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class -3 Subject English

1. Read chapter -1 “Noi saves the Whale”.

2. Words to learn.
a) Raged
b) Spotted
c) Survive
d) Ashore
e) Managed
f) Realised
g) Motorboat
h) Rowed

3. Word meaning.
a. Island - a piece of land with water on all four sides
b. Hope -wish that something good will happen
c. sneak in - move quietly or do something secretly
d. Lonely – unhappy because one has no friends

4. Make sentences.
a. Island - Sri Lanka is an island.
b. Hope -Don’t lose your hope.
c. Lonely - I am feeling lonely at home.
d. Sneak -The childrensneak in my garden to pluck flowers.

5. Write and learn the given question answers.

a. Why did Noi go down to the beach in the morning?
Ans. -Noi went down to the beach to see what had been left behind by the storm
previous night.
b. What did Noi spot on the beach?How did it appear on the beach?
Ans. -Noi spotted a baby whale. It appeared on the beach due to a great storm.
c. Why did Noi put the whale in the cart?
Ans. -Noi put the whale in the cart to take it homeand save it by washing it with cold
d. “I have been so busy Noi, I never realised that you were so lonely”.
i. Who said these words?
Ans. -Noi's father said these words.
ii. How did he realise that Noi was lonely ?
Ans. -He realised that Noi was lonely when he asked to keep the baby whale as
his friend.

(Note: Write all the given assignment in your English notebook neatly and
गरुु गोब दिं ब हिं पबलिक स्कूि
क्े टर 5 , ोकारो इस्पात नगर
बिशेष -कार्य ( त्र 2020-21)
कक्षा 3 बिषर्- बहिंदी
आिश्र्क ूचना – भी कार्य कॉपी में करें |
पाठ -1
भारत का नि-बनमायण (कबिता)
1. शलदार्य-र्ाद करो
(क) िीर – हादरु व्र्बि
(ख) इिं ान --मनुष्र्
(ग) नि--- नर्ा
(घ) अनेक--- हुत े
(ड) म्मान --आदर
(च) भबिष्र् ---आनेिािा मर्
(छ) फरमान --- मागिं , आदेश
2. प्रश्नोत्तर र्ाद करके कॉपी में बिखो |
(क)भारत को खुशहाि कै े नार्ा जा कता है?
उत्तर:- को अपना कर भारत को खुशहाि नार्ा जा कता है|
(ख) कबि बकन्हे भाई नाकर रहने के बिए कहता है?
उत्तर:- कबि भी धमो के िोगों को भाई नकर रहने के बिए कहता है|
(ग) भारत का नि-बनमायण बक के द्वारा िंभि है?
उत्तर:- भारत का नि-बनमायण च्चों के द्वारा िंभि है|
(घ) कबि के अनु ार मर् की क्र्ा मािंग है?
उत्तर:- कबि के अनु ार मर् की मािंग अनेकता मेंएकता है|
(ड) भारत में अनेकता में एकता है िािी पिंबिर्ािं को बिबखए I
उत्तर:-अनेक होकर भी एक हम,
र्ही है भारत का नि-बनमायण|

3. कबिता पढो
(क)हम च्चों को ही है करना, भारत का भबिष्र् बनमायण|
(ख)करें गे ऐ े भारत का बनमायण, होगा जहािं का म्मान|
(ग)बहदिं ,ू मबु स्िम,ब ख ,ई ाई, रहेंगे नकर भाई|
(घ)नए र्गु , नए दौर में, िि का है र्ह फरमान|
(ड)अनेक होकर भी एक हम, र्ही है भारत कानि-बनमायण|

4. बिर्ा-किाप
(क)भारतीर् झिंडे के तीन रिंग बक ात के प्रतीक हैं? बिबखए|
(ख)भारतीर् बतरिंगे का बचत्र नाकर उ में ही रिंग भररए|
अभ्र्ा -पुबस्तका
प्रश्न /उत्तर
क) भारत का बनमायण कौन कर कते हैं?
उत्तर –भारत का बनमायण च्चे कर कते हैं |
ख) हमें भारत- भबू म का कौन- ाकर्यचक
ु ानाहै?
उत्तर –हमें भारत-भूबम को खुशहाि नाने का कर्य चुकाना है|
ग) भारत में बक धमय के िोग बनिा करतेहैं?
उत्तर –भारत में भी धमों (बहन्दू ,मबु स्िम,ब ख ,ई ाई) के िोग बनिा करते हैं |
घ) कबि के अनु ारिि की पुकार क्र्ा है?
उत्तर –कबि के अनु ारिि की पुकार बमि- जुिकर भारत का नि-बनमायण करना है |
ड.) आप अपने देश के बिए क्र्ा र्ोगदान कर कते हैं?
उत्तर –हम अपने देश की ेिा तन, मनऔर धन े कर कते हैं |
Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Sector V/B, B. S. City
Special Assignment Session 2020-21
Subject- Mathematics
Chapter 1-Numbers-Read and understand

Topics –Rounding of numbers

1)Rounding off to the nearest 10:

Rule-When we round off a number to the nearest 10, we look at the digit in
the ones place. If it is 4 or less (0,1,2,3,4)we round off to the lower 10. If it is 5
or more (5,6,7,8,9)we round off to the higher 10.


Number Round off

87 90
813 810
4785 4790

2)Rounding off to the nearest 100:

Rule-When we round off a number to the nearest 100, we look at the digit in
the tens place. If it is 4 or less (0,1,2,3,4)we round off to the lower 100. If it is 5
or more (5,6,7,8,9)we round off to the higher 100.


Number Round off

176 200
1243 1200
5155 5200

1.Round off the numbers to the nearest 10.

Question Answer
Number Rounded off to the nearest 10
24 20
37 40
126 130
312 310
1583 1580
4928 4930

2. Round off the numbers to the nearest 100.

Question Answer
Number Rounded off to the nearest 10
111 100
456 500
1254 1300
3717 3700
8115 8100

3. Round off the numbers to the nearest 10 and 100.

Question Answer Answer

Number Rounded off to the nearest 10 Rounded off to the nearest 100
167 170 200
897 900 900
1254 1250 1300
9329 9330 9300

4.Which numbers can be rounded off to nearest 10 as.

(a)50- 45, 46. 47, 48, 49

(b)80- 75, 76, 77, 78, 79

Topic- Roman numerals.

 The digits 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 are Hindu Arabic numerals.

 Romans used seven letters of Engilsh alphabets to write numbers.

Roman I V X L C D M
Hindu 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

 Roman numeral of 40 is XL.

 Symbol I and X can be repeated three times maximum.
 Symbol V can’t be repeated or subtracted.


1.Repetition of a symbol means addition.

Example- II = 1+1 =2
III = 1+ 1 +1 =3
XX = 10 +10 =20
2.If a symbol of smaller value is written to the right of symbol of greater
value, then there values are added.
Example- VI = 5 +1=6

3.If the symbol of smaller value is written to the left of symbol of greater
value, then smaller value symbol is subtracted from greater value
Example- IV = 5-1 =4
Sumbol V cannot be repeated or subtracted.


Hindu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1.Write in Roman Numeral.

(a)8 = VIII (b)15 = XV (c)32 = XXXII (d) 55 = LV (e)28 = XXVIII

2.Put ˃ , ˂ or =

(a)XX ˃ XV (b) XIX ˂ XXI (c) X = X (d) XVI = XVI

(e)IV ˂ VI




STD: 3


1. Question / Answer:

a) Who are physically challenged people?

Ans. People who are unable to use a particular part of their body are called
physically challenged people.

b) What is Braille?

Ans. A special system to read and write used by the blind is called Braille.

c) Who are called blind?

Ans. The people who can’t see are called blind.

2. Underline the odd one out.

a) Blind Deaf Braille Dumb

Ans. Blind Deaf Braille Dumb

b) Ear Eyes Nose Sign language

Ans. Ear Eyes Nose Sign language

c) Blind Deaf Dumb Doctor

Ans. Blind Deaf Dumb Doctor

3. Write any two ways of looking after the elderly people.

Ans. i) We should take them to the doctor when they are sick.

ii) We should never hurt their feelings.

Guru Gobind Singh Public School,Sector V/B, B.S.City
Special assignment Session 2020-21
Class III Subject- Computer

L-Computer : Hardware and Software

Learn the following
A) Q/A:
Q 1. What is the IPO cycle?
Ans: A Computer works in three stages: Input,process and output.
These stages are collectively known as IPO cycle.
Computer processes data taken from input devices and displays the
result on monitor. It is called IPO cycle.
Q2.List the names of various system software.
Ans:The various system softare are –
a) DOS
b) Windows
c) Linux
Q3. Differentiate between hard ware and software.
Ans :
Hardware Software
1. The set of instructions that tells
1.The physical parts of a hardware how to perform a
computer that we can see or particular task is called software.
touch are collectively known as
2. eg . Monitor,CPU

Q4. What is application software?

Ans : The software that is used to perform one special kind of task is called
application software. eg – Paint , MS Office etc.

Q 5..What is word processing software ?

Ans: The software program which is used to write letters, stories, reports etc is
called word processing software. eg. MS Word.
B) Tick the correct sentences and cross out the incorrect ones.
a) Ms Paint is an example of system software.
b) Computer works on the IPO cycle.
c) The physical components of a computer are called software.

C) Fill in the blanks with words given in the box:

[CPU,word processor,IPO, System software, Multimedia]

1. Computer processes data taken from input devices and displays the result on
monitor. It is called IPO cycle.
2. Word processor is used to prepare letters, reports and other texts
3. The software needed to operate and control the computer itself is called
system software.
4. One can work with images, text, sound and video with multimedia ..
5. CPU stands for Central Processing Unit.

D . Draw colour and name one example of each

a) Input device

b) Output device



Std: III Subject: Drawing (Topic – Still Life)

Topic: Draw in drawing copy and colour

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