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Y9 – English Literature

“The boy who could fly” Workbook

Teacher: Glendha Noara

Student’s Name:____________________________________________________

Part 1 ( Pages 13-20 )


Copy the definition of the words from the dictionary. In the text, find the sentences with the
vocabulary words and copy them.

1. Fantasy
2. Repair
3. Postcard
4. Toast
5. Mood

6. Delay
7. Switch
8. Linen
9. Corduroy
10. Forgive

11. Affair

Part 1 (pgs 13-23)

Comprehension questions
2. What the man who could fly could see when he looked down ?
3. What was the name of the hills and the lake that he could see from above ?
4. What were the names of the couple that found Michael ? And where did they find him ?
5. How was Michael’s life with the Broad’s ? Write a part of the text that describes it.
6. How did Michael’s life changed when he started primary school ?
7. What happened at Michael’s second year at school and where did he go ?

8. What could the doctor see that was unusual at Michael’s x-rays ?

9. That night, after they came back from the hospital, they heard Michael shouting. What was
happening ?

10. How was Michael treated in the hospital ?

11. For how long did Michael had to stay at the hospital and what happened to his bones ?
12. What happened nine months after Michael arrived at the special hospital ?
13. Why was Michael tired of being in the hospital ?

Part 2 ( pgs 20-29)


Copy the definition of the words from the dictionary. In the text, find the sentences with the
vocabulary words and copy them.

1. Vendor
2. Vine
3. Scenerio
4. Baggy
5. Canopie

6. Shrug
7. Clay
8. Absent
9. Archaeology
10. Faint
11. Smuggle
Part 2 ( pgs 24 – 34 )

Comprehension questions
1.What happened when Michael arrived home ?
2. Why Michael couldn’t get out from the hospital ?
3. What was writen in the headlines of the national papers about Michael?
4. Michael had to come back to the hospital, and he stayed there for a month. After that, they had a
long car, and then, a boat trip to an island. What was the name of the island ?
5. What did Michael do on his first day at the island ? Use parts of the text to answer.

6. Describe the Shillan using parts of the text.

7. How were Sarah and George enjoying their lives on the island ? What things were they doing ?
8.Why were George and Sarah happy with their decision to move to Shillan ?

Part 3 ( pgs 28 – 41 )


Copy the definition of the words the dictionary. In the text, find the sentences with the vocabulary
words and copy them.

2. Delight
3. Massive
4. Grubby
5. Smear
6. Potter
7. Pine

8. Plaster
10. Brat
11. Grin
12. Keen
13. Embassy
14. Bother
15. Squeak

Part 3 ( pgs 36 – 44 )

Comprehension questions
1.When Michael was 12 years old, Dr. Reed came to see him. What did he want to talk to him?
2. Why Dr. Reed’s boss thinks it’s a good idea to film the documentary about Michael ?
3. How much the BBC will pay Michael to film the documentary ?
4. What is the name of the documentary ?

Part 4 ( pgs 42- 52 )


Copy the definition of the words from the dictionary. In the text, find the sentences with the
vocabulary words and copy them.

1. Press
2. Pop
3. Scrum
4. Frown
5. Concern
6. Ashore
7. Feature

8. Retrance
10. Proper
11. Clue
12. Smooth
13. Canvas
14. Googles
15. Tabloid

16. Rid
17. Blink
18. Kiln

Part 4 ( pgs 45 – 52 )

Comprehension questions
1. Who arrived at the island after they watched the BBC documentary ?
2. What did Michael had to do for his biology Homework ?
3. What happened with Michael while he was doing his biology project and who did this to him ?
4. Where did they take Michael?
5. How was everybody’s reaction when they noticed that Michael was missing ?
6. Where was Dr. Reed looking for Michael ?

Part 5 ( pgs 53 – 63 )


Copy the definition of the words from the dictionary. In the text, find the sentences with the
vocabulary words and copy them.

1. Thirsty ( pg 55 )
2. Climb ( pg 56 )
3. Rope ( pg 56 )
4. Hurt ( pg 56 )
5. Footprint ( pg 58 )
6. Sob ( pg 58 )
7. Priority ( pg 58 )

8. Dye ( pg 59 )
9. Gadget ( pg 59 )
10. Device ( pg 59 )
11. Hover ( pg 61 )
12. Beam ( pg 61 )

Part 5 ( pgs 53 – 63 )

Comprehension questions

1. When Michael woke up, where did he find himself ? And how was he ?
2. What are they going to if Michael doesn’t follow Willson’s instructions ?
3.What do they want Michael to do ? What istructions do they give to him ? Use parts odf the text
to support your answer
4. Back in Shillan, they called the police to help search for Michael. What clues did they find to
help the case ?
5. What color did Peter dyed Michael’s feathers ? Why ?
6. While Michael’s wings dried, Wilson put a Belt around Michael’s waist. What was in that belt ?

7. Michael didn’t want to do nothing wrong, instead, what did he want to do when he landed in the
courtyard ?
8. After a while Riley’s mobile phone rang, he received good and bad news. What were they ?

Part 6 ( pgs 64 – 78 )


Copy the definition of the words from the dictionary. In the text, find the sentences with the
vocabulary words and copy them.

1. Wave ( pg 66 )
2. Flap ( pg 66 )
3. Lead ( pg 67 )
4. Dug ( pg 68 )
5. Perhaps ( pg 67 )
6. Plenty ( pg 69 )

7. Yawn ( pg 70 )
8. Warehouse ( pg 70 )
9. Deal ( pg 70 )
10. Pretend ( pg 73 )
11. Muffle ( pg 74 )
12. Thesis ( pg 78 )

Part 6 ( pgs 64 – 78 )

Comprehension questions
1. When Michael was already inside the building, he saw a man in military uniform, and he was
holding a sign, what was written on the sign ?
2. What was written on the other sign that the uniformed policeman was holding ?
3. What was in the envelope that Michael got ?
4.After the criminals got the “Lion” envelope, where were they running away ?
5.How much the criminals were going to receive for the information that was in the envelope?
6. Who the people in white overalls actually were ? And what was the plan ?
7. Where did Michael and the Broads moved in September?

8. What happened when Michael turned eighteen ?
9. What was Michael going to study at university ? What was his thesis about ?
10. Would you like to fly like Michael ? Why or why not ?


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