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The Philippine tarsier is a shy, nocturnal animal that leads a mostly hidden life. During the day, it
sleeps in dark hollows close to the ground.


The Philippine warty pig is one of four known species in the pig genus endemic to the
Philippines. Unfortunately, their population is steadily decreasing.
The Visayan spotted deer, also known as the “Philippine spotted deer”, is a nocturnal and
endangered species of deer located primarily in the rainforests of the Visayan islands of Panay
and Negros though it once roamed other islands.
The Philippine deer is endemic to the Philippines, where it occurs in the islands of Luzon, Polillo
and Catanduanes, Mindoro, Samar and Leyte. It is possibly extinct in Biliran, Bohol and
Marinduque. It has also been declared extinct in Dinagat and Siargao Islands.

Binturongs are also called bearcats, but that name is rather misleading since they are not related
to bears or cats. Instead, they are related to civets and fosses.
The binturong, also known as bearcat, is a viverrid (Small- medium mammal) native to South
and Southeast Asia. They live in the rainforests of Southeast Asia.
The animal uses its tail that is almost as long as its body, used as a fifth limb when it climbs
through the forest. This tail is prehensile, which means it’s capable of gripping things. The
binturong is one of only two carnivores that has a prehensile tail. A remarkable mammal to


The dugong is a species of sea cow found throughout the warm latitudes of the Indian and
western Pacific Oceans. Dugongs are cousins of manatees and share a similar plump appearance
but have a dolphin fluke-like tail. And unlike manatees, which use freshwater areas, the dugong
is strictly a marine mammal.
The dugong, like all sea cows, is herbivorous. It primarily grazes on sea grasses and therefore
spends most of its time in sea grass beds.

This bird Is a shy and elusive bird that is endemic to the humid forests of Palawan Island in the
Archipelago. Unfortunately due to declining habitat and exploitation, the Palawan Peacock
Pheasant is evaluated as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

Thresher sharks are large sharks found in all temperate and tropical oceans of the world. They
may be found specifically in temperate waters around the world. In the northwest Atlantic
Ocean, they range from Newfoundland to Cuba. The thresher shark is considered harmless. The
species is shy and difficult to approach.
Malapascua Island in the Philippines is the best place in the world to see thresher sharks. From
here, divers can reliably see pelagic thresher sharks on a regular basis. Famous for its thresher
sharks and abundant macro life, Malapascua is a fantastic dive destination with beautiful beaches
and restful, relaxing island.

Philippine crocodiles were once prevalent throughout the Philippines but are currently only
found in small, fragmented habitats on the islands of Dalupiri, Luzon and Mindanao. They
primarily live in freshwater rivers, ponds and marshes.

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