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Wedding Inquiry Template

1. Emailing Pricing Guide
2. Ghosting
3. Price Shopping
4. Need To Turn More Inquiries Into Consultations

"Hey (Name)!

Congrats on your engagement! Great news, a lot of our dates for 2023 are filling up, but I do
have your date of X available for now.

Investments start at "X" and are custom to your specific needs {Skip if they don’t as for
price}. I start every conversation with couples through a brief chat to serve you best and
ensure you get the information you need to plan best.

A lot of our slots to chat have already been reserved, but there is X time today and X
tomorrow. Which slot would you like to reserve?

{Or “We have a few spots left this week, which of these work for you? Be sure to pick a day
and time asap today so we do not schedule over any of the times that you are free :)” -
Send calendly link with spots open only for the next 3 or 7 days. Put limited openings each

{Website + Testimonials}

P.S. Just in case you want to be in the loop of wedding planning/posing tips, special offers,
model calls, flash sale engagement session, etc. Be sure to join this {FB Group, Newsletter,
Instagram, etc.}

What did this message do:

- Congratulations
- Built Urgency/Scarcity
- Social Proofed & Built Authority
- Informed At The Base Level
- Built “Retargeting Loop”

No Reply In 72 Hours:
“Hey {Name}! Is everything okay? Just wanted to make sure you received my email :). What
time works best for you two?”

Business Problems:
- Lead Generation Engine
- Bad Marketing Funnel
- Brand Needs Work
- Not Enough Bookings
- Not Able to Book High-End Clients

Free Demo Of Our WLMA Program:

Helped many of our wedding photo/video students scale to the multiple 6-figures.

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