (Words)
• It should be clear. (Conceptual)
• It should be specific. (Scope)
• It should be catchy. (Attractive)
In this research the being precise is good. In terms it’s clearness, scope(bounded by
one organization) and catchy and attractive.
The abstract should provide a succinct overview of the research and should include
information regarding the purpose of the study, method, sample size and selection. of Nursing. 2007. Vol 16. No 11 659 the main findings and
conclusions and recommendations (Conkin Dale, 2005). From the abstract the
reader should be able to determine if the study is of interest and whether or not to
continue reading (Parahoo, 2006).
According to selamawit’s work, It has no any abstract part.

Problem Statement
A research problem is often first presented to the reader in the introduction to the
study (Bassett and Bassett, 2003). Depending on what is to be investigated some
authors will refer to it as the purpose of the study. In either case the statement
should at least broadly indicate to the reader what is to be studied (Polit and Beck,
2006). Broad problems are often multi-faceted and will need to become narrower
and more focused before they can be researched. In this the literature review can
play a major role (Parahoo, 2006)
According to this study the problem statement clearly related to the whole idea of
the research. In terms of significance of the research although there is no any
mentioned solution has been mentioned, It indicated as the solution would be
included to the main part of the research.

Hypothesis and Research question

The purpose of the aims and objectives of a study, the research question and the
research hypothesis is to form a link between the initially stated purpose of the
study or research problem and how the study will be undertaken (Burns and Grove,
1999). They should be clearly stated and be congruent with the data presented in
the literature review. The use of these items is dependent on the type of research
being performed. Some descriptive studies may not identify any of these items but
simply refer to the purpose of the study or the research problem, others will include
either aims and objectives or research questions (Burns and Grove, 1999).
Correlational designs, study the relationships that exist between two or more
variables and accordingly use either a research question or hypothesis.
Experimental and quasi-experimental studies should clearly state a hypothesis
identifying the variables to be manipulated, the population that is being studied and
the predicted outcome (Burns and Grove, 1999).
In the case of this study, the research objective has mentioned in form of in
question form. They are:
 What are the purchasing procedures and practices of the organization?
 To What extent those purchasing procedures are used?
 What factors affect the purchasing process?
 Which improvements can be made to the whole purchasing process?
So as we see above, the research questions are clearly mentioned. It is also
relevant to the topic of the research.

The main objective or purpose of this research paper is to assess the overall
purchasing practice and mechanism of Goal Ethiopia by focusing on the
procedures that hinders the performance of the organization to meet its objectives
on timely basis. Goal Ethiopia, an international Irish funded NGO working in more
than 10 regions of Ethiopia and has an 85% centralized way of purchasing
practices the rest will be processed whenever there is a need to procure a small
amount that doesn’t need the help or approval of the Head office.
The Credibility of this research is up to GOAL Ethiopia Purchasing department
that means this research is limited only to a specific organization.

Research design Methodology refers to the nuts and bolts of how a research study
is undertaken. There are a number of important elements that need to be referred to
here and the first of these is the research design. There are several types of
quantitative studies that can be structured under the headings of true experimental,
quasi-experimental and non-experimental designs (Robson, 2002). Although it is
outside the remit of this article, within each of these categories there are a range of
designs that will impact on how the data collection and data analysis phases of the
study are undertaken. However, Robson (2002) states these designs are similar in
many respects as most are concerned with patterns of group behaviour, averages,
tendencies and properties.
In this research, the researcher used descriptive way of research designed and
followed by qualitative and quantitative approach.
Population and sample: The degree to which a sample reflects the population it
was drawn from is known as representativeness and in quantitative research this is
a decisive factor in determining the adequacy of a study (Polit and Beck, 2006). In
order to select a sample that is likely to be representative and thus identify findings
that are probably generalizable to the target population a probability sample should
be used (Parahoo, 2006). The size of the sample is also important in quantitative
research as small samples are at risk of being overly representative of small
subgroups within the target population.
In this research, to accomplish the study, the researcher has used a census data
collection. This was preferred because it provided the possibility of examining the
entire population and acquiring information in a small confined place. Therefore
the total employees of the organization in Head office are around 80 and the
population for this particular study that helped to get accurate data was the whole

To enhance readability researchers frequently present their findings and data
analysis section under the headings of the research questions (Russell, 2005). This
can help the reviewer determine if the results that are presented clearly answer the
research questions. Tables, charts and graphs may be used to summarize the results
and should be accurate, clearly identified and enhance the presentation of results
(Russell, 2005). The percentage of the sample who participated in the study is an
important element in considering the generalizability of the results. At least fifty
percent of the sample is needed to participate if a response bias is to be avoided
(Polit and Beck, 2006).
The finding is logical for it clearly answer the whole questions of the research.
The discussion of the findings should logically from the data and should be related
back to the literature review thus placing the study in context (Russell, 2002). If
the hypothesis was deemed to have been supported by the findings, the researcher
should develop this in the discussion. If a theoretical or conceptual framework was
used in the study then the relationship with the findings should be explored. Any
interpretations or inferences drawn should be clearly identified as such and
consistent with the results.
Under this study the discussion part has clearly discussed based on the finding and
tried to fully answer objectives of the study.

The huge amount of budget allocated for purchasing and the strict government
regulations and Procedures demand careful purchasing management. So under the
study I got new understanding on the challenges and opportunities of purchasing
and overcoming it’s problem.

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