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names of people in the team:

● Aulia Nurnajmillah (2104431102)

● Nabila Atika Savitri (2104431115)
● Nicholas Sahala Panjaitan (2104431098)
● Thalia Agatha (2104431105)

1. What have you learned about English for Accounting in the previous semester?
in the previous semester of our English course, we learned about:
● Grammar
● Vocabulary
● Adjective clause
● Change active sentences into passive sentences
● Gerund
● Accounting terms, definitions, and making sentences
● Make sentences by using intensifying adverbs

2. What is the most memorable topic? why?

● In our opinion, the most memorable topic was "explaining accounting for
manufacture", at that time our English lecturer gave an assignment to make a
recording of a conversation between two people about manufacture and
because I did not know many friends in the class, so from this topic I was able
to get to know them. (thalia)
● Nicholas: from Nicholas's perspective, the most memorable was Reporting an
Accounting investigation. cause it's our first semester learning accounting and
learning it in a foreign language it’s become very memorable.
● The most memorable topic in my opinion was Explaining Accounting
Information Systems because I really enjoyed learning the material and I had
never studied it before so it made it memorable for me. (Nabila)

3. What is the most challenging topic? why?

a. I think the most challenging class was "Accounting Terms, Definitions, and
Making Sentence" because I was still a freshman and had no basic
accounting knowledge, because i'm coming from a science high school.
b. Nicholas: The most challenging topic for me was Reporting An Accounting
Investigation. It uses vocabulary that I never heard of and I still learn
accounting in Indonesia so learning it in another language is challenging.
c. I think the most challenging topic is grammar because it is a little more difficult
and makes me challenged and also grammar has a lot of tenses. (Nabila)

4. What English skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) do you have to improve the
a. The English skill I need to improve is speaking, because speaking in a foreign
language requires a lot of confidence.
5. What are some class activities you expect in English class?
As for class activities we expect in English class, it would depend on the
teacher's teaching style and the course objectives. However, some possible
class activities include group discussions, presentations, role-playing, case
studies, and language games.

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