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Sample of Script for an Expert Witness Testifying in Court

Scene: A courtroom setting with the judge seated at the bench, defense attorney and
prosecuting attorney at their respective tables, expert witness waiting outside to be called to
the stand
Moderator: Starting the direct examination: the purpose of direct examination is to establish the
facts that the crime of homicide was committed.

1. Direct Examination to an Expert Witness

Start of hearing
Judge: Is the prosecution ready?

Prosecuting Attorney: Ready your honor. The prosecution is ready to present their case.

Judge: How about the defense counsel, ready?

Defense Attorney: Yes your honor. The defense is also ready.

Judge: To the prosecution... present your witness.

Prosecuting Attorney: I'm going to present the witness your honor, the Fingerprint
Analyst/Technician by the name of PCapt. Mildred Castillo

Judge: Okay, call her to the witness stand.

Expert Witness: Proceeded to the witness stand.

Judge: Sworn in, the witness.

Clerk: Please raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing
but the truth?

Expert Witness: I do.

Clerk: Will you please state your personal information including your name, address, status and
other personal circumstances?

Expert Witness: I am PCapt. Mildred Castillo, legal age, single and a resident of San Fermin,,
Cauayan City, a registered criminologist and a Fingerprint Technician at the Regional Crime
Laboratory Office 01, Cauayan City.

Judge: You may proceed, Prosecuting Attorney.

Prosecuting Attorney: Thank you, Your Honor.

Clerk: The expert witness, a fingerprint expert, walks confidently to the witness stand and takes
a seat.
Prosecuting Attorney: May I ask the defense counsel, if he will admit the witness, as expert

Defense Attorney:: I will not admit him as an expert witness your honor, I have no background
information about her and this is the first time I met her.

Judge: Okay, qualify first the witness.

Prosecuting Attorney: With due permission your honor. By the way, the purpose of the
testimony of the witness is to establish the fact that the latent print and rolled print is the same as
the accused.

Prosecuting Attorney: What is your educational attainment and seminar or training Ms.
witness, if you have any with regards to the homicide case?

Expert Witness: I am a registered criminologist, a Master in Public Administration graduate,

have 45 units in Master in Science Teaching Major in Educational Technology and a part time
teacher of the College of Criminal Justice in the University of Cauayan, Cauayan City. I have
attended many seminar which are the homicide investigation seminar and national forensic
science training program.

Prosecuting Attorney: Where were you assign, after your appointment as policeman?

Expert Witness: I was assigned in Cauayan City

Prosecuting Attorney: What school, what course and what year you graduated in college?

Expert Witness: I graduated Bachelor of Science in Criminology in June 2001 at the Isabela
State University Cauayan Campus.

Prosecuting Attorney: When did you take the board examination?

Expert Witness: I took the board examination for criminologist in December 2002 and It was
my first take and I was a top notcher.

Prosecuting Attorney: How long, you have been assigned in investigation section?

Expert Witness: 12 years

Prosecuting Attorney:: In connection with the investigation of homicide cases, how many cases
involving latent print left at the crime scene, you have examine?

Expert Witness: As of now your honor, more than 120 cases sir.

Prosecuting Attorney: How many case you have testify in court Mr. witness?
Expert Witness: I testified more than 100 cases already sir.

Prosecuting Attorney: You said, you have examine more than 120 cases and testified more
than 110 cases, what happen to the remaining cases, you have not testified?

Expert Witness: Still in my custody waiting for the subpoena your honor.

Prosecuting Attorney: What is your basis in examining this particular case, you are testifying

Expert Witness: One latent print and one rolled print

Prosecuting Attorney: When did you received the evidences, and what did you do with the

Expert Witness: On May 14, 2023 at around 6 O'clock in the afternoon. After I received, I physically
examine the neck of the bottle and lifted the fingerprint left in it.
Prosecuting Attorney: Then what is the next procedure did you apply?
Expert Witness: The lifted latent print was compared to rolled print obtained from the accused.
Prosecuting Attorney: What is your findings?
Expert Witness: _________________________________________________________
Upon comparing and examining the lifted latent print and rolled print obtained from the accused,
I determined that the evidence print and standard print belongs to the same person
Prosecuting Attorney: Showing to you is the result of the examination of conducted by PCapt
Castillo. The analysts used the general pattern type of to make initial comparisons and include or
exclude a standard print from further analysis. To match a print, the analyst uses ridge
characteristics to identify specific points on the evidence print is with the same information in
the standard print.
Prosecuting Attorney: So, based on your analysis, is it fair to say that the evidence print and
standard print is from only one person?
Expert Witness: Yes, that is correct. I strongly suggests that the evidence print lifted at the neck
of the bottle is of the same with the standard print.
Prosecuting Attorney: Thank you, PCapt. Mildred Castillo. Your findings and expertise are
crucial in establishing the connection of the standard print and evidence print. No further
questions, Your Honor.
Prosecuting Attorney: That's all for the witness your honor.
Judge: Any cross examination from the defense counsel?
Defense Attorney:Yes your honor, I will conduct cross examination.
Judge: The court reconvenes for the cross-examination of the expert witness in fingerprint.
Defense Attorney, you may proceed with your questioning.
Defense Attorney:Thank you, Your Honor.
Defense Attorney:: Good morning, Pcapt. Mildred Castillo, I would like to clarify some points
regarding your testimony. Where did the latent print came from?
Expert Witness: Latent prints are collected from the bottle at the crime scene which could help
to assists in criminal case.
Defense Attorney: I see. And could you please explain the limitations of fingerprint analysis?
Expert Witness: Fingerprint analysis is a complex field, perhaps the primary limitation of
fingerprint analysis is that there must be a known print that can be compared to the collected
print. Also there is no scientific way to determine the time a latent print was deposited on the
Defense Attorney: Thank you for your clarification. No further questions, Your Honor.
Judge: The court reconvenes for the closing arguments in this case. Defense Attorney, you may
Defense Attorney:Thank you, Your Honor.

Defense Attorney:Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the testimony of the expert witness has
raised some important points. While the prosecution claims that the evidence print found in the
knife recovered from the crime scene matches the standard print, we must remember that the
burden of proof rests with the prosecution. It is their responsibility to establish beyond a
reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime.

The expert witness's testimony alone is not sufficient to meet that burden. We want to give
emphasis that there is no specific or scientific way to determine the time or when was the latent
print left in the knife recovered at the crime scene that create reasonable doubt.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, it is your duty to carefully weigh the evidence presented,
consider all reasonable doubt, and come to a just and fair verdict.

Judge: Thank you, Defense Attorney. Prosecuting Attorney, your closing argument, please.
Prosecuting Attorney: Thank you, Your Honor.
Prosecuting Attorney: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, the testimony of the expert witness
has provided critical evidence linking the
evidence print recovered from the crime scene to the standard print. The expert witness’s
extensive experience and meticulous analysis have established a strong connection between the
evidence print and standard print.
While the defense has attempted to raise doubts and alternative possibilities, they have failed to
provide substantial evidence or discredit the expert witness’s findings. The burden of proof rests
with the prosecution, and we have met that burden through the expert witness’s testimony.

It is now your duty, as members of the jury, to evaluate the evidence objectively and reach a
verdict based on the facts presented in this courtroom.

Judge: Thank you, Prosecuting Attorney. The jury will now deliberate on the case. We will
reconvene once they have reached a verdict

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