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9/11/23, 11:37 PM


Contents SUMMARY

There are three different physical states in which a substance

 can exist: solid, liquid or gas.
The structures of solids, liquids and gases can be described
in terms of particle separation, arrangement and motion.
 Different changes in state can take place, including melting
My Activity and freezing, evaporation and condensation, and boiling.
Changes of state can be produced by changing conditions of
 temperature and/or pressure.
Glossary Pure substances have precise melting and boiling points.
The kinetic particle model describes the idea that the particles
of a substance are in constant motion and that the nature and
amount of motion of these particles differs in a solid, liquid or
Changing physical state involves energy being absorbed or
given out, the temperature of the substance staying constant
while the change takes place (as illustrated by the
experimental construction of cooling curves).

Changes in temperature or the external pressure produce
changes in the volumes of gases which can be explained in
terms of the kinetic particle theory.
Diffusion in liquids and gases is the spreading of particles to
fill all of the space available.
The rate of diffusion of a gas is dependent on molecular size,
with molecules of lower mass diffusing more quickly than
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