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Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University OPEN UNIVERSITY SYSTEM City of San Fernando, La Union PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION (GECC 102) . 2 “ o WRITING oh, READING . J LISTENING MEDIA PEOPLE ~ ( ee = ‘Ba a NGE piscussion TALK EACHA Ces Myra P. Mabalot COURSE OUTLINE in PURPOSIVE COMMUNICATION (GECC 102) (4 COURSE DESCRIPTION Purposive Communication is about writing, speaking, and presenting to different audiences and for various purposes. It is a three-unit course that develops students’ communicative competence and enhances their cultural and intercultural awareness through multimodal tasks that provide them opportunities for communicating effectively and appropriately to a multicultural audience in a local or global context. It equips students with tools for critical evaluation of a variety of texts and focuses on the power of language and the impact of images to emphasize the importance of conveying messages responsibly. The knowledge, skills, and insights that students gain from this course may be used in their other academic endeavors, their chosen disciplines, and their future careers and produce relevant oral, written, audio-visual and/or web-based output for various purposes. ) OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, you shall have been able to: Knowledge 1. Describe the nature, elements, and functions of verbal and non-verbal communication in various and multicultural contexts; 2. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication; 3. Determine culturally appropriate terms, expressions, and images; 4, Evaluate multimodal texts critically to enhance receptive (listening, reading, viewing) skills; and 5. Summarize the principles of academic text structure GEC 102- Purposive Communication = Preliminaries- Skills 1. Convey ideas through oral, audio-visual, and/or web-based presentations for different target audiences in local and global setting using appropriate registers; 2. Create clear, coherent, and effective communication materials; 3. Present ideas persuasively using appropriate language registers, tone, facial expressions, and gestures; and 4. Write and present academic papers using appropriate tone, style, conventions, and reference styles. Values 1, Adopt cultural and intercultural awareness and sensitivity in communication of ideas; 2. Appreciate the differences of the varieties of spoken and written language; Adopt awareness of audience and context in presenting ideas; 4. Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world. a DIRECTIONS/ MODULE ORGANIZER Please read your module thoroughly. Each module has lessons which you need to review before attending your face to face meeting with your tutor. At the end of each lesson, there are learning activities that you need to answer to help you in your comprehension of the lessons. As a DOUS student, you are expected to answer the activities independently and with the best of your ability. After answering the learning activities in each module, submit your answers to your tutor. Iv] COURSE REQUIREMENTS You are required to submit five module assignments (one set of assignments per module). In addition, you will perform class activities and take one mid-term examination and one final examination for this course. GECC 102- Purposive Communication ~ Preliminaries GRADING SYSTEM Midterm Grade = 60% CS + 40% Midterm Exam Final Term Grade = 60% CS + 40% Final Exam Final Grade = 40% of Midterm Grade + 60% of Final Term Grade COURSE CONTENT MODULE 1 COMMUNICATION AND GLOBALIZATION Lesson 1 Communication processes, principles, and ethics Lesson 2 Communication and Globalization MODULE 2 COMMUNICATION IN MULTICULTURAL SETTINGS AND LANGUAGE Lesson 1 Local and global communication in multicultural settings Lesson 2 Varieties and registers of spoken and written language MODULE 3 EVALUATING MESSAGES AND/OR IMAGES OF DIFFERENT TYPES OF TEXT Lesson1 The message, its purpose and delivery Lesson 2 The target audience and other ways of presenting the message MODULE 4 COMMUNICATION AIDS AND STRATEGIES AND COMMUNICATION FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES Lesson 1 Communication aids and strategies using tools of technology Lesson 2 Communication for various purposes MODULE 5 COMMUNICATION FOR WORK AND ACADEMIC PURPOSES Lesson 1 Communication for work purposes Lesson 2 Communication for academic purposes ‘GEC 102- Purposive Communication = Preliminarie Trae 3 REFERENCES Books Argenti, Paul A. Corporate Communication. McGraw-Hill Education. New York. 2016. Cardon, Peter W. Business Communication: Developing Leaders for a Networked World. McGraw-Hill Education. New York. 2018 Floyd, Kory. Interpersonal Communication. McGraw-Hill. New York. 2009. Kuhnke, Elizabeth. Body Language: Learn how to read others and communicate with confidence. UK. 2016. ‘Magan, Rhodora G., Nano, Maria Cristina B., and Turano, Charity T. Purposive Communication in the 21* Century. Manila. 2018. Sudaprasert, Ma. Rovilla C. English for the Workplace 3: A Professional Speaking Course for College and Career. Quezon City. 2014. SyGaco, Sonia B. Principles and Competencies in Purposive Communication. Quezon City. 2018. @ WEBSITE! Cole, Nicki Lisa, Ph.D. “The Definition of Globalization in Sociology.” ThoughtCo, Sep. 21, 2018, Danev, Nikolay (2017, Sept.). The Effects of Globalization on Global Communication. Retrieved from http: // TED Talks. June 2006. Gordon Brown. “Wiring a web for global good”. Retrieved from https: // TED Talks. Feb. 2012. Sherry Turkle. “Connected, but alone?” https: // 293076 ‘GECC 102- Purposive Communication ~ Preliminaries- MODULE | COMMUNICATION PROCESSES, PRINCIPLES, ETHICS AND GLOBALIZATION Lesson 1 Communication processes, principles and ethics Lesson 2 Communication and globalization MODULE | COMMUNICATION AND GLOBALIZATION 2 INTRODUCTION Motivational speaker Brian Tracy said that “communication is a skill that you can learn. It’s like riding a bicycle or typing. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.” You and | would agree that Tracy is right. The fact that you are reading this module now is because you are required to take a course in communication. The fact that you are required to take this college course makes communication a vital skill that everyone should have. Just look at most job advertisements nowadays. Almost all includes the phrase, “must. possess excellent communication skills”. Communication is very important and without it, we cannot survive. If you desire to become a better communicator, then this course is for you. If you don’t have that desire yet, that could be developed as you take this course. And just like learning to ride a bicycle, as Tracy said, if you’re willing to work at improving your communication skills, you can upgrade the quality of your life. So let’s get it on and | hope you enjoy the ride as you learn about communication in this module. ) OBJECTIVES At the end of this module, you will be able to: 1. Describe the nature, elements, and functions of verbal and non- verbal communication in various and multicultural contexts. 2. Explain how cultural and global issues affect communication. 3. Appreciate the impact of communication on society and the world. é DIRECTIONS/ MODULE ORGANIZER Study each lesson in the module. Answer the learning activities and summative test. Go over the items missed in every learning activity/test. Write your answers in a piece of paper. Submit your assignment and other requirements to your tutor on the next face-to-face meeting. Soi GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1 Lesson 1 COMMUNICATION PROCESSES, PRINCIPLES AND ETHICS Communication Si £ THINK! What makes a competent communicator? Ethics in Communication When we talk about ethics, we talk about customs, habits, character, or outlook. It also refers to the examination on personal morals, values, and choices. According to Magan, et. al. (2018), people from different cultures vary in their moral philosophies and in general, people expect to be treated with dignity, fairness, respect, or courtesy in their communication with people. Ethics in communication can be achieved in the following ways: 1, Adhere to the golden rule or platinum rule. The golden rule states that we always treat others the same way we want to be treated. While the platinum rule stresses on treating others the way they want to be treated. Ethical communicators treat people of other cultures with the same respect they want themselves to receive. 2. Consider the feelings of the receiver. We should be extra careful with our words, tone, and non-verbal gestures because people could be negatively affected. Be tactful and diplomatic when communicating with people. GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1 20 3. Acknowledge the source of idea and information. We should acknowledge sources of ideas and information at all times. It is not only unethical but also unlawful for someone to convey other people’s intellectual property without recognizing the author’s names or organizations. 4. Speak the truth. Telling a lie and making it as truth is dangerous. Nowadays where fake news is abundant in the Internet, speaking the truth has not become a priority for some people. However, speaking the truth remains a universal rule and spreading false information is a violation of communication ethics and should be stopped. BS veARNine activity Research on the rules of netiquette (online ethics and etiquette). Identify two rules that you need to apply as a netizen and explain why. ‘GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1 a Lesson 2 w COMMUNICATION AND GLOBALIZATION Globalization Magan, et. al. (2018) describes globalization as a complex concept and has no single meaning. Its definition depends on which perspective one uses. Cole (2018) in “The Definition of Globalization in Sociology” gives various definitions of globalization. She said that globalization, according to sociologists, is an ongoing process that involves interconnected changes in the economic, cultural, social, and political spheres of society. As a process, it involves the ever-increasing integration of these aspects between nations, regions, communities, and even seemingly isolated places. In terms of the economy, globalization refers to the expansion of capitalism to include all places around the world into one globally integrated economic system. Culturally, it refers to the global spread and integration of ideas, values, norms, behaviors, and ways of life. Politically, it refers to the development of forms of governance that operate at the global scale, whose policies and rules cooperative nations are expected to abide. These three core aspects of globalization are fueled by technological development, the global integration of communication technologies, and the global distribution of media. GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1 2 From these definitions, we can surmise that globalization involves nationalities, societies, races, interconnecting and making impact on each other’s economy, politics, culture, social, and education system. Globalization can be also defined as the intensification of worldwide social relations which link distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice versa. Anthony Giddens’ time/space distantiation theory supports this idea when it proposes that what happens in a local area is not only closely related to the outside world, but intensively affected each other. And because of technology, our world has shrunk into a global village which has caused a virtual disappearance of space through time. In a short span of time, information can be shared to the entire world from Asia to as far as Africa and the rest of the world through the Internet. And today, people can have social relations and even organized community relations regardless of space. This is why we need to understand the dynamics of communication and globalization and be able to manage and reduce conflicts that may arise in intercultural communication. Drivers of globalization Magan, et. al. (2018) enumerates some of the forces that drive globalization or the things that cause it: 1. Colonization. Colonization has enabled colonizers to introduce their cultures (language, food, clothing, beliefs, values, education, etc.) to a country. Take for instance, the Philippines was colonized by the Spaniards and Americans and some of their ways of living have been consciously or unconsciously adopted by Filipinos even up to today. Other Asian countries which were colonized like Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Hong Kong also had their social, economic, and education systems influenced by their colonizers. 2. Diaspora. Diaspora is closely connected with the dispersion of the Jews beyond Israel. This is a phenomenon (also called migration) that refers to people’s movement and inhabitation in countries outside of their own. People migrate to other countries like the United States of America, Australia, and Canada for several reasons (employment opportunities, education, intermarriage, professional advancement, etc.). Through immigration, new networks of economy and cultures are established. 3. Technology. Technology has greatly facilitated globalization. Through the Internet, people have access to a wealth of information and can be updated about events outside of their own country even as they happen. Exposure to various political, economic, and social systems through mass media has educated people. On a micro level, this potentially impacts an individual’s views towards one’s society. While on a macro level, it possibly influences a nation’s perspective ‘GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1- 23 towards its governance, economic trading, environmental care activities, social dealings, health activities, and education system. Further, with communication technology (smart phones, tablets, computers) nations have become more fluid in their interactions, allowing instantaneous feedback and negotiations. Other causes of globalization are improved transportation system, the growth of multinational companies, and the growth of global media. Issues in Communication and Globalization Brown (2006) said in his TED talk, “Wiring a web for global good” this generation has a greater capacity to communicate instantaneously with different people all around the world, a capacity to organize, and to take collective action with the technology that is available today. Brown’s thesis is somewhat ideal for he espouses a truly global society where there is a global institution that addresses global problems (such as climate change) and Unites people together. Further, Danev (2017), in his article, “The Effects of Globalization on Global Communication”, said that the availability of information and the greater access of people to this information have led to increased social awareness of people across the world. Information technology and networks enable them to share opinions, views, collaborate, and partner for change. This shows how globalization has impacted how we communicate. Danev (2017) said that despite its quick spread and continuous development, global communication has not reached the majority of people on all continents. The World Health Organization indicates that at least 70 percent of all people in Africa will never make a single phone call or use Internet. “This points out the need of a more extensive application of communication technologies as part of the process of globalization.” (Danev,2017). The question is will a more extensive application of communication technologies make us into a truly global village or global society, as espoused by Brown (2006)? Will the power of moral sense allied to the power of modern communication truly give us an opportunity to “change the world”? GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1-| 24 The answer to these questions is not absolute. It is a fact that for every change, there is an equal threat and opportunity. As the world is getting smaller and smaller and as technology is connecting people in greater capacities now more than ever, the world is getting more complex also and technology is also disconnecting us from each other. That is, if we allow it. Turkle (2012) in her TED Talk, “Connected, but alone?”, says that our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication. She says that our devices change what we do and who we are. Because of our constant use of these devices and our need to control where we put our attention to, we could end up hiding from each other even as we're all constantly connected to each other. As Brown (2006) said, we should be wiring a web for global good. We should work together to create a truly global society for we all have a duty to act. Feeling the pain of others is no longer enough. We must take action. And we must act now. Whatever level of technology and capacity we have as a people, we live in a global village and as citizens, we need to take responsibility in using technology to communicate change and become change catalysts in this world, one person at a time. How globalization affects communication ‘Magan, et. al. (2018) says that with globalization, there is a need for a common language to achieve international intelligibility or understanding. English, regarded as the universal language or global language, is the most widely spoken language compared to Latin or French in all of history. While English has been acknowledged as the global language and is learned by many due to globalization, patterns of interactions (greetings, gestures, business dealings, etc.) many not essentially be universalized. Nationalities, ethnic groups, religious communities, gender groups, generations, and other subcultures will still maintain their unique communication expressions unless they all agree to ‘GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1- 25 replace their distinct manners of communicating with a newly acquired one from another culture. BS LEARNING Activity Identify and discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of how globalization has affected how we communicate nowadays. You can cite some personal experiences to support your answer. The Impact of Communication in Society and the World Sygaco (2018) discusses the many ways how communication has impacted our society and the world today. The advancement of wireless technology has made health care distribution faster even where remote areas are reached quicker. Smart phones are being used by health care workers to bridge the gap between medical information delivery, guidelines in treating diseases, etc. Another breakthrough of wireless technology is that rescue missions are made possible where people can move quickly and contact their loved ones in the areas being affected. After the Yolanda storm surge which brought massive havoc to Leyte, the Philippine government, specifically the National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council or NDDRMC has taken measures to improve the delivery of early warnings to areas that will be potentially hit by storms, typhoons, and other natural disasters. Text messages are sent to the public to give them updates about the weather and what to do. Aside from this, environmentalists and conservationists are able to spearhead several projects to protect the environment that result in greater response among volunteers due to the use of communication technology. Further, wireless communication has facilitated business transactions between and among companies worldwide. Even in mass media, almost anyone owning a smart phone is capable of being a potential news reporter since they can record unpredictable events and news breaks. While in the entertainment field, it has become much easier to access and download books, movies, music, TV programs, games, etc. into one’s device. Wireless communication can also revolutionize and create social change. For example, in the field of education, tablets and smart phones are now being used as learning tools in classrooms where only books were used before. ‘GECC 102- Purposive Communication ~ Module T 26 BS LEARNING ACTIVITY Read Flight from Conversation by Sherry Turkle (from and answer the following questions. 1. Identify the main idea. 2. How does the writer support the main idea? Enumerate the examples provided. 3. According to the writer, what is the difference between “conversation and connection”? What does face-to-face conversation teach us? How? 4. What does “being alone together” mean? Cite specific instances. 5. Explain the title. What does our “flight from conversation” do to us? 6. Explain the following lines: “We expect more from technology and less from one another...” b. “Ishare, therefore | am.” 7. What does the writer suggest we do so we can make room for conversation? 8. Do you agree with the writer? Explain your answer. El MODULE SUMMARY In this module, you were introduced to the world of purposive communication. In Lesson 1, you learned about the communication process, principles, and ethics. The needs met by communication and the three models of communication: action model, interaction model, and transaction model were discussed. The basic principles of communication: sender, message, channel, receiver, feedback, and noise/barriers were also discussed. You also learned about the types of communication, communication in various and multicultural contexts, principles of communication, competent communication, and ethical communication. In Lesson 2, communication and globalization, and how globalization affects communication was discussed, along with the impact of ‘communication in society and the world. GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1- a JS suMMATIVE TEST ‘A. Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following is not a type of noise that might inhibit communication? a. physical noise b. psychological noise c. psychonormative noise d. physiological noise 2. Ethical communication generally involves: a. treating people fairly b. honesty in communication ¢. avoiding immoral behavior d. all of the above 3. Empathy is best defined as: a. feeling sorry for someone else b. an ability to identify, feel, and relate to what others are feeling c. the ability to keep other people’s feelings separated from your feelings d. paying attention to how others are evaluating your social skills 4, Awareness of your behavior and how it affects others is called: a. self-monitoring b. stigma c. empathy d. meta-communication 5. Which of these is not an impact of communication in society and the world? a. revolutionize and create social change b. medical missions c. protect the environment d. health care distribution B. Essay 1. Recall a recent conversation you had, and identify how your communication behavior contributed to your physical, relational, GECC 102- Purposive Communication = Module 1- 28 identity, spiritual, and instrumental needs, if at all. Which need or needs outweighed the others? Why? 2. Why is it important to communicate ethically, when people often have such different ideas about ethics? 3. How can you improve as a communicator in this global village? Specify your answer. ‘GECC 102- Purposive Communication ‘Module 1

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