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Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition


Phosphorus Extraction with Soil Test Methods Affected by Soil P

Sorption Capacity
Gilmar Luiz Mumbach 1 & Luciano Colpo Gatiboni 2 & Daniel João Dall’Orsoletta 3 & Djalma Eugênio Schmitt 4 &
Patrícia Pretto Pessotto 1 & Clovisson Menotti Boeira de Oliveira 5

Received: 17 January 2020 / Accepted: 30 April 2020

# Sociedad Chilena de la Ciencia del Suelo 2020

The aim of this study was to evaluate the phosphorus (P) extraction ability of the methods Mehlich 1 (M-1), Mehlich 3 (M-3),
anion exchange resin in strips (AER-ST), and anion exchange resin in spheres (AER-SP), as a function of clay content, P rates,
and incubation time. Experimental units were built with 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80% of clay and five different phosphorus rates as
follows: 0, 100, 200, 400, and 600 mg P kg−1, with subsequent incubation for 0, 30, and 90 days. After that, the samples were
subjected to the analysis of extractable P using the M-1, M-3, AER-ST, and AER-SP extractors. All P extraction methods
evaluated were sensitive to clay content and to the amount of added P. The input of P increased the recovery of this nutrient
by all extractors, but this was less effective when the clay content of the soil was increased. In general, the ability of phosphorus
extraction from the soil followed the order: M-1 > AER-SP > M-3 > AER-ST. The longer contact time of P with the soil, lower is
the extracted P content, regardless of the extraction method, this being more evident in clayey soils. All extraction methods tested
are sensitive to clay content, incubation time, and to the P concentration applied.

Keywords Buffer capacity . Mehlich 1 and Mehlich 3 . Anion exchange resin

1 Introduction 2019), resulting in low nutrient efficiency and a high depen-

dence on the input of fertilizers (CQFS – RS/SC 2016;
The predominant soils in Brazil present a high degree of Menezes-Blackburn et al. 2017).
weathering and a high P adsorption ability (Bortoluzzi et al. The interpretation of the availability of P in soils in the
2015; Roy et al. 2017; Withers et al. 2018). The P added to the South of Brazil is performed through the Mehlich 1 (M-1)
soil might be adsorbed with a high degree of affinity between and Mehlich 3 (M-3) extractors (CQFS – RS/SC 2016). The
the element and the soil particle (Roy et al. 2017; Cheng et al. M-1 is easily used and present a good calibration for the pre-
dominant soils in the region, but it overestimates the P content
extractable in soils with the application of natural phosphates
* Gilmar Luiz Mumbach and has a low extraction ability in clayey soils (Freitas et al.
2013), resulting in different values according to the clay con-
tent of the soil. The clay fraction and its mineralogy have a
Department of Soil Science and Natural Resources, Soil Science Post great influence on the retention of P to the solid phase of the
Graduation Program, Santa Catarina State University, 2090 Luiz de soil (Bortoluzzi et al. 2015; Vásconez and Pinochet 2018) due
Camões Avenue, Lages, SC 88520-000, Brazil
to the high reactivity of the constituents of this fraction, such
Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, North Carolina State as iron and aluminum (hidr)oxides (Camargo et al. 2013; Fink
University, Raleigh, NC, USA
et al. 2016).
National Council for Scientific and Technological Development As an alternative to the M-1 method, the calibration of the
(155424/2018-1), 2090 Luiz de Camões Avenue, Lages, SC, Brazil
M-3 extractor was developed for the South region of Brazil,
Department of Agriculture, Biodiversity and Forest, Federal which is less affected by the source of fertilizer used (Oliveira
University of Santa Catarina, Curitibanos, SC, Brazil
et al. 2015), besides being a multielemental extractor, in which
Department of Soil Science and Natural Resources, Soil Science Post other elements such as potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magne-
Graduation Program, 2090 Luiz de Camões Avenue, Lages, SC,
Brazil sium (Mg), sulfur (S), and some micronutrients might be
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr

analyzed, in addition to P (Mehlich 1984). There are also P After collection, the soil was dried in an oven with a con-
extractors that act by ion exchange, such as the anion ex- stant temperature of 60 °C for 72 h and after sieved in 2.0-mm
change resin (AER), which might be performed with strips mesh. Then, the soil was mixed with different amounts of
(AER-ST) or spheres (AER-SP), being methods recommend- sieved sand in 1.0-mm mesh and retained in a 0.5-mm mesh,
ed in other Brazilian states. However, few works have evalu- previously washed with HCl 0.1 mol L-1 and distilled water.
ated the influence of clay content on the extractive ability of For the composition of the experimental units, mixtures of
these methods (Mumbach et al. 2018). sand and soil were made in the proportions of 75% sand +
The time of contact of the phosphate fertilizers with the soil 25% soil; 50% sand + 50% soil; 25% sand + 75% soil; and 0%
affects the amount of this mineral that remains available to the sand + 100% soil, representing soils with 20, 40, 60, and 80%
plants. In soils with a history of phosphate fertilization, the clay, respectively.
efficiency of the applied fertilizers tends to be higher, com- After the creation of the soils, they were incubated for
pared with natural and non-fertilized soils (Barrow and 30 days at 80% of field capacity for stabilization of their
Debnath 2014; Hopkins et al. 2018; Withers et al. 2018). In physical-chemical properties and re-incubated for another
these cases, the amount applied might be gradually reduced, 30 days with acidity correction (Filler lime with 98.11%
based mainly on the amount of exported grains of the crop of PRNT) to raise the pH H2O to 6.0. The main characteristics
interest (Barrow 2015; CQFS – RS/SC 2016). The increase in of the soil samples, established after mixing it with sand, are
phosphate fertilization efficiency in soils with a history of presented in Table 1, and more details about the original soil
fertilization occurs due to the decrease of the P binding energy might be obtained in Oliveira et al. (2014).
to the adsorption sites (Oliveira et al. 2014; Roy et al. 2017; After the incubation period, the samples were dried in an
Withers et al. 2018), as well as to the increase in the negative oven with a constant temperature of 60 °C for 72 h and after
electric potential of the soil (Barrow and Debnath 2014; sieved on a 2-mm mesh. Then, the soils with different clay
Barrow 2015). contents were packed in 500-g plastic pots, with each pot
The clay content, the amount of P applied, as well as the forming an experimental unit. The experimental design used
time elapsed since the application of P might interfere with the was completely randomized, in a 4 × 5 × 3 factorial scheme,
amount this element extracted by M-1, M-3, AER-ST, and with four soils with different clay contents, to which five rates
AER-SP. However, there are still no studies evaluating the of P were added as follows: 0, 100, 200, 400, and 600 mg P
sensitivity of these methods in soils with the same mineralogy kg−1 of soil, using a solution of KH2PO4 PA as source. After
differing only in the clay content. In this sense, the main hy- adding P, the experimental units were subjected to three incu-
potheses of the study are as follows: (i) all tested P extraction bation periods (0, 30, and 90 days after incubation (DAI)),
methods are sensitive to the clay content of the soil; (ii) the being the date “0” referred to the collection carried out on
amount added and the time of contact with the soil affect the the same day of the application of the treatments. Four repe-
available amount of P, regardless of the extraction method. titions were used for each treatment tested. During the incu-
Therefore, the objective of this study was to compare the bation period, the samples were kept with soil moisture close
capacity of P extraction from the soil by the methods to 80% of field capacity.
Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, and anion exchange resin in strips After each incubation period, the experimental units were
and spheres, as a function of the P concentration, incubation dried in an oven with forced aeration at 65 °C, ground and
time, and soil clay content. sieved on a 2.0-mm mesh sieve. Samples of the experimental
units were submitted to extraction of P by four extraction
methods: (1) Mehlich 1 (M-1) (0.05 mol L−1 of HCl and
2 Materials and Methods 0.0125 mol L−1 of H2SO4) (Mehlich 1978); (2) Mehlich 3
(M-3) (0.2 mol L −1 of CH 3 COOH, 0.25 mol L −1 of
The experiment was conducted at the Agroveterinary Sciences NH4NO3, 0.015 mol L−1 of NH4F, 0.013 mol L−1 of HNO3
Center of the Santa Catarina State University (CAV-UDESC), and 0.001 mol L−1 of EDTA) (Mehlich 1984); (3) anion ex-
localized in Santa Catarina state, in Southern Brazil. The study change resin in strips (AER-ST) (Tedesco et al. 1995); and (4)
was carried out with a soil from the subsurface layer (Bw anion exchange resin in spheres (AER-SP) saturated with
horizon – 140/220 cm) from a Ferralsols (WRB 2014), with NaHCO3 (Miola 1995). After the extraction, the extractable
800 g kg−1 of clay, collected in native field area, located at the P was determined by colorimetry at a wavelength of 882 nm
municipality of Campos Novos – SC (27°22′27”S, 51°04′ (Murphy and Riley 1962).
27”W). The mineralogy of the soil clay fraction used is com- The applied P recovery rate (% of P recovered) represents
posed predominantly of kaolinite, goethite, hematite, and the percentage amount of P recovered by each extraction and
clays in a 2:1 ratio with hydroxy-Al interlayers, with reduced was calculated for the four extraction methods according to
amount of gibbsite. Still, the oxidic forms found show high the P rates and clay levels. The P recovery rate was calculated
crystallinity (Almeida et al. 2003). by Eq. 1:
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr

Table 1 Chemical and particle size attributes of the experimental units created from mixing the soil with different amounts of sand

Soil Clay Silt Sand TOC(1) pH H2O Ca(2) Mg(2) Al(2) H + Al K(3) P(3) Pmax*(4)
g kg−1 1:1 cmolc dm−3
mg kg−1

200 200 54 746 Nd 5.4 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.7 8.0 1.7 353.8
400 400 53 547 Nd 5.3 0.8 0.5 0.1 2.0 7.0 1.9 1000.6
600 600 58 342 2.0 5.8 2.5 1.4 0.0 2.0 9.0 1.8 1630.1
800 800 57 143 3.0 5.7 3.5 2.1 0.0 2.2 10.0 1.6 2111.5

*Data published in Oliveira et al. (2014). Nd: not analytically detected. (1) TOC: total organic carbon (Walkley-Black method). (2) Extracted with the KC1
1 mol L−1 . (3) Extracted through Mehlich 1. (4) Pmax: maximum phosphorus sorption capacity by Langmuir isotherms. Soil “800” represents the original
soil sample, with no added sand

The four methods of P extraction presented high correla-

ðPdetermined – P original in the soilÞ
% of P recovered ¼  100 ð1Þ tions between them (p < 0.05) (data not presented). The P
P added
extracted by the different extraction methods correlated nega-
where “P determined” represents the amount of P extracted in tively with the clay content and positively with the P rates. On
the treatment that received a certain P rate and “P original in the other hand, the P extracted by the different extraction
the soil” represents the non-fertilized condition; the “P added” methods showed no correlation with the incubation time (data
is represented by the amount of P applied in each sampling not presented).
unit. These three variables are considered in the calculation,
each expressed in mg kg−1, respectively.
The data were initially submitted to a normality test,
3.2 P Extraction According to the Time of Incubation
being transformed by cubic root. Later, they were sub-
and the Soil Clay Content
mitted to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and, when
The amount of P extracted by the methods varied according to
significant, they were compared by the Tukey’s HSD
the incubation time and clay content (Table 3). In general, the
test of mean and linear regression, for the qualitative
largest amounts of P were extracted by the Mehlich 1 (M-1)
and quantitative variables, respectively. For all tests per-
method, followed by the AER in spheres (AER-SP), Mehlich
formed, the minimum probability error was set at 5% of
3 (M-3), and AER in strips (AER-ST).
significance (α = 0.05). The original data were used to
The incubation time affected the amount of P recovered by
interpret the results. The statistical analysis was per-
the extractors. After 90 days of incubation, considering the
formed using the Sisvar 5.6 (Ferreira 2014).
soil with only 20% clay, there was a reduction of 9.2, 11.0,
and 4.4% in the P extracted by the methods M-1, M-3, and
AER-SP, respectively. The AER-ST method presented an op-
posite behavior, with an increase of 16.4% in the comparison
3 Results
between soil samples collected on the day of incubation and
90 days after it. However, the 80% clay soil presented a re-
3.1 Overview of Results
duction of 48.5, 63.4, 59.7, and 28.8% in the P extracted
90 days after the incubation by the methods M-1, M-3,
The reduction of the soil clay content has altered some
AER-ST, and AER-SP, respectively. In general, considering
soil attributes, especially the reduction of the adsorption
the average rates applied and the clay content, after 90 days,
capacity of P (Table 1), as already highlighted by
the average reduction in extraction capacity was of 26.8%,
Oliveira et al. (2014). There were significant effects
36.9%, 18.9%, and 22.0% for the M-1, M-3, AER-ST, and
for all causes of variation tested on the availability of
AER-SP methods, respectively. The results suggest that all
P in the soil, except for the interaction between the P
extractors are influenced by time, recovering less P in longer
extracted by the different extraction methods, clay con-
incubation periods, especially with high amounts of clay
tent and incubation time (Table 2). Based on this, the
two triple interactions that presented significant behavior
All the extractors evaluated were sensitive to soil
were unfolded. The triple interaction between clay, P
texture, recovering less P in soils with higher amounts
rate and time was disregarded, since it did not meet
of clay. In general, when the soil increased from 20 to
the main objective of this work, i.e., to assess the in-
80% clay, considering the averages of the applied rates
fluence of factors on P extraction by the tested methods.
and of the incubation times, the average phosphorus
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr

Table 2 Analysis of Variance

(test F of ANOVA) for the P Variable/interactions DF(1) SS(2) MS(3) Fc(4) P value(5)
extracted depending of the
variables analyzed in the study Methods 3 50.4 16.8 230.1 < 0.0001
Clay 3 301.6 100.5 1375.3 < 0.0001
P rates 4 1234.8 308.7 4223.8 < 0.0001
Time 2 8.4 4.2 57.6 < 0.0001
Methods*Clay 9 18.4 2.0 28.0 < 0.0001
Methods* P rates 12 15.0 1.2 17.1 < 0.0001
Methods*Time 6 1.8 0.3 4.2 < 0.0001
Clay* P rates 12 137.5 11.4 156.8 < 0.0001
Clay*Time 6 2.7 0.4 6.1 < 0.0001
P rates*Time 8 3.0 0.4 5.1 < 0.0001
Methods*Clay* P rates 36 17.4 0.5 6.6 < 0.0001
Methods*Clay*Time 18 3.6 0.2 2.7 < 0.0001
Methods* P rates*Time 24 1.6 0.1 0.9 0.597
Clay* P rates*Time 24 4.5 0.2 2.6 < 0.0001
Methods*Clay* P rates*Time 72 8.0 0.1 1.5 0.005
Error 720 52.6 0.1 – –
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Degrees of freedom. Sum of squares. Mean square. Calculated F value. Probabilistic value of
statistical significance

extraction capacity decreased 78.5%, 93.6%, 94.1%, and 3.3 Extraction of P According to the Rates and the
78.6% for the M-1, M-3, AER-ST, and AER-SP Clay Content of the Soil
methods, respectively. Our results suggest that the re-
covery of P by the extractors reduces sharply with the The extraction methods proved to be sensitive to P rates,
increase of clay, with the AER-ST extractor being the extracting higher amounts of this nutrient with the increase
most sensitive to this condition. of the rate applied (Fig. 1). There was a higher sensitivity to

Table 3 Amounts of P extracted by the Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, anion exchange resin in strips (AER-ST), and anion exchange resin in spheres (AER-SP)
methods, according to the clay content and incubation times, considering the average rates of the nutrient applied

Time Extraction methods Extracted P, mg kg−1

Clay (%)

Days 20 40 60 80 Regression for clay content

0 Mehlich 1 69.6 aA 31.1 aA 27.2 aA 20.2 aA y = 3.0 + (1306.3**/x) R2: 0.97

Mehlich 3 55.4 abA 22.5 bA 12.2 bA 5.2 cA y = 119.7**e(−0.04**x) R2: 0.99
AER–ST 63.8 bcB 26.9 bA 14.7 bA 6.2 cA y = 65.6–0.62**x R2: 0.98
AER-SP 52.4 cA 41.0 aA 31.2 aA 14.6 bA y = 136.4**e(−0.038**x) R2: 0.99
30 Mehlich 1 67.5 aA 27.5 aAB 21.5 aAB 12.8 aB y = 110.5*e(−0,029*x) R2: 0.89
Mehlich 3 46.9 bAB 18.8 bA 8.9 cB 2.8 cB y = 114.8**e(−0,045**x) R2: 0.99
AER–ST 53.9 bB 29.7 bA 12.2 cbA 2.6 cB y = 122.9*e(−0,034*x) R2: 0.96
AER–SP 61.2 bA 34.8 aA 13.0 bB 9.5 bB y = 136.7*e(−0,043*x) R2: 0.94
90 Mehlich 1 63.2 aA 24.6 aB 19.4 aB 10.4 aB y = 107.9*e(−0,031*x) R2: 0.90
Mehlich 3 49.3 bB 16.7 bB 6.0 cC 1.9 bB y = 143.3**e(−0,053**x) R2: 1.0
AER–ST 76.3 aA 31.1 aA 7.2 cB 2.5 bB y = 62.0–0,7**x R2: 0.97
AER-SP 50.1 bA 34.1 aB 19.4 bB 10.4 aAB y = 237.0*e(−0,055**x) R2: 0.98

Equal lowercase letters between methods within each time condition and clay content do not differ by the Tukey’s HSD test (p < 0.05). Equal capital
letters for the same method between times in each clay content condition do not differ by the Tukey’s HSD test (0.05). *Significant at p < 0.05. **
Significant at p < 0.01
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr

P M-1 = 0.314**Rate - 0.004**Clay x Rate R²: 0.840 P M-3 = 0.244**Rate - 0.003**Clay x Rate R²: 0.893

180 180

150 0 150


P extracted (mg kg

P extracted (mg kg
30 0
60 50
120 120
90 100
120 150
90 150 90 200
180 100
60 60 120
600 600
500 500

30 30

400 400



300 300
0 0

70 200 70 200


60 60
50 100 Ra a 50 100 b

40 40
Clay, 30 0 Clay, 30 0
% 20 % 20

P AER-ST = 0.344**Rate - 0.004**Clay x Rate R²: 0.869 P AER-SP = 0.294**Rate - 0.003**Clay x Rate R²: 0.904

180 180



P extracted (mg kg

kg )


120 30 120 60
P extracted (mg

90 90 120
60 180 60
600 600
500 500

30 30


400 400


300 300
0 0


200 70 200




50 100 c 50 100 d

40 40
Clay, 30 0 Clay, 30 0 Ra
% 20 % 20

Fig. 1 P extracted by the methods Mehlich 1 (P M-1) (a), Mehlich 3 (P M-3) (b), anion exchange resin in strips (AER-ST) (c), and anion exchange resin
in spheres (AER- SP) (d) as a function of the interaction between the applied P rates and the clay content of the soil, ** Significant at p < 0.01

the increased rate by the AER-ST extractor, followed by M-1, recovered P occurred for all extraction methods and for all ap-
AER-SP, and M-3, with average increments of 0.34, 0.31, plied P rates. Excess was observed for the AER-SP extraction
0.29, and 0.24 mg kg-1 of P for each mg kg−1 of the nutrient method, in which significant differences occur only between the
applied, respectively. However, with the increase in clay con- two soils with the greatest clay amplitude. Generally, considering
tent, there is a reduction in the recovered P content, regardless the average P rates applied and only the soils with 20% and 80%
of the method considered, overlapping the effect caused by the of clay, the amount of P recovered varied from 20.8 to 3.8% for
increasing rates of this nutrient. M-1, 14.9 to 0.6% for M-3, 15.6 to 0.7% for AER-ST, and 17.6
The percentage of the recovered P was sensitive to the clay to 2.9% in AER-SP, respectively.
content and to the concentration of added P, for all extraction Unlike what was observed for clay, the increase in the rate
methods (Fig. 2). The percentage of P recovery by the methods of applied P resulted in an increase in the percentage of recov-
was relatively consistent throughout the time, because of that, ered P, for all soils. This increase in recovered P was observed
Fig. 2 shows only the results after 30 days of incubation. With for all extraction methods. Within each clay class, the recov-
the increase in the clay content of the soil there was a significant ered P was statistically higher with the highest rate applied,
reduction in the amount of P recovered. This reduction in compared with the two lowest rates. Generally, with the
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr

45 45

36 36
P Recovered (%)

27 27
Ab Ac

18 18
Ac Abc
ABab Bb
9 Bab 9 Bab
Bc Bbc Ca Bab
Bab Ca BCa
Bb Ba BCa
Ba Ab
a ABa Ba Ca Ca b
Ba Ba
0 0
100 200 400 600 100 200 400 600

45 45
20% of clay
40% of clay Aa

36 36 60% of clay
80% of clay
P Recovered (%)

27 27
18 18 Ba

Ab Ab

9 9 Ac Ca
Bab Ca
Ac ABb Ca
BCab ABa Ba Ca Ca
Bb Bab
Ba Ca Da c Bb Ba d
0 0
100 200 400 600 100 200 400 600
P rates (mg kg-1) P rates (mg kg-1)
Fig. 2 Percentage of phosphorus recovery extracted by the methods clay content and lowercase within phosphorus rates, indicate statistical
Mehlich 1 (a), Mehlich 3 (b), anion exchange resin in strips (c), and differences between treatments using the Tukey’s HSD test (p < 0.05).
anion exchange resin in spheres (d), in relation to P rates and soil clay The dark bars on the columns represent the standard error of the mean
contents, after 30 days of incubation. Different letters, uppercase within

application of the lowest P rate (100 mg kg-1), the amount of reduction in the extracted P, being more expressive in
recovered P varied from 13.5 to 2.8% for M-1, from 7.0 to the first 30 days after P application. In general, the
0.1% for M-3, from 5.9 to 0.3% for AER-ST, and from 7.0 to reaction of the added P with the soil particles is fast,
2.2% for AER-SP, for soils with 20 and 80% clay, respective- with an initial increase due to the dissolution of fertil-
ly. However, with the application of the highest P rate izers (Motaghian et al. 2020), leading to a posterior
(600 mg kg-1), the amount of recovered P was considerably significant reduction in the extracted fraction and, con-
higher, ranging from 33.9 to 5.2% for Mehlich 1, from 18.5 to sequently, to the accumulation in non-labile forms
1.1% for Mehlich 3, from 27.5 to 0.9% for AER-ST, and from (Santos et al. 2016; Roy et al. 2017). After this rapid
31.6 to 3.7% for AER-SP, for soils with 20 and 80% clay, adsorption phase, the process continues, however, more
respectively. slowly, mainly by the penetration of this nutrient into
the mineral imperfections (Barrow and Debnath 2018).
In this context, according to Barrow (2015), the process
4 Discussion of P adsorption into the soil might be described in two
phases. The first stage is characterized by the binder
4.1 Availability of P: Effect of Time of Contact exchange, where the most P avid sites are exposed,
taking place almost immediately after adding the nutri-
The influence of time of incubation in the availability of ent. The second phase of the adsorption process occurs
P, for all the considered extractors, showed a gradual slowly, being marked by the diffusion of P into the
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr

imperfections of the adsorbing minerals and by the in- crystallinity of iron oxides affect the behavior of P extraction
crease of the energy of affinity of the nutrient with the methods, in association with other factors such as pH and soil
adsorption sites. texture. Studies show that clay alone cannot predict satisfac-
The response of the time of contact of the fertilizer with the torily the availability of P in a group of contrasting soils; other
soil might vary, being influenced by factors such as the soil parameters, such as Pmax and remaining P, are much more
characteristics (Zehetner and Miller 2006; Vásconez and closely related (Broggi et al. 2010). In this study, in order to
Pinochet 2018) and even the extractor solution (Broggi et al. evaluate the isolated participation of the clay content, only one
2010). Assessing changes in P availability during 360 days type of soil was used, which, mixed with sand, allowed the
after fertilization, Vásconez and Pinochet (2018) observed creation of soils with different granulometric compositions,
that the reduction in extractable forms occurs more signifi- but with equivalent mineralogy.
cantly in the first 60 days of incubation. Furthermore, no cor- The dilution of the clay content, by the application of sand,
relation was notes with the clay content, indicating the impor- also resulted in dilution of the organic matter content of the
tance of the mineralogy of the clay fraction on the availability soil (Table 1). Organic matter can influence the dynamics of P
of P. Santos et al. (2016), evaluating the effect of incubation adsorption in soil in different ways, either by contributing to
time, P rates, and different soil types on the P recovery capac- the predominance of more amorphous minerals and with
ity, observed a very heterogeneous behavior of the “incuba- greater reactivity with soil (Zehetner and Miller 2006) or by
tion time” factor, with a small reduction rate, although not reducing adsorption through the release of humic compounds
systematically. Also in this study, it is important to note that that block adsorption sites (Almeida et al. 2003).
the greatest influence of time was observed in the first 30 days The increase in soil clay content reduced the extraction
after incubation, a fact also observed in the present study, power of P in all methods in the following order: M-1 > M-
which might be attributed to the first phase of the P adsorption 3 > AER-SP > AER-ST (Fig. 1). The effects of particle size
process, which is responsible for the highest percentage of composition on the extraction capacity are acknowledged in
retention of this nutrient (Barrow 2015). the literature (Bortolon and Gianello 2008; Freitas et al. 2013;
It is also worth noting that the rate of reduction of P avail- Mumbach et al. 2018). It is known that the M-1 extractor loses
ability over time may be dependent on the P adsorption po- extraction ability in soils with high clay content (Bortolon
tential of soils, as well represented in Table 3. Soils with et al. 2011), largely due to the exhaustion of the constituent
higher clay content or with a predominance of minerals that acids of the extracting solution (Bortolon et al. 2011), taking
have greater potential retention of P results in lower amounts this fact into account in manuals that recommend fertilization.
of extractable P. Zehetner and Miller (2006), comparing two The availability of P in the Brazilian states of Rio Grande do
soils in the Andes region of Ecuador, one with an altitude Sul (RS) and Santa Catarina (SC), as it happens in other re-
above 2700 m and with a predominance of amorphous min- gions, is classified in clay classes, and the values of the critical
erals and another at a lower altitude and with a predominance levels are lower for the more clayey soils (CQFS - RS/SC
of halloysite, observed that, after 30 and 180 days of applica- 2016), due to the abovementioned phenomenon. According
tion of P rates, only 31 and 19% of the nutrient were recovered to the existing literature, other methods such as M-3 and ion-
in the higher altitude soil and around 75% in the soil with a exchange methods would not exhibit this same behavior or,
predominance of more crystallized minerals. In addition to when they did occur, they would be affected to a lesser extent
mineralogy, authors also attribute the highest P adsorption in (Oliveira et al. 2015).
soil at an altitude above 2700 m to lower pH values, which The extraction behavior between the methods changes ac-
represent a greater potential for positive electrical charges. cording to the amount of clay in the soil. Considering the acid
dissolution extractors, the amount of P extracted by M-1 was
4.2 Availability of P: Effect of the Clay Content higher than M-3. However, the content of P was lower with
the higher clay content and with the lower P rates, conditions
The increase in clay content causes a reduction in the amount where the adsorption potential of P is maximized (Oliveira
of P extracted in the soil. This phenomenon occurs due to the et al. 2014; Barrow 2015). In tropical and subtropical soils,
higher total Fe and Al content in more clayey soils and, con- it is known that the largest extraction of P by M-3 compared
sequently, of Fe and Al hydroxides, a factor that increases the with M-1 only occurs in soils with up to 40% clay (Bortolon
adsorption capacity and reduces the amount of P extractable and Gianello 2008; Mumbach et al. 2018). In more clayey
(Camargo et al. 2013; Oliveira et al. 2014; Bortoluzzi et al. soils, the behavior is reversed (Bortolon and Gianello 2008;
2015; Santos et al. 2016). Based on this, the adsorption capac- Mumbach et al. 2018).
ity of P by a soil is not explained only by its clay content, since The extraction process with AER is considered to be of
the predominant mineralogy has also a major influence good accuracy, with a better correlation with the amounts
(Zehetner and Miller 2006; Bortoluzzi et al. 2015). absorbed by the plants compared the acid dissolution methods
According to Wuenscher et al. (2015), the quantity and (van Raij et al. 2009), no chemical alteration of the soil
J Soil Sci Plant Nutr

constituents, and less influence of the clay fraction (Bortolon in the soil, even though largely unavailable to the annual cycle
et al. 2011; Steiner et al. 2012). In the present study, AER plants, enables the reduction of the amount of fertilizer ap-
methods only extracted more P, compared with the acid dis- plied, based mainly on the amounts exported by crops
solution methods, in soils with 40% clay. The reduction in the (Barrow and Debnath 2014; Barrow and Debnath 2018;
amounts extracted with the increase of clay, especially com- Withers et al. 2018). The gradual reduction of the P addition
pared with M-1, indicates that the granulometric composition limited to the amount exported by the crops, in soils with built
also affects the ion exchange methods (Mumbach et al. 2018). fertility, is a way to reduce the dependence on a non-
Therefore, for better accuracy, the clay content should be tak- renewable input and reduce costs, especially in the Brazilian
en into account when assessing the availability of P for all the weathered soils (Withers et al. 2018).
evaluated methods. Higher amounts of P were extracted by In soils of constructed fertility, the rational application of P,
AER-SP than with the AER-ST; observed mainly for soils based exclusively on the demand of the agricultural species,
with 80% clay, this might be attributed to the larger specific can reduce nutrient losses, minimizing problems such as water
surface of the spheres compared with the strips, delaying the eutrophication (Zhang et al. 2017). The continuous and exces-
resin saturation with P. sive P addition, and the consequent reduction of its affinity to
soil particles (Barrow 2015; Khan et al. 2019), can lead to
4.3 Availability of P: Effect of the Amount of Applied vertical displacement of the nutrient, especially in soils with
Fertilizer less adsorption capacity (Guardini et al. 2012). In addition,
under a no-tillage system, the superficial application of P
The amount of P extracted increased linearly with the amount causes an elevation of the nutrient in this layer, increasing
of P applied to the soil. With the increase of the applied rate, the risk of losses due to runoff (Schick et al. 2017).
the most P avid sites become saturated and there is a gradual
reduction of the binding energy between the components
(Oliveira et al. 2014; Barrow and Debnath 2018; Khan et al.
2019). This lower affinity between P and the soil particles 5 Conclusions
might lead, even if in a less expressive way, to a more equiv-
alent behavior between the different extractors of the nutrient. The tested extraction methods correlate positively, indicating
The increase in the P recovered as a function of the appli- an equivalent potential for use in soil characterization labora-
cation of P might be attributed to the blocking of parts of the tories, provided they have calibration for the region of interest.
adsorption sites (Oliveira et al. 2014; Roy et al. 2017). As The methods Mehlich 1, Mehlich 3, anion exchange resin in
already pointed out, in soils with low P content, the fertilizer strips, and anion exchange resin in spheres are sensitive to the
added to the soil and not absorbed by the plants is quickly clay content of the soil. This change in the extraction capacity
adsorbed, mainly by the sites more avid for P (Oliveira et al. with the increase in clay content needs to be considered by the
2014). However, in soils with a history of phosphate fertiliza- fertilizer recommendation systems, when based on any of
tion, the adsorption of the subsequently added P starts to occur these methods. The availability of P decreases with the incu-
in sites with lower binding energy and, consequently, a higher bation time, especially in clayey soils. Soils receiving more
amount tends to remain in forms of higher lability (Roy et al. phosphate fertilizers and with less clay content have a higher
2017; Withers et al. 2018; Khan et al. 2019). In addition to the percentage of P extracted. Thus, soils with a history of fertil-
saturation of the most avid sites, the P previously added to the ization may present greater efficiency in the use of the applied
soil increases the negative electrical potential of the soil, since nutrient, which implies the reduction of phosphorus rates to
it acts as a potential-determining ion, impairing the adsorption meet the plants’ needs.
of the nutrient added later (Barrow and Debnath 2018). Thus,
soils with high P availability present higher fertilization effi- Compliance with Ethical Standards
ciency, due to the higher desorption ability of the nutrient
Conflict of Interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
(Barrow and Debnath 2014; Barrow 2015). However, the in- interest.
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140p. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Publisher’s note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
do Sul, Porto Alegre tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

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