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Link to speech video - ImpactsOfAI-HrithikSanganaboina.


A warm welcome to everyone present.

Today, I stand before you to discuss a topic that is extremely important in our fast-changing
world, which is the impact of arCficial intelligence on human lives. ArCficial intelligence, or AI as
it is more generally known, has emerged as an innovaCve force with the potenCal to improve
our lives in ways we have never imagined. Therefore, it is crucial that we understand both the
advantages and disadvantages that AI presents to the world as well as how it improves our
quality of life.

Imagine a world where you are waking up to a personalized alarm that not only knows when
you prefer waking up the most but also knows your enCre daily rouCne. It connects with your
arCficial intelligence powered coffee maker to make sure your morning cup of coffee is ready
as you get out of your bed. This is how arCficial intelligence could enhance our everyday lives by
making mornings less stressful and establishing a great posiCve mindset for the day. Commented [HS1]: Anecdote - Short Story

However, we must not ignore the AI-driven challenges we face. AI, with its algorithms and
automaCon, has altered our job landscape significantly. Regular manual jobs that humans Commented [HS2]: Allitera1on
once used to complete are now carried out by computers which raises concerns about job loss
and economic disparity.

On one hand, AI promises to increase producCvity and efficiency at work. It can analyze huge
datasets and produce insighKul informaCon that helps with innovaCon and beLer decision-
making. Enhancing our skills and knowledge is the essence of its beneficial effect.

Let’s take about at how AI-powered medical diagnosCcs will be saving lives in the future by
detecCng diseases early with much greater accuracy than in the present. PaCents will be able to
receive quicker diagnoses which will lead to beLer treatment opCons. And isn’t that something
that we all want for our kids and future generaCons? Medical decisions are based on logic and
evidence which is the specialty of AI, and it is not based on human speculaCons.

AI's drawbacks must be considered, we must ask ourselves the quesCon, at what cost? Certain Commented [HS3]: Rhetorical Ques1on
job sectors, especially those that involve repeCCve, manual work, are under threat from the rise
of automaCon. We need to consider how to strike a balance between AI's efficiency and its
potenCal to replace human employment.

AI can be seen as a double-edged sword, a digital wizard unveiling both marvels and mysteries. Commented [HS4]: Metaphor
We are intrigued by the possibility of self-driving cars, for example, because of the potenCal for Commented [HS5]: Figura1ve Language
safer roads and a decline in traffic deaths. However, the same technology also creates ethical
dilemmas of who should be held accountable for accidents, the human owner, the AI system, or
the manufacturer.
Speaking in terms of educaCon, AI emerges as an invaluable ally, ushering in a new era of
personalized learning. With the keen analyCcal prowess of AI, students are no longer subjected
to standardized teaching methods. Rather, AI is able to help students research more than what
can be found in their textbooks and academic websites. AI can pracCcally teach students, topics
that they find difficult to interpret. As we embrace this technological mentor, we unleash a Commented [HS6]: Logos
wave of educaConal possibiliCes, bridging gaps and enlightening minds with one-to-one
guidance, much like a caring teacher nurturing each student's potenCal. AI in educaCon is all Commented [HS7]: Analogy or Personifica1on as AI is being
about empowering, empowering, and empowering. given the quality of caring like a teacher.
Commented [HS8]: Repe11on
However, we can't just turn a blind eye to the ethical concerns that come along with AI in
educaCon. Relying solely on AI to do your work as a student feels unfair. It robs you of the
chance to learn and grow through challenges. It's like missing out on the thrill of conquering a
mountain; the struggle makes the view from the top all the more rewarding. Commented [HS9]: Use of Pathos

AI is not simply a tool, it is a transformaCve force that is and will have a great impact on all our
lives. It has a huge impact on our every daily lives and holds the promise of both amazing
advancements and difficult obstacles. We are at a fork in the road, and the decisions we make Commented [HS10]: Idiom
now will shape the direcCon of our future. Let's use AI's potenCal to make the world a beLer
place by making sure its advantages outweigh its disadvantages. We may travel this route with
wisdom and empathy while embracing the technological miracles that AI has to offer, retaining
the principles of human learning and invenCon. We can create a future where AI is a true ally,
improving our lives and enabling us to achieve greater heights.

Thank You for listening.

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