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Week 1: Module 2

Knowing oneself is a relevant aspect that guides a person in determining

his/her strengths and weaknesses leading to acceptance and this will aid him/her
in dealing with other people based on a particular situation. The concept of “self’ as
defined by different philosophers is the anchor for a person to understand his own
personal characteristics.
You have successfully answered who you are from the previous lesson that
discusses what self is and its corresponding definition, the difference of personal
and personality, and factors that contributes to personal and personality
This module will now prepare you into the next level of knowing the
significance of individual’s unique characteristics and the impact of sharing this to
other people in an acceptable way.
At the end of this information sheet, you are expected to:
1. Determine how characteristics, habits, and experiences becomes unique
to every person; and
2. Share your own unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.

Let me stimulate your senses by

answering the Pretest provided in the next
page. Answer it in a separate sheet


Welcome to the conductor activity.


Activity 1: Expand your Horizon!

Use: Pencil or Ballpen and Sheet of Paper
Directions: In a separate sheet of paper, draw the illustration below and write
words or group of words that corresponds with the main theme or word in the
center of the mind mapping. Elaborate your answer why this word/s is/are related
to the main subject.


3. _

Enrichment Activity 1: Your perspective!
Use: Pencil or Ballpen and Sheet of Paper
Directions: Read the statement and answer the question from your own point of
view. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

“If I become Miss International 2016, I will devote myself to

cultural understanding and international understanding
because I believe that it is by developing in each of us
sensitivity to other cultures that we expand our horizons,
tolerate difference, and appreciate diversity”
------------Miss International 2016 Kylie Verzosa

Question: From the winning speech of our Filipino pride Kylie Verzosa who brought
the Miss International crown on the year 2016, what do you think are the factors or
basic foundation/s that would contribute to understanding other people? List down
at least 5 factors and elaborate why you considered these factors.








Now, I believe that you can nearly

understand our main lesson. To better
understand this, here are concepts and
theories related to our topic.

Knowing oneself basically is an advantage to understand the inner and

outer you. But understanding why every person is unique ignites our tolerance and
acceptance with each other.

Uniqueness defined in different ways and here are some of the collective
1. Being the only one or SOLE.
2. A person who has distinct characteristics.
3. The quality of being unique or unusual in some special way.
4. A state or condition wherein someone or something is unlike anything else in
These definitions provide us a vivid thought that each of us possesses
peculiarity or differentiation from each other.

Jack Nollan (2020) of A Conscious coined 10 Things that

Makes a Person Unique. This includes (1) PERSONALITY that stretches from the
day a person started to see and experienced life in the world leading to gathering
information, knowledge, acquiring skills, possessing emotional responses, and
making choices differently from other people; (2) ATTITUDE that becomes the
anchor of becoming either positive or negative in life, perceiving how people acts in
front of you, and an offshoot of your emotional landscape; (3) EXPERIENCES that
shapes you on how you act and behave today. If you experienced negative, you tend
to behave anxious or defensive however some would deal with it as a motivator
while experiencing positive improves your senses in understanding the world; (4)
HABITS that normally we do in every day of our lives such as our eating habit,
personal hygiene practices, meditation exercises, and trying new things. Cliché’ but
as they always say and globally accepted and favored, “You are what you do, not
what you say you’ll do” and that makes you unique from other; (5) CREATIVITY
such as dancing, painting, singing, producing useful things out of scrap materials,
defining beauty in a different way and perspective makes you unique; (6)
PERSPECTIVE saying that no other people understands the world as you do
because they do not live like exactly 24 hours beside you, your experience is not
the same with others, your body of knowledge is not the same as with you, that is
why the gaps are filled from each own unique perspective to continue develop and
improve; (7) TASTE that is a unique facet of you because you have different likes
and dislikes from other people; (8) GOALS that are set in different manners

depending on how you create steps and procedures in achieving those; (9)
HOBBIES that improves your personal growth and mental health such as
gardening, cooking, and gaming; and (10) PASSION that provides direction toward
a goal or experience that will allow us to leave a unique mark in this world such as
involvement in philanthropic activities like giving and supporting in-need people.

These 10 things that make people unique from other greatly show that
individual has their own set of characteristics that can be shown to the world.

Problem arises due to the limitation of widening each horizon in

accepting and facing people worldwide. In the United States of America, some
people reportedly experienced discrimination due to individual differences such as
in race, religion, color of the skin, hobbies, language, and personality. In the
Philippine setting, one of the primary social issues in terms of difference is the
acceptance of what we call as categorized in the LGBTQ community seeking for
equality in work, school, and facilities.

Diversity is also one term that is parallel of being unique. It has been a
major advocacy of some in the world since we differ in culture, tradition, and belief
particularly on how we perceived ourselves individually based on who nurtured us
and the nature or location that we are in to.

"Diversity" means more than just acknowledging and/or tolerating difference.

(JPantaleo, 2020) Diversity is a set of conscious practices that involve:

• Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and

the natural environment.
• Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different
from our own.
• Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways
of knowing;
• Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination
creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining
disadvantages for others;
• Building alliances across differences so that we can work together to
eradicate all forms of discrimination.

In a specific sense of being a unique person, Big Five, and the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator can guide you of determining your personality traits or
characteristics by Costa and McRae (1992).

Low Scores High Scores
1. Extroversion – the Loner Joiner
ability to socialize and
belongingness is his Quiet Talkative
Passive Active

Reserved Affectionate
2. Agreeableness – Suspicious Trusting
possessing trust and
openness to others. Critical Lenient

Ruthless Soft-hearted

Irritable Good-natured
3. Conscientiousness – Negligent Conscientious
the possession of mind
setting and goal oriented. Lazy Hard-working

Disorganized Well Organized

Late Punctual
4. Neuroticism – a Calm Worried
person who experiences
anxiety, and emotionally Even-tempered Temperamental
and physical conscious.
Comfortable Self-Conscious

Unemotional Emotional
5. Openness to Down-to-Earth Imaginative
Experience – a person
who goes with the flow, Uncreative Creative
widening horizons, and
being a resourceful. Conventional Original

Uncurious Curious

These personality traits as one measurement in determining our own

personal characteristics can be easily memorized and identified with an
acronym of OCEAN. The table is subdivided into 2 scores which includes lower
scores and higher scores.

Low score means you do not possess the dimension and high score means
you have the dimension as your characteristic. For example, if you tend to
determine if you possess extroversion in a rating of 1-5 with which 1 is the
lowest and 5 is the highest, when you rate yourself in the score of 1 in this
dimension, you may possess being a lonely person, quiet, passive, or reserved,
the same with other dimensions. In this manner, you can easily categorize your
characteristics as a person.

The summation of being a unique one have been advantageous not only to
self but with other people leading towards Understanding, Tolerance, and
Acceptance. These 3 things fused together to help each other perceive ourselves
as an individual with different characteristics, habits, and experiences.

The basic concept of understanding is when we know ourselves and our

ability to understand the feelings of others, and vice versa, tolerance is
associated with willingness to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from
your own with fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose
opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own;
freedom from bigotry, although you might not agree with or approve of them
such as in the example of religion where scriptures are not alike with the
religion that you have, and acceptance is simply the process of assenting or
recognizing a process or condition without attempting to change, protest, or
exit. (Fish, Jefferson M. 2014).

With the existence of being a unique one, how could you possibly share your
own characteristics, habits, and experiences confidently? Now you may stand in
the mirror and reflect, after answering the question who am I from the previous
lesson, you can now tell to yourself, “I know that I am a sole being, I know what
I am capable of, I know what things that makes me relaxed and comfortable, I
know that I am molded because of what I have experienced, and with this, I
understand others”


You have enhanced your knowledge

now with the new learnings you have
acquired. You may now explore!

Activity 2: Uniqueness at its finest!

Use: Pencil or Ballpen and Sheet of Paper

Directions: Using the Venn diagram, identify the unique characteristics of you and
your closest friend by writing in the larger portion of the circle and identify you
similarities in the overlapping portion.

What makes
What makes
me unique?
us the

We have learned that uniqueness is something that
we possess as a person. In this activity, it also
incorporates the relevance of knowing other people
and some points of likeness to accentuate


The lessons that you engaged in will help you now in applying knowledge
and skills later on in a real life scenario.

Activity 3: It should be like this!

Use: Paper or Ballpen and Sheet of Paper
Directions: Below are spiels that sometimes being uttered by different people
because it’s either due to their emotional contest and situation. As an individual
who is already aware why understanding, acceptance, and tolerance is a vital
component and summation of uniqueness, how can these scenario can be
corrected in an appropriate manner? Write your answer in a separate sheet of
paper. (Rubrics provided below)

Uttered It should be like this.

“Why is it that you are afraid to fail? I

think you are not brave enough”.

“Oh! You wear like a gangster, so

embarrassing to other!”

“In our religion, what you eat right now

is a sin for us”.

“You know what, black people should

not be socializing with white American,
and you do not belong here”.

“It is ok to be late than never”.


Criteria Score per item

Exceptionally and accurately corrected 4
Admirable and mostly accurate 3
Acceptable and fair correction. 2
Attempted to answer but incomplete. 1
No output 0

Reference: Garcia, Maricel. 2016. Personal Development Teacher’s Guide. Lipa City,
Batangas, Scolaire Publishing


You are almost done!

Use: Pencil or Ballpen and Separate Sheet

Part I. Multiple Choice
Directions: Read the question and write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
Write only the letter of the best answer for each item.

1. What does O mean in the Big Five Dimensions?

A. Objective B. Outgoing C. Overjoy D. Openness
2. What state or condition wherein someone or something is unlike anything else in
A. Diversity B. Characteristics C. Uniqueness D. Personality
3. What building alliances across differences so that we can work together to
eradicate all forms of discrimination is a term associate?
A. Acceptance B. Diversity C. Tolerance D. Uniqueness
4. When someone offers or tells you something and you agree, that means you have
the characteristic of being what?
A. Extravert B. Neurotic C. Agreeable D. Conscientious
5. You are called as what when you like things that should be organized?
A. Conscientious B. Openness C. Neurotic D. Agreeable
6. Possessing this may differ depending on how people treat you and with the
situation you are in to what?
A. Personality B. Attitude C. Passion D. Habits
7. It becomes our outlet and improves our mental state such as collecting
memorabilia and art craft. This will fall under what aspect?
A. Attitude B. Personality C. Taste D. Hobbies
8. How can goals become achievable?
A. If there is clear systems that are being followed.
B. If there is vague steps and procedures.
C. If somebody understands you.
D. If you already know yourself.

9. Which of the following is TRUE about being a neurotic?
A. A person who always go with the flow.
B. A person who is imaginative and creative.
C. A person who always trust somebody else.
D. A person who is emotional in every situation.
10. Which of the following is TRUE about being passionate?
A. You look for your correct perspective.
B. You look for activities that make you satisfied when you did.
C. You look for materials that would fill the gap of contentment.
D. You look for your own likes in wearing clothes and accessories.

Part II. Essay

Directions: Answer the following question accordingly. Rubrics presented below.
1. In the quotation of Oscar Wilde “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong
romance”. What does LIFELONG ROMANCE means?
2. Identify your major characteristics, habits, and experience, and how these
changed your perspective in life?
3. What is the impact of understanding and tolerance of differences of other people
to you?
Traits 4 3 2 1
Focus and There is one There is one There is one The topic and
Details clear, well- clear, well- topic. Main main ideas are
focused topic. focused topic. ideas are not clear.
Main ideas are Main ideas are somewhat
clear and are clear but are clear.
well supported not well
by detailed supported by
and accurate detailed
information. information.
Organization The The The There is no
introduction is introduction introduction clear
inviting, states states the states the introduction,
the main main topic and main topic. A structure, or
topic, and provides an conclusion is conclusion.
provides an overview of the included.
overview of the paper. A
paper. conclusion is
Information is included.
relevant and

presented in a
logical order.
conclusion is
Word Choice The author The author The author The writer
uses vivid uses vivid uses words uses a limited
words and words and that vocabulary.
phrases. The phrases. The communicate Jargon or
choice and choice and clearly, but the cliché’s may be
placement of placement of writing lacks present and
words seems words is variety. detract from
accurate, inaccurate at the meaning.
natural, and times and/or
not forced. seems
Sentence All sentences Most Most Sentences
Structure, are well sentences are sentences are sound
Grammar, constructed well well awkward, are
Mechanics & and have constructed constructed, distractingly
Spelling varied and have but they have repetitive, or
structure and varied a similar are difficult to
length. The structure and structure understand.
author makes length. The and/or length. The author
no errors in author makes The author makes
grammar, a few errors in makes several numerous
mechanics grammar, errors in errors in
and/or mechanics, grammar, grammar,
spelling. and/or mechanics, mechanics,
spelling, but and/or and/or
they do not spelling that spelling that
interfere with interfere with interfere with
understanding. understanding. understanding.


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