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Chocolate Oreo Milo Milk Balls

Assalamualaikum wr..wb. On this beautiful, sunny morning, let’s greet each other. Shall we? “good
morning ma’am, and good morning all of my friends” Are you all feeling good right now? You really
have to enjoy because we will make something good you know. Before we start, let me introduce my

There are, Kayla,


Nasifa, and

Me, myself.

I bet you guys are very curious about what we will make. So, we will make “Chocolate Oreo Milk
balls” or we usually call this “bola bola susu” These milk balls are the easiest, most delicious way to
satisfy your sweet tooth. Then, Let’s get into it.


1 pack of oreo
1 sachet milo milk powder
1 sachet sweetened condensed milk


1. Plastic bag
2. Cobek or mortar
3. Bowl


1. First, put the oreo in a plastic bag and mash it with a mortar (cobek)

2. Combine the mashed oreo, milo powder, and sweetened condensed milk and mix well by
hand, until the dough can be rolled.
3. Take a small amount of dough and round the dough the size of a marble, if it is a little
sticky sprinkle the palm of the hand with a little milo powder that has been set aside.

4. Pour the milo powder milk into a bowl then take the small rounded dough, then flatten it
with your hands.

5. Store in a container so that there is no mess and the food can be enjoyed.


Andd done, looks so yummy isn’t it? I hope you can understand really well and interested enough to
make this one for yourself. So, that is the end of our presentation from our group. We’d sincerely
appreciate your attention this morning. Let’s end today’s presentation with this quote from Nelson
Mandela that says “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb..

(kalau ada pertanyaan)

If there is any question, feel free to ask and mention your name.

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